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I'm Sorry We Can't Do Anything - What YOU Can Do To Improve Your Health

Language: English
Published: Tuesday, 15 February 2022
Edited: Tuesday, 7 May 2024
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Food & Drinks
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I wish to thank Svala Firus, Monica Firus, Cerilla Högberg and Dr. Hugrun Thorsteinsdottir, for their tremendous help in creating this book. Most of all I would like to thank Erich and Edith Hofmann, for without their love, wisdom and patience both my own good health and this book would have never been possible.


This book is dedicated to a certain mother who had received the words in the first part of the title of this book as an answer from her doctor, when she asked him what he could do to help her daughter who was dying from cancer.

This book is also dedicated to her daughter, to my wonderful daughter Svala and her children and to all of our children.
You CAN do something.

This book is also dedicated to Bjorn Gillberg, Dr.Olle Johansson and to Dr.Christer Olsson - who were not afraid to stand up and speak the truth.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.


  • If anyone wishes to know any references or sources for any of the facts that are stated in this book, please send an e-mail to me at: royfirus@hotmail.com
  • If any reader has any criticism of my work, I would ask that person to please first contact me to give me a chance to respond to the criticism before simply putting it on the net.
  • It is both academically dishonest as well as lazy to criticize an individual’s work on any subject without giving them the chance to first respond to that criticism.
  • All comments, both positive and negative (but especially the positive ones !) are welcome.I can be reached at: royfirus@hotmail.com



"It is not more knowledge that it is needed at present, so much as the more universal application of the knowledge already attained."

Dr. William H Welch M.D. John Hopkins Medical College

At the very time in our history when we are being exposed to the highest levels of environmental poisons such as the dioxins, PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls),furans, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, deadly pesticides and dangerous food additives in our food, as well as dangerous chemicals in our water, home and work place, we are at the same time weakening our immune system by eating a diet of not only nutritionally poor but also unhealthy food.

We are in effect burning the candle at both ends.

Modern-day medicine has done wonders with acute and traumatic disorders, but has been next to helpless in halting the increasing rates of diseases such as ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, certain kinds of cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson`s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus), strokes, as well as allergies and various mental disorders such as schizophrenia etc.

The often given excuse for the dramatic and terrifying increase of the above is that: “It is simply because people are living longer now.”

This is totally false, because of the fact that the majority of these health disorders are rapidly increasing in ever younger age groups.

According to the National Cancer Institute in the United States- genetics are only responsible for 10% of all cancers.

In a detailed study done by the University of Manchester in 2010 that examined over 900 mummies from Egypt and South America only 1 case of cancer was found.

This was not because that these people had died young.

Many of the mummies had atherosclerosis and osteoporosis which only occurs late in life.

Yet in industrialized societies cancer is the second leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease.

In the EU it is estimated that 1 in every 3 men and women under the age of 75 will develop cancer. In the United States the rates are 1 in every 2 men and 1 in every 3 women.

There exists a huge grey area, or twilight zone, in modern medicine which states: “You are not sick until you have a disease.”

Yet “healthy” people everywhere are “suddenly” getting cancer and are “suddenly” dropping dead from heart attacks.

But these people were sick long before their cancers were diagnosed or before their hearts stopped.

People themselves must take it upon themselves to prevent disease and to maintain their health.

Prevention is the best cure.


One Health Recipe

There exists literally thousands of “recipes” for both achieving and maintaining good health.
Here is mine: (Note: Not in order of importance.)




Food Allergies and Food Intolerances

I firmly believe that there is no one “Perfect” diet which is perfect for all people.

This is largely due to food allergies and food intolerances, which have been estimated to affect over 60% of the population. (1.)

(1.) The source for this information is: “The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine” by Michael Murray N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno N.D. New York: Simon and Schuster Inc.)

Read more about this superb book in the section: “Sources of Information on Healing.

The difference between food allergies and food intolerances is that food allergies cause a harmful reaction within the body that involves the immune system while food intolerances cause a harmful reaction in the body that does not involve the immune system.

Food allergies and food intolerances often mimic established physical and mental health disorders, especially those of unknown origin.

“Emotional” symptoms caused by food allergies and by food intolerances are very common.

I would estimate that between 80% and 90% of patients with emotional disorders are significantly affected by allergic addictions and that their emotional problems could be partially largely or totally eliminated simply by taking the allergic conditions into consideration.

In my opinion, any psychiatrist or psychologist who does not test for food allergies and food intolerances is neglecting his patients and is fighting emotional illness with one and a half hands tied behind his back.” 

Dr. H.L Newbold M.D. Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at North Eastern University, member of the Psychiatric Association, fellow of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, the Royal Society of Health, and the International College of Applied Nutrition

There exists countless studies showing how people as diverse as children suffering from ADD or ADHD to schizophrenics, and even inmates in prison having experienced great improvements and even having been cured of their mental and/or physical medical disorders once tested for food intolerances and food allergies and the offending foods being removed.

(Simply goggle under food allergies, food intolerances, or food sensitivities –which is the collective term that is sometimes used for both of these conditions-to access the vast amount of studies that have been done linking these conditions to mental and/or physical medical disorders.)

Many sick people are simply suffering from extreme reactions to multiple food allergies and intolerances.

Food allergies and food intolerances can cause an extremely wide range of emotional side effects including:

  • Aggressive behavior
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Crying
  • Depression
  • Drowsiness
  • Euphoria
  • Excessive mood swings
  • Experiencing a feeling of loss of emotional control and/or a loss of feeling of being able to cope
  • Hyperactivity
  • Inappropriate fears
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Mental confusion
  • Mental exhaustion
  • Panic attacks
  • Personality change
  • Tiredness

Common physical symptoms of food allergies and food intolerances include:

  • Acne
  • Arrhythmia-irregular heart beat
  • Asthma
  • Bed- wetting
  • Bladder infections
  • Bloating
  • Bursitis
  • Canker sores
  • Celiac disease
  • Candida infections (Chronic Candidiasis)
  • Chronic bladder infections
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Chronic fatigue system
  • Chronic infections
  • Chronic (noncyclic) fluid retention
  • Chronic sinus infections
  • Chronic swollen glands
  • Crohn`s disease
  • Dark circles around the eyes
  • Duodenal ulcers
  • Eczema
  • Edema
  • Fainting
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent ear infections
  • Gas
  • Gastritis
  • Glaucoma
  • Headache
  • Heart palpitations
  • Hives
  • Hypoglycemia
  • IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Itching
  • Itchy nose
  • Itchy throat
  • Joint pain
  • Kidney disease
  • Low back pain
  • Low immune response
  • Malabsorption
  • Migraines
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Nasal problems-blocked nose, running nose
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Psoriasis
  • Puffiness under the eyes
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Seizures
  • Skin rash
  • Sinusitis
  • Sore throat
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Wheezing

After reading these two lists it is easy to understand why food allergies and food intolerances are called the “Hidden Disorder” and are very often misdiagnosed as other medical mental and/or physical disorders.


I strongly recommend both blood and skin testing for food allergies and food intolerances for anyone suffering from any of the medical disorders found on these two lists and especially for anyone suffering from any medical disorder of “unknown origin,” or of any medical disorder that will not heal.

The typical skin prick test is much too imprecise - a blood test such as “ELISA” must also be done.


An excellent article on food allergies and food intolerances can be found on the site: www.whfoods.com, under the title “Food Sensitivities.



Nutritional Information about Food


As well as vitamins and minerals being in food there also exists  phytonutrients orphytochemicals  which are plant compounds that protect and promote human health.

The term phytonutrients will be used for those plant compounds in this book.
There exists hundreds of phytonutrients with more being discovered all the time.
Among some of the best researched phytonutrients are:

  • Allicin and alliin
  • Carotenoids such as astaxanthin, beta-carotene, epoxxanthophylls, lutein, lycopene, neoxanthin, violaxanthin, and zeaxanthin
  • Flavonoids (polyphenols) such as anthocyanins, catechins, hesperidin, quercetin, rutin, and silybin
  • Indole-3-carbinol
  • Organosulfides such as allyl methyl trisulfide, diallyl sulfide, and isothiocyanates including sulphoraphane
  • Phenolic acids such as curcumin and ellagic acid
  • Phytosterols
  • Resveratrol

(Quick) Diet Summary

Note: A much more detailed explanation of the following statements and of the 4 other chapters of the above “Health Recipe" will be found after these 12 points starting with the headline: VEGETABLES.

1. Try to only eat foods that are organically grown and try to avoid as many food additives (food additives include flavors) as possible.

(See the section: "Why Organic“ for more important information.)

Organic food is grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, such as human-made pesticides and fertilizers, and does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs.)

The following 4 points why it is important to eat organic foods free of food additives:

1. All food additives and all pesticides (pesticides include fungicides, herbicides and insecticides etc.) are always tested on healthy animals and never on humans.

We can never know if they are safe on humans.

 Many food additives and pesticides have found to be safe in tests on animals yet have been later found to be dangerous for humans.

 The vast majority of pesticides can not be washed off because they have entered the food itself.

 2: All food additives and all pesticides are always tested separately and never in combination with other food additives or pesticides.

But virtually all non-organic foods are sprayed with multiple pesticides and almost always contain multiple food additives.

We can never know what their combined effect will be.

 3. All the safety testing of food additives and of pesticides are done by the private companies that created them.

Governmental health departments worldwide do no independent safety testing of food additives or pesticides before their approval.

They simply “trust “the test results of the private companies that created them.

 4. The same food additives and pesticides that are often allowed in one country are often forbidden in another country for their dangerous health effects.

All of the following are totally banned in the EU for their dangerous health effects but are allowed to be used in food and for food production the United States:

(See also the section:" Why Organic? “for more information on the same pesticides which are allowed in some countries yet are banned in other countries.

( This is not a complete list as the list increases in number yearly. )

  • Azodicarbonamide (ADA)
  • BVO Brominated Vegetable Oil
  • Melengestrol
  • Olestra /Olean
  • Potassium bromate
  • Propyl Paraben
  • Ractopamine
  • RBGH (Bovine Growth Hormone)
  • Trennbelone acetate
  • Zeranol 

But the reverse is also true.

All of the following are totally banned in the United States for their dangerous health effects but are allowed to be used in food and food production in the EU:

(Once again see also the section: “Why Organic?” Note: This is not a complete list.)

  • E104 Quinoline Yellow
  • E122 Azorubine
  • E123 Amaranth
  • E124 Ponceau 4R
  • E131 Patent Blue V
  • E142 Green S
  • E151 Brilliant black
  • E153 Vegetable carbon - is a black coloring that is totally banned in the United States for being a proven cancer causing agent - yet it is commonly found in non-organic licorice in the EU!
  • E155 Brown HT
  • E952 Cyclamates
  • Calamus oil and extract
  • Cinnamyl Anthranilate
  • Coumarin

 If you would then look at what is allowed and forbidden in yet other countries such as Australia, Canada, Japan and Russia etc. you would find even different lists!

 For all of the above reasons we should try to only eat foods that are organically grown and avoid as many food additives as possible for we can never be sure of their effect in humans.


2. Try to eat 5 servings of different (organic) vegetables per day, that have been either been steamed or low-temperature stir fried –with a healthy organic fat- for a few minutes. 

Carrots, sweet potatoes and winter squash should be cooked until soft to make the maximum amount of beta-carotene available for the body to absorb and should always eaten with some healthy organic fat which is necessary for the body to absorb the beta-carotene and transform it into Vitamin A.

Note1: Infants and people suffering from cystic fibrosis gallbladder disorders, lactose intolerance or poor thyroid function etc. can not convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A.It has also been estimated that because of their genetic disposition up to 50% of the population are " poor converters " of beta -carotene in to Vitamin A.

Note 2: Swiss chard (Mangold or Silver beet), spinach and rhubarb should be boiled for at least 1 minute and the water discarded because of the high amounts of oxalic acid in these three foods.

Note 3: Do not eat any variety of raw mushrooms. (See number 1 in the section: “Vegetable Warnings" below.)

Note 4: Do not eat any raw sprouts.

(See number 2 in the section: "Vegetables" below.)

Note 5: Due to the fact that the following vegetables are especially heavily sprayed with dangerous pesticides, they should not be eaten unless they are organically grown: (Source: www.ewg.org .This list is updated yearly. American and European pesticide residues on vegetables and fruits are similar.)

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Bell and Hot peppers. (They are actually botanically classified as a fruit.)
  • Green beans
  • Tomatoes.( They are also botanically classified as a fruit.)
  • Celery 
  • Potatoes
  • Note 6: Try to start eating organically by firstly avoiding these vegetables (and the fruit on the fruit list in the next section ) and also try to eat only organic and healthy fats ( see number 5 and 8 ) and then gradually expanding your list from there.


3. Try to eat 5 servings of different raw (organic) fruit per day. All fruit juices and carrot juice should be diluted with one-third with water before drinking, due to their very high natural sugar content.

Note 1: Wild blueberries (which in reality are actually Bilberries.)

Bilberries are small and are blue on the inside and the outside whereas blueberries are larger and white on the inside.

In all of Scandinavia and in all the countries where wild bilberries and other wild berries and wild mushrooms grow there also exists an extremely dangerous parasite named the dwarf tapeworm Echinococcis multilocularis.

This parasite lives in wild animals such as foxes that through their fecal droppings can infest wild berries and wild mushrooms.

This parasite once inside humans can lie dormant with no symptoms for up to 15 years, and when active can result in liver destruction and even death.

 Thoroughly rinse off all wild berries and wild mushrooms and heat them for a minimum of 60 degrees centigrade for at least 5 minutes to destroy the parasite.

Do not eat any wild berries raw even if frozen. Freezing does not destroy this parasite.

Cooking does not affect the phytonutrients found in bilberries and in other wild berries or in wild mushrooms.

Note 2: Try to avoid eating figs (as well as peanuts and peanut butter and pistachio nuts ) as much as possible because of the high levels of aflatoxins that are always found in them.

(See Number 5 in the section: "Fruit Warnings.")

Note 3: Due to the fact that the following fruits are extremely heavily sprayed with dangerous pesticides, they should not be eaten if they are not organically grown:  (Source: www.ewg.org .This list is updated yearly. American and European pesticide residues on vegetables and fruits are similar.)

  • Strawberries
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Nectarines
  • Apples
  • Grapes 
  • Cherries
  • Blueberries

Note 4: Never eat the peel of any non-organic citrus fruit, nor add it to baked goods etc. or put whole pieces of non-organic citrus fruits with the peel in water etc. because of the extremely dangerous fungicides that are in the peel. They can not be washed off.

Note 5: Carambola or Star fruit is extremely high in oxalic acid must not be eaten by anyone suffering from:

  • Any kind of kidney disease or kidney disorder
  • Gallbladder disease or gallbladder disorder
  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Oxalic acid is also found in high amounts in spinach, rhubarb and Swiss chard which is why these foods should always be boiled in water for at least one minute before eating. The oxalic acid then leaches in to the water which should then be discarded.


4. Try to eat only (organic) whole-grain breads, cereals, flakes and grains etc.

If allergic to gluten avoid barley, dinkel (spelt), kamut, rye, triticale and wheat.

Amaranth, buckwheat, corn, durra, fonio, millet, quinoa, sorghum and teff are all gluten free.

Note 1: Quinoa must not be given to infants under 2 years of age because it contains saponins.

Note 2: Rice is also gluten free but due to the extremely high levels of arsenic that are found in all varieties of rice - whether black, brown, red , white or wild rice etc. and in both organic and non-organic rice and in all rice products such as rice milk and rice syrup etc.

All rice and all rice products should be eaten as little as possible -and not be eaten by pregnant women, babies and children.


5. Try to eat only organic dairy products

Organic dairy products are healthy for you as long as you are not allergic or intolerant of them.

Because all pesticides and other deadly enviromental pollutants such as dioxins, PCB's (Polychlorinated biphenyls) and furans etc. are always found in their highest levels in fatty foods (because they concentrate in the fat and oils) and are found in their highest levels in animal fats - try to only eat small amounts organic dairy products that are very high in fat such as organic butter and the varieties of organic cheese that are high in fat. 

 If eating any (organic) cheese that is packed in plastic make sure that you slice off a few pieces from every side to decrease the amount of chemical migration of dangerous chemicals found in the plastic such as adipates,plasticizers,phthalates and softeners etc. from the plastic to the cheese.

Do not eat any cheese that contains E202 Potassium Sorbate, E235 Natamycin, or E251 Sodium Nitrate - see my E-number guides.

These dangerous food additives are not allowed to be used in organic cheese.

The best is to buy sliced organic cheese and discard the first and last slices which are in contact with the plastic packaging or the plastic wrapping.

If intolerant or allergic to dairy products- or are simply excluding them from your diet - make sure that your diet provides enough calcium. (Goggle for  food sources of calcium.)


6. All vegans - both men and women - must take a Vitamin B12 supplement. (They are always vegan.)

  • Note 1: A lack of Vitamin B12 can cause permanent nerve damage and severe birth defects in babies.
  • All vegan and vegetarian women - especially during their fertile years - must check their blood on a regular basis to see the iron content if feeling physically and/or mentally tired etc.

See also the section: “Vegetarian vs. Non-vegetarian Diets.
For information on safe iron supplements please see the section: “Supplement Recommendations.


7. If not vegan or vegetarian try to eat:

  • Organic eggs from chickens (and chickens) that have not been fed fishmeal or meal from mussels - to avoid the high amounts of heavy metals such as mercury etc. and the dangerous chemical ethoxyquin (although now banned in the EU but still allowed in many other countries) which is sometimes found in fishmeal and meal from mussels. Unfortunately some organic certifying agencies such as the EU organic certifying agency and Swedish KRAV allows fishmeal and meal from mussels to be fed to their organic chickens. Virtually all other organic certification agencies in Europe such as such Bioland (Germany) and Naturland (Germany) etc.do not allow these 2 products to be fed to their organic chickens.
  • If you eat organic meats make sure that they that not been aged in and/or packed in vacuum packed plastic (both the fat and blood leach dangerous chemicals from the plastic in to the meat) and do not contain highly dangerous nitrites or nitrates (E249-E252) and are not smoked. (See the section on: “Food Packaging.”) If the meat is packed in an air filled plastic tray try to remove a thin layer of meat from the bottom touching the plastic - such as with ground meat etc. - or rinse the meat very well under running water.


8. Eat only organic and  healthy fats.

Pesticide and other deadly substances in our food supply always concentrate in the fat.( See also number 5 above.)

It is therefore crucially important to eat organic and healthy fats. 

All of the following contain extremely unhealthy trans fats (trans-fatty acids):

  • Hydrogenated fats
  • Hardened fats
  • Partially hydrogenated fats
  • Partially hardened fats
  • Margarine
  • Shortening
  • Avoid all “unspecified” vegetable fats (these are just listed as “Vegetable fat” on the ingredient list.)
  • Avoid also all “unspecified” vegetable oils (these are just listed as “Vegetable oil” on the ingredient list.)
  • Never eat cottonseed oil!
    Cotton is considered an “industrial " crop and is therefore allowed to be sprayed with pesticides that are so deadly that they are not allowed to be used on food crops.
    Yet these extremely deadly pesticides do enter and concentrate in the cottonseed oil!
    Meat producing animals that are not raised to organic standards are often also allowed to go in to the fields to eat the cotton plants after harvesting the cotton.
    These deadly pesticides then enter the fat and flesh of the animal.  

Try to only use:

  • Organic extra-virgin olive oil - that is only packed in a dark glass bottle (to help keep it from going rancid) and not in a plastic bottle (because of the chemical migration of various dangerous plastic chemicals such as adipates, plasticizers, phthalates and softeners etc. from the plastic in to the oil) or in a metal can (because of the dangers of BPA and BPS etc. which are found in ALL cans-even those containing organic foods. Cans stating “BPA FREE” on the label always contain similar dangerous chemicals such as BPS etc. (See the section: “Food Packaging.”)
  • Organic coconut oil - that is only packed in a glass jar and not packed in a plastic container.
  • Organic avocados
  • Organic whole raw nuts and seeds (except for peanuts, peanut butter and pistachio nuts. See the information about aflatoxins in Number 5 in the section: "Fruit Warnings " below.)Avoid all broken nut and seed bits, flakes and pieces etc. because they are virtually always rancid if not prepared by yourself. Make sure that the whole nuts are not brown in the middle and that the sunflower seeds are not brown, yellow or broken.
  • Small amounts of organic cheese and butter. (See the previous section:   "5.Organic Dairy Products.")


9. Try to avoid all white sugar (and at least 30 other “Sugars” including: amaske, Barbados sugar, barley malt, barley syrup, brown rice syrup, brown sugar, corn syrup, Demara sugar, evaporated cane juice, jaggery, molasses sugar, palm sugar, Rapadura sugar, raw sugar, rice syrup, Sucanat sugar, Syrema sugar, treacle, turnibado sugar etc.- even if organic. See the section:  "Sugars.") 

Instead of “Sugars” use:         

  • Organic apple juice
  • Organic dried fruit 
  • Organic granulated dried dates 
  • Organic True Cinnamon not Cassia (See the section: “Cinnamon vs. Cassia.”)
  • Organic vanilla powder
  • Organic Lucuma powder( Pouteria lucuma )
  • Organic Monk fruit ( Siraitia grosvenorii)
  • Small amounts  of organic honey or organic maple syrup

Note 1: Do not give any type of honey to babies that are less than one year old because of the danger of infant botulism.

Note 2: Because both steviol and rebaudioside A which are found in Stevia  have been found to be mutagenic (a physical or chemical agent that permanently changes genetic material ) I do not recommend any kind of Stevia product as a sweetener. 


10. Try to avoid all refined grain products - even if organic. This would include all:

  • White wheat flour
  • White rice
  • Sifted rye flour (which is why most rye breads are very light in color-the word “ sifted” does not have to be legally written on the ingredient list )
  • Rice flour

All these refined grains are quickly broken down in the body in to glucose and have the same unhealthy effects as “sugars” in the body.

Avoid also eating French fries (see the section: “Healthy Fats”) instant potatoes and mashed potatoes for the same reason. 

Try to eat organic potatoes (if you are not allergic to foods containing solanine - see the section: “Vegetable Warnings ") together with their “skins” to obtain the fiber that is in the potato skins.                                                   

Note: Do not bake potatoes in aluminum foil because some aluminum does enter the potato. (See E173 in my E-number guides.)

Aluminum has been linked to causing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease and cancer -especially breast cancer.

Storing baked potatoes in aluminum foil also presents a very high risk of dangerous botulism.

Instead of using aluminum foil - rub the potatoes in butter or olive oil and pierce them with a fork and then bake them in their own skins.

11. Reduce to reduce your use of white (or of any color) salt, and use healthy organic herbs and spices instead.

Do not use “Himalaya " salt because it is very often contaminated with high amounts of lead and/or other dangerous industrial contaminants.

Contrary to what the " health " food industry states -it is NOT rich in minerals.

Make sure that the salt you use does not contain any food additives.

Only use additive free sea salt -without E 531, E 535, E 536 - ( with the possible exception of added iodine if you do not suffer from hyperthyroidism ) that has been mined from ancient underground sources  (which is also sea salt ) because of the present day micro plastic contamination of the oceans which has resulted in micro and nano particles of plastic contaminating all present day sea salts.

12. Avoid:

  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • All canned foods, juices and drinks etc. because of BPA and BPS etc. (See the section: ”Food Packaging.”)
  • Coffee - because of the bad health effects of caffeine.
  • Black tea - because of the bad health effects of caffeine.
    Organic white and green teas are very healthy because of the high amounts of certain phytochemicals they contain.They contain much lower amounts of caffeine.They can also be bought as decaffeinated but they must be decaffeinated using the water method ( which is simply using hot water ) and not by the use of solvents.If the water method is used it is usually always stated on the package.
  • Try to avoid all the products found in the section:" Unhealthy Food Products Found in Health Food Stores."


1. Try to eat 5 servings of different (organic) vegetables per day. (See the section “Why Organic?” as to why this is extremely important.) 

2. Vegetables should always be slightly cooked before eating.

This does two things:

- It makes their nutrients such as beta-carotene etc. and phytonutrients such as glucosinolates and lycopene etc. more available to the body.

(Only Vitamin C levels are slightly reduced - by low temperature heating for a short time.)

- It destroys or greatly decreases the levels of unhealthy substances in raw vegetables and sprouts such as:

  • Canavanine
  • Goitrogens
  • Hemagglutinins
  • Lectins
  • Protease inhibitors
  • Saponins

Note 1: This is especially important for kidney bean sprouts. 

Raw kidney beans contain a very powerful toxin named phytohemagglutinin.

Kidney beans must be boiled until fully cooked in order to destroy this toxin.
Cooking them in a slow cooker will not reach the temperatures necessary for this toxin to be destroyed. 

All vegetables and sprouts should be prepared in one of the following ways before eating:

  •  steamed for 5 minutes.
    (IKEA and many Chinese food stores sell inexpensive stainless steel steamers.)
    Add the vegetables when the water is boiling not before.
    Always keep the lid on and use the water afterwards as it will contain some vitamins and phytonutrients-except when cooking spinach, Swiss chard or rhubarb because the water then will contain high levels of oxalic acid which is unhealthy and should be discarded.
  • lightly woked,at a low temperature for a few minutes
    Use a healthy fat -see the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils”- in a stainless steel wok and never in an aluminum or Teflon, silicone or plastic etc. coated wok. ( See the section:" Healthy Cooking and Kitchen Supplies.”)
  • stir fried, at a low temperature for a few minutes
    Use a healthy fat-see the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils "- in a stainless steel or untreated iron frying pan and never in an aluminum or copper or Teflon, silicone or plastic etc. coated frying pan. (See the section: “Healthy Cooking and Kitchen Supplies.”)
  • boiled for a 1-2 minutes
    Use a stainless steel, glass or untreated iron pot and never in an aluminum, copper, or Teflon, silicone, or plastic etc. coated pot. (See the section: “Healthy Cooking and Kitchen Supplies.”)

Of the 3 methods, boiling is the least recommended (except for carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes pumpkin and winter squash – see the information on carrots below and for Swiss chard, spinach and rhubarb see the section “Vegetable Warnings”) as it could result in greater nutrient and phytonutrient loss.

Note 2: Do not eat any food, of animal or vegetarian origin that has been “blackened” or slightly burnt, such as often is the case with barbecued foods.

The blackened parts always contain heterocyclic amines (HCA`s) that are proven cancer causing chemicals. (See the section: “Healthy Cooking and Kitchen Supplies.”)

Heating is especially important when it comes to raw sprouts, because contrary to what many “health food experts” state, raw sprouts are especially rich in substances that lower your immune response. (See Number 2 above.)

3. Vegetables which are extremely rich in nutrients and/or phytonutrients include:

  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Bok Choy
  • Broccoli - cutting up the broccoli into pieces and waiting 10 minutes before cooking actually results in the formation of new healthy phytochemicals.
  • Broccoli sprouts and Brussels sprouts-see the cooking information listed above for broccoli.
  • Cabbage – especially red cabbage and the dark green varieties such as Savoy. If the cabbage is not organic, throw away the outer leaves.
  • Carrots - should be cooked until soft so that the body can absorb the maximum amount of beta-carotene. This is also true for pumpkin, sweet potatoes and squash.
    Note: Some (healthy) fat must be eaten at the same time for the body to transform beta–carotene into Vitamin A.

    Infants and people suffering from cystic fibrosis gallbladder disorders, lactose intolerance or poor thyroid function etc. can not convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A.It has also been estimated that because of their genetic disposition up to 50% of the population are " poor converters " of beta -carotene in to Vitamin A.

    Carrots are healthiest when cooked whole, not cut or chopped up, to retain more falcarinol. Falcarinol is a powerful anti-cancer phytonutrient. 
  • Cauliflower-see the cooking information listed for broccoli.
  • Fennel
  • Garlic
    Note: Always wait at least 10 minutes after chopping, cutting, squeezing or smashing etc. the raw garlic before eating it or cooking with it. This allows time for allicin to be created from the alliin in the garlic. Allicin is the major chemical responsible for the positive health effects that garlic has. (If you are worried about your breath- chew raw parsley or anise seeds afterwards). Allicin is destroyed by cooking so try to add raw garlic to your foods after they have been cooked.
  • Kale -see Note 5 below.
  • Leeks. After cutting leeks, wait for 10 minutes before cooking, to increase the formation of valuable sulfur compounds.
  • Mustard greens-see note in “Vegetable Warnings.”
  • Onions – make sure that the onions, if not organic, have not been treated with anti- sprouting agents.
    The same is true for potatoes. All anti-sprouting chemicals are extremely dangerous to your health.

