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Unemployed Payments After 2020

Language: English
Published: Thursday, 11 June 2020
Edited: Friday, 12 June 2020
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The government was thinking about increasing unemployment benefits. This time we can talk about increasing its maximum size to a living wage. Changes may be introduced from next year amid a possible increase in the retirement age and rising unemployment. This raises the question of whether there is enough money in the budget for these purposes.

The Russian government does not abandon the idea of ​​revising the minimum and maximum unemployment benefits. It is planned to raise the upper bar from today's 4,900 rubles to the amount of the subsistence minimum for an able-bodied citizen.


The draft law on amending the law on employment is currently being finalized, including taking into account the proposals of the federal executive bodies, the Gazeta.Ru was told in the press service of the Ministry of Labor.

They also specified that it was about changes in terms of clarifying the conditions and terms of payment of unemployment benefits. “Changing the conditions and terms of payment of unemployment benefits will increase the minimum and maximum values ​​of unemployment benefits,” the department added.

“Now we are thinking about how long this unemployment benefit should be paid,” Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova told the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio station on Thursday.

Earlier, Minister of Labor Maxim Topilin decided to establish a living wage in Russia for the first quarter of 2018 at the level of 10,038 rubles. Moreover, for the able-bodied population, we are talking about a living wage of 10,842 rubles, which is 2.5% more than in the fourth quarter of 2017. Starting May 1, 2018, the minimum wage was equal to the minimum subsistence level, but for the second quarter of the previous year, which is today 11,163 rubles.

Recall that the initiative was first announced by the Ministry of Labor in April this year. The agency said it expects to increase the maximum amount of unemployment benefits to the cost of living of the able-bodied population, changing the procedure and conditions for its payment from January 1, 2019. So, it was a question of having the period of payment of unemployment benefits.

“Now those who have worked for at least 26 weeks during the year can receive payments of 12 months. In the new edition, the term was reduced to six months. In the case of those who are looking for work for the first time or have worked for less than 26 weeks, and other categories of citizens, payments will be made within six months, not three, ”the initial version of the project said.

At the same time, it was initially assumed that the minimum amount of benefits, which today is equal to 850 rubles, maybe one-third of the maximum.

According to the State Duma Committee on Labor, Yaroslav Nilov, the idea of ​​increasing the allowance has ripened long ago, but the question remains whether this will pull the Russian budget. “Let's count. If we have about 10 million unemployed, will this increase pull the budget? I have a question for the authors of this idea. This increase will not lie on the shoulders of the social insurance system, but an additional burden on the federal package, ”the deputy said, adding that all changes should go simultaneously with the budget package.

It would be right to put an increase in unemployment benefits in the budget for the next “three-year period,” Alexander Shokhin, head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), told Gazeta.ru.

According to Shokhin, the organization had previously proposed raising benefits at a meeting of the Russian tripartite commission when raising the retirement age was discussed. “We proposed increasing the allowance to a living wage or somehow linking it to the average wage in the region. This is not because we are afraid of increased unemployment after raising the retirement age because employers will fire more often people at the new retirement age, but because it was time to do it a long time ago, ”the source said.

According to Nilov, in the event of raising the retirement age next year, about a million Russians will not be able to retire from old age.

“There will be an increase in the number of unemployed citizens among people of retirement age, and the question of raising unemployment benefits, which has not been indexed for a long time, will be acute,” Nilov said.

Recall that a draft law has already been submitted to the State Duma on raising the retirement age from 55 to 63 for women by 2034, and from 60 to 65 for men by 2028. The first reading on it may take place next week. The authorities claim that the transition is planned to be carried out smoothly, starting in 2019. Moreover, such a measure will make it possible to increase pensions by a thousand rubles per year.

According to the head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, one can go the other way, for example, to differentiate such a benefit, for example, for those who upgrade their qualifications and take special courses. It would be correct to introduce different types of material support for job seekers. “If we call young people a scholarship in general, and for older people who take courses, raise the level of retraining pay to the average wage in the region,” he added. He also added that it is necessary to stimulate a job search for citizens.

Earlier, Golikova announced that it was planned to increase the financial support of employment programs, focusing on helping citizens of pre-retirement age.

According to the Russian Ministry of Labor, today older citizens can undergo retraining, as well as seek help in finding a job. They have the right to assistance in the selection of suitable work, free consultation, free information about the situation on the labor market, and vocational guidance services.

“The Ministry of Labor of Russia will make a recommendation to the regions to create special units to facilitate the employment of older citizens in employment centers,” the agency’s press service told Gazeta.ru earlier.

One way or another, but as Deputy Minister of Labor Andrei Pudov noted on Thursday, July 12 at the Federation Council, amendments to the law on employment are concomitant with the “pension package”.

“All related laws should be synchronized (with the main bill) and earn from next January,” said Pudov.

When asked by parliamentarians about the revision of unemployment benefits, he replied that this issue is being considered. “We plan to focus on persons of pre-retirement age,” said Pudov, without giving specific numbers.

The deputy minister also said that it is planned to implement the migration policy in such a way that “employment is provided for persons who are citizens of the Russian Federation, mainly,” an Interfax official quotes.

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