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Biggest Bubble Ever!

Language: English
Published: Sunday, 4 March 2018
Edited: Monday, 29 November 2021
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Science maths natural science physics
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Bitcoin is said to have surpassed Dutch Tulip Mania as the biggest bubble ever. But there is an even bigger bubble. Cosmologists believe that a majority of all the energy in the universe exists between the galaxies and causes repulsive gravity. Referred to as Dark Energy, big money is invested worldwide in research about its physical nature.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2011 recognized accelerated cosmic expansion as a well-established fact. Repulsive gravity is generally accepted as the cause. A shift of perspective on time can, however, result in another interpretation. When Nicolaus Copernicus had proposed a sun-centric perspective to replace the Earth-centric perspective for describing celestial trajectories, it was a necessary step toward Isaac Newton's explanatory model of the solar system.  

Today, it should be wise for cosmologists to prepare for another Copernican revolution. Accelerated cosmic expansion is an interpretation of observational data based on the atomic clock perspective. Why expect the latter to be less misleading in modern cosmology than the Earth-centric perspective was in pre-Copernican cosmology?  

Besides being used for expressing distances in space with the popular light-year unit, propagating light can express distances in time for a shifted perspective in an explanatory model of the cosmic expansion. If cosmologists would shift to the propagating light perspective on time and find the expansion to be not accelerating but decelerating, then the physical existence of repulsive gravity can become an unnecessary assumption. Dark Energy is the biggest bubble ever, but it could soon collapse.  

In the International Year of Astronomy 2009 and under the title of "A New Cosmic Perspective", a wave of time interpretation of the apparent accelerated cosmic expansion was proposed by me and published by SMS (the Swedish Mathematical Society)* after being seen at Nature as "too speculative". There has been a lack of interest from cosmologists for discussing my proposal to make the scientific community aware of the misleading atomic clock perspective. Anyway, more detailed information** has been provided by me and published by SMS as well as by STAR at Stockholm's Old Observatory in front of which I have lived and worked since 1985.

Estimated distribution of matter and energy in the universe

Medlemsutskicket, October 2009, pp 69-73 (written in English with an abstract in Swedish)

Bulletinen, May 2012, p 31,October 2012, p 27,May 2017, pp 41-44.

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