    Non- organic onions and non-organic potatoes are virtually always treated with anti-sprouting agents or are irradiated to prevent sprouting.

    Organic produce is not allowed to be treated with anti-sprouting agents or allowed to be irradiated.
    After cutting onions, wait for 10 minutes before cooking to increase the formation of valuable sulfur compounds.
    If boiling onions, do not throw away the liquid. A very powerful phytonutrient named quercetin is leached out of the onions when boiled.
  • Oyster mushrooms
  • Pumpkin-See the information under carrots.
  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Spinach - Spinach ( along with broccoli and Swiss Chard ) is an especially extremely nutritious vegetable as it contains very high amounts of Vitamin A, B2, B6, C, E, Folate, K1, manganese, magnesium and potassium as well as containing the phytonutrients of kaempferol, lutein, quercetin and zeaxanthin etc. But because of the high amounts of oxalic acid in spinach- which binds up the iron found in spinach - and because of the polyphenolic compounds in spinach the body can only absorb a small amount of the iron in spinach. So although nutritional charts list spinach as being very high in iron and many “nutritional experts” recommend spinach as an excellent source of iron it is actually a poor source of iron. See also Note 1 below and the information about cooking spinach in “Vegetable Warnings.”
  • Squash-see the information under carrots.
  • Sweet potatoes-see the information under carrots.
  • Swiss chard (Mangold or Silver beet) - see the note about cooking Swiss chard, spinach and rhubarb in "Vegetable Warnings."
  • Tomatoes ( although actually a fruit) release more lycopene when cooked.
    Lycopene is a powerful phytonutrient and tomatoes are extremely rich in lycopene. Cooked tomato products such as concentrated tomato paste or purée is much higher in lycopene than raw tomatoes or cooked tomatoes. In order for the body to absorb the lycopene some (healthy) fat must also be present. (See the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.”)
  • Watercress
  • Winter squash - See the information under carrots.

Note 1: As mentioned before in the "Quick Diet Summery" ideally all foods that are eaten should be organic but due to the fact that the following vegetables are especially heavily sprayed with dangerous pesticides, they should not be eaten unless they are organically grown:

Bell and hot peppers.They are actually botanically classified as  a fruit.
Green beans
Tomatoes.They are also botanically classified as a fruit.

As mentioned earlier-see the excellent site www.ewg.org for a list of fruit and vegetables and how heavily sprayed they are. Their list is updated yearly. American and European growing methods and pesticide use are very similar with the same results. (See also the section: “Why Organic?”)


Vegetable Warnings

1. Do not eat any kind of raw mushrooms.

Note 1: White button mushrooms (the ones commonly found in supermarkets) and Forest mushrooms (which are actually just brown white button mushrooms and are not found in the forest) champignon mushrooms and Portobello mushrooms (Cremini mushrooms) which are actually just large Forest mushrooms  - all contain two cancer -causing hydrazine derivatives - agaritine and gyromitrin. Both of these substances are significantly reduced by heat, but people suffering from any medical disorder should avoid these 4 kinds of mushrooms completely.

However, other mushrooms such as:

  • Enoki
  • Maitake
  • Oyster
    and Shiitake mushrooms all contain powerful anti-cancer substances (and taste just as good!)

All mushrooms should be cooked or fried (on low heat with a healthy fat - see the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils”) etc. before eating.

Do not eat any kind of raw mushrooms. 

Note 2: See also the very important information concerning wild mushrooms in the information about bilberries in Note 3 in the “Fruits” section. Rinse all wild mushrooms thoroughly before cooking.

2. Eat as little of sea vegetables as possible if at all.

 Although all sea vegetables such as kelp and seaweeds such as arame, hiziki, nori and wakame etc. - are a source of trace minerals (that are also found also in other vegetables and fruits) they are also a rich source of cesium and of dangerous heavy metals such as arsenic, lead and mercury which they take up and concentrate from the waters that they are found in. I do not recommend that they should be eaten.

Note: Do not eat dulse. Dulse contains undegraded carrageen E407 which the human body can easily degrade into the proven cancer causing substance of degraded carrageen.

3. Avoid eating any parts of a celery stalk that are even slightly brownish or rust colored.
This discolored celery contains psoralens. Psoralens are substances that sensitize the skin to the harmful effects of ultraviolet waves.

Only buy and eat organic celery, as celery is extremely heavily sprayed with pesticides. (See the section: “Why Organic?”)

4. Certain extremely healthy vegetables such as Swiss chard (Mangold or Silver beet) and spinach are extremely high in oxalic acid and must be avoided by people suffering from certain medical disorders. (See the section: “Fruit Warnings.”)

However, for people not suffering from these medical disorders Swiss chard, spinach ( and rhubarb) should be added to boiled water and boiled for one minute - with the water being thrown away before eating - to reduce their oxalic acid content.

5. Non-organic bell peppers, cucumbers, eggplants and zucchini (and apples) etc. that are especially shiny are often waxed with dangerous paraffin wax.

They can not be washed off and often enter the vegetable itself. See E905 in my E-number guides.

Organic foods are not allowed to be treated with paraffin wax.

6. Foods coming from the nightshade family (solanaceae) contain chemicals known as alkaloids such as capsaicin, nicotine and solanine.

These foods include:          

  • Bell peppers of all colors. (Paprika)
  • Eggplants
  • Goji berries
  • Huckleberries
  • Paprika spices including sweet paprika.
  • Peppers- cayenne, chili, jalapeno, pimento and red etc.
  • Potatoes including potato starch (but not sweet potatoes.)
  • Tomatoes including tomatillos.
  • And the medical herb ashwagandha.

These foods can both cause and make the following medical disorders much worse and should be avoided by all people suffering from them:

  • Bloating and gas
  • Cystitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Eczema
  • Gastroesophageal Reflex Disease (GERD)
  • Gout
  • Heartburn
  • Hives
  • Inflammation
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Itchiness
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Skin rashes
  • SLE -Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Thyroid disorders

They can also cause aching muscles and /or joint pain which has been medically labelled "of unknown origin."

Solanine is found in lesser amounts in:

  • Apples
  • Artichokes
  • Blueberries
  • Okra


1. Try to eat at least 5 servings of (organic) fruit per day. (See the section: “Why Organic?” as to why this is extremely important.)

Fruits that are very sweet should ideally be eaten on a full stomach to avoid creating an immediate high level of sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream.

All fruit juices and carrot juice should be diluted one third with water for the same reason. (See the section: “Sugars.”)

2. Virtually All Fruits Are Healthy, But The Fruits Listed Below Are Especially Rich In Both Nutrients And/or Phytonutrients:

  • Fresh or dried organic apricots. Non-organic dried apricots are virtually always sulphured and are bright orange in color. The sulphuric agents used are dangerous to your health. (See E220- E225 in my E-number guides.)  Organic dried fruit is not allowed to be treated with E220-E225 and is therefore brownish in color but is just as sweet as the brightly colored sulphured dried fruits.
    Note 1: According to the law in the EU and in many other countries, dried fruit is allowed to be treated with E220-E225 and as long as the residue is less than10 mg.per kilo which is more than enough to cause a severe allergic reaction on some people - and does not have to be listed on the package as an ingredient!

    This is in spite of the EU claiming that all food additives must be listed on the label as ingredients!

    This why you can buy non-organic granolas and muesli etc. which have pieces of brightly orange colored papaya bits and cubes and brightly yellow colored pineapple bits and cubes and yet have no E220-E225 listed on the ingredient declaration.

    Dried organic apricots - and all dried organic fruits- should ideally be soaked overnight to reduce their natural concentrated sugar levels.

    In order for the beta-carotene in these foods to be converted into Vitamin A, some fat (see the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.”) must be eaten at the same time.

    This is true for all food sources of beta-carotene, such as: broccoli, cantaloupe melons, carrots, fresh and dried apricots, kale, mangoes, papayas, romaine lettuce, spinach, squash and sweet potatoes etc.

    The phytonutrient lycopene which is present in high amounts in tomato concentrate and tomato paste is much better absorbed when some healthy fat is eaten at the same time. (Buy only organic tomato products that are packed in glass and not in plastic, cans and tubes. See the section: “Food Packaging.”)

    Note 2: As stated before - infants and people suffering from gallbladder problems or poor thyroid function etc. can not make the conversion of beta carotene to Vitamin A in their bodies. It has been estimated that up to 50% of the population -due to their genetic disposition -are “poor converters “of beta -carotene to Vitamin A.

    Note 3: Do not eat “softened” dried apricots or any other softened dried fruit that is sold in plastic pouches even if it is organic (see the section “Fruit Warnings.”)

    This dried fruit is wet inside the plastic bag - which then causes the chemical migration of dangerous chemicals such as adipates, plasticizers, phthalates and softeners etc. found in the plastic bag to enter in to the food.
  • Avocados
  • Bilberries. As stated before -these berries are smaller than blueberries and have a blue color- not a white color- inside and are virtually always wild. In Sweden and in other Scandinavian countries etc. they are called blueberries:
    Note: In all the countries where wild bilberries and wild mushrooms grow there also exists an extremely dangerous parasite named the dwarf tapeworm.

    This parasite lives in wild animals such as foxes that through their fecal droppings can infest wild berries and wild mushrooms.
    This parasite once inside humans can lie dormant with no symptoms for up to 15 years, and when active can result in liver destruction and even death.

    Thoroughly rinse off all wild berries and wild mushrooms and heat them for a minimum of 60 degrees centigrade for at least 5 minutes to destroy the parasite.

    Never eat any wild berries (and wild mushrooms) raw even if they have been frozen. Freezing does not destroy this parasite.

    Cooking does not affect the phytonutrients found in bilberries or in any wild berries or in wild mushrooms.
  • Blackberries
  • Cantaloupe melons
  • Cranberries
  • Grapefruit and grapefruit juice Note: Grapefruit and grapefruit juice can interfere with many medications. If you are taking any medication ask your doctor before consuming them.
  • Guava
  • Kiwi -The kiwi fruit is an extremely nutritious fruit which contains very high amounts of Vitamin C and K1 as well as containing high amounts of the phytonutrients lutein and zeaxanthin.
  • Mangos and dried mangos. - see the information about beta-carotene under apricots.
  • Papaya - see the information about beta-carotene under apricots.
  • Passionfruit
  • Pineapple
  • Pomegranate (and pomegranate juice)
    Note: Although pomegranates and pomegranate juice are healthy, if you are taking any medication - especially anti-hypersensitive or cholesterol lowering medication - you should ask your doctor before consuming them as they can interact with many medications.
  • Dried prunes and unoiled raisins - make sure that they are not treated with E200 Sorbic acid (See my E-number guides.) Organic dried fruit is always untreated with E200 Sorbic Acid.

    Even organic raisins are often oiled - usually with unhealthy sunflower oil. Read the ingredients. (See the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.")
  • Watermelon

3. As mentioned before - ideally all foods that are eaten should be organic but due to the fact that the following fruits are especially heavily sprayed with dangerous pesticides, they should not be eaten unless they are organically grown:


See the excellent site www.ewg.org for a list of fruit and vegetables and how heavily sprayed they are.

This list is updated yearly.

American and European growing methods and pesticide use are very similar with the same results. (See also the section: “Why Organic.”)


Fruit Warnings

1.Non-organic oranges, grapefruits, lemons, mandarins ,tangerines etc. and all citrus fruits are virtually always (as with all non-organic bananas) treated with deadly fungicides ( See E230 – E233 in my E-number guides) and the proven cancer causing fungicide Imazalil (Enilconazole) ) also known as "Freshguard. " 

Note 1: These deadly fungicides are impregnated in to the peel and often enter the fruit itself and can not be washed off.

Organic produce is not allowed to be treated with any fungicides or waxes.

Therefore never use any non-organic orange, lemon, mandarin, tangerine or any non-organic citrus peel in cakes, candies, or cookies etc. because of the deadly fungicides that they have been treated with.
Never chop up any non-organic citrus fruit and put a piece with the peel into water or juices etc. because these fungicides will enter the water.

In fact, in certain countries such as Germany it is even the law that all food stores must have signs in the non-organic citrus fruit sections of food stores warning customers not to eat the peel because it has been chemically treated.

Note 2: These deadly fungicides also enter the boxes of the fruit that they have been packed in.
Many cases of severe skin disorders and skin disease have been caused by clothes and even books that have simply been packed in these boxes.

Never use banana boxes or any other fruit boxes that have contained non -organic fruit in them or moving or for storage. Because organic produce is not allowed to be treated with deadly fungicides etc. the boxes that held organic produce are safe to use.

2.Pears and various exotic fruits such as mangos and papayas etc. are often wrapped in paper
but if they are not organic, they are always wrapped in paper that always contains the same deadly fungicides that are used on citrus fruit .(See Number 1 above.)

3.Non-organic apples, mandarins nectarines, oranges, peaches, plums ,satsumas ,tangelos and tangerines etc
. that are especially shiny are often waxed with dangerous paraffin wax or a similar derivative. They can not be washed off and often enter the fruit itself. (See E905 in my E-number guides.)

4. Do not eat any “softened” dried fruit that is packed in plastic bags, even if it is organic dried fruit such as organic apricots, organic dates or organic prunes etc.

This dried fruit is wet inside the plastic bag which causes the chemical migration of dangerous chemicals such as adipates, plasticizers, phthalates and softeners etc. found in the plastic bag to enter in to the food.

This process is actually called “chemical migration." (See the section: “Food Packaging” for more information.)


5. Figs (dried, fresh, paste or syrup etc.) virtually always contain high levels of aflatoxins.

This is also the case with peanuts and peanut butter and pistachio nuts.
Note: This is true whether these foods are organically grown or are non-organic.

Aflatoxins are produced by two common molds that are not visible to the naked eye, aspergillus flavus and aspergillus parasiticus and is not affected by heat. Aflatoxins are extremely powerful liver cancer causing substances. Although many foods could contain aflatoxins, it has been found consistently in extremely high amounts in the above foods.

Figs can easily be replaced by any dried organic fruit such as apricots, mangoes, prunes and raisins, all of which are richer in nutrients and/or phytonutrients than figs.

Peanuts and pistachio nuts can be easily replaced by organic raw, unroasted and unsalted almonds  or raw, unroasted and unsalted sunflower seeds etc. - both of which are also far richer in nutrients.

Pistachio nuts from the United States (make sure that they are not dyed red as they often are in North America) have been found to be much lower in aflatoxin levels than those from Iran, Turkey, Syria and China etc. 

For more important information on nuts and seeds please read the section “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.


6. If American papayas are not certified as organic they are virtually always GMO (Genetically Modified Organism.) (See the section: “Genetically Modified (GMO) Foods.”)


7. Carambola or star fruit must not be eaten by anyone suffering from:

  • Any kind of kidney disorder, kidney disease and kidney stones
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Carambola contain extremely high levels of oxalic acid which are extremely dangerous for people suffering from the above medical disorders.

Unhulled sesame seeds have the highest level of oxalic acid among foods. 

Other foods that are very high in oxalic acid (listed in order of the amount contained) that should be avoided by people suffering from the above medical conditions include:

  • Spinach
  • Rhubarb
  • Okra
  • Swiss Chard
  • Rice bran
  • Peanuts
  • Beets
  • Navy beans
  • Buckwheat
  • Almonds
  • Baked potatoes (w/skin)
  • Soy products
  • Bulgur
  • Wheat bran
  • Cornmeal
  • Cocoa powder
  • Millet
  • Turnips
  • Cashew nuts
  • Raspberries
  • Fava beans
  • Bamboo shoots
  • Dried pineapple
  • Parsnips
  • Red kidney beans
  • Whole wheat flour
  • Dried dates
  • Dried figs
  • Grapefruits


Beans and Grains

1. As with all foods, try to eat only organic beans and organic grains. (See the section “Why Organic?” as to why this is extremely important.) 

2. All cooked beans (with the exception of soya beans and all soya products)  are healthy with red kidney beans, pinto beans, and black beans, containing the most phytonutrients.

Note : All beans should be soaked in water for at least 12 hours before cooking to reduce the amount of lectins and then discarding the water.(This will also greatly reduce the amount of cooking time needed.)

After boiling the beans discard the water once again to further reduce the amount of lectins.

By using these 2 methods over 90% of the lectins will be removed.

Lectins- or hemagglutinins- are proteins that bind to carbohydrates and are classified as an “anti-nutrient" because they can interfere with the absorption of minerals, especially calcium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc.

They can often cause problems during human digestion and can make GI  (Gastrointestinal) disorders such as colitis ,Crohn's disease and IBS ( Irritable Bowel Disease ) worse .

Because lectin proteins bind to cells for long periods of time, they can cause an autoimmune response and can affect inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and type1 diabetes etc.

Note 1: As well as being found  in high amounts in all beans- lectins are also found in high amounts in all grains except for millet, sorghum and teff which are all lectin free and in all foods that belong to the nightshade family that includes :bell and hot and sweet peppers , eggplants, potatoes  tomatoes, goji berries and the herb ashwagandha.

Note 2: People suffering from any autoimmune disease ,GI disease ,or any digestive disorder should ideally avoid all of the above mentioned foods or at least limit their consumption of them as much as possible.

3. For a quick and very nutritious meal try eating black, green, red or yellow lentils with a few carrots, garlic and onions etc. 

They only have to be boiled for a few minutes (even less if you use split lentils) and have a wonderful spicy taste.

4. All whole grains and whole grain flours, and wholegrain flakes etc. (except for rice-see number 5 in the section: “ Bean and Grain Warnings" below) are healthy as long as  you are not allergic to them.

Note 1: If you are allergic or are sensitive to gluten - which is at least 10% of the population - you must avoid barley, dinkel (spelt), kamut, rye, triticale, and wheat and all products containing them.

Always read the ingredients of everything that you eat and drink-even if it is organic.

If you want to be tested for an allergy to gluten do not rely on a skin prick test - it is far too imprecise. 

Make sure that you get a blood test. 

Note 2: The meat substitute product “seitan” consists of pure gluten.

The amount of gluten present in the wheat that is grown today is over 10 times greater (due to selective breeding) than the amount of gluten that was grown only 50 years ago.

This is also true for organic wheat.

This has been done to improve bread making.

Note 3: Amaranth, buckwheat, corn, durra, fonio, millet, oats, quinoa, sorghum and teff are all gluten free.

Amaranth is especially nutritious because of its excellent amino- acid protein make-up and it is the only grain that is high in calcium.

Rice although gluten free is not recommended .Please see Number 5 in the section below: “Bean and Grain Warnings."


Bean and Grain Warnings

1. Raw kidney beans contain phytohemagglutinin which is a very powerful toxin.

Kidney beans must boiled until fully cooked in order to destroy this toxin. Cooking them in a slow cooker will not reach the temperatures necessary for this toxin to be destroyed

2.I do not recommend eating soybeans or any food product made with soybeans such soya protein ( used in many vegan " meat substitute " products ), soya milk, soya puddings and many others products. 

Soybeans contains estrogen-like compounds called isoflavones which have been proven severely disrupt thyroid function ,impair female fertility and  promote the growth of certain cancers.

For more information on this subject please see the excellent articles:  “Soya Alert” on the site: www.westonprice.org.

Note: I do not agree with all of the dietary recommendations that this site presents-which can easily be noticed when comparing my dietary recommendations with the dietary recommendations on this site. I do however agree fully with their information and recommendations about healthy fats and their information and recommendations against rapseed (canola) oil and other oils on this site.

2. Do not eat any raw bean sprouts. (See Number 2 in the" Vegetables” section above.)

3. Do not eat any beans in cans or any food that is in cans - even if it is organic.

This is due to the use of extremely dangerous chemicals such as BPA and BPS (Bisphenol A, Bisphenol S) etc. that are found in ALL cans whether they contain organic foods or not! (See the section: “Food Packaging.”)

It is a scandal that all organic certifying associations allow organic food, organic drinks and organic juices etc. to be packed in cans or tins which always contain BPA , BPS , BPB ( bisphenol B) , BPF ( bisphenol F ) , BADGE ( bisphenol A diglycidyl ether ) or BFDGE ( bisphenol F diglycidyl ether ) etc.

All of these chemicals are extremely dangerous and leach in to the food from the can.

Glass is always the safest and healthiest packaging material.


4. Beans and any food that are sold in tetra-packs are also not recommended as during production these foods are poured while still hot into the plastic lined tetra- pack.

All plastics leach out dangerous chemicals such as adipates, phthalates, plasticizers and softeners etc. into the food -and even more so when exposed to heat.

(See the section: “Food Packaging.”) 

No plastic is inert and does not leach out dangerous chemicals.

As stated above - glass is always the safest and healthiest packaging material.

5. Recent tests in many countries have found extremely high levels of dangerous arsenic and lead in both organic and non-organic rice and in all types of rice whether it is white, brown, black, red or wild rice (which is actually not a variety of rice but is instead a species of grass.)

The same extremely high levels of dangerous arsenic and lead were found in all rice products including rice crackers, rice flour rice milk and rice syrup etc.

This is because the rice plant takes up much more arsenic than other grains from the ground (mud) itself and because the water in which the rice grows is often very high in arsenic and lead.

Note: If you are pregnant you should eat no rice products and do not feed babies and infants any rice and rice products whatsoever.

Avoid eating all varieties of rice and rice products as much as possible-even if organic- and try using organic whole: barley, oats or quinoa etc. instead.

6. Some varieties of beans and grains contain very high amounts of oxalic acid and must not be eaten by people suffering from certain medical conditions. (For further information see the section: “Fruit Warnings.”)

7. Quinoa must not be fed to infants less than two years of age because of the residual level of saponins that are still present - even after rinsing and cooking.

8. Do not eat wheat germ unless it is non-solvent treated, less than 1 week old and has been refrigerated since production.

Due to the fact that it is both high in fat and that the fat is fully exposed to air, wheat germ will turn rancid after one week at room temperature.

All rancid foods are extremely unhealthy.

Unlike most rancid foods that taste horrible when rancid - wheat germ does not taste bad even when rancid unless it is extremely old.


9. Never boil (or cook) any food or meal etc. that is packed in a plastic bag and has instructions to simply boil the plastic bag with the food in it in water.

The heating will always cause increased amounts of dangerous chemicals such as adipates, phthalates, plasticizers and softeners etc. to be released from the plastic in to the food.


10. Never buy popcorn (even if organic) in bags that you simply add to the microwave or oven!

The inside lining all of these bags contain extremely dangerous chemicals called PFOA’s which leach in to the popcorn. (See the section:" Food Packaging.")


Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils

1. For very important information on healthy fats, including butter, and coconut oil please see the excellent site www.westonprice.org.

  • Note 1: I do not agree with all of the dietary recommendations that this site presents - which can easily be noticed when comparing my dietary recommendations with the dietary recommendations on this site. I do however agree fully with their information and recommendations about healthy fats and their information and recommendations against raps (canola) oil and other oils and unfermented soya products.
  • Note 2: It is extremely important to realize that all pesticides and environmental poisons such as dioxins, PCB's (Polychlorinated biphenyls) and furans etc. always concentrate in the fat or in the oil. The highest residues of all these dangerous chemicals are always found in the fat or in the oil. Animal fats and foods that are high in animal fats such as butter and cheese etc. will always contain the highest amounts of these dangerous chemicals and therefore if eaten should only be eaten in small amounts.

    That is why it is so extremely important to only eat organic healthy fats and organic healthy oils. 

2. Nutritious foods that contain healthy fats include:

  • All organic nuts and seeds except for peanuts (and peanut butter) and pistachio nuts, (See the information on aflatoxin in the above “Fruit Warnings " section.) Almonds which are unroasted, unsalted, and unblanched (with the “skin”) are especially heathy as is tahini (sesame butter) made from roasted- unhulled sesame seeds. Unhulled sesame seeds must be roasted to help to release its nutrients to the body. Unhulled sesame seeds are extremely high in oxalic acid which must be avoided by certain people. (See Number 7 in the section: “Fruit Warnings” Unhulled sesame are richer in nutrients than hulled (white) sesame seeds.Seame seeds are usually hulled using lye which is a poison and which enters the seed.
  • Organic avocados
  • Organic coconut oil. Coconut oil is also called coconut fat since it is a solid at room temperature although coconut oil in a liquid form is also available. The liquid form of coconut is not as healthy as the solid form of coconut oil because it either contains no lauric acid or only extremely small amounts lauric acid. Lauric acid is extremely healthy for the body. (See below.)
  • Organic extra virgin olive oil
  • Small amounts of organic butter and organic cheese.

Organic Coconut Oil

As well as being organic, coconut oil must be unbleached, and undeoderized.

Coconut oil is available as either a solid or as a liquid.

Non-organic coconut oil is often made with hexane.

(This includes the soya bean oil and the wheat germ oil which are also often found in Vitamin E products.)

Hexane is a solvent and is used in virtually all non-organic oils to extract the oil but is not allowed to be used in organic foods.

(This includes the soya bean oil and the wheat germ oil which are also often found in Vitamin E supplements and products.)

Hexane has been proven to cause birth defects, cancer and changes in the DNA and can never be completely removed from the oil. 

Note 1: Only buy organic coconut oil if it is in a glass jar and not in a plastic container as the fat in the coconut oil (or in any oil or fat) will leach out dangerous chemicals such adipates, plasticizers, phthalates and softeners etc. from the plastic into the coconut oil itself.

Heat, water and the blood and fat in foods will also leach out these dangerous chemicals from the plastic into the food or liquid that it is packed in.

Note 2: Coconut oil is high in medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) and contains both caprylic acid and lauric acid all of which are very healthy for the body.

Coconut oil does not cause heart disease.

See the well documented article: “The Latest Studies on Coconut Oil” at: www.westonprice.org and the above note on this site.

Coconut oil raises only raises the “good” cholesterol- high density cholesterol (HDL) - not the “bad” cholesterol – low density cholesterol (LDL.)

In his worldwide travels, Dr. Weston Price found many examples of different nationalities and of different tribes having no heart disease yet eating a diet that was very high in organic saturated fat.

Among these peoples were the Eskimos, various North American Indian tribes, South Pacific islanders, and various tribes in Africa such as the Chewya, Masai, Muhimi, Neurs, Samburu and Watusi etc. See the above recommended site for information about this truly remarkable man.

Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This means that the olive oil is only from the first pressing of the olives. Olives are pressed up to 7 times .Only the first pressing can be guaranteed to be free of dangerous solvents such as hexane and produced without the application of any heat.

Extra virgin olive oil is the only oil that can truly be called cold pressed without any application of heat whatsoever.

Except for extra virgin olive oil all other liquid oils -whether organic or not - must be subjected to very high temperatures in order to be produced.

All the liquid vegetable oils used today-whether they are organic or not- such as olive oil which is not extra-virgin, canola or rapeseed oil, corn oil, flax seed oil, peanut oil, rice bran oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, soya oil, sunflower oil, and wheat germ oil can only be produced under high temperatures and can never be truly “cold pressed” regardless of what the label might state.

Note 1: The term “Cold-pressed” in most countries, such as the United States etc. has absolutely no legal definition.
In the EU the term cold-pressed legally mean that the oil can be produced at temperatures that are allowed to reach up to 40 degrees centigrade! That is hardly “cold pressed!”

Heating any liquid oil to high temperatures- as is the case with all these other oils when they were produced- always produces both lipid peroxides and free radicals both of which are dangerous to your health.
Lipid peroxides and free radicals have been linked to causing: Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, cancer, cataracts, immune deficiency and osteoarthritis. 

Note 2: Only buy organic extra virgin olive oil if it is in a dark glass bottle - and never in a clear glass bottle- and keep it in a dark cool area.

The glass bottle must be made of dark glass to protect the oil against light and rancidity.

Do not buy organic extra-virgin olive oil –or any oil or any food or water etc.-if it is in a metal can or in any kind of plastic bottle.

As mentioned before, this is because of the dangerous chemicals such as adipates, phthalates, plasticizers and softeners etc. which are in all plastics and which always migrates in to the food, oil and water and because of the chemicals BPA or BPS etc. which are in the lining of every metal can –and which also leaches out in to the food, oil and water etc. (See the section:" Food Packaging.")

As with all foods, always check the best before date.

Note 3: If the organic extra-virgin olive oil has sediment at the bottom of the bottle it does not mean that it is old.
This just means that it is unfiltered.

Note 4: Bread and all baked goods should only contain healthy saturated fats (fats which are a solid at room temperature) such as organic butter or organic coconut oil (or organic palm oil, and organic palm kernel oil-both of which are used in large scale organic food production and are not usually sold in small quantities in stores. If the palm oil and the palm kernel oil are organic they will always come from ecologically managed plantations which do not allow the cutting down of endangered rain forests.)

Healthy saturated fats are the only kind of fats that should be used when baking (or frying at high temperatures ) because of the very high temperatures that the fat is subjected to.

Saturated fats do not create lipid peroxides and free radicals when subjected to high temperatures.

All liquid vegetable oils are either monounsaturated oils (because they contain mostly monounsaturated fats) such as extra-virgin olive oil and rapeseed (canola) oil or are polyunsaturated oils (because they contain mostly polyunsaturated fats) such as corn oil, flax seed oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil, rice bran oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, soya bean oil, sunflower oil and wheat germ oil.

Polyunsaturated  oils ( and to a lesser degree monounsaturated oils ) should never be used for baking or frying because they create both dangerous lipid peroxides and free radicals when subjected to high temperatures both during frying and baking and when they were made.

All polyunsaturated oils release high concentrations of aldehydes when they are heated.

Aldehydes have proven to cause cancer, dementia and heart disease.

Organic extra- virgin olive oil makes a wonderful substitute for butter on bread for people avoiding dairy products.

There is no one flavor of organic extra-virgin olive oil.

Organic extra-virgin olive oil can range in taste from light and flowery to strong and fruity to spicy and peppery and everything in between. 

There exists over 500 different varieties of olives each producing an olive oil with a distinctive taste.

Extra-virgin organic olive oil can be made from just one variety of olive or a mixture, so try different brands if you have not found one that you like.

Note 5: Rapeseed oil ( canola oil) - whether it is organic or not- must not only be heated to a high temperature to be produced but must also be highly refined in order for it to be used and eaten.

Unrefined canola oil is very thick and jellylike and both smells and tastes horrible.

  • This refinement process actually produces dangerous trans fats (trans-fatty acids) in all canola oils whether they are organic or not !
  • Yet canola oil is widely advertised as healthy oil containing no trans fats!
  • Please read the excellent article on canola oil: “The Great Conola ” on the site www.westonprice.org for further information on this fraud.

Note also that organic canola is the most common oil, along with non-organic corn oil-which is also labeled as maize oil- that is used in organic baby food in glass jars.

Just read the ingredients of your organic baby food -and of all foods.

Note 6: Never use or eat any food that just states “vegetable oil” or “vegetable fat” as an ingredient because it is often cottonseed oil or hydrogenated cottonseed oil.

After the Second World War, the food industry came up with the idea to press the oil out of the millions of tons of cotton seeds they had leftover every season to produce a food oil.

Cotton is legally considered an industrial crop and not a food crop so it can be sprayed with extremely deadly pesticides which are forbidden to be used on food crops, such as endosulfan, monocrotophos, toxaphene and many others.

  • All of these deadly pesticides that are forbidden to be used on foods are in a food that is widely consumed.
  • This is a criminal scandal but no-one has stopped it because cottonseed oil is such an inexpensive source of oil

Cottonseed oil is the oil most commonly used in fast food outlets and in restaurants either by itself or blended into other oils and fats to make fried foods such as French fries, fried meats and to make deep fried foods.

It is even used in some “health food” vegetarian cheeses etc. and in some vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements etc.

Always read the ingredient list of any food (and supplement) even if it is organic and bought in a health food store.

Cattle that are not from organic farms are routinely allowed to go into cotton fields once the cotton has been picked to eat the leaves of the cotton plant.

Dried cotton leaves are also commonly added to non-organic cattle feed.

These deadly pesticides then end up in the fat and in the flesh of the animal.

Note 7: Sunflower seeds when heated –which they must be to create sunflower oil-produce the cancer-causing chemical benzopyrene.

Benzopyrene is also created in sunflower seeds when they are roasted.

When sunflower oil and corn (maize) oil are heated- extremely high amounts of aldehydes are produced.

Eat only raw, unroasted and unsalted whole sunflower seeds.

I know it sounds boring, but if you pick out the raw sunflower seeds that are broken, brown, or yellow, there will be a tremendous difference in flavor because these sunflower seeds are rancid and taste horrible!

Even a few will affect the extremely delicate and sweet taste of raw whole sunflower seeds.

Note 8: Never buy or eat broken or crushed sunflower seeds

They are virtually always rancid and are extremely unhealthy.


Nut and Seed Warnings

1. All raw, unroasted and unsalted nuts and seeds (with the exception of peanuts and peanut butter, and pistachio nuts because of the high amounts of dangerous aflatoxins that are always found in them-see the section:" Fruit Warnings” ) are an excellent source of healthy fats.

Organic raw, unsalted and unroasted: almonds, Brazil nuts (also known as Para nuts), sunflower seeds and dark sesame butter (tahini) made from roasted unhulled sesame seeds are especially nutritious.

As mentioned before, unhulled sesame seeds must be roasted to help to release its nutrients to the body. Unhulled sesame are high in oxalic acid which must be avoided by certain people. (See Number 7 in the section: “Fruit Warnings.") Unhulled sesame are richer in nutrients than hulled (white) sesame seeds.Sesame seeds are usually hulled using lye which is a poison and which enters the seed.

Tahini can be white in color when it is made from hulled sesame butter or can be slightly brown when it is made from 50% hulled sesame seeds and 50% unhulled sesame seeds.

Tahini which is dark brown in color is made from only unhulled sesame seeds and is much more nutritious than the other two forms of sesame butter. 

Note 1 : Although almonds ,cashews ,walnuts and unhulled sesame seeds ( including dark sesame butter ( tahini) made from unhulled sesame seeds ) are extremely nutritious they are also high in oxalates ( oxalic acid ) which must not be eaten by  people suffering from certain medical conditions.(See Number 5 in the section : " Fruit Warnings." )

Note 2: Brazil nuts are the richest known food source of the extremely important mineral selenium which is an extremely important mineral which most people do not receive enough of in their diet.  Only 2 Brazil nuts per day will fulfill your daily requirement for selenium. Another plus is that Brazil nuts are not a cultivated crop and are always wild. When you buy Brazil nuts pick out the ones that are not nicked and that do not have pieces missing. Try to get them hand shelled where the nuts still have their entire brown “skin.”. Hand shelled Brazil nuts will have a smooth surface instead of having nicks and small pieces missing from the nuts. These hand shelled Brazil nuts will taste much sweeter and more buttery than the usual Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts should never taste bitter or acidic. If they do -do not eat them.

Note 3: Except for organic dark sesame butter or tahini I do not recommend buying nut butters-even if organic. This because producers often mix in old and rancid nuts-instead of throwing them away- with fresh nuts to increase profit margins. It is easy to make your own nut butters at home with a nut grinder where you can insure that only fresh organic nuts are used.

2. Never buy any broken nuts or seeds such as:

  • Almond flakes or slivers
  • Brazil nut pieces
  • Cashew bits or halves
  • Ground up or broken flax seeds or flaxseed meal
  • Hazelnut bits or flakes
  • Hemp meal
  • Sunflower pieces or sunflower meal
  • Walnut quarters or pieces etc.

Store bought broken nut and seed pieces are virtually always rancid and are extremely unhealthy - even if they do not always taste that bad.

Always buy the whole nut or seed and chop them up yourself as you need them and not in advance.

They will always taste much sweeter and fresher and are always cheaper in price.

A coffee grinder is excellent for chopping up and grinding nuts and seeds but be sure to wash it weekly ( with a both color free and fragrance free detergent) and rinse and dry it well to avoid  bacteria buildup  and to avoid consuming old rancid oils.

Macadamia nuts, pine nuts and walnuts are especially fragile and turn rancid extremely quickly.

Try to get these nuts unshelled, or under refrigeration, or at least as very fresh as possible.

Note 1: If any nut is brown in the middle, as is often the case with Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and macadamia nuts etc. that means that it is rancid and it should not be eaten, even if it does not taste bad.

Note 2: Although in food charts raw unhulled sesame seeds are shown to be much higher in calcium than raw hulled sesame seeds, this extra amount of calcium is not absorbable due to the very high levels of both oxalic acid and phytic acid that are found in the raw unhulled sesame seeds.

These two acids bind up the minerals and make them unable to be absorbed.

 (The same is true for the spinach - which in food charts is shown to be high in iron but because this iron is bound to oxalic acid spinach is actually not a good source of iron.)

Raw unhulled sesame seeds (and the raw tahini or raw sesame butter made from it) are not a good source of calcium for people who avoid dairy products unless the unhulled sesame seeds have been roasted. 

The unhulled sesame seeds must be both roasted and ground for the body to absorb the minerals which are found in the hull-which is usually the case with most tahini and sesame butters unless it states raw on the label.

Note 3: Keep all raw nuts and seeds under refrigeration (unless unshelled) and ask your food store to do the same.


Flax and Flaxseed Oil

Note 1 : Many people - especially in areas of traditionally high fatty fish consumption such as in Scandinavia  etc.-  lack the enzyme (delta-6-desaturase) to convert the Omega 3 fatty acid - alpha- linolenic acid - to EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid.)

Alpha -linolenic acid is found in certain vegetarian foods such as:

  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds and Flaxseed oil
  • Hemp seeds and hemp seed oil
  • Perilla seeds
  • Purslane
  • Rapeseed oil (Canola oil)
  • Sea buckthorn
  • Soya oil
  • Walnuts


EPA and DHA is what your body uses and needs.

Note 2: Even if you do happen to possess this enzyme, other factors such as having high cholesterol levels, high insulin levels, being overweight or having diabetes also reduces your body’s ability to transform alpha -linolenic acid to EPA and DHA.

 Fish oil from fatty fish already contains EPA and DHA and require no transformation.

I do not recommend the eating of fatty fish. (See the section below: “Non-Vegetarian Sources of Healthy Fats. ")

Note 3: Flaxseeds are a goitrogen (foods that suppress the function of the thyroid gland and impair the absorption of iodine) and must not be eaten by people who have problems with their thyroid.

Note 4: Do not eat broken or ground flaxseeds. Broken or ground flaxseeds become rancid after 48 hours even when refrigerated.

Note 5: If you still choose to use flaxseed oil, then only buy flaxseed oil if:

  • it has not been made with the use of a solvent such as hexane
  • it has been pressed at under 40°
  • it is packed in a glass dark bottle
  • it has been stored in a fridge or cooler
  • and has a well advanced “Best before” date

    Flaxseed oil is extremely unstable and goes rancid very quickly.
    Always keep both flaxseed oil and flaxseed oil capsules in the fridge. 

Note 6 : All capsules (and tablets) - regardless of the type - will always contain contaminants and also often contain additives which legally do not have to listed on the label. 

For this reason I strongly recommend that no capsules be swallowed and to avoid taking tablets. 

Simply twist open the capsule and pour the contents in to a liquid and drink it or pour the contents directly in to your mouth and swallow with a water.

With one piece capsules and capsules which are difficult to open just cut off a small corner of the capsule and do the same. 

Hexane is an extremely dangerous solvent and has been proven to cause birth defects, cancer and changes in the DNA and can never be completely removed from products made with it.

Vegetarian vs. Non-vegetarian Diets

1. There exists a tremendous amount of “factual” misinformation on both sides as to whether a vegetarian diet or a non-vegetarian diet is healthier.

An extremely complicating factor making it virtually impossible to do truly objective comparable studies, is that most people who follow a vegetarian diet that have been studied in detailed long term large studies such as Seventh Day Adventists and other groups do not use any kind of tobacco products, do not drink alcohol and generally are much more health conscious in regards to their weight and exercise etc. than the average non-vegetarian that they are compared to.

2. Another complicating factor is that there is no “one “vegetarian” diet.

There are at least 4 kinds of vegetarian diets.

A vegetarian diet could be:

  • Lacto-ovo-marine vegetarian - also called Pescetarian- (dairy-egg-seafood)
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarian (dairy and egg)
  • Lacto vegetarian (dairy)
  • Vegan, with none of the above 3 groups of foods consumed.

3. It must be understood that our digestive system is designed to digest both vegetarian food and animal based food.

The moral and/or spiritual side of this issue must be left up to the individual to decide.

4. If you feel bad eating any animal based foods you should not eat those foods but: 

Note 1: Please read the section: "Extremely Important Note for Vegans” below about the fact that all men and women who are vegans must take a Vitamin B12 supplement to avoid permanent nerve damage and for vegan women to avoid creating severe birth defects in their newborn babies. 

Note 2: Very careful attention must be made to a woman's vegan and vegetarian diet to ensure that it contains enough iron which is vitally important to menstruating women if a safe -see the section : "Supplement Recommendations " - iron supplement is not taken.

If you do not want to take an iron supplement then google for foods that are high in iron that appeal to you and try to eat them every day.

Always eat iron rich foods with a Vitamin C rich food (such as a kiwi fruit etc.) at the same time to vastly increase the amount of iron absorbed.

This will increase the iron absorption by up to 80%.

Avoid drinking coffee or any other caffeine containing liquid such as tea, chocolate, cola drinks, guarana, or yerba mate etc. for at least 2 hours before and after eating iron rich foods as caffeine (and raw egg white and raw grains such as bran etc.) will block the absorption of the iron.

You then can incorporate these foods into your diet on a daily basis in the amount that you need to get the daily recommended allowance for iron.

See also the information on spinach in the previous “Vegetables” section and on raw unhulled sesame seeds in the previous section: "Nut and Seed Warnings."

For more important information on iron, including iron supplements, please see point number three in the section: “Supplement Recommendations.”

Although foods should always be the first choice to obtain any nutrient, supplements may be necessary at times.


5.In Western countries the anemic rate for menstruating women is over 30%.

I am very sure that the percentage for menstruating vegetarian women and especially menstruating vegan women is much higher because the major food sources of the best absorbable iron in the diet are in animal products such as meat and eggs ( but not in dairy foods.) 

Women suffering from a lack of iron experience a mental and /or physical tiredness or even complete exhaustion.

Unfortunately vegan women and even vegetarian women because of their lack of iron are often virtually “addicted” to:

  • Caffeine (coffee, teas, cocoa/ chocolate and guarana etc.)
  • “Sugars” (even “organic” ones such as organic: dried fruit, honey, maple syrup and raw sugars etc.)
  • Tobacco products because they often feel physically and/or mentally exhausted .( There are even " organic  tobacco" products for sale  which will give you  "organic  cancer " from the tar and the many other proven cancer-causing chemicals which are found in the smoke ! )

Men very rarely need iron unless they are suffering from bleeding (such as an ulcer) or an intestinal parasite or suffer from some other medical disorder.

Note 3: Excess iron consumption in men and post- menopausal women due to iron supplements has been linked to increased rates of heart disease.

Men and post- menopausal women should never take an iron supplement unless instructed to do so by their doctor.

Men and post-menopausal women very rarely need iron unless they are suffering from bleeding (such as an ulcer etc.) or an intestinal parasite or suffer from some other medical disorder.


Extremely Important Note for Vegans!

1. It must be clearly understood that it has been proven beyond any doubt whatsoever, that the kind Vitamin B12 from any non-animal food source cannot be absorbed by humans.

This includes the “newly discovered " source of duckweed which is also known as water lentil.

It has no proven Vitamin B12 activity which means that once again as with all vegetarian sources -this Vitamin B 12 can not be absorbed by humans.

This kind of Vitamin B12 is "inactive "and is not absorbable by humans.

Absorbable Vitamin B12 is only found in milk and milk products, eggs, fish and meat.

Foods such as spirulina, chlorella, Upper Klamath algae and any variety of algae or kelp, as well as tempeh, miso, sour kraut (fermented cabbage), and sunflower seeds etc. all contain this kind of vitamin B12 and it can not be absorbed by humans.

This is a very serious problem for all vegans, both women and men.

Note 1: All female and male vegans must take a Vitamin B12 supplement (which are always vegan) to avoid permanent nerve damage and for vegan woman to avoid creating severe birth defects in their newborn babies.

Note 2: All Vitamin B12 supplements are made without using any animal products and are therefore vegan.

Note 3: Many dishonest companies produce spirulina capsules, powders and tablets etc. and advertise them as a rich source of Vitamin B12!

Over the years I have contacted many of those companies to ask for any scientific proof and/or any scientific documentation whatsoever of humans being able to absorb Vitamin B12 from spirulina and I have never received any reply. That is simply because it does not exist.

Note 4: As well as causing permanent nerve damage and severe birth defects in babies if the mother's diet is low in Vitamin B12 - a lack of vitamin B12 can also cause:

  • Anemia
  • Depression
  • Equilibrium difficulties
  • Jaundice
  • Memory loss
  • Mental confusion and /or mental and/or physical exhaustion
  • Numbness in the hands and / or feet
  • Paleness
  • Personality change
  • Tingling in the hands and/or feet
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness 

Note 5: If testing is done for Vitamin B12, the subject must not have been taking folic acid, as folic acid can hide a deficiency of Vitamin B12.

Note 6: As well as the extremely serious problems of vegan men and women not having a food source of Vitamin B12 in their diet, both vegan men and women also must pay careful attention to their diet to insure that they receive enough calcium in their diets as they eat no dairy product which are the major food sources of calcium in our diet.

 Google under calcium to find out the richest non-dairy food sources of calcium that appeal to you and try to eat them every day.

You then can incorporate these foods into your diet on a daily basis in the amount that you need to get the daily recommended allowance for calcium.

See also the important information regarding raw unhulled sesame seeds (and the tahini or nut butter made from it) and calcium in the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.”)

Note 7: In a study where very strict vegan religious groups in India were examined, it was found to the researcher's surprise that they suffered no medical disorders whatsoever from a lack of Vitamin B12.

The reason for this was found to be that the bread that they were eating (which was made from home stone ground flour) contained insect eggs and insect larvae that had gone undetected and was ground up along with the grain which then supplied the necessary Vitamin B12 in their diet. 

This fact was also the case when certain groups of Hindus who were strict vegans who were healthy in India, developed medical disorders caused by a lack of Vitamin B12 when they moved to the U.K.
This was because that the industrial flour and grain products in the U.K. were much more strictly controlled than the same home produced products that they were eating in India.


Non-Vegetarian Sources of Healthy Fats


Because of the ever increasing pollution of the oceans and rivers etc.by extremely dangerous chemicals such as mercury, lead and other heavy metals and of dioxins, furans, PCB's (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) etc. and of dangerous micro and nanoplastic particles - all of which concentrate in the flesh of seafood (even in seafood coming from the waters of the Arctic and the Antartica ) I do not recommend the consumption of any seafood products.

Large numbers of nanoplastic particles have also been found in fish filets when the fish has been prepared in China due to the dangerous plastics that are allowed to be used in China. Most fish filets have been prepared in China even if the fish comes from the opposite of the world (such as from Alaska or Norway etc.) because of the tremendously low wages paid to Chinese workers. It should say on the package if the fish has been prepared in China but it does not always do so. 

I do however still recommend the taking of the fish oil supplements  sold by either the companies Pure Encapsulations or Thorne.( See the section : "  Fish Oil  Supplements " below.)

Fish oils from fatty fish are rich in EPA and DHA both of which are used by the body to make prostaglandins which perform many important functions in the body and help to inhibit cancer formation.

 I recommend these 2 companies because their fish oil and is " cleaned" of dangerous chemicals such as heavy metals, dioxins, furans and PCB's etc.by using molecular distillation and not by using the deadly solvent hexane which can never be removed and has been proven to cause birth defects , cancer ,DNA damage and many other dangerous medical conditions.

Hexane is used by the vast majority of companies selling fish oil supplements.

Note: I have no connection whatsoever to these companies or to any of the companies mentioned.

I simply recommend them because of the quality of their products.

Because new supplement  formulas are constantly being created - always look up all the ingredients of all vitamin ,mineral and herbal supplements that are taken  -including the ones used by the above  2 recommended companies -  in the list found in the section : " Read This Before Taking Any Supplement" and also in www.ewg.org/skindeep 




Fatty Fish

1. Another source of healthy fats is fatty fish, which is rich in EPA and DHA, both of which are used by the body to make prostaglandins which perform many important functions in the body and help to inhibit cancer formation. The least contaminated fatty fish are wild - NOT farmed - Pacific salmon,sardines and anchovies.

Do not buy them if they are :

  • Canned
  • Packed in plastic inside a package
  • Vacuum packed in plastic

This is because of the danger of the substances found in plastic such as adipates, phthalates, plasticizers and softeners etc. and of BPA and BPS etc., which are dangerous chemicals that are found in all cans -see the section: “Food Packaging.” 

Never eat any raw salmon or any raw fish unless it has been frozen first!
This is the law in many countries because raw fish is a rich source of parasites.
Unfortunately, many Japanese restaurants pride themselves on fresh raw fish that has not been frozen.

If in a Japanese restaurant always ask if the raw fish has been frozen or not ordering it!

2. Farmed salmon (even if organic) and farmed trout and char etc. are always fed with the cheapest ground up fish (fishmeal) that virtually always comes from extremely heavily polluted waters such as the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Stream waters flowing up off the heavily polluted East coast of the United States etc.

This is why even the farmed salmon coming from the “crystal clean” waters of Norway were found to be so high in extremely dangerous mercury, dioxins and PCB`s (Polychlorinated biphenyls) that the F.D.A., the American Food and Drug agency strongly recommended that pregnant women should never eat it and other people should eat it not more than once a month.

Fishmeal often has two very dangerous chemicals - ethoxyquin and E321 BHT Butylated Hydroxytoluene - added to it.

Ethoxyquin is still allowed in many countries (although it is now banned in the EU) and is a proven cancer-causing agent and causes DNA damage.

BHT is added as a chemical used to prevent the meal from going rancid and is forbidden in some countries as a proven cancer causing agent and has caused liver and kidney damage in test animals.

Both of these chemicals enter the flesh of the farmed fish that consumes the fishmeal containing it.

3. All farmed fish are also fed antibiotics, because the water in the enclosures is so terribly filthy with fish waste. 

4. Dangerous anti-bacterial chemicals are also sprayed into the water where fish are farmed to prevent disease.

These anti-bacterial agents and antibiotics always end up as residues in the flesh of all farmed fish.


5. Farmed salmon are also always fed fishmeal that contains a dangerous coloring, which makes the farmed salmon flesh a totally unnatural bright orange color. (See E161g Canthaxanthin in my E-number guides.)

Farmed salmon have actually been dyed orange. 

Just compare the color of the flesh of a wild salmon to one that has been farmed and you will be shocked at the difference in color.

Some people who own fish farms actually claim that this color comes from feeding their fish shrimp!

Note 1: When buying wild Pacific salmon or any fish that is frozen, buy them only as loosely packed in a bag and not as vacuum packed frozen filet pieces and not in a carton where they are tightly wrapped in soft plastic inside the carton. This is because the fat in the salmon (and the fat in cheese-see “Organic Dairy Products” and the fat and blood in meat as well as the water and juice etc. in plastic bottles etc.) all leach out dangerous chemicals such as adipates, phthalates, plasticizers and softeners  from the plastic into the fish, cheese, or meat, water and juice etc.

Wild Pacific salmon can be Pink salmon, Chum or Keta salmon, Sockeye or Red salmon, Coho or Silver salmon, and Chinook or King salmon, but the most common variety is Pink and Chum or Keta salmon. The label however must always state Wild Pacific salmon.

Wild Pacific salmon, although rich in healthy fats, contains the lowest amount of mercury, PCB’s and other contaminants of all the fish tested by the United States government.

This is because the waters off the west coast of Canada and Alaska are very much less polluted than the extremely polluted areas stated earlier.

Non-fatty fish are very low in EPA and DHA but if you choose to eat them make sure that they are wild not farmed and also come from Alaska-such as Rock Sole and Alaska Pollock.

Note: Alaska Pollock is the name of the fish but it is found across the Pacific including the heavily polluted Asian coast.

Make sure that the Alaska Pollock you buy only comes from off the coast of Alaska ( FAO 67 the Northeast Pacific Ocean and not FAO 61 the Northwest Pacific Ocean.)  

Ask the company if the origin is not stated on the package.

6. Do not choose fish that comes from the:

  • African and Asian coastlines
  • Baltic Sea ,North Sea and Norwegian Sea
  • Gulf of Mexico and the Eastern coast of the United States
  • North and Middle Atlantic Ocean

7. All the following fish have been found to contain very high levels of extremely dangerous environmental pollutants such as mercury, dioxins, and PCB`s (Polychlorinated biphenyls) etc. and should not be eaten. Pregnant women must always strictly avoid eating the following fish! 

  • Flatfish
  • Halibut
  • Herring (Sill in Swedish)
  • Mackerel
  • Marlin
  • Shark
  • Swordfish
  • Tilefish (Sandborre)
  • Tuna-all species
  • Whale meat
  • Wild salmon from the Baltic Sea and the North Sea
  • All fish from the Baltic Sea and the North Sea
  • All farmed fish including char, salmon and trout etc.

Note: Pangasius, Tilapia and virtually all Sea bream are always farmed fish.

8. Note: All the sites on the net that are concerned with mercury in fish and state how much you can “ safely ” (?) eat of them never measure nor discuss the other deadly contaminants such as dioxins, PCB's and furans etc.


Fish Oil and Krill Oil Supplements

1. All fish oils including Krill oil must be “cleaned “of contaminants such as dioxins, PCB's and furans etc.

This “cleaning” is done in one of two ways.

Most companies use a simple oil refining method which lowers the contaminant levels to governmental standards - which is still extremely high given how extremely dangerous these contaminants are to our health.

The other method which is must more expensive is called molecular distillation, which results in a far more “cleaner” product with far greater lower levels of contaminants.

Both methods can use solvents.

The solvent that is virtually always used is hexane. 

Hexane has been proven to cause birth defects, cancer and DNA damage and can never be completely removed.
If you take a fish oil supplement, ask the producers (not your local health food store) how the fish oil has been "cleaned" and which solvent was used and get them to mail you the answer in a letter. As said many times before, always remember that a letter is a legal document and an e-mail or telephone conversation are not.

If you take fish oil capsules, or krill oil capsules, or take any capsules of any kind- whether it is made from animal  gelatin,, fish gelatin, or vegetarian - get it also in writing from the producer if any preservatives or if any additives are in the capsules itself  and if the capsules are hexane free or not.

The additives used in the making of any kind of capsule itself do not have to be legally listed on the package. (See point number three in the section: “Supplement Recommendations.”)

You could also cut a corner of the capsule and squeeze out the contents. 

Note 1: Do not take a fish oil or krill oil supplement if you:

  • Are about to undergo surgery
  • Are taking as anti-coagulant such as Warfarin (Coumadin)
  • Have a blood coagulation disorder

Fish oil and krill oil have a natural blood thinning effect.

Note 2: Keep all fish oil (and krill capsules) and liquid in the fridge to help keep them from going rancid and always take them with food to avoid “fish burp" - the taste of fish oil in your mouth.

Organic Dairy Products

1.Organic milk and small amounts organic butter and organic cheese are healthy for you (as long as you are not allergic to them or intolerant of them.) See the section: “Food Allergies and Food Intolerances.”

Once again, please see the excellent information on organic dairy products at www.westonprice.org.

See also the note about this site at the beginning of the “Healthy Fats” section.

2. Both butter and cheese also suffer from the same “plastic problem” as fatty fish and bloody and/or fatty meats.

The fat in the butter, cheese and meats (and the blood in meats) will leach out dangerous chemicals from plastic such as adipates, plasticizers phthalates, and softeners etc. into the food.

Note 1: “Cling film” or the soft thin plastic, which freshly cut cheese is usually packed in, is the most dangerous kind of food plastic and leaches out the most chemicals of all food plastics.

“Cling film” is extremely dangerous to your health!'

Never use it, and never eat any part of the cheese, fatty fish, or meat having been in contact with it - even if the food is organic.

The same is true for cheese paper which either has a plastic inner layer or has an inner layer treated with unhealthy paraffin wax- see E905 in my E- number guides.

Ask the personal at the cheese counter to machine cut your organic cheese so it can be packed in slices - or to buy it already sliced in a pack -so that you only have to throw away the first and the last pieces- which are the only pieces having contact with the plastic -and then store the rest in a glass container. 

Some cheeses cannot be machine cut and if you must eat organic cheese that is wrapped in any kind of plastic, make sure you cut off at least 3 slices of the cheese from every side with a cheese slicer before eating.

Try to find to find organic cheese that is not vacuumed packed but is “bubble” packed in plastic ( plastic wrapping that has had extra air added ) so there is less contact with the plastic.

Packaged organic butter should be unwrapped and “cleaned” in the same way as cheese and stored in a glass container.

Unfortunately, organic cheeses are also often coated in paraffin wax. (See E905 in my E- number guides.)
Do not eat the cheese down to the paraffin level but stop well before you get to it, or cut it away at the very beginning before you start eating the cheese.

Note 2: Pregnant women must never eat any cheese made from raw milk or drink raw milk because of the danger of listeria.

Listeria is a bacterium which can cause birth defects and can be found in raw milk, and all products made with it.

Note 3: When buying a piece of organic cheese that must be cut from a larger piece insist that a new clean knife be used and that the cut is made from the bottom up, by turning the cheese upside down. Printed labels are often on the top of the cheese and when the knife cuts through this label the print and paper then enters the cheese.

Throw away the first couple of slices from the old open side in case it was “normally” cut by cutting through the label.

Note also that this is also an excellent way to experience the real taste of that particular cheese sort.
A previously used knife will always transfer the flavor of the previously cut cheese (or cheeses) as well as any print and paper residues from cutting through the last cheese into the piece of cheese that you are buying.


Organic Eggs

1. Organic eggs also provide healthy fats.

It is wrong to believe that eggs cause cardiovascular disease.

Eggs-just as coconut oil - only raise the level of “good” cholesterol –high density cholesterol (HDL) and not the level of “bad” cholesterol –low density cholesterol (LDL.)

Note 1: Make sure that the eggs - even if they are certified organic- have not been fed with fishmeal (or possibly in the future the widespread use of meal from mussels) which some organic standards such as the EU organic certification and Swedish KRAV unbelievably and unfortunately allow.

This is virtually always the case in Sweden with both almost all the organic chickens that you eat as well and with almost all the chickens that are used for producing organic eggs!

In fact, in spite of all my searching I have only found 1 source of certified organic eggs in all of Sweden which does NOT give chicken feed that contains fishmeal or mussel meal to their chickens: Solmaka Gård in Vassmolösa (tel: 0480-36155) and only one source of certified organic chickens that are NOT fed chicken feed that contains fishmeal or mussel meal: Hagby Gård Västerås (0708-630136.)

Note 2: I have no connection whatsoever to these companies or to any companies mentioned.

Yet in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland etc. they are both easily and widely available because their national organic certification agencies such as Bioland and Naturland in Germany and many others do NOT allow the use of fishmeal or mussel meal in their chicken feed for organic chickens.

Fishmeal and meal from mussels always contain high levels of dioxins, PCP's furans, mercury and other heavy metals.

In fact in tests done by the governmental Swedish Food Agency ,certified organic eggs and certified organic chickens contain much higher levels of dioxins-which are  extremely toxic and powerful cancer causing chemicals - than non -organic eggs and non-organic chickens !

This is because the non-organic chickens are fed with soya protein and not fishmeal or mussel meal.

(Non-organic soya beans are always heavily sprayed with pesticides and are virtually always GMO- Genetically Modified.)

Ethoxyquin is still added in some countries (although it is now banned in the EU) as a fire preventative chemical to prevent the fishmeal from spontaneously igniting and is a proven cancer-causing agent.

BHT E321 is virtually always added as a preservative to prevent the fish meal and mussel meal from going rancid and has been proven to cause cancer in test animals.

BHT has been forbidden to be used as a food additive in many countries.

Both ethoxyquin and BHT enter the egg and the chicken flesh of the chickens that consume them.

Fish meal and mussel meal are absolutely not needed!

Chickens can easily get the amino acids lysine and methionine and protein that they need from a mixture of organic : beans, peas, and seeds  as shown by the thousands of organic farmers in the EU who do not feed fishmeal ,mussel meal or synthetic amino acids to their chickens.
Farmers just use fishmeal or mussel meal because it is much cheaper than the above mentioned foods. 

Ask the farmer -not the packing company or selling company -if there is fishmeal or mussel meal in the chicken feed they use and as mentioned before- ask them to reply in a letter as a letter is a legal document whereas a telephone call or an email are not.

Note 3: Please note that not all organic eggs are fertile.
If an egg is fertile there will be a small red brownish dot on the yolk.

Note 4: All non- organic chicken, both egg layers and “meat” chickens, (as well as all non-organic beef cattle, cows, goats, pigs, sheep and turkeys etc.) are fed with a feed containing at least one if not more of the following: GMO (Genetically Modified) soya beans, GMO corn, cottonseed oil or GMO rapeseed oil.

Over 72 % of the world`s non-organic soya bean crop is GMO (over 90% of the American soya bean crop is GMO) and Brazil which is the world’s second biggest producer of soya beans not only allows GMO soya beans but also allows them to be sprayed with pesticides such as lindane and paraquat etc. that are totally forbidden in the EU. 

For more information on the dangers of GMO crops see the Section: “Genetically Modified (GMO) Foods.”

Antibiotics and growth hormones are also fed to non-organic chickens.

All these end up in both in the eggs and in the chicken meat.

Note 5: Never eat raw eggs even if the eggs are organic!

Many “health food experts” recommend eating raw eggs.

Raw eggs can contain E.coli bacteria and/or salmonella both of which can be fatal.

In addition, raw egg whites contain avidin which blocks the absorption of biotin (an important nutrient) and contains conalbumin which blocks the absorption of iron.

Note 6: Virtually all individual eggs have a date marked on them.

Be careful when breaking the egg shell so that the loose egg does not run over this industrial dye color.


Organic Meat and Wild Meat

1. Organic meats and wild meats can also provide a source of healthy fat and protein etc. for the non -vegetarian.

Note 1: Make sure that the organic or wild meat: 

  • Has not been aged in vacuum packed plastic.
  • Is not vacuum packed in plastic when for sale
  • Is lying on a pad of paper inside the package and not laying directly on the plastic package
  • If the meat is packed in an air filled plastic tray - remove a thin layer of meat if possible such as with ground meat from the bottom touching the plastic.
  • if the meat is packed in an air filled plastic tray with a “diaper” (an absorbent paper or pad) on the bottom of the tray -do the same.

As mentioned many times before, the blood and the fat in the meat leach out dangerous chemicals such as adipates,phthalates,plasticizers and softeners etc. from the plastic ( and various unhealthy chemicals from the paper or pad as well ) into the meat.
At the very least-scrape the meat and rinse it well under running water before cooking.

Note 2: If you eat wild meat please be aware that some “wild” meat is actually" farmed” meat.

Deer in many countries such as New Zeeland etc, are actually kept “wild” in large fenced natural forest areas and are fed with normal pesticide sprayed grains with the pesticides of course ending up concentrating in the meat.

Reindeer in Scandinavia are also “fattened” up with normal grain before being slaughtered.

Reindeer meat also contains high amounts of dangerous cesium because they eat plants that are extremely high in cesium such as lichens etc.

Meat from wild birds, moose meat and inspected wild pig meat are much healthier.

Note 3: Never eat any wild pig meat or any pig meat ( pork ) which has not been governmentally inspected for parasites!

All pork - whether wild or farmed -can contain parasites such as trichinosis which can be fatal.

The trichinosis parasite can not be killed by freezing.

Always thoroughly cook any kind of pork, domesticated or wild, until it is no longer pink- regardless of what certain “master chefs” might say and write - to kill all possible parasites.

All meats - including all organic meats - should also be cooked until it is no longer pink to avoid all possibilities of parasitic and bacterial infections.

Beef tartar and blue and rare cooked steaks - even if organic - are an invitation to bacterial and/or parasitic infections.

Note 4: In a test done by the Swedish Food Agency 80% of the wild moose meat sold commercially contained high levels of lead.

This was due to the use of lead bullets with the hunter not cutting away enough meat from the bullet wound.


Herbs and Spices

Virtually all herbs and spices are healthy for you but try to limit your consumption of black, cayenne and hot pepper because they are very irritating to the stomach.

Black pepper-because of a substance it contains named piperine - and fat or oil helps the body to absorb the extremely valuable phytonutrients that are found in turmeric, such as the curcumoids, which have been shown to help prevent cancer and other diseases. 

Note 1: No country worldwide forbids the irradiation of herbs and spices and as a result virtually all non-organic herbs and spices are irradiated.

Try to use only organic herb and spices.

All organic food is not allowed to be irradiated.

Note 2: The herbs and spices which are extremely healthy with proven medical effects (see www. whfoods.com and see the note about this site in the “Nutritional Information about Foods” section) include:

  • (True) cinnamon (See the article: “Cinnamon vs. Cassia” below.)
  • Cloves
  • Dill
  • Garlic - If you are worried about “garlic breath”, chew some fresh parsley or some anise seeds after eating garlic.
  • Ginger
  • Onions
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Saffron Note: Pregnant must not consume saffron as it can cause miscarriages. People suffering from any liver or kidney disease should also not consume saffron as it contains natural toxins which can be dangerous to them.
  • Thyme
  • Turmeric


Cinnamon vs. Cassia

Note 1: Although cinnamon is an extremely healthy spice, almost all of what is packaged and sold as cinnamon is actually not actually true cinnamon but is actually a variety of cinnamon called cassia.

This is because that cassia is much cheaper than true cinnamon.

Cassia is unfortunately legally allowed in all countries to be called cinnamon including the EU and the United States.

Note 2: Cassia is dangerous to your health because it contains very high amounts of a proven cancer causing natural substance called coumarin.

Cassia is so dangerous to your health that it was totally forbidden in Germany for many years until the EU forced Germany to allow it.

Coumarin is so dangerous that the EU wanted to forbid Sweden from selling cinnamon buns- where only cassia is used because it is cheaper than true cinnamon - because there was enough courmarin in 1 single bun to harm a child's health.

Sweden then declared their cinnamon buns to be a traditional Swedish food and as such was exempt from EU food rules regarding cassia.

Note 3: When tested for coumarin, true cinnamon has been found to be either totally coumarin free or has been found to contain only trace amounts of it.

True cinnamon has a wonderful slightly peppery delicate spicy flavor which most people have never tasted.

Note 4: When buying ground up cinnamon look for the Latin names of Cinnamomum Verum (which translates to: “True Cinnamon”) or Cinnamomum Zeylanicum (which translates to “Cinnamon from Ceylon”- which is the old name for the country of Sri Lanka) on the package.

These 2 names are the only Latin names for true cinnamon and one of them must be printed on the package to make sure that you are buying only true cinnamon otherwise it will be cassia.

Sri Lanka is the biggest producer of true cinnamon.

Organic and Fair Trade cinnamon coming from Sri Lanka is also available.

Note 5: The only true cinnamon that I have found in Scandinavia is the Organic and Fair-Trade cinnamon sold by the companies Greenfield farm and by Urtekram and the organic cinnamon sold by the company Spicemaster.

Note 6: I have absolutely no connection whatsoever to these 3 companies nor to any company mentioned. 

The different varieties of Cassia are known in Latin as:

  • Cinnamomum Aromaticum: or Cassia cinnamon or Chinese cinnamon
  • Cinnamomum Burmanii : or Indonesian cinnamon,Korintje cinnamon or Padang Cassia
  • Cinnamomum Loureiroi or Saigon cinnamon,Vietnamese Cassia or Vietnamese cinnamon

Note 7: If you buy cinnamon sticks, known as quills, true cinnamon quills will be curled looking like telescope or a small cigar and are brittle and thin, while cassia quills will be curled inward from both sides like a scroll and are much harder and much thicker.

Once again always look for one of the 2 Latin names written above that must be stated on the package to make sure that you are buying true cinnamon.

Herb and Spice Warnings

  1. Avoid eating large amounts of cayenne, cinnamon, garlic and ginger (and taking supplements of them) if about to undergo any surgery as they all have anti-blood clotting effects.
  2. If you suffer from low blood pressure you should avoid garlic and garlic supplements, because garlic and garlic supplements can lower blood pressure.
  3. If you suffer from high blood pressure you should eat as much garlic as possible.
  4. Oregano blocks the absorption of iron by the body.
  5. If you suffer from any kind of liver and/or kidney disease or disorder you must avoid saffron. Saffron contains natural toxins which healthy people can detoxify but is dangerous for those people with any kind of liver and/or kidney problems.
  6. You must also avoid saffron also if you are pregnant as it can cause miscarriages.
  7. Rose pepper is not related to black pepper or white pepper (which is black pepper with the black peel taken off.) Rose Pepper is a totally different species than black or white pepper.
  8. Rose pepper has caused:
    • Chest pains
    • Diarrhea
    • Headache
    • Hemorrhoids
    • Sore throats



1. 80% of all headaches are estimated to be caused by dehydration, not stress.

If you have a headache, drink three glasses of cool water and if possible lay down in a dark cool room with a light cotton sheet over you and the window slightly open for fresh air.

Do not just reach automatically for a painkiller.

See the section: “Quick Headache and Tired Cure.”

Note 1: If you have only unfiltered tap water to drink, always let the water run as powerful as possible for a few minutes before drinking the water to avoid drinking the water that might have been in plastic pipes or old pipes for a while.

This is especially extremely important in the morning !

2. A 2011 study by the Swedish government showed that over one-third of all water faucets released more than the allowable limit for lead.

3. All chrome plated faucets-which is virtually the only type sold- are made with a metal mixture that includes lead.

After running the water powerfully for a minimum of 3 minutes the lead was reduced to allowable limits-although lead is highly dangerous at any level.

If possible buy 100% stainless steel faucets.


Although fluoride is banned in all EU countries except the U.K.and Ireland, some other countries such as Canada and the United States still add fluoride to their water supply.

Fluoride is a poison and there is a tremendous amount of valid scientific information on the net about just how dangerous it is .See the excellent site: www.nofluoride.com



1. Normal tap water always contains natural organic matter such as tiny amounts of decaying vegetation.

Chlorine which is used to disinfect tap water reacts with this natural matter and creates DMP`s, or disinfection by-products.

Chief among these are THMs-Trihalomethanes and VOC- Volatile Organic Compounds. (This has obviously nothing to do with organic foods!)

THMs-Trihalomethanes have been shown to:

  • Cause cancer
  • Trigger the production of free radicals in the body

VOC-Volatile organic compounds have been shown to:

  • Create central nervous system depression and drowsiness
  • Irritate the skin and mucous membranes

Industrial chemicals and pesticides can also be present in tap water.


2. All of these chemicals can be removed by using an inexpensive activated carbon block filter but make sure that the activated carbon block  filter does not contain any silver compounds in it.

An inexpensive activated carbon block filter will also remove chlorine, herbicides and pesticides from the water.

These silver compounds always enter the water and are dangerous to your health.

Ask the manufacturer to reply to you in a letter if there are silver compounds added to the activated carbon filter.

As stated many times before, a letter is a legal document, whereas a telephone call or an e-mail is not.

Activated charcoal filters come in two types, granular and block.

The block is superior to the granular in removing more pollutants from the water.

This is because the loose material in the granular filter forms channels which allow the water to run through it without getting completely filtered.

The block activated charcoal filter consists of compressed carbon so water channels cannot be formed.

Note 1: The widely sold activated charcoal filters that are often sold together as a set together with a plastic pitcher container removes only one-half the pollutants after only 90 liters of water.

As stated many times before - it is also extremely unhealthy to drink any liquid from any kind of plastic container because of the dangerous chemicals such as adipates, plasticizers, phthalates and softeners etc. that always leaches out from all plastics into the liquid.

Water is an excellent solvent and acts just like the blood and the fat in meats and the fat in cheese in leaching out dangerous chemicals from plastics.

Note 2: You can also use a reverse osmosis system to create safe drinking water but in many reverse osmosis systems the membranes are preserved with formaldehyde, which is very dangerous to your health.

Make sure that if you buy one that it is formaldehyde and plastic free. For information on the dangerous effects of formaldehyde see the section: “Carpets and Rugs.”

Note 3: The problem of water pollutants also occurs when taking showers or baths because these pollutants are also absorbed through our skin.

A normal adult, taking a fifteen minute bath can be equal to drinking a liter of the same water. (Source: "Home Sweet Home” by Debra Lynn Dadd, Penguin Books, New York.)

(This excellent book is also the source for all of the facts stated in this section.)

A twenty-five kilo child can absorb up to ten times as much contamination from swimming in a pool for an hour as from drinking a liter of water. 

A good inexpensive investment would be a simple screw- on charcoal filter for your shower head but make sure it does not contain any silver compounds in it.

The EPA, the Environmental Protection Association of the American government, has declared that chloroform, which is a THM released from hot running shower water, is a major source of indoor air pollution.

Note 4: Always have the bathroom fan on or a window or door open, when taking a hot shower or a bath to avoid breathing in chloroform fumes and if taking a bath enter the bath after the bathtub is filled.

Chloroform is found in the water of course as well as in the fumes and can cause liver and kidney damage, central nervous system depression and is a suspected cancer-causing agent.

Note 5: Parents should seriously consider the two points of the absorption of dangerous water pollutants through the skin and of the danger of chlorine fumes when considering taking their children (and themselves!) to public pools which literally “stink” of chlorine.

See the excellent site: www.ewg.org for extremely important information on water filters and the reliability of the companies that make them and to find out about which water filters have been governmentally approved.

Both by letting your drinking water “sit” overnight in a glass container or by boiling it for five minutes in a glass or stainless steel pot or canister-see the section: “Healthy Kitchen and Cooking Supplies”- before drinking it will at least get rid of the chlorine in your drinking water but will not get rid of DMP`s.

If unsure about the safety of your water have it tested for not only bacterial content but also for heavy metals and pesticides etc.

Note 6: All bottled water is much less controlled for dangerous environmental pollutants than governmentally controlled tap water.

Note 7: Never drink any water from any plastic bottle, whether the water is in normal store bought plastic bottles or from special “sport” bottles etc. that are especially made for cyclists and joggers etc.

Only drink water, or any liquid, if it is glass or unlined stainless steel bottles to avoid consuming BPA and BPS etc. (See the section: “Food Packaging.”)

Note 8: Make sure you drink at least four glasses of water per day, in addition to your normal fluid intake.

This helps the liver and the kidneys to flush out toxins from the body.

Note 9: If there is blood in your urine (or feces) go see your doctor immediately for an examination.

If you are always thirsty all the time no matter how much you drink, go see your doctor also. It could be a sign of early diabetes.




Avoid All Food Additives and Flavors

See the information in the above section: “Quick Diet Summary “and in my E-number guides.



“The best way to deal with diabetes is to prevent it and the best way to prevent it is to reduce sugar consumption.”

 – Dr. Fredrik Banting M.D. 

Dr. Frederick Banting won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of insulin.

“The sugar-laden American and European diets have led to a national epidemic of irrational behavior, emotional instability, distorted judgment and dangerous personality defects”

- Drs. Cherskin M.D. and Ringdorf M.D. Alabama University, USA.

1. There has been a 65% increase in the increase of diabetes in the Western world over the past 40 years. 

2.70% of the sugar that you eat  is hidden in the processed foods you eat and drink.

Start reading the ingredients of the food you buy.

3.Opposite to what the “(un) health food” industry would like you to believe, all raw "sugars "are exactly as unhealthy and have exactly the same effects in our bodies as “normal” white sugar, this includes (even organic):

  • Amaske
  • Barbados molasses
  • Barbados sugar
  • Barley malt
  • Blackstrap molasses
  • Brown rice syrup
  • Coconut sugar
  • Coconut syrup
  • Concentrated grape juice
  • Corn syrup (and HFCS High Fructose Corn Syrup) are virtually always made from GMO corn.
    See: “Genetically Modified (GMO) Foods.”
  • Date syrup
  • Demerara sugar
  • Dextrose
  • Evaporated cane juice
  • Invert sugar or invert syrup
  • Jaggery
  • Malt
  • Maltodextrin
  • Maltodextrose
  • Molasses
  • Muscovado sugar
  • Palm sugar or palm syrup
  • Rapadura sugar
  • Raw cane sugar
  • Raw sugar
  • Rice malt
  • Rice syrup
  • Sorghum molasses or sorghum syrup
  • Sucanat sugar
  • Sugar beet syrup
  • Treacle
  • Turbinado sugar etc.

Note 1: None of these products are “rich in minerals” as so often is claimed by the “(un) health food” products containing them.

If you check the mineral content of these sugars they are always low and are always listed per 100 grams!

The only sugar product that provides a good source of some minerals such as copper, iron and manganese is blackstrap molasses.

“Health food stores” are full of (often organic) baked goods, breads, breakfast cereals, cakes, candies, cookies deserts granolas, health bars, mueslis, and puddings etc. that are packed full of these above listed sugars.

All the above sugars and white sugar are immediately broken down to glucose, which immediately causes a rapid glucose level rise in the blood.

The pancreas then reacts by dumping insulin into the bloodstream to lower this level, causing a rapid fall.

If it falls too rapidly the adrenal glands then release hormones to provide for the rapid breakdown of stored glucose to raise glucose levels again.

This is known as the “rollercoaster effect.”

It is also caused by all refined grains such as white flour, white rice, rice flour, peeled mashed potatoes, instant potatoes, sifted rye flour, corn starch, potato starch, and rice starch etc. and any food that has had the fiber removed. Puffed crackers such as brown rice crackers and corn (maize) crackers etc. even if they are made from the whole grain including the fiber- also create the same effect in the body due to the molecular structure of the puffed grain.

Note 2: Many people spend the whole day getting “sugar fixes” or “caffeine fixes” and “tobacco fixes” to get over the horrible feelings of extreme mental and physical tiredness caused by low blood sugar (which is actually glucose) and this roller – coaster effect.

White sugar or sucrose and all raw “sugars” consist of one molecule of glucose together with one molecule of fructose.

Note 3: This roller coaster effect is one of the main reasons for the “disruptive” behavior and “temper tantrums “in children.

Parents must stop giving their children high amounts of "sugars", cola drinks and energy drinks -both of which contain high amounts of addictive caffeine - and all candies etc. containing artificial colors, artificial sweeteners and flavors.

All of these products  have been proven to cause disruptive behavior and temper tantrums.

All of the above have been proven to cause “bad behavior” in adults as well as in children - such as anger and rage as well as crying spells, depression and even severe depression to the point of suicide etc.

In fact many cases of ADHD etc.have been proven to be nothing more than an extreme reaction to sugars, caffeine and artificial colors, artificial sweetners and flavors.

If you have a child suffering from ADHD etc. or are suffering from it yourself - then try strictly avoiding all sugars, caffeine, artificial colors,artificial sweeteners and flavors for 2 weeks and see what happens.

(The term "natural flavor "means absolutely nothing legally.)

True natural flavors would be the actual food itself such as vanilla or freeze died or powdered strawberries or raspberries etc. 

Strictly avoid eating or drinking anything that lists “flavor " or " natural flavor."

See also the section: “Food Allergies and Food Intolerances” which can cause the exact same kind of reactions.

This endless cycle of the rollercoaster effect eventually destroys your pancreas and adrenal glands etc. and causes many behavioral, mental, and physical health disorders.

All of these sugars greatly compromise our immune system.

They do this by causing a drastic decrease in the activity of white blood cells which destroy bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells etc.

This makes any existing health disorder worse and open up the body to new ones.

Note 5: If suffering from any physical and/ or mental disease or sickness, all sugars and refined grains etc. should be strictly avoided.

Note 6: Do not become an “organic health food sugar junkie” by:

  • Eating large amounts of organic dried fruit that has not been soaked in water overnight.
  • Drinking organic undiluted fruit juice and organic undiluted carrot juice, (always dilute them one third with water to lower their extremely high “natural” sugar content.)
  • Eating large amounts of organic honey, organic maple syrup and organic blackstrap molasses etc.
  • Eating “Raw “or” Natural " organic sugars.
  • If you eat either the above -or the before mentioned "sugars" on the list written earlier - you will you will suffer the same dangerous health destroying effects  as if you only ate large amounts of white sugar.


Organic Honey

Organic honey is usually defined as : ( Always check with the organic certifying association)

  • That within the bee´s maximum flying distance then must be only either uncultivated land or organic farms. Bees will go to any nectar sources no matter where they might be. Honey can contains high levels of extremely dangerous contaminants such as lead etc. This is because the nectar sources from which the bees have taken nectar from have been close to highways and industries etc.
  • That the bees must make their own comb from beeswax, or that genuine beeswax combs are provided. In non-organic honey production the combs are allowed to be made of dangerous paraffin which then enters the honey. See E 905 in my E- number guides.
  • That certain medications allowed for normal bees (which can enter the honey) are not allowed.

Honey contains very little in the way of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals but is rich in antioxidants (flavonoids and phenolic acids) which help protect against cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Dark varieties of honey contain higher amounts of antioxidants than light varieties of honey.

Please note that much higher levels of various antioxidants are found in slightly cooked vegetables and in raw fruits than in all varieties of honey.

Honey is still however very high in sugar (fructose and glucose) so it should only be used sparingly.

Note 1: Do not become a " honey addict " using large amounts of honey every day thinking that it is a miracle food and great for your health or you will suffer the exact same serious health problems that all the " sugars " cause.

Note 2: Only buy honey if it is packed in glass and never in a plastic containing or in a tin. (See the section: “Food Packaging.”)

Try to buy only organic honey that is raw and has not been heated and pasteurized. 

Note 3: Never give any kind of honey to babies under 1 year old because of the danger of botulism.

Note 4: If you are allergic to pollen or royal jelly, you must avoid honey also.

Organic Maple Syrup

Virtually everyone loves the taste of maple syrup, but always remember that it is extremely concentrated.

It takes 45 liters of maple tree “sap” boiled down to make 1 liter of maple syrup.

Maple syrup is also poor in nutrients but contains some antioxidants (polyphenols) but much less than honey.

As with honey because of its high sugar content it should be used sparingly.

Note 1: Only buy organic maple syrup that is packed in a glass bottle and never in a plastic container or in a tin. (See the section:” Food Packaging.”)

Although maple trees are not sprayed directly with pesticides the area around them can be.

This is forbidden to be done with the maple trees that produce organic maple syrup.

Defoaming agents are always used in making non-organic maple syrup and since they are legally defined as “processing aids “they do not have to be written on the label as ingredients and never are despite the fact that you consume them.

In non- organic maple syrup dangerous chemicals such as Mono and diglycerides E471, Propylene glycol E1520 and Propyl gallate E310 are always used. (See my E-number guides.)

These are not allowed to be used in organic maple syrup.

Note 2: The following substances are also legally defined as “processing aids” and do not have to be written as ingredients on the label and never are:

  • Beef fat
  • Pig fat or lard
  • Non-organic GMO vegetable oils such as canola (rapeseed) oil or soya oil
  • Non-organic milk and butter

Many producers of organic maple syrup use no defoamers but if they do use defoamers only organic defoamers such as organic butter, organic milk or organic vegetable oil are allowed.

Other Healthy Sugar Replacements include:

1. Organic apple juice makes an excellent sweetener especially in baking.

Note: Always drink sweet fruit juices and carrot juice with at least one third water added to reduce the amount of natural sugars found in them.

Natural sugars have exactly the same effect in the body as white sugar.

2. Organic granulated or grounds up dried dates are an excellent sweetener in baking and are nutritious.

3. Organic true cinnamon powder (see the section: “Cinnamon vs. Cassia” section) can also often totally replace the sweet taste of sugar with its own spicy flavor.Organic dried vanilla powder or freshly scrapped organic vanilla from the pods can often totally replace the sweet taste of sugar with its own wonderful flavor.

4.Organic dried vanilla powder or freshly scrapped organic vanilla from the pods can often totally replace the sweet taste of sugar with its own wonderful flavor.

5.Organic Lucuma powder( Pouteria lucuma. )This powder is made from the powder of the lucumu fruit and tastes like a mixture between maple syrup and butterscotsch.It is not free of " sugars " but has 25% of the sugar content as white sugar. 

6.Organic Monk fruit powder. Luo han guo (Siraitia grosvenorii.) This fruit owes its powerful sweetness ( it is 250 times sweeter than sugar ) not to any kind of sugar it contains but to chemicals called mogrocides which our taste buds perceive as sweet.It does not raise the blood sugar ( glucose ) level so it can be used by diabetics ,or by people on a keto diet or by people trying to lose weight.

Note 1: Never use any of the following synthtetic sweeteners !

They have ALL been proven to be dangerous to your health :

( See my E-number guides : )

E 950  Acesulfame K
E 951  Aspartame
E 952  Cyclamates
E 954  Saccharin
E 955  Sucralose
E 957  Thaumatin
E 959  Neohesperidine DC
E 960  Steviol glycosides 
E 961  Neotame
E 962  Salt of aspartame-acesulfame
E 967  Xylitol
E 968  Erythritol
E 969  Advantame 

Note 2: Even though Stevia ( E960) has been heavily promoted as an" organic totally natural safe sweetener "- it is absolutely not.

Both steviol and rebaudioside A which are found in Stevia have been found to be mutagenic (a physical or chemical agent that permanently changes genetic material.)

Use the before mentioned safe and healthy sweetners to make your life a bit sweeter instead of shorter.


When the Sugar Bug bites

  1. Drink 2 large glasses of cool water. Dehydration can often cause a desire to eat something sweet.
  2. Eat some (organic) food that is high in protein and/or healthy fat, such as a handful of raw unroasted and unsalted almonds, hazelnuts or sunflower seeds etc.
  3. Eat some whole fresh nutritious (organic) fruit such as an organic banana or an organic orange etc. and eat it at room temperature as coldness decreases the sweet taste sensation.
  4. Eat a small amount of organic dried fruit (best soaked overnight in water) such as a couple of pieces of organic dried apricots, organic dates, organic dried mangos, or a handful of organic unoiled raisins. Ideally eat them together with some healthy fat such as organic nuts or seeds etc.The fat will slow down the rise in your blood sugar levels.
  5. Eat a small amount (1 teaspoon) of organic honey or organic maple syrup  on a piece of organic whole grain bread or organic whole grain hard bread that has some healthy fat -such as organic butter or organic olive oil on it.Once again the fat will slow down the rise in your blood sugar levels.

Note: The craving for sugar - especially in women who are vegans and vegetarians- can often be a craving for a quick energy source or boost.

This can also be a sign of anemia.

People suffering from this craving should get their blood checked for levels of iron.


Make Your Own Sugar Free Healthy Granola and Muesli

  1. Try to use only organic ingredients.
  2. Make your own granola  by simply combining different combinations of  organic whole grain unsweetened flakes such as oat flakes and barley flakes etc. and freshly chopped organic dried fruits such as apricots, dates, mangos or prunes and then adding a dash of organic cinnamon powder (not cassia) and/ or dried organic vanilla powder.
  3. Place on a stainless steel or glass tray (never use Teflon, silicone, plastic or any non-stick cookware or bake ware for any purpose ) and bake on low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. After baking, add some whole raw, unroasted and unsalted almonds, hazelnuts or/and raw unroasted and unsalted sunflower seeds etc. and you´ve got a very nutritious and delicious breakfast meal especially when combined with organic: cottage cheese or yoghurt etc. and some raw organic fruit.

This granola is also an excellent food to take when hiking or camping.

Note 1: I do not recommend soymilk or any unfermented soya bean product, whether it be organic or not. For more information on this subject please see the excellent articles: “Myths and Truths about Soy” and “Soya Alert” on the site: www.westonprice.org.

Note that I do not agree with all of the dietary recommendations that this site presents - which can easily be noticed when comparing my dietary recommendations with the dietary recommendations on this site.

I do however agree fully with their excellent information and recommendations about healthy fats, their information and recommendations against raps (canola) oil and other oils and their recommendations against unfermented soya products on this site.


Refined Grains

1. This includes all:

  • White flour
  • White rice
  • Sifted rye flour. This is rye flour that has had all the fiber (the bran and germ removed) which is why almost all rye breads are very light in color. The word “sifted” does not have to be legally written and is virtually never written on the ingredient list.
  • Rice flour
  • Cornstarch
  • Rice starch

Other foods that have the same effect in the body include:

  • French fries –see also the section: “Healthy Fats”
  • Instant potatoes
  • Mashed peeled potatoes
  • Potato starch

(If you eat potatoes-eat them together with their “skins” to obtain the fiber that is in the potato skins. Do not bake potatoes in aluminum foil.

The aluminum will enter the food and aluminum has been linked to increased rates of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and cancer-especially breast cancer.

Because of this do not use aluminum pots and pans and do not use any deodorants and antiperspirants that contain any aluminum compound such as aluminum chloride etc.)

Note: All of these heavily processed products have the exact same effect as sugars in the body.

All of these products are either very low in fiber or contain virtually no fiber at all which means that there is a quick breakdown to glucose within the body with the exact same health destroying effects that sugars cause.


2. Fiber is extremely important for your health.

Fiber is found in beans, fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables and whole grain products.

Note 1: Eggs, fish, meat, milk and milk products do not contain fiber.

Note 2 : Virtually all psyllium husks , psyllium powder and psyllium seeds coming from India and Pakistan have been found to contain extremely high levels of lead - even those that are certified organic.( The country of origin is usually stated on the package. If it is not -ask the producer.)This is because of the massive widespread enviromental pollution that exists in those countries. DO NOT USE THEM ! Lead is a deadly poisan.No safe amount or safe level of lead has ever been determined although there are governmental " allowed levels " for lead in food.Only use psyllium products if they have been certified organically grown in Europe.

Fiber is extremely important for the prevention of many medical disorders such as:

  • Colon cancer
  • Constipation
  • Crohn`s disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Hemorrhoids
  • IBS- irritable bowel syndrome
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Varicose veins


3. Refined grain products are also extremely nutritionally poor - even if “enriched” with a few synthetic vitamins – when compared to whole grain foods.

There is a tremendous loss of both vitamins and minerals when a whole grain is processed into a refined grain.

For example, when whole wheat flour is made into white flour, it has lost:

  • 98% of its Manganese
  • 95% -- Vitamin E
  • 80% -- Vitamin B1
  • 80% -- Iron
  • 75% -- Vitamin B3
  • 75% -- Magnesium
  • 70% -- Phosphorus
  • 65% -- VitaminB2
  • 65% -- Copper
  • 50% -- Pantothenic Acid
  • 50% -- Vitamin B6
  • 50% -- Calcium
  • 50% -- Potassium

Similar losses occur when wholegrain rye flour is made into sifted rye flour.
Try to eat only organic whole grain foods.


Healthy and Unhealthy Bread

1. Processing aids are the substances that are used in producing foods but do not have to be legally listed as ingredients although you do eat them.

This a scandal and should not be allowed.

Bread is an example of this scandal.

Among the many processing aids used to make a non-organic loaf of bread, all of which do not have to legally be written on the label are:

  • Baking agents
  • Dough conditioners
  • Dough “helping” raising agents
  • Yeast additives
  • Yeast foods
  • The kind of fat used in the bread form to keep the bread from being burnt and to allow it to be easily removed.
  • Plus all the preservatives and other chemicals used in all of the above products.

A loaf of non-organic “normal” bread often contains up to 40 undeclared different chemicals contained in the various processing aids used!

Note 1: The problem with processing aids is exactly the same as the problem with all food additives, flavors and pesticides (which includes all fungicides and herbicides etc.) :

1. Since they are all tested only on animals we can never be sure of the effect that that they have on humans

2. The fact that they are all always tested separately and are never tested for their combined effects yet are virtually always found in multiple combinations in food products means that we have absolutely no idea of what effect they have on us.

3. All the testing of individual food additives, flavors and pesticides (herbicides and fungicides etc.) are done by the private companies that have created them and are NOT tested by any governmental agency. 

Governments simply accept the test results of the companies that have made them and do NO independent testing by themselves.

4.The same processing aids, food additives,flavours, pesticides ( and fungicides and herbicides etc.) can often be forbidden in one country yet allowed in another. 

(For many examples of this see the earlier section “Quick Diet Summary " found at the beginning.) 

Two examples of this which are used in bread are azodicaronamide and potassium bromate.

Both of these deadly substances have been totally banned for use in the EU but are fully allowed in many countries including the United States.

1. Azodicarbonamide (ADA), is a chemical used to bleach and leaven dough and has been proven to cause cancer in test animals. 

2. Potassium bromate is an oxidizer that helps bread to rise and has also been proven to cause cancer in test animals.

Both of them are totally unnecessary. 

Humans have been making healthy bread without any processing aids for thousands of years.

They are only used to increase profits at the expense of your health.

Virtually all non-organic breads are baked from premixes, which contain all the ingredients and all of these additives.

The baker simply has to add water and bake. 

It is both much cheaper and a time saver for bakers to use a prepackaged mix.

Very few non-organic breads are made from the basic ingredients themselves and even when it is these processing aids are often added and are undeclared on the label.

2. Try to buy only organic breads that follow these guidelines :( or make your own bread.)

  • The bread should not contain any added “sugars” of any kind. The declared sugar content should be not more than 2.5 grams per 100 grams. That would be the absolute maximum amount found in the natural grains. Of course, if the bread contains fruits, nuts or seeds etc. this amount would be higher.
    Note: Never trust the sentence: “All sugar added is used by the yeast”

    This sentence means absolutely nothing legally.

    The ingredients written in the ingredient list and the maximum amount of 2.5 grams of sugar per 100 grams is what is important.

    I have seen that sentence and/or the word “unsweetened” written on the label of breads containing up to 9 grams of sugar per 100 grams!
  • The bread should not contain any of these dangerous fats all of which contain deadly trans fats: (See the section: “Unhealthy Fats.”) 
    • Hardened fats
    • Hydrogenated fats
    • Partially hydrogenated fat
    • Partially hardened fat
    • Margarines
    • Shortening

Avoid also all “unspecified” vegetable fats (these are just listed as “Vegetable Fat” on the ingredient list) and all “unspecified” vegetable oils (these are just listed as “Vegetable oil” on the ingredient list.)

Never eat cottonseed oil. (See the section: “Healthy Fats.”)

As written before, bread and all baked goods should only contain organic healthy saturated fats (fats which are a solid at room temperature) such as organic butter or organic coconut oil,- or organic palm oil, and organic palm kernel oil which are used in large scale organic food production and are not usually sold in small quantities in stores.

Note: If the palm oil and the palm kernel nut oil are organic then no endangered rain forests have been cut down to produce them. This is issue is strictly paid attention to and is not allowed by the certifying agencies for organic foods.

Healthy saturated fats are the only kind of fats that should be used when baking (or frying) because of the very high temperatures that the fat is subjected to.

They do not create dangerously unhealthy lipid peroxides and unhealthy free radicals when subjected to high temperatures.

All liquid vegetable oils, all of which are either monounsaturated such as olive oil and rapeseed oil or polyunsaturated such as corn oil, flax seed oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil, rice bran oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, soya bean oil, sunflower oil, wheat germ oil should never be used because they do create  unhealthy lipid peroxides and  unhealthy free radicals when subjected to high temperatures both during frying and baking and also (except for extra - virgin olive oil) when they were made. (See the section:  "Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.”)

  • All ingredients have to be legally listed by weight, so always make sure that if your bread contains any white flour or sifted rye flour etc. that it is listed in the ingredient list after the stone ground whole wheat flour, grahams flour, whole wheat flour or stone ground rye flour or wholegrain rye flour etc.
  • Always read the ingredient list of any food before you buy it! This includes all organic foods as well!

3.Be aware of the legal tricks that companies use to fool you that you are actually eating healthy bread when you are not!

1.Chief among them is to add caramel, malt, malted flour, or molasses etc. to the “white” bread to make it more “dark” looking, so that it looks like it is made from whole grains.

2.Another trick used is to add some whole grains ,whole grain flakes, flax seeds, hemp seeds, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or nuts etc. to the outside (and sometimes to the inside as well) of the “white” bread to make it “appear” more wholesome and healthy.

3. The bread should not contain any broken, crushed or ground up: flax seeds, sunflower seeds or nuts etc.

These products are virtually always old and rancid.

Very few - if any - bakeries actually buy these foods in their whole natural state and then crush etc. the nuts and the seeds themselves.

Note: There should be no “burnt” flakes, grains or seeds etc. on the outside of the bread.

These “carbonized” foods are very unhealthy and contain cancer-causing substances known as Heterocyclic Amines (HCA`s.)

If you eat pizza try to get the pizza without any black color on the bottom or just do not eat the blackened bottom pieces.

This is also true for crisp breads. (See Number 5 below.)

If you eat barbecued, fried or grilled food, always remove the black burnt parts on the vegetables, corn and meats etc.

See the section: “Healthy Kitchen and Cooking Supplies.”

4. All sliced breads that are vacuum packed in plastic-including organic breads- have been sliced by a knife dipped in oil or fat.

That is why almost all of these breads are fatty to the touch. 

The first and last bread pieces-even in organic sliced bread packages- are in contact with the vacuum plastic pack and as mentioned before cause a transfer of dangerous chemicals that are found in the plastic via the oil or fat in to the bread and should therefore not be eaten.

5. Organic crisp breads or dried hard breads are very healthy, because they usually contain no fats, sugars or white flour, but they can contain high levels of a dangerous chemical named acrylamide, which is a proven cancer -causing agent.

 Acrylamide is created by the roasting methods- depending on both the temperature and/or the amount of time that the hard bread was baked.

The highest levels of acrylamide are found in potato chips, French fries and coffee.

Ask the producer to reply to you in writing what the acrylamide level of their product is.

They often do not know.

See the Swedish Government`s Food Department website site for the levels found in various brands of crisp bread.

This site is also shown in English.

Note: Never eat any crisp bread that has burnt black or dark brown areas on it-as many crisp types of bread do! See Number 4 above.

6. Wheat germ is an excellent food, if you can get it fresh the same day it has been made or has been kept in the store cooler or fridge for one week or less and has not been defatted.

Defatting wheat germ always involves the use of dangerous chemicals such as hexane-which can never be removed from the food treated with it-and removes most if not all of the vitamin E as well.

Wheat germ goes rancid in less than a week at room temperature.

Note: The unrefrigerated wheat germ you buy in stores is always rancid even if it does not taste bad.

Avoid wheat germ oil as it can only be extracted using high heat (see the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.”) and goes rancid even faster than wheat germ.

It is often found in Vitamin E capsules so always read the ingredients.


Unhealthy Fats and Oils

1. Once again avoid all these dangerous kinds of fats previously listed (see the “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils" and the “Healthy and Unhealthy Bread” sections) even if they are organic.

All of the following contain dangerous trans fats (trans- fatty acids):

  • Hardened fats
  • Hydrogenated fats
  • Partially hydrogenated fats
  • Partially hardened fats
  • Margarine
  • Shortening

2. Avoid all “unspecified” vegetable fats (these are just listed as “Vegetable Fat” on the ingredient list.)

Avoid also all “unspecified” vegetable oils (these are just listed as “Vegetable oil “on the ingredient list. Never eat cottonseed oil. (See the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.”) Never eat sunflower oil. (See the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.”)

3.Trans fats are formed when hydrogenating vegetable oils.

Hydrogenation means that an extra hydrogen molecule is added to the vegetable oils during the process of cooking them at high temperatures.

 Bakeries, take-away foods and restaurants etc. always use the cheapest fats they can find and do not legally have to list the ingredients.

Ask what kind of fats are used and get the reply in writing because as mentioned before a letter is a legal document whereas a telephone call or email is not.

3. All of the 6 types of extremely unhealthy fats listed above contain trans fats which have been directly linked to causing:

  • Birth defects
  • Breast cancer
  • Decreased testosterone levels in men
  • Diabetes
  • Essential fatty acid deficiencies
  • Heart disease
  • Immune suppression
  • Increased levels of the harmful type of cholesterol-low density cholesterol (LDL)
  • Low birth weights of infants
  • Low quality and volume of breast milk
  • Obesity
  • Prostate cancer


Reduce Salt Intake

1. The governmental recommended amount of salt intake for adults is 3/4 of a teaspoon per day. (See also Number 5 below.)

Note 1: No salts are “rich” in minerals etc.
When the “minerals” found in Himalaya salt or “Pink salt " - and certain sea salts etc. are listed in a nutritional table they are always extremely low and are always listed per 100 grams. But who can eat 100 grams of salt! 

Do not use Himalaya salt -or “Pink salt "- it is not healthy for you.

Himalaya salt has been found to contain contains high levels of heavy metals such as lead and mercury that come from the tremendous amount of air pollution that concentrates from all over India at the base and foothills of the Himalaya mountains and also contains various radioactive elements such as radium, plutonium and uranium etc. which are naturally occurring.

2. Soya sauce and tamari sauce-even if organic- always contain high amounts of PFGA Processed Free Glutamic Acid (see E 620 in my E- number guides) that creates the same effect as MSG (Monosodium glutamate) in the body and should be avoided.

Note : People can actually get “addicted” to soya sauce and tamari sauce (and to bouillons etc. and to all foods that contain PFGA’s-see the section “Unhealthy Food Products Found in Health Food Stores”) where they add it to all foods in ever increasing amounts because they feel that nothing tastes good without it.

          PFGA’s can also cause impatient or even frenzied eating.

This is because of the effect that PFGA’s have on the brain and is the reason why they are called excitotoxins.

3. Most salt always contains the dangerous additives E 535, E 536, E 538 or  E551to prevent the salt from clumping.

A few grains of rice and shaking will do the same.

4. Newly made sea salts have been found to virtually always contain micro and nanoparticles of plastic because our oceans are so polluted with plastic.

No ocean or sea is free of these dangerous particles of plastic.

Note :Only buy salt that comes from ancient underground salt mines ( which is also sea salt but from a time when the oceans were unpolluted ) that contains no additives instead of "normal" salt containing additives. 

Organic herbal salt which usually contains at least 20% dried organic herbs can also be used in an effort to reduce salt intake but make sure that the salt used in the organic herbal salt is also from  ancient underground salt mines and not from newly made sea salt and contains no additives.

5. Note: Do not use iodized salt if suffering from hyperthyroidism.

The recommended allowance of not more than 3/4 of a teaspoon of iodized salt per day also provides you with the recommended necessary dosage of iodine.

6. High levels of salt intake have been directly linked as a major factor in the following medical disorders:

  • Adrenal gland disorders
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Colon cancer
  • Edema
  • Esophagus cancer
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney disease
  • Low immune response
  • PMS (Premenstrual syndrome)
  • Strokes

Note: If suffering from any of the above, you should decrease your sodium intake and also try to increase your potassium intake.

The foods with the best potassium to sodium ratio are (try to get them organic):

  1. Bananas 440:1
  2. Oranges 260:1
  3. Avocados 130:1
  4. Apples 90:1
  5. Carrots 75:1


Avoid These Billion Dollar Health Destroyers Even If Organic

1. All tobacco products and vaping products.

2. All alcohol including red wine.

All the phytonutrients such as anthocyanins, catechins, flavonoids and polyphenols such as resveratrol etc. that are found in red wine and that are healthy for you, are also found in even higher amounts in red or blue grapes and their juices and in dark raisins.

This is because of the fact that that all of these phytonutrients are found in the dark grape skins.

Many “ (un)health food ” authors and even governmental nutritional “experts” recommend drinking one or two glasses of red wine per day, yet they never recommend drinking dark grape juice or eating red or blue grapes or eating  dark raisins!

Note: All non-organic grapes are heavily sprayed with dangerous pesticides so it is extremely important that only organic grapes and organic raisins are eaten and to only drink organic grape juice.

3. This is just another example of how these multi-billion dollar industries are influencing the healthy food movement and governments.

Suddenly these health destroying industries that have for a long time hated the healthy food movement are now investing in them and suddenly organic:

  • Black tea
  • Coffee
  • Raw sugars
  • Red wine - are “healthy “for you now because they are now organic!

Alcohol is actually the waste product of the bacteria which eats the sugar.

In other word the bacteria eat the sugar and "pee" out the alcohol.

This is absolutely true.

All alcohol is poisonous whether it is organic or not.

If your best friend drunk a liquid and then started to slur while speaking, see double and not be able to walk straight etc. you would rush him or her to the hospital.

Yet alcohol does the same, and we think that it is funny.

Alcohol is medically classified as a poison and too much will kill you.

When you are drunk, you are medically defined as being poisoned.

4. Note: If you think that you must have alcohol to have fun, you need help and must get it before you become an alcoholic.

You must be able to be satisfied with who you are, and how you talk and act and be able to have fun without the use of alcohol or of any drug.

Alcohol consumption has been directly linked to causing the following diseases and health disorders:

  • Acne
  • Angina
  • Brain degeneration
  • Cancer of the esophagus, larynx, mouth, pancreas, pharynx and stomach
  • Cirrhosis and fatty liver degeneration
  • Decreased testosterone levels
  • Depression
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Never drink any alcohol while pregnant! Do not drink alcohol while trying to get pregnant, which is also important for your partner.
  • Gastritis
  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Impotence
  • Increased serum and liver triglyceride levels
  • Lowered immune response
  • Muscle wasting
  • Muscle weakness
  • Nutritional diseases
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Many psychiatric disorders
  • Suicide – over 80% of all suicides involve alcohol.
  • Ulcers

5.When people write of the “French paradox” that the French eat even more fat including more saturated fats then American yet have much less heart disease it is often stated that it is because of the red wine they drink- which of course  could be replaced with healthy organic blue or red grape juice. 

That is only part of the story.

The French government also admits that 1/4 of all hospital beds in France are filled with patients suffering from illnesses that are directly due to alcohol consumption. Red wine is only one of the many factors involved in the French having less heart disease:

  • A much higher percentage of the population in America is obese than in France - which is a proven cause of heart disease.
  • The French people have a much higher per capita consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables than Americans.
  • The French people eat much less extremely unhealthy fast food than Americans. 

6. Drink organic dark grape juice (or eat organic dark grapes or organic dark raisins) instead of drinking red wine.
If you absolutely insist on drinking red wine, then at least make sure that as well as being organic that it has no added sulphur or sulphites E220-E228 added to it.


Black, Green, Oolong and White Teas

1. Drinking black tea - but not green tea or white tea - has been directly associated with highly increased risks for cancers of the rectum and of the gallbladder as well as high blood pressure, irregular heart beat and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) etc.

(See also caffeine in my E- number guides and the information on coffee in the next section.)

2. The amount of caffeine is not only dependent on the type of tea used but also very much in the method in which the tea is brewed.

White tea is created from the dried first tea buds and first immature young tea leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) and contains approx. half the amount of caffeine as green tea. 

Green tea is made from are the dried mature tea buds and mature leaves of the same plant and has about half the amount of caffeine as black tea.

Black tea is made from oxidized green tea leaves which means that the green tea leaves have been rolled and bruised or cut, torn or curled (the CTC method) and then exposed to moist air at a certain temperature for 3-4 hours and then heated.

Black tea has half the amount of caffeine as brewed coffee.

Oolong tea is a semi -oxidized tea that has been left to oxidize for only 1 -2 hour and has about the same amount of caffeine as green tea.

3. Green and white teas are very rich in phytonutrients such as flavonoids and polyphenols- especially the catechin polyphenols such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG.)

EGCG reduces inflammation in the body and helps to prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease. 

Note 1: In order for the maximum amount of phytonutrients in green and white tea (and in any herb) to be leached out,
the tea or herb must be left to steep in boiled water for at least 15 minutes.

Note 2: Do not boil the tea or any herb -unless it is a herb in the form of a bark or dried root where boiling for a few minutes might be necessary to release the medicinal substances in the bark or dried root. 

Note 3: Since all non- organic teas are heavily sprayed with dangerous pesticides that are often forbidden in Western countries drink only organic green and organic white teas.

Note 4 : Green and white teas still contain a small amount of caffeine, so for people wanting no caffeine organic decaffeinated green or organic decaffeinated white tea is available.      

Make sure it is decaffeinated by only using the “Swiss water method” or “Water method”, which simply uses water.

If a company uses this method they will always state it on their label.

The usual method is to use dangerous solvents such as hexane which always leaves a hexane residue in the tea (or in the coffee.)

Hexane has been proven to cause birth defects, DNA damage and cancer.      

Note 5: Caffeine has been proven to cause birth defects. For this reason only organic decaffeinated teas (and organic decaffeinated coffee) by using the above "Water method” should be drunk by pregnant women.

Undecaffeinated coffee, undecaffeinated tea and Mate` tea – which is a tea popular in South America and is very high in caffeine -should never be drunk by pregnant women and by women who are breastfeeding because caffeine enters the breast milk and affects the baby.  

Guarana products -which are all very high in caffeine- should also never be consumed by pregnant women and by women who are breastfeeding. 

For further extremely important information on the effects of caffeine on both children and adults please read the section on coffee below.


Teabags and Coffee Filters

1. Both bleached and non-bleached teabags and both coffee filters made of bleached and unbleached paper release dangerous chemicals such as dioxin etc. into the tea/ coffee.

2. Teabags and coffee filters made from recycled paper still contain many of the dangerous chemicals that were found in the original paper which are then released into the tea or coffee.

3. Most tea bags and coffee filters are made with a chemical named epichlorohydrin which when coming into contact with water forms 3-MCPD (3-monochloropropane-1, 2-diol or 3-chloro-1, 2- propanediol) a proven cancer causing agent.

4. Teabags are usually also heat sealed with a dangerous plastic such as PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) etc. which is also released in water.

5. Teabags can be totally made out of plastic fiber such as PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) which is a suspected cancer causing agent which also leaks out into the tea.

Note 1: This information is also valid for teabags that contain organic and herbs 

Note 2:  Buy organic whole leaf bulk tea (or herbs) and put the tea or herb in a stainless steel tea ball or use a French press - which is usually only used for coffee. Buy one that is only made of glass not plastic and which only has a metal and a not plastic mesh filter and only a metal and not a plastic lid.

See the section: “Healthy Kitchen and Cooking Supplies.”

Whole leaf organic tea and herbs are also much cheaper than teabags and since teabags always contain ground up tea leaves or herbs they have already lost much of its flavor.

The tea (and herbs) used in teabags are of inferior quality and with tea consists almost always of fannings, which are the left-overs of the whole leaf teas after they have been packed.

Herbal tea made from a whole herbal leaf or flower etc. will always have a greater medicinal effect (and flavor) than herbal tea that is made from a ground up herbal leaf or flower.

 Never boil water in plastic kettles.

As mentioned many times before all plastics leach out dangerous chemicals from the plastic in to the water and much more so when the water is boiled.

Use only a stainless steel kettle and also be very careful about the teapot you use.

Many teapots from third world countries- and teapots bought as souveniers -  have often been found to leak lead from the glaze in to the tea.

For information on how to avoid using coffee filters-if you insist on drinking coffee-see the section: “Coffee.”


Artificially and “Naturally” Flavored Teas and Smoked Teas

1. All bulk teas that have a powerful smell have been artificially flavored, regardless of what the people selling that tea might say!

Those few pieces of hibiscus, jasmine or rose petals or any other dried flower etc. could never ever provide that powerful smell that you notice when you smell the tea !

The same is also true for any powerful smelling packaged tea.

2. The word “natural” on the package means absolutely nothing legally.

Always remember that there exists no legal definition for the word “natural.”

You do not know if "natural flavor" means:

  • that it is a totally natural and safe flavor that was only extracted with only a safe solvents such as water
  • or if it was extracted with a dangerous solvent such as hexane which has been proven to cause birth defects, cancer and DNA damage etc. and always remains in the flavor ( or oil ) and can never be totally removed
  • or if it is a totally synthetic flavor made of up to dozens of chemicals made in a laboratory in a combination that is never found in nature
  • or if it is a mixture of the above

A truly natural and safe flavor will consist of dried or freeze dried food pieces such as organic: apples, berries or vanilla etc. 

3. Smoked tea (and all smoked food- including organic- whether they have been smoked with liquid industrial smoke or “natural smoke”) contains dozens of proven cancer causing chemicals known as PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.)

PAHs are found in the smoke and are then transferred to the tea.

This is also true with smoke “flavor.” See also the section: “Healthy Kitchen and Cooking Supplies.”

4. Non-organic teas and herbs are virtually always exported from corrupt countries where there is little if any pesticide control and are always very heavily sprayed with pesticides that are often forbidden in the EU and North America, which then of course enter the liquid tea when you make it.

Never believe the lie that “the farmers are too poor to afford pesticides. (See the section: “Why Organic?”)

Buy only whole (organic) herbal teas and organic decaffeinated (see above) green or white teas that contain no added “flavor” of any kind and that are not in any kind of teabag.

Try also to find them as organic and Fair Trade.

Note 1: Fair Trade does not have anything whatsoever to do with pesticide use and control.

A food product such as chocolate, cocoa, coffee and tea etc.-or any food product- can be Fair-trade marked and still could have been sprayed with multiple deadly pesticides.That is why it is extremely important that the food product must be certified as organic as well.



“The proportion of pancreatic cancer that is potentially due to coffee consumption is slightly more than 50%”.

Dr.Brian MacMahon M.D.
Harvard University, USA

1. Coffee has been directly linked to causing bladder, pancreatic stomach and urinary cancers and prostate problems.

2. As well as containing caffeine, coffee contains cancer-causing substances known as Heterocyclic Amines (HCA`s) that are created by the “burning” -although it is called politely called “roasting”- of the coffee bean.

If any other food was “roasted” to that degree it would be called burnt.
Note: This is also true of all so-called coffee substitutes and decaffeinated coffee and of course all organic coffees as well.

3. All coffee and all coffee substitutes are also very high in acrylamide. (See the section: “Healthy and Unhealthy Bread.”) For other proven effects of coffee see caffeine in my E- number guides.

Do not believe the “coffee trap” set for you by “organic” coffee producers that coffee has many health benefits.

The amounts of phytonutrients found in coffee are miniscule when compared to the amount in steamed or stir fried vegetables and in fresh raw fruits.

Note 1: Caffeine does not cure” tiredness”- it causes it!

Caffeine causes the adrenal glands to release stress hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine.

These stress hormones cause your body to go into a “flight or fight” situation, increase your pulse and respiratory rate, increase your blood sugar level, tense your muscles and increases your state of alertness. When this effect passes you are left feeling tired and in need of another caffeine “fix.”       

Note 2 :It must be understood that at the same time that your body and mind are tired and telling you that they need rest, by using caffeine you are shocking your body and mind into “overdrive.”

Caffeine abuses the adrenal glands and your central nervous system etc. and creates tiredness which then results in more caffeine being taken to overcome this tiredness.

You cannot go on abusing your body without paying a price - both mentally and physically.

4. Caffeine takes 48 hours to completely leave the body.

Caffeine causes insomnia and poor sleep.

It is a myth that a cup of coffee in the morning will not affect your sleep.

If you drink coffee in the morning it will still affect your night´s sleep in either the quantity and/or the quality of your sleep.

Even if you get the required number of hours of sleep, caffeine reduces the amount of extremely important deep sleep (REM) that is the most important kind of sleep that you need. This is in turn leaves you tired and causes you to feel that you must have your morning coffee.

This is a viscous and extremely destructive cycle (and is actually a physical addiction-see below) for both your physical and mental health.

Caffeine is a medically documented poison.

If you consume too much, you will die.

Caffeine addiction is a medical documented fact and is called caffeinism.

Stopping caffeine can result in 1 -2 days of headaches and feeling tired but can greatly be helped by drinking eight or more glasses of water daily and showering twice daily, each time in hot and then cold water.

Note: If suffering from any medical disorder ask your doctor before drinking this amount of liquid.

Please read the suggestions on what to do if you are tired and /or have a headache in the section: “Quick Headache and Tired Cure.”

5. Caffeine has been proven to cause birth defects.

Undecaffeinated coffee, undecaffeinated tea of any kind and Mate` tea – which is a tea popular in South America and is very high in caffeine-should never be drunk by pregnant women.

All guarana products -which is also very high in caffeine- should also never be drunk by pregnant women.

Caffeine also enters the breast milk so caffeine containing products should not be drunk by breastfeeding mothers.

6. If you drink decaffeinated coffee make sure it is decaffeinated by only using the “Swiss water method” or “Water method”, which simply uses water.

If a company uses this method they will always state it on their label.

The usual method is to use dangerous solvents such as hexane which always leaves a hexane residue in the coffee.

Hexane has been proven to cause birth defects, DNA damage and cancer.      

7. Caffeine can also cause a horrible body odor, as your body must detoxify it and excrete it.

8. Caffeine has been proven to put pressure on the optic nerve, resulting in blurred and poor vision.

Many people have found that they no longer need glasses after they have stopped with all products containing caffeine.

9. Start listening to your body and mind and give your body and your mind the rest they require when they require it.

Give up coffee and all caffeine containing products and eat a high protein, low carbohydrate and low sugar meal in the morning and during your coffee break instead.

You will sleep better, feel better and you will have much more stronger and long lasting mental and physical energy.

You will also feel much more balanced and in control instead of just “speedy.”

As a sign I once saw stated: “Drink more coffee and do and say stupid things quicker.”

I am 100% sure that all your personal relationships- both at home and at work-will also  improve also once you stop consuming caffeine.

Note 1: The effect of caffeine in children (and in some adults who are caffeine sensitive) is much greater than in adults.

Many cases of aggressive children, hyperactive children, children with learning difficulties and “difficult” children (once again see the proven effects of caffeine in the E- number guide) can be traced to cola consumption (colas contain as much caffeine as coffee) and other caffeine containing products such as chocolate, as well as to:

1. High amounts of sugar in the diet.

 2. Reactions to food additives –especially colors and flavors ( including so-called "natural flavors"-see the above section:” Artificially and “Naturally” Flavored Teas and Smoked Teas."

3. Food allergies and food intolerances. (See the section: “Food Allergies and Food Intolerances.”)

If you feel that you must have a quick pick-up, choose one of the following standardized herbal products and empty the contents of the capsule under your tongue for quick absorption into the bloodstream or open the capsule and empty it in a smoothie etc.

  • Schisandra
  • Rhodiola rosea (or Rosenrot in Swedish)
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Eleuthero or Russian ginseng or Siberian ginseng
  • Note 2: Read the section: “Herbal Information and Warnings” and the individual herbal listing for each herb before taking any of these herbs.

    If you absolutely insist on drinking coffee or black tea then at least use only organic and Fair trade coffee or black tea since virtually all non -organic coffees, teas and herbs come from corrupt countries where they are heavily sprayed with dangerous pesticides that are often forbidden in Western countries and use only a French press that is only made of glass and which only has a metal mesh filter not a plastic mesh filter and a metal not plastic lid- or a coffee machine that contains only metal pipes etc. and no plastic.


Cocoa and Chocolate

Note: Please read the vitally important section below on Organic and Fair for Life and Fair Trade Cocoa and Chocolate. 

1.Organic and Fair for Life or organic and Fair Trade cocoa ,cocoa nibs and 70-100% chocolate can be good for your health - especially your heart - because of the phytonutrients ( flavonoids ) they contain that have antioxidant properties but they still can contain a lot of sugar as well as the dangerous heavy metal cadmium. (See Note 3 below.)

(Fair for Life is a more transparent and much more widely encompassing certification than Fair Trade but both certifications have nothing to do with the use or non-use of pesticides - they deal with economics and working conditions.)

In a 70% chocolate the remaining 30% would be sugar.

Note1: Chocolate with less than 70% cocoa does not contain enough phytonutrients to have a positive effect on your health.

Note 2: These phytonutrients are only found in the bitter sections of the processed cocoa bean – the cocoa nibs, the cocoa powder and the cocoa mass (or cocoa solid) and not in the cocoa butter.

Unfortunately this is also where the dangerous heavy metal cadmium is also found. (See Note 3 below.)

Note 3: Milk and dairy products block the antioxidant effect of the flavonoids.

2.Although it is true that the above 3 cocoa products are rich in antioxidants -antioxidants in even greater amounts can be obtained from eating other foods that do not have the negative health effects that coca, cocoa nibs and 70% -100% chocolate can have.

Foods that are extremely high in antioxidants  -in order of how much they contain - ( try to buy them as organically grown) are : red, kidney and pinto beans, farmed blueberries, dried cranberries, red or blue grapes ( and the juice made from them),blackberries, prunes,rasperries,dried apples, pecan nuts, black beans ,broccoli and spinach etc.
These cocoa products can also lower blood pressure but many other foods have even a greater effect on lowering blood pressure – such as (in order of effectiveness and once again try to buy them as organically grown): farmed blueberries, strawberries, bananas and beet juice and do so without any of the negative effects on your health that cocoa products can have.

Other foods that are excellent for lowering blood pressure are- in order of effectiveness: kiwi fruit, watermelon, oats, spinach, cabbage, garlic, lentils and yoghurt.

3. Note 1: All cocoa products are very high in oxalic acid.

(For important information on people who should not eat foods that are high in oxalic acid see the section: “Vegetable Warnings.”)

Note 2 : Pure cocoa powder, cocoa nibs and 70% -100% chocolate are also high in caffeine (and theobromine- which is a stimulant similar to caffeine) and should therefore not be eaten by pregnant women because caffeine has been proven to cause birth defects.

Breastfeeding mothers should also avoid these products because caffeine enters the breast milk.

Note 3: The effect of caffeine in children (and in adults that are sensitive to caffeine also) is much greater than in adults. (See the above section:”Coffee.")

Many cases of aggressive children, hyperactive children, children with learning difficulties and “difficult” children (See the proven effects of caffeine in the E- number guide) can be traced to cola consumption (colas contain as much caffeine as coffee) and other caffeine containing products such as cocoa, cocoa nibs and dark chocolate- or even in milk chocolate if the child or adult is especially sensitive to the effects of caffeine.

Other products that can also cause these reactions are: 

    1. High amounts of sugar in the diet
    2. Reactions to food additives –especially colors and flavors including so-called "natural flavors"-see the above section:” Artificially and “Naturally” Flavored Teas and Smoked Teas."
    3. Food allergies and food intolerances. (See the section: “Food Allergies and Food Intolerances.")

If you feel that you absolutely have to eat chocolate during your pregnancy and/or when you are breast feeding-then try to only eat organic and Fair for Life or organic and Fair Trade milk chocolate from the below mentioned 4 countries which have been shown to have no or only trace amounts of cadmium in their chocolate, which does not contain any non -organic lecithin E322 and which is not packed in plastic -see the next section "Organic and Fair for Life and Fair Trade Cocoa and Chocolate " -and try to only give this same type of chocolate to your children if you feel that you must give them chocolate.

Note 4: Pure cocoa powder, cocoa nibs and chocolate (even if organic) can contain high levels of the dangerous heavy metal cadmium which is naturally taken up from the soil by the cocoa plant if it is growing in soil that is naturally high in cadmium.

The higher the amount of cocoa mass or cocoa solid the higher the amount of possible cadmium. 

Therefore pure cocoa powder,cocoa nibs and chocolates with a higher percentages of cocoa  will always contain the most cadmium. 

Cadmium can occur naturally in the soil or as a result of industrial pollution.

Cadmium has been proven to damage the kidneys and the liver and to increase the risk of cancer.

Cadmium also accumulates in the body.

Countries which produce Organic and Fairtrade cocoa that is extremely low in cadmium: ( from lowest and increasing )    

              1.Certain small areas in Brazil where the cocoa is grown on alluvial                     and not volcanic soils.



               4.Ivory Coast

               5.The state of Kerala in India.             

According to my research the dark chocolate (over 50% cocoa solids) produced with cocoa coming from the above countries contains under 0.1 mg. of cadmium per kg. Milk chocolate - becuse it contains less cocoa - would contain less cadmium.Even other countries that have high amounts of dangerous cadmium in their soil can possibly produce a cocoa product with a low amount of cadmium if it has been made with cocoa that has been grown in a certain are in that country that has an extremely low amount of cadmium in the soil and where there is no industrial pollution containing cadmium.

Note 5: You can always write the producer of the chocolate or cocoa powder etc. that you like and ask them to tell you the cadmium level in their chocolate in a letter.

As stated many times before - a letter is a legal document whereas a telephone conversation or an email is not.

An honest company will always tell you the amount of cadmium found in their chocolate- which they ALL MUST LEGALLY TEST FOR  if their company is located in the EU.

They must do this in order to find out if their product lies under the maximum amount of cadmium which is allowed by the EU. 

If they write back and simply tell you that “it is within governments limits etc. “then ask them for the exact amounts so you can compare different products if you choose to do so. 

Note 6 : Make that the chocolate itself is not packed in plastic -to avoid the transfer of dangerous chemicals from the plastic to the chocolate - and is packed in either paper with foil on the outside or in Nateflex cellulose film-which a pure transparent cellulose product.

If you choose to eat chocolate, try to eat no more than 25 grams of organic and Fair for Life or organic and Fair Trade chocolate per day containing no non-organic lecithin ( E322 ), which is not packed in plastic and which is ideally made with the cocoa coming from one of the 5 countries stated above. 

One of the few companies that produces chocolate that is certified as organic and certified as Fair trade and will tell the consumer how much cadmium is in their different chocolates is Zotter from Austria.

They produce organic and Fair Trade chocolate with cocoa from Brazil, Ghana, Togo and India.

Chocolate that is certified as organic and Fair Trade which is made with cocoa from the Ivory Coast is made by the French company Ethiquable.

Note 7: I have absolutely no connection to these companies or to any of the companies mentioned. I only recommend them for the quality of their products.

Note 8: Although the term “chocoholic” is used as a joke, it is no joking matter having personally known chocoholics whose addiction to chocolate nearly destroyed their health.

It must be understood that cocoa and chocolate contains certain chemicals which can cause severe physical and/or mental addiction in sensitive individuals which in turn can produce hyperactivity, mania, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings and mental instability etc.

These chemicals include:

  • Anandamide
  • Caffeine
  • Phenylethylamine
  • Theobromine
  • And tryptophan, all of which in chocolate are also combined with a high level of fat and sugar.

If you ever find yourself  feeling mentally and/or physical agitated and irritated if you can't find any chocolate to eat – it is time for you to stop eating it-or at the very  least stop eating it for a few weeks.

As with coffee and tea the addiction will pass after 2-3 days.

Note 9: Regardless of what many health food writers and the multi - billion dollar (and not the multi-million dollar) chocolate industry might tell you - chocolate and any cocoa containing food is NOT a “Super Food.”

All chocolate and cocoa products are a treat and nothing more.

As stated before all the healthy phytonutrients  that are found in chocolate and in any cocoa containing product can be found in much greater amounts in slightly cooked vegetables and in raw fruits etc. without the dangers of cadmium and sugar.


Organic, Fair for Life and Fair Trade Cocoa and Chocolate

  1. Note 1 : The cocoa industry in West Africa -  the world’s leading cocoa producing area  that accounts for approx. 70% of the total world production, - enslaves over  a million children that live under slave-like conditions and with virtually no pesticide control working on cocoa farms. "Approximately1.8 million children in the Ivory Coast and Ghana may be exposed to the worst forms of child labor on cocoa farms.Children are “sold” to traffickers or farm owners by their own relatives, who are unaware of the dangerous work environment and the lack of any provisions for an education.Often, traffickers abduct the young children from small villages in neighboring African countries, such as Burkina Faso and Mali two of the poorest countries in the world.Once they have been taken to the cocoa farms, the children may not see their families for years, if ever.Most of the children laboring on cocoa farms are between the ages of 12 and 16 but reporters have found children as young as 5. In addition, 40% of these children are girls, and some stay for a few months, while others end up working on the cocoa farms through adulthood.
  2. Former cocoa slave Aly Diabate told reporters:“The beatings were a part of my life." Drissa, a recently freed cocoa slave when asked what he would tell people who eat chocolate made from slave labor, he replied that they enjoyed something that he suffered to make,adding: “When people eat chocolate, they are eating my flesh.” (Source: CHILD LABOR AND SLAVERY IN THE CHOCOLATE INDUSTRY https://foodispower.org/human-labor-slavery/slavery-chocolate )
  3. Note: If you buy chocolate and cocoa products, buy only those that are certified both as Fair Trade and better yet Fair for Life (which is a far more transparent and much more encompassing certification than Fair Trade) and certified as organic to stop this crime! Once again, Fair Trade and Fair for Life does not have anything to do with the use of pesticides -it is therefore vitally important that it must be certified as organic as well.
  4. All the major cocoa producing countries routinely use extremely dangerous pesticides such as aldrin,captafol,chlordane,endrin,heptachlor,mirez and thiocarb etc.all of which  have been forbidden in the EU. Note: As with both coffee and tea, never believe the lie that “the farmers are too poor to afford pesticides!” (See the section: “Why Organic?” ) Non-organic chocolate and cocoa always contains dangerous pesticides.These deadly pesticides are not only an extreme danger to those people eating products  containing them but are even more deadly to those people working on the cocoa plantations that are exposed to them.
  5. Non -organic chocolate is allowed to contain non-organic lecithin (See E322 Lecithin in the E- number guide.)All non-organic lecithin, whether it is rapeseed, soya or sunflower lecithin etc. is made using hexane.As stated many times before hexane can never be completely removed from a product made with it and has been proven to cause birth defects,cancer and DNA damage.Chocolate can easily be made without using any lecithin whatsoever -as many companies already do-by simply adding a bit more cocoa butter to achieve the same effect.It is simply cheaper to use lecithin.Organic lecithin - where the use of hexane is not allowed - is also available.
  6. If you buy cocoa and chocolate make sure that it is:
    • organic and either Fair Trade or better yet Fair for Life
    • is not packed in plastic (see Nateflex in the previous section.)
    • and that it contains either no lecithin or only organic lecithin and contains no flavors including "natural flavors."
    Virtually all flavors-including “Natural flavors " ( the word "Natural " has no legal meaning whatsoever ) are extracted through the use of dangerous solvents such as hexane and are allowed to contain dangerous additives.
  7. Buy only organic food products that only use organic food ingredients as flavorings - such as organic dried fruit,organic freeze dried fruit,organic fruit powder or organic vanilla powder etc.



This product is often sold as “Brazilian ginseng” but it is not even remotely related to ginseng and unlike ginseng has no medical benefits whatsoever!

Guarana is often found “health” food stores in capsules," healthy” chewing gum, drinks ,foods and in tablets etc. and is also often added to many " energy " products etc. 

Guarana contains “guaranine” which is 100% chemically identical to caffeine.
Regardless of what health food store workers might tell you there is no absolutely difference whatsoever between guarana and caffeine and its health destroying effects are exactly the same.

In fact guarana beans contain even more caffeine than coffee beans.


Kola Nut (Cola Nut) Products

Cola-nuts and cola nut extracts contain a high amount of caffeine.

Many health food stores sell natural and even organic cola drinks which often contain the dangerous coloring E150a-d although it often simply has “caramel or caramel color” written on the ingredient list. (See my E- number guides.)


Mate or Yerba Mate tea

This herb is extremely high in caffeine.


Unhealthy Food Products found in “Health food” Stores

Health food stores can contain many excellent and healthy foods and supplements but they can also contain the opposite.

Avoid all of these products even if they are organic:

1. All organic baby foods, in both jars and in a dry mix etc. containing:

  • Iron (ferrous) gluconate
  • Iron (ferrous) lactate
  • Iron (ferrous) sulphate
  • Iron ferric pyrophosphate
  • Iron ferric sodium pyrophosphate
  • Undefined iron-just stating “iron” on the ingredient list
  • Undefined zinc-just stating “zinc” on the ingredient list
  • Zinc sulphate

The above 5 types of iron as well as zinc sulphate have all been proven to cause cancer in test animals.

See the section: "Unhealthy Vitamin, Mineral Herbal and Health Food Supplements.".

Note 1: Some of the varieties of baby food contain yeast extract which has exactly the same effect as monosodium glutamate (See E620 and E621 in my E- number guides) and many of the varieties of baby foods contain non-organic vegetable oil.

Remember that oils and fats always contain the highest concentration of pesticides.

Note 2: Some organic baby foods even contain smoked meat such as ham.

All smoked food -whether it is organic or not -contains dozens of proven cancer causing chemicals called PAHs-Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.

PAHs are found in the smoke and are then transferred to the food.

Ask the company whenever you see "ham” listed as an ingredient if it is smoked or not and ask them to send to reply to you in a letter.

As stated many times before a letter is a legal document whereas a telephone conversation or email is not. 

Note 3: Smoke food is even more dangerous for babies because their immune system is not fully developed.

(See the section: “Healthy Cookware and Kitchen Supplies” for more information as to why all smoked foods are extremely dangerous.)

2.Avoid all organic baby food and organic food (such as organic tomato paste etc.) that is packed in “squeeze tubes” and in plastic pouches because of the dangerous chemicals such as adipates, plasticizers ,phthalates and softeners etc. that always leach in to the food from the plastic.
All tubes are lined with aluminum which always leaches in to the food.

Aluminum has been linked to causing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and cancer - especially breast cancer.

(Avoid also the use of aluminum pots and pans and the use of any antiperspirant and deodorant that contains any aluminum compound such as aluminum chloride etc. -which virtually all the non-organic ones contain.) 

For more dangerous effects of aluminum see E173 in my E number guides.

Choose only foods that are packed in glass.

3. Organic black teas and all “flavored” teas-even if they have “Natural Flavor” written on the ingredient list.
Virtually all “natural flavors” (and “natural colors”) are only extracted with the use of dangerous solvents such as hexane which always remain in the flavor and are also allowed to contain (undeclared) dangerous preservatives and food additives -see the above section: “Artificially and “Naturally” Flavored Teas and Smoked Teas."

Safe and healthy flavorings would consist of organic foods such as organic : herbs, spices and dried food powder such as organic vanilla powder or dried organic fruit or freeze dried organic fruit etc. and truly safe and natural colors would consist organic : beet root powder, blueberry powder, dried carrots, sepia and turmeric etc.

4. Organic: bars, breakfast cereals, granolas and mueslis that are high in “sugars” and/ or contain sunflower oil etc. (See the sections: “Sugars” and “Unhealthy Fats and Oils.”)

5. Broken bits, flakes or pieces of organic: almonds, cashews, flax seeds, hazelnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds and walnuts etc.

These products are virtually always rancid and are extremely unhealthy.

Buy only organic whole nuts and seeds (but avoid peanuts because of the very high levels of aflatoxins that are found in all peanuts and peanut butter - and in pistachio nuts as well although organic pistachio nuts from the United States instead of the Middle East and Turkey have been found to have much lower levels of aflatoxin.) and chop them up yourself and keep them in the fridge.

Keep all shelled nuts and seeds in the fridge, and tell your store to store them in the cooler also. (See the section: “Nut and Seed Warnings.”)

6. Organic baked goods such as bars, breads, cakes, chocolates, cookies and desserts etc. containing:

  • Non-organic lecithin
  • Rapeseed ( canola ) oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Unnamed vegetable oil
  • Unnamed vegetable fats (See the sections: “Organic and Fair for Life and Fair Trade Cocoa and Chocolate” and “Unhealthy Fats and Oils.”) 


7. Foods containing non-organic lecithin such as certain:

  • Organic chocolates and chocolate containing products
  • Organic baked products
  • Organic margarines which virtually always contain  organic sunflower oil as well
  • Organic non-dairy substitute milk products and puddings
  • Organic soya substitute milk products
  • Organic soya puddings etc.


8. Non-organic lecithin, non-organic lecithin granules, on-organic lecithin liquid and capsules containing non-organic lecithin are all made with hexane which has been proven to cause birth defects, cancer and DNA damage and can never be removed from the product made with it.

9. Organic cassia labeled as organic cinnamon (See the section: “Cinnamon vs. Cassia.”)

10. Organic vegetarian or meat bullion in cubes, powder or liquids.

Virtually  of these ( always read the ingredients  of all the food you even if it is organic ) contain yeast extract - which is  often simply labelled as " yeast  "  which is both wrong and  illegal - which has the exact same health destroying effects as effect as MSG Monosodium Glutamate.( See the excellent site: www.truthinlabelling.org .and E 621 in my  E-number guides.)

See also the last point in this section.

11.Organic candies and treats containing “natural” flavors” (see  Number 3 above) and “natural colors” (see Number 3 above) and organic nuts and organic dried fruit such as organic raisins etc. that are covered in organic chocolate and that also contains the proven cancer causing food additive Acacia gum E 414 -see my E-number guides.)

Note: Give your children (and yourself !) some healthy fresh organic fruit or a mixture of healthy unroasted and unsalted organic: almond, hazelnuts, pecans or sunflower seeds etc. mixed with a smaller amount of organic dried: apricots, dates, mangos, pineapple and unoiled raisins etc. instead.

12. Organic drinks, foods, juices and olive oil etc. packed in cans or tins.

ALL cans and tins contain the deadly chemicals BPA (Bisphenol A) or BPS (Bisphenol S) etc.

These dangerous chemicals always leach out into the food and/or liquid (See the section: “Food Packaging.”)

Only eat fresh organic food or organic food that is safely packed in glass or preserved through safe methods such as drying or freezing etc.


13. Carrageenan containing foods - see E 407 in my E- number guides.

Carrageenan is a proven cancer causing food additive that unbelievably has not been forbidden in organic foods!

Both the EU (their logo is a leaf made up of white stars on a green background) and the Swedish organic certification agency KRAV allow E407 Carrageenan to be used in their organically certified foods!

It can - read the ingredients - be found in:

  • Organic candies
  • Organic chocolate milk
  • Organic desserts
  • Organic ice-creams
  • Organic non-dairy ice-creams
  • Organic puddings
  • Organic salad dressings
  • Organic Soya cheese-for information about the health dangers of all unfermented soya products see point number three in the section: “Nutritional Information about Food.”
  • Organic Almond, Oat, Rice or Soya etc. cream substitutes
  • Organic Almond, Oat, Rice or Soya etc. desserts
  • Organic Almond, Oat , Rice or Soya etc. puddings
  • Organic Vegetarian cheese
  • Dulse
  • and of course in carrageenan flakes


14. Organic cheese packed in cling “plastic.”(See the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.”)

15. " Healthy” chewing gums containing “Gum base” which legally can cover over 200 undeclared additives!  (See “Gum Base” in my E- number guides.)

Ever wonder why chewing gum,-even “health food” chewing gums- never rots away and disappears on the sidewalk?

One of the reasons is that one of their main ingredients of gum base is synthetic rubber - the same as in your car tire.

Gum base also contains the proven cancer causing food additive Talc E553b. (See my E-number guides.)

Note: The dangerous chemicals and substances that are found in chewing gum are always absorbed sublingually from under your tongue directly into your bloodstream.

16. Organic crisp bread that is full of black burnt spots See the section:” Healthy and Unhealthy Bread.”

17. Organic “Energy Drinks” which contain guarana and flavorings including "natural flavoring "-see the above section:” Artificially and “Naturally” Flavored Teas and Smoked Teas “and the section “Guarana.

18. Organic flaxseed oil (and capsules) that do not state on the label that they:

  • Are produced without any solvent such as hexane
  • Are produced at under 40° c
  • Are not packed in a dark glass bottles
  • Are not kept refrigerated
  • And do not have a well advanced expiry date. See the section: “Flax and Flaxseed Oil.”

19. Organic foods that are packed in plastic bags that are supposed to be cooked by boiling the plastic bag with the organic food inside it which causes the dangerous chemicals in the plastic to leach into the food.

20. Organic Guarana drinks, foods, gum as well as capsules, liquids and tablets etc. Guarana is extremely high in caffeine.21. Hair analysis tests.

Hair analysis is totally useless for determining the amount of vitamins and major minerals in the body.

The only thing that it can determine are levels of certain heavy metals such as mercury etc.

22.Lemon oil (lemon flavoring) which is found in  many organic lemon products such as organic candies, organic lemon flavored baked goods such as cookies, deserts etc. and in concentrated lemon juice.

The F.D.A, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States government has determined that lemon oil is a proven cancer-causing substance.

Note: Lemon oil is pressed from the peel only.

The fruit of the lemon and lemon juice are safe although they are very corrosive and destructive to the enamel of our teeth.

23. Licorice products containing the dangerous coloring E 153, which is known as vegetable carbon or carbon black.

E 153 is often called a “natural color." (See my E- number guides.)

E 153 is totally forbidden as a food additive in both Canada and the United States.

24. Organic Mate tea or Yerba mate tea.Yerba mate is a herb that is extremely high in caffeine.

25. Non-organic herbs and spices.

Non-organic herbs and spices are virtually always irradiated which does not legally to be declared on the label and never is.

No country forbids the irradiation of herbs and spices.

Organic herbs and spices and all organic foods are not allowed to be irradiated.

26. Non-organic maple syrup (See the section: “Maple Syrup.”)

27. Organic meats that are sold in vacuum packed plastic.

As stated many times before - the blood and the fat in the meat leach out dangerous chemicals such as adipates, plasticizers, phthalates and softeners etc. from the plastic into the meat.

28. Organic meats that have been aged in vacuum packed plastic-see number 

You have to ask the meat company that sold the meat to respond to you in a letter about this.

(As stated before- a letter is a legal document while a telephone conversation or an e-mail is not.)

Almost all beef is aged before selling but some companies still just “hang” the beef to age as they have done for thousands of years.

Some meats such as chicken etc. are not aged.

29. Unbelievably the EU organic standards (their logo is a leaf made up of white stars on a green background) allow the extremely powerful proven cancer additives E249 -E252 (all 4 are equally as deadly but are used in different foods) to be used in their organically marked foods:

E249 Potassium nitrite

E250 Sodium nitrite 

E251 Sodium nitrate

E252 Potassium nitrate

(The Swedish organic certifying agency KRAV allows 49 food additives with an E numbers to be used in their certification of organic foods but does not allow E249 -E252 whereas the EU organic certification allows 53 food additives with an E number including the above 4.

 There are 326 food additives with an E number that are allowed to be used in food in the EU - but this number changes every year because new food additives are continuously added.

E249 -E252 are in virtually ALL non-organic and in virtually All EU certified organic:

  • Bacon
  • Baloney
  • Charcuterie
  • Cold cuts
  • Frankfurters
  • Ham
  • Hot dogs
  • Liver pate
  • Liver sausage
  • Pastrami
  • Salami
  • Sausages
  • Sliced meats
  • Wurst

Note 1: Virtually all of these foods -except for the cheese- are also smoked as well which adds even more proven cancer- causing substances that are called Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH`s) that are found in all smoke and are transferred to foods when those foods are smoked.

This true whether it be a chemical smoke that is a liquid and used in smoking machines in factories or a natural smoke from the burning of wood . 

It is a scandal that both the EU and KRAV allow their certified organically marked foods to be smoked.

Note 2: Many vegetarians and/or vegan meat substitutes are also smoked. 

Note 3: Virtually all of these meat products do not state on their label that they have been smoked.

If in doubt ask the producer to respond to you in a letter about this.

(As stated before- a letter is a legal document while a telephone conversation or an email is not.)

Note 4: The World Cancer Research Project (WCRF) a project of the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has stated that eating just one sausage (100 grams) which contains E249 - E252 and is smoked -as (stated above) virtually all bacon, baloney, cold cuts, frankfurters, ham, hotdogs, liver pate, liver sausage, pastrami, salami, sausages, sliced meats and wurst etc. are - increases the risk of developing bowel cancer by 20%.

Note 5: According to the “British Journal of Cancer” Professor Susanna Larsson at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that the above same products eaten in the same amount increased the rate of pancreatic cancer by 38%.

30. Plastic bottles and plastic jars containing organic: desserts, drinks, honey, juices, mineral water and soups etc.

As stated many times before - dangerous chemicals such as adipates, plasticizers, phthalates and softeners etc. always leach out from the plastic into the food or liquid.

No plastic is inert and does not each out dangerous chemicals.

31. Organic raw pollen which contains black pieces.

These black pieces are rancid and/or rotten pieces of pollen.

Note 1: Although organic pollen is an excellent food there are many people who are severely allergic to it !

Before eating any product containing pollen including organic honey and royal jelly, make sure you are not allergic to it!

Make sure also that the pollen is organic.

32. Non-organic honey.

Note 1 : Regardless of what many health food " experts " state  that the bees only go to plants  that are free from environmental contaminants such as dangerous heavy metals such as lead etc. and dangerous pesticides etc.- that is NOT true.

Bees do go to plants that grow right besides busy highways and that are right besides dirty polluting factories and of course also go to crops that have been heavily sprayed with pesticides. 

All these dangerous substances then contaminate the honey and the pollen.

As written before - organic honey (and organic pollen) means that:

  • Within the bee´s maximum flying distance then must be only either uncultivated land or organic farms and no commercial farms, highways or industry. Bees will go to any nectar sources no matter where they might be. As stated above honey can contain high levels of extremely dangerous contaminants such as lead etc. because the nectar sources from which the bees have taken nectar from have been close to highways and industries etc.
  • The bees must make their own comb from beeswax, or that genuine beeswax combs are provided. In non-organic honey production the combs are allowed to be made of dangerous paraffin which then enters the honey. See E 905 in my E- number guides.
  • Certain medications that are allowed for normal bees (which can enter the honey) are not allowed
  • Always ask the organic certifying association as standards for organic honey and pollen can vary.
    Note 2: Never give any kind of honey to infants under one year old because of the danger of infant botulism.


33. Organic popcorn in bags for use in microwave ovens.

All of these popcorn bags contain PFOA's and should never be used (See the section: “Food Packaging.”)

Buy the popping corn itself and pop it yourself in a pot on the oven with organic butter or organic coconut oil.

34. Organic raw sugar and other organic sugars.

There are over 30 different types but all have the same health destroying effect in the body. (See the section: “Sugars.”)

35. Organic roasted nut and seed oils such as hazel nut and sesame oil etc. (See the section: “Unhealthy Fats and Oils.”)

36. Organic “softened” dried fruit such as organic apricots, dates and prunes etc. in plastic bags.(See the section: “Fruit Warnings.”)

37. Certain organic vegetarian substitute meat products-see the last point in this section.

38. Sulphured dried fruits.

Note 1: Sulphured dried fruits can cause a fatal reaction in asthmatics and people who are extremely sensitive to sulphured foods!

It is shocking to see how many “health food " stores sell non-organic sulphured ( E220-E228 ) dried fruit that has been treated with poisonous sulphur dioxide to make them brightly colored.

Sulphured dried fruit is often found in the bulk dried fruit section as well as being often packed by the store itself and is also often found in muesli or granola breakfast cereals - all of which are often not even labeled containing E 220-E228 which is against the law in the EU if it contains more than 10mg. per kg .which it virtually always does.

However even amounts less than 10 mg. per kg. are enough to cause a severe reaction!

Note 2: In organic dried fruits, the natural sugar in the dried fruit reacts with oxygen in the air to turn the fruit brownish or darkish.

This does not affect the taste!

In fact the use of any of the food additives E220 - E 228 always leaves a slightly bitter taste. 

The use of these food additive E220-E228 are forbidden in organic dried fruit.

Note 3: Dried mangoes are the only dried fruit that is naturally not brownish if unsulphured.

But if they are organic -and therefore unsulphured-they will not be uniformly golden yellow but will have areas of different yellow, orange or dark red colors.

If the dried mangoes are sulphured they will be just one yellow golden color with little variations of that color.

Note 4: Virtually any dried fruit can be treated with E 220- E228

The usual dried fruits that are sulfured and are therefore brightly colored and found in health food stores are:

    • Apricots
    • Mangoes
    • Papaya cubes and pieces
    • Pears
    • Pineapple cubes and rings
    • Yellow raisins
    • Dried sulphured: cherries, cantaloupe, cranberries, kiwi, melon, nectarines, peaches and strawberries etc. can also be found.

Note 5: Non-organic dried prunes are usually treated with unhealthy Sorbic acid E200 which does not affect their color. It makes them look shiny and moist and is often undeclared on the label. Sorbic acid is not allowed to be used on organic dried prunes.

39. Even sun tanning machines are found in some health food stores. These machines have been proven beyond any doubt to cause skin cancer.

40. Unfortunately, organic raisins are often treated with unhealthy organic sunflower oil.

(See the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.")

This makes them shiny and to some extent prevents them from sticking together.

Read the ingredients and try to buy only unoiled organic raisins.

41. Organic tobacco! Even organic tobacco in both bulk and in “organic "cigarettes are available. (I suppose that they will give you organic lung cancer and organic heart disease etc.!)

42. Organic vegan and vegetarian sandwich spreads and pates -in both cans, tubes and in glass jars- containing yeast extract.

 It is sometimes only listed as “Yeast” on the ingredient list although it is not yeast but yeast extract.  

Aside from the dangerous chemicals that leak out from both the tube and the can in to the food - yeast extract has exactly the same dangerous effects in both the body and in the brain as MSG Monosodium Glutamate (See E621 in my E- number guides.)

Yeast extract is added to countless number of foods- including often organic foods - to give the foods a meaty flavor.

Yeast extract is virtually always in organic vegetable,-or meat- bouillons cubes, liquids and powders.

They also often added to organic prepared fast foods, frozen foods, soups and soup mixes etc.

43.Organic rapeseed ( canola ) oil and organic olive which is not extra-virgin as well as organic : corn oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil, rice bran oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, soya bean oil, sunflower oil and wheat germ oil.

Very high temperatures are necessary to create all of these oils which then creates dangerous lipid peroxides and dangerous free radicals in them.

(See the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.")

44. Organic coconut oil or any organic oil that is packed in a plastic container. (See the section: "Food Packaging.”)

45. Organic extra virgin olive oil which is packed in a clear glass bottle. (See the section: “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.")

46. Organic extra virgin olive oil which is packed in a can or in a tin. (See the section: “Food Packaging.")

47. Organic vinegars. All vinegars- except for apple cider vinegar -are extremely corrosive and destructive to the delicate lining of the stomach.

Note: Avoid all vinegars- including apple cider vinegar-if suffering from any kind of kidney, liver or stomach problems.

48. Organic Wheat germ 

Unless the wheat germ is less than one week old-and has been continuously refrigerated since produced- it will be rancid-even if it does not taste bad.

Unless it is organic wheat germ, wheat germ is virtually always defatted with the use of dangerous solvents such as hexane -which has been proven to cause birth defects, cancer and DNA damage - and which stays in the food and can never be fully removed. (See the” Healthy Fats and Oils” and the “Unhealthy Fats and Oils” sections.)

49. Wheat germ oil 

Wheat germ oil can only be extracted with high temperatures which creates dangerous liquid peroxides and dangerous free radicals- even if it says "cold pressed."

(See the section “Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils.")

If the wheat germ oil is not organic, dangerous solvents such as hexane are virtually always used in producing it.See Number 48 above and the "Unhealthy Fats and Oils” section.)

Wheat germ oil becomes rancid in even a shorter time than wheat germ.

Note: Vitamin E supplements often contain wheat germ oil (or soybean oil.)

Always read the ingredient list.

50.The following extremely unhealthy ingredients are often found in organic vegetarian and/or vegan meat substitute “health food” products.

They all contain “Process Free Glutamic Acids” (PFGA’s) which have the exact same effect as MSG Monosodium glutamate E621.

(See the excellent site: www.truthinlabelling.org . and E621 in my E - number guides.) 

  • Autolyzed protein
  • Brown rice protein
  • Casein protein (milk protein)
  • Corn protein (Maize protein)
  • HVP (hydrolyzed vegetable protein, or hydrolyzed protein)
  • Maltodextrin (Malt dextrin)
  • Pea protein
  • Quorn products
  • Rice protein
  • Soya isolate
  • Soya protein
  • TVP (textured vegetable protein)
  • Wheat protein
  • Whey protein
  • Vegetable protein
  • Yeast extract

NOTE: Always read the ingredient list of all the foods you eat - even if they are organic !

51.Unorganic and organic : psyllium husks , psyllium powder and psyllium seeds from India or Pakistan.( The country of origin is usually stated on the package-if not -ask the producer.) Virtually all psyllium products coming from India and Pakistan have been found to contain extremely high levels of lead - even those that are certified organic.This is because of the massive widespread environmental pollution that exists in those countries.Do not use them ! Lead is a deadly poison.No safe amount or safe level of lead has ever been determined although there are governmental " allowed levels " for lead in food.Only use psyllium products if they have been certified organically grown in Europe or in North America.


Unhealthy Vitamin, Mineral, Herbal and Health Food Supplements

As stated in the previous section, health food stores do contain many excellent and healthy foods and supplements but they can also contain the opposite.

1. Beta-carotene products that do not state the source of the beta-carotene on the label or in the description of their beta-carotene in their website or advertising.

The healthy sources for natural beta-carotene include:

  • Blakeslea trispora (a variety of fungus)
  • Red palm oil

Note 1: Carrot oil, although natural, is not a healthy source for natural beta- carotene as the dangerous solvent hexane is used to in the extraction process.

As mentioned many times before, hexane has been proven to cause birth defects, DNA damage, and cancer.

Hexane can never be completely removed (See also 160A Beta-carotene in my E- number guides.)

Once again, the word “natural” means absolutely nothing legally!

The source must be given.

Note 2: Another source for truly natural beta- carotene is Dunaliella salina algae.

Hexane can also be used in the extraction of beta- carotene from Dunaliella salina algae.

Ask the producer to reply to you in a letter if hexane is used or not.

As stated many times before-a letter is a legal document while a telephone conversation or an email is not.

Note 3: American and Finnish studies found that large amounts of synthetic beta-carotene supplements (20 mg.-30 mg. or 33,000 IU -49,000 IU )  increased the death rates in smokers and ex-smokers.

In 2012, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that epidemiological studies had reported no increased lung cancer incidence in heavy smokers who consumed beta-carotene in supplemental dose levels varying from 6 to 15 mg/day  (10,000 IU -25,000 IU ) over the course of 5 to 7 years . Exposure to beta-carotene from its use as a food additive and as a food supplement at levels below 15 mg/day did not give rise to concerns about adverse health effects in the general population, including heavy smokers.

The best and cheapest way to obtain beta-carotene is to simply eat cooked -until soft - organic: carrots, squash or sweet potatoes.

Cooking carrots, squash and sweet potatoes until they are soft makes more of the beta-carotene available to the body.

Note 4: Some fat such as organic extra-virgin olive oil, organic butter or organic coconut oil must be eaten at the same time for the body to convert the beta –carotene to Vitamin A.

Note 5:Infants and people suffering from cystic fibrosis,gallbladder disorders,lactose intolerance or poor thyroid function etc. cannot convert beta-carotene to Vitamin A.It has also been estimated that because of their genetic disposition up to 50% of the population are " poor converters " of beta -carotene to Vitamin A.


2. Body Building Protein Bars, Drinks, Foods, Powders and Supplements etc.

These products are terribly unhealthy (and are huge sellers) and contain an army of dangerous ingredients such as the proteins made from casein, soya, soya isolate, whey, brown rice, pea, vegetable and wheat etc.
All of these proteins contain processed free glutamic acids (PFGA’s) which have the exactly same effect as MSG (monosodium glutamate) in the body.

(See the excellent site: www.truthinlabelling.org  and E621 in my E- number guides.)

They also contain:

  • The 4 isolated (see the individual listings in this section) neurotoxic amino-acids ( also called excitotoxins) of aspartic acid, glutamic acid, L-cysteine and L-phenylalanine.(See www.truthinlabelling.org )
  • Dangerous synthetic sweeteners such as Acesulfamkalium or Acesulfam K E950, Aspartame E 951 and Xylitol E 967 etc. (See my E- number guides.)
  • Caffeine, guarana, or Kola nut (Cola Nut)
  • Iron gluconate, iron lactate or iron sulphate (See the listing of iron in this section.)
  • Minerals that simply state 1) chelated or 2) amino-acid chelated or 3) chelated with a hydrolyzed protein or 4) protein chelated- all of which mean that they are all chelated - chemically bound - to soya protein  Once again see : www.truthinlabelling.org
  • Minerals that are chelated to aspartic acid (aspartates). Aspartic acid has the same effect in the body as glutamic acid (See www.truthinlabelling.org  and E620 in my E-number guides.)
  • Glutamic acid (glutamates.) (See www.truthinlabelling.org and E620 in my E-number guides.)
  • Citric acid. Some cheaply made citrate mineral formulations use citric acid that is made from corn (Citric acid is not made from citrus fruits anymore because fermented corn is much cheaper) that has not had all the protein in the corn removed. This remaining protein is broken down during production resulting in processed free glutamic acids- PFGA’s.(See the site:www.truthinlabelling.org .and E620 in the E- number guide and  Ask the company producing the minerals about this and ask them to reply to you in a letter with a copy of analysis. As mentioned many times before - a letter is a legal document but a telephone conversation and e-mail are not.
  • Non organic lecithin (See E322 in my E- number guides and the section: “Organic and Fair for Life and Fair Trade Cocoa and Chocolate.”)
  • Synthetic beta-carotene (See Number 1.)
  • Synthetic flavors or "natural” flavors, many of which are made with using dangerous solvents such as hexane etc. which cannot be removed.
  • Zinc Sulphate. (See Zinc Sulphate in this section.)
    If you want to increase your protein intake, the healthiest way to do that is to eat only cooked -and never raw- egg whites from organic eggs. This is due to the very real dangers of E-coli and salmonella poisoning-regardless of what certain “health food experts” might say.

Note 1: If you eating extra protein of any type you must also significantly increase your water intake to help your kidneys and liver to detoxify and flush out the extra amount of waste products created by the extra protein. (See the section: “Water.”)

Note 2: If suffering from any medical disorder whatsoever, you must ask your doctor about increasing your protein intake –in any way- before you do it. 

This is especially important if suffering from:

    • Arthritis
    • Cancer
    • Diabetes
    • Gout
    • Heart disease
    • High blood pressure
    • All kidney disorders
    • All liver disorders

3. Bone meal supplements (capsules, powders and tablets etc.)

 These have virtually always found to contain high levels of lead, even if they come from the so-called “unpolluted pampas (or grasslands) of Argentina” etc.

Lead is extremely poisonous!

4. Camphor containing ointments, patches, salves and oils etc.

Camphor is extremely poisonous and easily enters the body through the skin.

Camphor is found in virtually all Chinese and Asian ointments, salves and patches and oils.

Once again – always read the ingredients.

5. Chromium picolinate

Note 1: This form of chromium has been shown to cause chromosome damage in laboratory tests -which is considered by cancer experts to be an extremely important sign of eventual cancer formation.

Chromium picolinate has been proven to damage the DNA and is considered mutagenic.

Chromium chloride ,chromium nitrate and chromium sulfate have also been proven to cause the same dangerous effects.

Note 2: If taking:

  • Any diabetic medication
  • Insulin
  • Any thyroid medication
  • Any prescription medication 
  • And if you have any medical problems with either your liver or kidneys- you must contact your doctor before taking any kind of chromium supplement -whether it be a chromium supplement by itself or if the chromium is found in a multi- vitamin /mineral supplement.

These 4 forms of chromium are found in almost all multi- vitamin/ mineral supplements but are not in the recommended multi-vitamin/ mineral formulas.

See the section:” Supplement Recommendations.” 

Unfortunately ,virtually all companies producing vitamin,mineral and herbal supplements -including both of the supplement companies that I recommend: "Pure Encapsulations" and "Thorne” -also make a seperate chromium picolinate only supplement.

The Pure Encapsulations multi vitamin and minerals products sold in Europe - but not in the Unite States -  also use chromium picolinate in their multi-vitamin and mineral products.

If you want to use this product make sure you get the American formula.

Always check the label to see the kind of chromium used in the multi vitamin and mineral product that you buy.

Do not take any product which contains chromium picolinate,chromium chloride ,chromium nitrate or chromium sulfate.

6. Crystal deodorants, in either in a solid crystal form or liquid form.

These deodorants contain alum, which is aluminum in a natural crystal formation.

Regardless of what many “health food” companies will tell you it is absolutely absorbed into the body.

The labels of these “health food "products -including some “organic " deodorants- will state “Potas alum” or “Alum” or “Alun” etc. as an  ingredients- all of which are aluminum. 

Aluminum has been linked to causing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease and cancer - especially breast cancer.

(Avoid also the use of aluminum pots and pans and the use of any antiperspirant and deodorant that contains any aluminum compound such as aluminum chloride etc. -which virtually all the non-organic ones contain.) 

(See also Aluminum E173 in my E number guides.)

Deodorants are used to prevent or mask body odors while antiperspirants prevent sweating.

7. Desiccated liver supplements (capsules, powders and tablets etc.) 

These have been very often found to have high levels of extremely dangerous heavy metals such as mercury and lead etc.-even if (like bone meal tablets) they come from the so -called “unpolluted pampas ( grasslands ) of Argentina" etc.

8. Dolomite supplements (capsules, powders, and tablets etc.)

Dolomite is calcium carbonate from Italy where the Alps mountain range are called the Dolomite mountain range.

It has often been found to contain high levels of lead-which is a deadly poison - due to the extremely high levels of air pollution found in Northern Italy which the winds then deposit on the Dolomite mountain range.

9. Ehedra, (Ma-huang) Ephedra sinica.

This herb can cause fatal side effects and has been forbidden in many countries.

It is often found in diet or “fat and/ or hunger reducing” supplements.

10. Garlic supplements that do not state their allicin levels on their labels.

Allicin is the only substance that the German government`s German Commission E panel, has determined that is responsible for garlic´s powerful medical effects.

Note 1: If you buy a garlic product make sure it says “Allicin released” and not "Allicin Potential” or "Allicin Yield."

Note also that garlic products often list their allicin levels in micrograms (mcg.) and not in milligrams (mg.) 

A minimum daily dosage of 5 mg. (5000mcg.) of allicin is necessary for any significant medical effect.

A normal size garlic clove of 3 grams will contain 7.5 mg.-13.5mg. of allicin.

See also the very important information on garlic in the section: “Herbal Information and Warnings."

Note 2: You must wait at least 15 minutes after chopping or crushing the garlic clove before eating it.

This is the time necessary to let the alliin in the garlic be transformed by the enzyme allinase -which is released when the garlic is chopped or crushed - in to allicin.

Note 3: Allicin is destroyed by cooking so garlic must be eaten raw in order for it to have any medical effect. If cooking with garlic add garlic to the food after the food has been cooked or at the very end of the cooking cycle.

Note 4: Allicin in garlic has been shown to:

  • Help cure atherosclerosis (and to prevent it.)
  • Help cure candida
  • Help in cases of diabetes
  • Lower high blood pressure
  • Lower high cholesterol
  • Have a powerful antibacterial effect
  • Have a powerful antiviral effect 

Note 5: But garlic and allicin can also be unhealthy:

  • Allicin might increase the risk of bleeding so garlic and all allicin containing supplements should be avoided before surgery
  • If you are taking any blood thinning medication such as Warfarin (Coumadin) you must talk to your doctor before taking any allicin containing supplements.
  • If you are taking any blood pressure medication once again talk to your doctor as garlic and allicin containing supplements can lower blood pressure.
  • Garlic and allicin containing supplements can lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.
  • Allicin containing products should not be taken by pregnant and breast feeding mothers.
  • Garlic should not be eaten by breast feeding mothers as the taste of the milk can be affected by the garlic and make the baby not want to nurse anymore.

If you are worried about your breath - chew raw parsley or anise seeds afterwards.

Note 6: The vast majority of garlic supplements produced do not state their alliin or allicin content and therefore have little or no effect, except for possibly a placebo effect.

Note 7:  See also the section “Herbal Information and Warnings” for important information on garlic.

11. Glutamic acid or L-glutamic acid:  

When this isolated amino acid is produced it is not bound to any other amino acids etc.as it always is when naturally found in whole foods (except in a few fermented soya foods) it is a dangerous neurotoxin.

It is PFGA (Processed Free Glutamic Acid) and has the same effect in the body as E621 MSG (Monosodium glutamate)

See the site: www.truthinlabelling.org and E620 and E621 in my E- number guides.

12. Guarana ampules, chewing gums, drinks, food bars, and supplements etc. (See the section: “Guarana.”)

13. Iron supplements and multi vitamin/mineral supplements etc. containing:

  • Iron (ferrous) gluconate
  • Iron (ferrous) lactate
  • Iron (ferrous) sulfate
  • Iron ferric pyrophosphate
  • Iron ferric sodium pyrophosphate

All these 5 types of iron have been proven to cause cancer in laboratory animals.

(See the excellent and well indexed book: “Cancer-Causing Agents” by Ruth Winter. Crown: New York.)

Note 1: Always read the ingredients and keep a special look out for an “unnamed” iron (where the label simply states “iron”) which is often the case in baby-foods, liquid iron supplements and multi- vitamin and mineral products as well as in many iron fortified food.

Note 2: Men rarely need iron supplementation unless they harbor a parasite or are suffering from blood loss such as when having a bleeding ulcer etc. and should-along with non- menstruating women- only take iron if advised to do so by a doctor.

Very high levels of iron in both men and in non-menstruating women have been be linked to heart disease.

The best of course, is to get all the iron you need from food.You can of course always goggle for the richest food sources for iron also.

Note 3: The most absorbable form of iron with the least number of side effects (such as constipation and stomach upset etc.) is iron bisglycinate which is also written as iron glycinate.

Unfortunately I cannot recommend the iron supplements made by Pure Encapsulations because they contain : ferric pyrophphophate iron or ferrous asperate iron (see point number 20 below) or potassium sorbate, nor can I recommend the iron supplements made by Thorne because they contain silicon dioxide.But there exists many other companies that make healthy iron supplements.Please read the ingredient list on the label very carefully and compare the ingredients to the "additives to avoid "list below. One healthy iron supplement is made by the Swedish company Nordbo and is called " Järn and C "( or " Iron and C"  in English ) but I am sure that there are many more.

Note: I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any company mentioned in this book. 

Note 4: Taking Vitamin C or eating a Vitamin C rich food such as kiwi fruit at the same time as taking an iron supplement or eating iron rich foods increase the absorption of iron by over 80%.

For more very important information on iron see point number three in the section: “Supplement Recommendations.

14. Non-organic lecithin granules, liquid, and supplements containing non-organic lecithin.
See the information on non-organic lecithin in the section: “Organic and Fair for Life and Fair Trade Cocoa and Chocolate” and E322 Lecithin in my E-number guides.

15. L-cysteine. 

When this isolated amino acid is produced it is not bound to any other amino acids etc. -as it always is when naturally found in whole foods- it is a dangerous neurotoxin.

It has the same effect in the body as E621 MSG (Monosodium glutamate.)

(See www.truthinlabelling.org and E621 in my E- number guides.)

16. L-phenylalanine. See the information on L-cysteine above.

17. Lycopene supplements that do not state on the label that they are" hexane free."

Most lycopene supplement are made with the very dangerous solvent hexane.

Hexane can never be completely removed and has been proven to cause birth defects, DNA damage and cancer. 

See also the information about tomatoes in the section: “Vegetables.”

17. Kava-Kava (Piper Methysticum.) 

This herb has caused fatalities and has been forbidden in many countries.

18. Kola-nut or cola nut supplements.

 Kola-nut or cola nut is extremely high in caffeine.

19. Minerals from “ancient sea beds.”

These products have often been found to contain high levels of toxic cadmium, lead and mercury etc.

The safe minerals that they do contain are very poorly absorbed.

20. Minerals that simply state:

  • Chelated
  • Amino-acid chelated
  • Chelated with a hydrolyzed protein or protein chelated, usually means that they are chelated (chemically bound) to soya protein (See www.truthinlabelling.org and E620 in my E- number guides.) Ask the company.
  • Minerals that are chelated to aspartic acid (aspartates.) Aspartic acid has the same effect in the body as glutamic acid.(See www.truthinlabelling.org and E620 in my E-number guides.)
  • Glutamic acid (glutamates) See above.
    Some cheaply made citrate mineral formulations use citric acid that is made from corn (citric is not made from citrus fruits anymore because fermented corn is much cheaper) that has not had all the protein in the corn removed. This remaining protein is broken down during production resulting in processed free glutamic acids (PFGA‘s) that have the same effect in the body as MSG (Monosodium glutamate.) See www.truthinlabelling.org and E620 in my E- number guides. 

Ask the company producing the minerals about this and ask them to reply to you in a letter with a copy of analysis.

As mentioned many times before - a letter is a legal document but a telephone conversation and an e-mail are not.

21. Primrose (or Evening Primrose) oil supplements that do not state on the label that they are “hexane free."

Most primrose oil supplements are made with the use of the very dangerous solvent hexane.

Hexane can never be completely removed and has been proven to cause birth defects, DNA damage and cancer.

22. Selenium supplements that contain Sodium selenite or Sodium selenate.

Check also your daily vitamin and mineral supplement which always contain selenium.

Sodium selenite and sodium selenate are extremely toxic and have shown to be cancer causing.

They also interfere with the absorption of other nutrients such as Vitamin C.

Selenomethionine - where the selenium is bound to the amino acid of methionine -is safe and is also much better absorbed than either sodium selenite or sodium selenate.

Selenium rich yeast is also safe and well absorbed but is not recommended for people suffering from Candida problems.

Note: Unless told to do so by your doctor, or undergoing the removal of amalgam fillings, do not take over 200 mcg.of selenium per day.

The maximum amount of selenium that can safely be taken is 400 mcg.per day.

23. Yohimbe supplements.

This herb has been forbidden in many countries because of the numerous dangerous side effects that it has.

It is widely sold as a sexual aid.

Note: Before taking any of the following herbs read the section: “Herbal Warnings."

The following herbs have been proven to help with sexual problems:

  • Gingko bilbao: See the “Herbal Information and Warnings” section.
  • Panax ginseng: See the “Herbal Information and Warnings” section. (Note: According to Chinese medicine this herb is not recommended for women.)
  • Rhodiola rosea: See the “Herbal Information and Warnings” section.

24. Zinc nasal sprays.

The use of this product has resulted in cases of both long lasting and of even permanent complete loss of smell function.

25. Zinc picolinate.The APPS ( American Association of Physicians and Surgeons ) recommends against taking zinc picolinate because of studies reporting that it caused liver damage and tumors. 

26. Zinc sulphate.

Do not take a zinc supplement containing zinc sulphate as zinc sulphate has been proven to be a cancer- causing agent.

(See the excellent well indexed book “Cancer- Causing Agents” by Ruth Winter. Crown: New York.)

It is also poorly absorbed and often causes nausea.

Check your multi-vitamin-mineral supplement as well as they all contain zinc.

Zinc bisglycinate ( also written as  glycinate ) is safe, well absorbed and does not cause stomach distress which many other types of zinc supplements can do.

Always take zinc and all vitamin and mineral supplements with food to ensure their maximum absorption and to avoid all possible stomach distress.


Read This Before Taking Any Supplement!

1. When taking any vitamin, mineral or herbal etc. supplement - whether it be in a capsule, tablet, powder or liquid etc. - always check to see that all the additives (also called excipients) in the supplement are safe.

Excipients or additives are the non-active ingredients that are used as binding agents, lubricating agents and filling agents etc. in capsules or tablet or simply are the extra additives etc. in a liquid.  

Note 1: Unfortunately the additives that are found in the capsules themselves –whether in a gelatin or in a vegetarian capsule- and those that are found in the vitamins and minerals themselves that are purchased from the companies that have actually produced the vitamins,minerals  or capsules (virtually no vitamin company selling vitamins and minerals actually  " make "their own vitamins, minerals or capsules  ) - do not have to be legally list those additives on the ingredient list.

For example all Vitamin D supplements are only produced by a handful of huge worldwide pharmaceutical companies that almost always add the dangerous preservatives: Potassium sorbate E202, Calcium sorbate E203, Benzoic acid E210 or Sodium benzoate E211 to the Vitamin D.

So the company you buy Vitamin D from has already purchased it from one of these huge companies.

Yet the company that you have bought it from does NOT have to legally list any of these additives on the label because they did not add it.

They legally ONLY have to legally list on the label all the additives etc. that they themselves have added.

(See Number 2 below.)

If in doubt ask the company to reply to you in a letter - for as stated many times before- a letter is a legal document whereas an email or telephone conversation is not. 

Note 2: Many poorly produced supplements may contain excellent active ingredients (the vitamins, minerals or herbs etc.) but also contain added dangerous additives.

Read all ingredients (including all additives or excipients) and avoid these dangerous ones: (See my E- number guides.)     

  • Acacia gum E414
  • Gum arabic is also E414
  • Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) E320
  • Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) E321
  • Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) E466 
  • Cellulose gum is also E466 
  • Sodium carboxymethylcellulose is also E466
  • Crospovidone 
  • Croscarmellose E468
  • Erythritol E968 
  • Macrogol E1521
  • Magnesium stearate E572.All magnesium stearate is made from the mineral magnesium and from stearates (stearic acid) that are always made from cottonseed oil. Cotton is legally defined as an “industrial crop” and NOT a “food crop” and can therefore be sprayed with tremendously dangerous pesticides that are strictly forbidden to be used on food. These pesticides (and all pesticides) then concentrate in the cottonseed oil. All stearates are also hydrogenated which is very unhealthy for the body.
  • Methylparaben E 218 ( Metylparahydroxibensoat )
  • Microcrystalline cellulose E460 (MCC) made from cotton -instead of from wood pulp. Cotton is allowed to be sprayed with pesticides that are forbidden to be used on food crops.Write the company making the vitamins to ask them for the source of their MCC and if it is wood pulp then ask them if it is certified as pesticide free.
  • Polyethylene Glycol (PEG )
  • Polysorbate 20 - 80, E431-E 436
  • Polyvinylpolpyrrolidon E1202
  • Polyvinylpyrrolidon E1201
  • Potassium Sorbate E202
  • Povidone E1201
  • Propylene glycol E1502
  • Propylparaben E216  (Propylparahydroxibensoat )
  • Pullulan E1204 used both in making vegetarian capsules and also as a filler powder in capsules
  • Silicon dioxide E551
  • Sodium Saccharin E954 (Natrium Sackarin)
  • Saccharin E954 (Sackarin )
  • Sorbic acid E200
  • Sorbitol E420
  • Talk E553b
  • Titanium dioxide E171
  • Crosslinked Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose  E468
  • Xylitol E967
  • Certain mineral formulations (see the previous section) are also dangerous, such as the iron supplements of: Ferrous gluconate, Ferrous Lactate, Ferrous sulphate, Ferric pyrophosphate, Ferric sodium pyrophosphate
  • Chromium Picolinate (See: “Vitamin, Mineral and other Supplement Warnings.”)
  • Sodium selenate (See: “Vitamin, Mineral and other Supplement Warnings.”)
  • Sodium selenite (See: “Vitamin, Mineral and other Supplement Warnings.”)
  • Zinc sulphate (See: “Vitamin, Mineral and other Supplement Warnings.”)
  • This is not a complete list - as new additives are continuously being created and used.

Note 3: Sometimes when a certain vitamin, mineral or herbal supplements etc. is needed, the only supplement available which is needed might contain unhealthy additives. However, if you take daily supplements for a long period of time, try very hard to find the healthiest ones available.

Note 4: Remember also that as long as the supplement is not a tablet, the 2 piece capsule can be easily twisted open allowing only the contents to be  poured in to a juice ,smoothie or mixed with food.

If it is just a one piece capsule it can always be cut open and the contents squeezed out.

Note 5: People should always look first to food sources for all their nutritional needs.

However due to any number of factors such as sickness, age, and poor diet etc. or simply the strength of the vitamin and/ or mineral needed - supplements can be necessary.

2. If you decide that you want to take any vitamin, mineral or herbal etc. supplement I only recommend the companies: “Pure Encapsulations” and “Thorne” supplements because they are the only companies that I know of that:

  • List all of the additives or excipients in their products on their labels - including those that are found in the vitamins etc. that they have purchased from other companies. 
  • State that no GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) products are used in their products. 
  • Note 1: Because new supplement formulas are constantly being created and old ones are constantly being revised  - always look up all the ingredients of all vitamin ,mineral and herbal supplements -including the ones used by the above 2 recommended companies -  in the above list and the list found in found in the section : " Read This Before Taking Any Supplement" ( and even https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ for ingredients that found in all body care products and cosmetics etc.)

Note 2: I have absolutely no connection whatsoever to the two above mentioned companies or to any of the companies mentioned.

Note 3: Except for the 2 companies above that I know of - the majority of companies selling vitamins have purchased vitamins that contain the following - that can be legally unlisted on the label- dangerous additives: (See my E number guides.)

    • Vitamin A that contains BHA E320 and/ or BHT E321
    • Various B Vitamins that contain Potassium sorbate E212
    • Vitamin C that contains Sorbic acid E200
    • Vitamin D that contains Potassium sorbate E202, Calcium sorbate E203, Benzoic acid E210 ,Sodium benzoate E211 BHA E320 or BHT E321. 

As stated before none of these dangerous additives have to be legally listed   on the label because the company that is selling them to you did not add them to the vitamins themselves.

Note 5: The exact same is true for all capsules.

All companies should be forced by law to list all the additives found in their products!

Many cellulose capsules contain the dangerous food additive Sorbitol E420 and virtually all gelatin capsules have been made with and contain the dangerous chemical hexane, as well as possibly containing various dangerous preservatives as well such as BHA E320 and BHT E321 etc.

Do not take capsules made from pullulan ( or products that contain pullulan powder as a filling agent ) as it has been shown to cause cancer in some studies.

Note 6: If you take any other vitamin and/ or mineral and/or herbal supplement or any health food supplement whatsoever, ask the company on the label that produces the product - not your local health food store etc.-to send you a letter listing the total ingredient list including any and all ingredients and additives that are not listed on the label.

As stated above and many times before -always remember that a letter is a legal document and that an e-mail or a telephone conversation is not.
This is especially extremely important for the supplements that you and your children take on a daily basis.

Note 7: If a mineral is listed as: (See also the previous section.)

  • amino-acid chelated but does list chelating ingredients
  • chelated with a hydrolyzed protein
  • or protein chelated, but does list the chelating ingredient- than the mineral has always been chelated (chemically bound) to soy protein, which is extremely unhealthy because it then always contains glutamic acid E620.See www.truthinlabelling.org and E620 in my E- number guides.

Note 8: Minerals in the aspartate form are made with aspartic acid which has the same effect in the body as glutamic acid E620.

Minerals in the citrate form-if made with poorly made citric acid that is made from corn- could contain processed free glutamic acids (PFGA).

Ask the companies to reply to you in writing about the citric acid that they use and if they test for PFGA residues.

Note 9: If taking any Vitamin B 2 Riboflavin supplement, and /or Vitamin B12 supplement, and /or Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) supplement and/ or any multivitamin/mineral supplement containing them, ask the producer of these supplement to answer you in a letter as to whether the corn which is used in the corn fermentation process-which is the process that is used to make all these supplements- is GMO or not.

At the same time ask if the soya beans that are used to make the natural Vitamin E supplement are GMO or not.

Virtually all natural Vitamin E supplements are made from soya beans but some companies have been recently started using sunflower seeds instead.Unlike soya beans -sunflower seeds are not a GMO crop.

Supplement Recommendations:

Note: This is extremely important !

Before taking any vitamin, mineral or herbal supplement of any kind always contact your doctor if you:

  • Are suffering from any medical health disorder whatsoever-physical and/or mental
  • Taking any medication whatsoever, whether it is by prescription only or not
  • About to undergo any medical treatment of any kind
  • About to undergo surgery
  • About to take any medical test whatsoever
  • Are pregnant
  • Are breastfeeding
  • Are elderly
  • Keep all vitamins, mineral, herbal and any health food supplements (as well as all medication- both prescription and non-prescription) well out of the reach of children and at best in a locked cabinet. 

Note: I do not believe in taking huge doses of vitamins and minerals - as often found in most multivitamin and mineral supplements.

A good (although conservative) guide to follow when searching for the amount of vitamins and minerals to take at different ages are the recommendations by the Linus Pauling Institute which can be found on the net.

Note: I do not agree with all of their food guidelines for eating a healthy diet - specifically their acceptance of soy milk and soy products (See the section:" Nutritional Facts about Food “), soft margarine spreads and the use of canola, corn and safflower oils (See the section: "Unhealthy Fats and Oils”) - all of which I believe to be unhealthy. Please also read the section: “Fatty Fish."

Another excellent (but much more " liberal “) guide to follow when searching for the amount of vitamins and minerals to take are the recommendations found on page 72 in the excellent and highly recommended book : " The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine " written by Drs. Michael T. Murray N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno N.D. This book should be in every home and is absolutely the best book on diet, vitamins, minerals, herbs and naturopathic medicine that I have ever read over the past 45 years. This book also details the treatment of over 80 medical diseases and disorders. Make sure you buy the latest edition of this book as it is continuously being updated. These recommendations can be found on the net.

Note: I do not agree with all of their food guidelines for eating a healthy diet - specifically their acceptance of soy products (See the section:" Nutritional Facts about Food “) and the use of canola oil. (See the section: "Unhealthy Fats and Oils”) - both of which I believe to be unhealthy. Please also read the section: “Fatty Fish."

Healthy food should always be the first choice. 

Therefore if you are lacking in any vitamin or mineral I urge you to first to look for healthy foods that are high in that nutrient -and are at best are organically grown - before rushing out to buy a swupplement.

Although the decision to take any supplement must be of course left up to the individual to decide, I do nevertheless very strongly feel that certain groups of people must take certain supplements.

Note : In order to avoid the contaminants that are in present in all capsules (and tablets ) as well as the possible  additives- which legally to not have to be listed on the product label - I strongly recommend to open all capsules and pour the contents in to some liquid or to swallow the contents directly.

1. All vegans, both men and women, must take a Vitamin B12 supplement.

All Vitamin B12 supplements are vegan.

(See the section: “Vegetarian vs. Non-Vegetarian Diet.”)

2. All female vegans-and female vegetarians must get their iron checked monthly and take a safe iron supplement if low in iron. (See number 13 in the above section: "Unhealthy Vitamin, Mineral, Herbal and Health Food Supplements.”)

3. All women must start taking 400 mcg. of Folate ( Folic acid ) per day while trying to get pregnant as well as throughout their pregnancy to avoid giving birth to a baby with severe birth defects such spina bifida which a lack of folic acid in the mother will cause. I can recommend the supplement Pure Encapsulations Folate 400 .Note: I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any company mentioned in this book.

4. All pregnant women must have their iron levels checked monthly. 

If iron levels are found to be low -first resort to eating iron rich foods to increase iron levels before taking any iron supplement.

Goggle after the richest food sources of iron and which ones appeal to you the most.(See number 13 in the above section: "Unhealthy Vitamin, Mineral, Herbal and Health Food Supplements.”)

Note 1: Vitamin C increases the body`s ability to absorb iron by up to 80%.

Always eat iron rich food together with foods that are high in Vitamin C.

If an iron supplement is needed-take a safe iron supplement such as iron (ferrous) bisglycinate-also spelt glycinate - along with either a Vitamin C rich food such as Kiwi fruit or a Vitamin C supplement.See also the very important  list of unhealthy additives found in supplements  in the previous section.

One healthy iron supplement is made by the Swedish company Nordbo and is called " Järn and C "( or "Iron and C"  in English ) but I am sure that there are many more.

Note: I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any company mentioned in this book. 

Note 2: Do not take any iron supplement or multi vitamin/ mineral supplement which contains:

  • Iron (ferrous) gluconate
  • Iron (ferrous) lactate
  • Iron (ferrous) sulfate
  • Iron ferric pyrophosphate
  •  Iron ferric sodium pyrophosphate
    All of these 5 types of iron have been proven to cause cancer in laboratory experiments.
  • Do not take iron aspatate as it is an excitotoxin.
  • Zinc picolinate : According to the AAPS ( American Association of Physicians and Surgeons ) zinc picolinate has caused tumors and liver damage.
  • Zinc sulphate : It is used as a rat killling chemical and has been proven to cause cancer.( "Cancer-Causing Agents : A Preventative Guide " by Ruth Winter.)

Note 3: Please note that these products will inhibit the absorption of iron:

  • Bran (including any uncooked grain flakes found in muesli etc.)
  • Coffee and tea
  • Calcium rich foods such as cheese, milk and yoghurt etc.
  • Oregano
  • Uncooked egg whites

If the products on this list are consumed, they must be consumed either 3 hours before or 3 hours after the consumption of iron rich foods or the taking of an iron supplement in order for them not to inhibit the absorption of iron.

Note 4: Never eat raw egg whites or eat raw eggs- even if organic !

Many “health food experts” recommend eating raw eggs.

Raw eggs can contain E.coli bacteria and/or salmonella both of which can be fatal.

Raw egg whites also contain avidin which blocks the absorption of biotin (an important nutrient) and contain conalbumin which blocks the absorption of iron.

Note 5: Considering the fact that approximately 30% of women of child bearing age in Western countries have been found to be iron deficient -all women who feel physically and/or mentally tired or exhausted should have their iron levels checked.

Many women, especially those who are vegan or vegetarian, simply deal with their tiredness by using:

  • Caffeine products
  • Sugar products
  • Tobacco products

Note 6: Men and non-menstruating older women rarely suffer from lack of iron unless they are suffering from internal bleeding such as an ulcer etc. or suffer from a parasitic infection etc. and should not take an iron supplement unless recommended to do so by their doctor.

Iron levels can also be increased by cooking food - especially acidic foods such as tomatoes etc. - in iron pots.

Only cook food in untreated iron pots. See the section: “Healthy Cooking and Kitchen Supplies.

5. Babies and infants from birth to 4 years old should take 12.5 mcg. (500 IU) of Vitamin D3 per day plus Vitamin K also.

 Vitamin K helps the body to use calcium to build bone instead of depositing it in arteries and soft tissue. 

  • 6-12 years old should take 25 mcg.1000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day plus  Vitamin K also. 
  • All teens and all adults should take 125 mcg. (5000 IU) of Vitamin D3 per day plus Vitamin K also. 

 Note 1: Vitamin K may be contraindicated with Coumadin (Warfarin) if you are pregnant or lactating, have any health condition or are taking any medication, particularly blood thinning medication, consult your health professional before use.

Note 2: Vitamin D 3 Cholecalciferol is natural while Vitamin D 2 Ergocalciferol  is synthetic and is not recommended.Vitamin D2 does not raise Vitamin D levels in the blood as much as Vitamin D3.

Note 3: In northern climates-such as in Scandinavia- the type of ultraviolet waves (UV rays) found during the months October to May do NOT produce Vitamin D on the skin.

Only UV-B rays which in northern climates are only present during June- September produce Vitamin D on the skin.
During these months, a minimum of 20 minutes of direct sun exposure (not through a window) on your both of your face and hands is the amount of time needed on a daily basis (providing that you do not wash your face or hands etc. for 2 hours afterwards because doing so will actually rinse away the Vitamin D) for the sun’s rays to create the amount of Vitamin D needed by the body. 

(In past times, both the people in Scandinavia and the native peoples in North America ate fatty fish such as herring and salmon etc. and ate fish livers containing fish oil- all of which are an extremely rich source of Vitamin D3.)

Note 4: This is extremely important for all people but is critically important for older people who should take a natural vitamin D 3 supplement throughout the whole year, because they often do not go outside very much throughout the whole year.

Note 5: Lack of vitamin D can often create side effects similar to senile dementia and other mental disorders etc. especially in older people.

Note 6: If suffering from any the following medical disorders-consult your doctor before taking any vitamin D supplement:

  • Cancer
  • Granulomatous tuberculosis
  • Primary hyperparathyroidism
  • Sarcoidosis

6. I strongly believe that multivitamin/ mineral supplements should be taken by everyone - as they provide a nutritional “insurance."

Note 1: This is very important for everyone because: 

  • People's diets are often not very nutritious.
  • People can have difficulties in absorbing nutrients.
  • The effect of various pollutants that are known to interfere with nutrient function.

A large study in the United States Studies showed that 95% of people do not get the recommended amount of Vitamin D in their diet ,93% do not get the recommended amount of Vitamin E ,71% do not get the recommended amount of Vitamin K, 56% of people (and 80% of people over 70 ) do not get the recommended amount of magnesium, 44 % do not get the recommended amount of Vitamin A and 31% do not get the recommended amount of Vitamin C .(Source: The Linus Pauling Institute.) Although these were American studies, European results would be similar due to the same similar structure of their diets.  

7. Increasing the Body's Immunity Level:

Note 1: For crucial up to date information written by medical doctors and research scientists on both the prevention and treatment of Covid I strongly recommend the excellent site : covid19criticalcare.com

Note 2: In order to build up the body's immunity against disease as well as against bacterial and viral infections etc. (including Covid -19) in teenagers and adults -these nutrients  are  recommended : 

  • Vitamin D3 (NOT Vitamin D2 which is synthetic) 125 mcg. (or 5000 IU) daily.
  • Zinc bisglycinate ,citrate, or gluconate (NOT Zinc picolinate and NOT Zinc sulphate -see above.) 40 mg. daily
  • Copper bisglycinate :1 mg. Additional copper must be taken when taking high amounts of zinc.
  • Quercetin 500 mg. daily.Note : This nutrient might negatively affect people suffering from hypothyroidism. 
  • Vitamin C 1000 mg. daily ( 2x 500 mg.-morning and evening.Vitamin C is not stored in the body so it should be taken at 2 different times during the day.If using capsules containlng 1000 mg. of Vitamin C ( see" Daily Recommendations " below ) simply open and take half poured in a smoothie or juice twice per day.)
  • Elderberry concentrate or extract
  • Resveratrol 500 mg.Note : This nutrient might negatively affect people suffering from hypothyroidism. 
  • EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate ) 400 mg.The EGCG must NOT have been extracted with hexane.Hexane is a proven cancer-causing chemical that always remains in the finished product and can never be completely removed.
  • NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) 600 mg.

Note 3: In order to avoid the contaminants that are in present in all capsules (and tablets) as well as the possible additives- which legally to not have to be listed on the product label - I strongly recommend to open all capsules and pour the contents in to some liquid or to swallow the contents directly.

Note 4: Always take all vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements with meals to increase their absorption and to avoid stomach distress.

Note 5: I do NOT recommend any of the multiple vitamin and mineral  formulas made by Pure Encapsulations for the European market.Unfortunately, their European multiple vitamin and mineral products  -unlike their  American products - contain chromium picolinate, zinc picolinate ( see above )  and often contain very small amounts of nutrients which do not even fufil the extremely low DRI ( Daily Recommended Intake ) or the RDA  (Recommendeed Daily Allowance ) of certain nutrients. 

Daily Recommendations 


8. From birth to 4 years old:

  • Thorne Vitamin DK2 drops - one drop per day - with food - which gives 500IU (12.5 mcg.) Vitamin D3 and 100 mcg. Vitamin K2 (Menatetrenone.) Eating a food containing fat will greatly increase the body’s absorption of Vitamin D3.

Note : Vitamin K may be contraindicated with Coumadin (Warfarin) if you are pregnant or lactating , have any health condition or are taking any medication, particularly blood thinning medication, consult your health professional before use.

9. From 4-12 years old:

 1.Thorne Vitamin DK2 drops - one drop per day  with food.

 2.Plus 2 capsules of Pure Encapsulations Junior Nutrients per day with food.

Note 1: Vitamin K may be contraindicated with Coumadin (Warfarin) if you are pregnant or lactating, have any health condition or are taking any medication, particularly blood thinning medication, consult your health professional before use. 

10. There exists then 2 possibilities ( A. and B. ) for teenagers and adults - each coming from products from the above 2 recommended companies: Pure Encapsulations and Thorne - for creating a healthy daily vitamin and mineral formula that includes the recommended amounts of the 3 nutrients written about above ( except for the Quercertin ) to increase your immune response and your protection against both bacterial and viral infections.

These options allows you to pick the one best suited to your own individual needs.

Note: As stated earlier -always take all vitamin and mineral supplements with food to avoid stomach distress and to increase their absorption.

A. For teenagers and adults:

Note : Vitamin K may be contraindicated with Coumadin (Warfarin) if you are pregnant or lactating,or have any health condition or are taking any medication, particularly blood thinning medication, consult your health professional before use.

1.Take 4 capsules per day of Pure Encapsulations Junior Nutrients.

2.Plus 1 capsule per day of Pure Encapsulations Buffered Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C )  to avoid possible gastric irritation.

Both Thorne and Pure Encapsulations also sell Buffered Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C ) in a bulk powder form ( with a scoop ) and both companies also sell normal ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C ) in 1000 mg.capsules.

Note:I do not recommend the Thorne Vitamin C with Flavonoids because it contains silicon dioxide.

3.Plus 1 capsule of Pure Encapsulations Folate 1000 once per week. 

4.Plus 3 capsules of Pure Encapsulations Zinc Citrate 30 mg. once per week.

5.Plus 3 capsules of Vitamin D3 250 mcg. from Pure Encapsulations once per week.

B. For teenagers and adults :

Note : Vitamin K may be contraindicated with Coumadin (Warfarin) if you are pregnant or lactating, or have any health condition or are taking any medication, particularly blood thinning medication, consult your health professional before use.

1.Take 1 capsule per day of Thorne Basic Nutrients 2 per day.

2.Plus 1 capsule per day of Pure Encapsulations Buffered Ascorbic Acid  (Vitamin C) to avoid possible gastric irritation.

Both Thorne and Pure Encapsulations also sell Buffered Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C ) in a bulk powder form ( with a scoop ) and both companies also sell normal ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C ) in 1000 mg.capsules.

Note:I do not recommend the Thorne Vitamin C with Flavonoids and many other supplements because it contains silicon dioxide which has been proven to cross the blood brain membrane and to be deposited in our tissues with totally unknown results.

3.Plus 1 capsule per day of Pure Encapsulations Zinc Citrate 30 mg.

4.Plus 1 capsule of Pure Encapsulations Vitamin A and Carotenoids once per week. 

5.Plus 2 capsules of Vitamin D3 250 mcg. from Pure Encapsulations once per week. 

1.In addition, I recommend 120 mg.-300 mg. of Pure Encapsulations Magnesium bisglycinate ( or Thorne Magnesium bisglycinate powder ) to be taken daily by teenagers and adults but especially by people over 60 years old. Magnesium bisglycinate is very bulky so the recommended amount would never fit in a normal size capsule which contains vitamins and other minerals as well.Magnesium bisglycinate is sold as a sugar free nice tasting powder by Thorne. It tastes sweet because it contains added monk fruit concentrate which has no sugars and does not raise the glucose level in the blood so it can be safely taken by diabetics.Monkfruit contains chemicals called mogrosides which the body interprets as sweet. 

Note: I do not recommend the magnesium glycinate liquid made by Pure Encapsulations because of the potassium sorbate and xylitol it contains.

I also do not recommend Thorne Magnesium CitriMate because it contains Gum arabic.

Magnesium citrate /malate capsules can also be recommended and are also made by Pure Encapsulations and other companies as well.

As stated before -studies have shown that 50-60% of all people (and 70% - 80% of people over 70) are not getting the recommended amount of magnesium in their diet.

2.Older people also suffer from a decreased ability to absorb Vitamin B12. For this reason all people over the age of 60 must make sure that they take 300 mcg.- 400 mcg.of Vitamin B12 in the form of Methylcobalamin per day. Because Vitamin B12 is stored in the body it can also be taken on a weekly basis. ( This Vitamin B12 requirement  is taken care of the above supplement recommendations.)

3.The fat -soluble vitamins ( A ,D, E and K ) are all much better absorbed if some fat or oil is eaten at the same time as taking them. Please see the section : " Healthy Fats and Healthy Oils." 

4. All of the B vitamins ( except for B12 )  and Vitamin C are not stored in the body and should be taken on a daily basis  but the Vitamins A, B12, D, E ,K-1,K-2 as well as the mineral Zinc are stored in the body and can be taken just once a week in the necessary amounts.

5. For vegans and vegetarians please note that there is (vegan) Vitamin B12 in all of the recommended multi vitamin and mineral products but there is NO iron in any of them.

If you need to take iron then 1 capsule of Thorne Iron Bisglycinate 25 mg. should be taken daily - ideally with a rich food source of Vitamin C such as (organic) Kiwi fruit or (organic) oranges etc. or a Vitamin C supplement - which will increase the absorption of the iron by over 80%.

6.Note !  If pregnant I do NOT recommend the above amounts of Vitamins and Minerals !

I then recommend simply trying to eat the best nutritious diet possible and only taking Thorne Folic acid (Thorne 5 - MTHF 1mg.) per day from already the time you start trying to get pregnant or immediately from the time you find out that you are pregnant.

If iron levels are tested and you need to take an iron supplement see #7 above.

11. Four Antiviral Herbs 

  1. Andrograhis paniculata .Please look up the important information on this herb before taking any product containing it in the section." Herbal Information and Warnings."
  2. Astragalus membranaceus. Please look up the important information on this herb before taking any product containing it in the section. "Herbal Information and Warnings."
  3. Reishi mushrooms. (Gandoderma lucidum.) Please look up the important information on this herb before taking any product containing it in the section." Herbal Information and Warnings."
  4. Garlic. Before eating garlic - you must always wait at least 15 minutes after having crushed or chopped up the garlic.

When garlic is crushed or chopped up an enzyme called allinase is released that interacts with a substance called alliin in garlic to form another substance named aliicin which is the major chemical that is responsible for the medical effect that garlic has.

Allicin is destroyed by heating so the garlic must be eaten raw.

If you are worried about the smell chew some fresh parsley or some anise seeds to get rid of the smell.

Try to eat one clove of raw organic garlic every day.

For more very important information on garlic please see the section: “Herbal Information and Warnings." 

Except for the garlic - the first three herbs (2 of which are in a standardized powerful extract) can be found in an excellent product made by Pure Encapsulations named:  “Innate Immune Support."

Note 1: As stated before I have absolutely no connection whatsoever to this company or to any company mentioned. 

Note 2: Do NOT take this formula if pregnant, trying to get pregnant or breastfeeding.

12. Herbs to be used if mentally and / or physically tired because of stress.

If you find yourself always being mentally and/or physically tired you should always first go to your doctor for a complete checkup to rule out any kind of serious medical disorder.  

This checkup must include blood testing for food allergies - not just skin pricks.

The skin pricking method is far too inaccurate.

As stated earlier, all women must have their iron levels checked if feeling physically and /or mentally tired.

Note: If you have been taking folic acid and/or Vitamin B12 you must stop taking them for at least 3 days before the test to avoid receiving a false reading for iron levels. 

If nothing is found by your doctor you should first try taking a vitamin and mineral supplement for at least one month and then possibly try taking an adaptogenic herb.

Adaptogenic herbs are herbs that have been proven to support and strengthen the immune system during times of mental and/or physical stress as well as having other proven medical effects.

Adaptogenic herbs include: 

  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Astralagus (Astralagus membranaceus)
  • Eleuthero (Russian or Siberian ginseng -although it is not a true ginseng variety.) (Eleuthercocus senticosus)
  • Panax Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) Note: Do not take American Ginseng for tiredness or stress etc.-it should only be taken for fevers.
  • Reishi (Gandoserma lucidum)
  • Rhodiola rosea (Rhodiola rosea)
  • Schisandra (Schisandra chineses)

Take all herbs with food to avoid stomach distress and for better absorption.

All herbs can be taken at the same time as vitamins and minerals.

Note 1: Before taking these herbs or any herbs please see the very important information on these herbs and other herbs in the section: “Herbal Information and Warnings." 

Note 2: Do NOT take any of these herbs if pregnant or breastfeeding.


Vitamin, Mineral and Other Supplement Warnings

Once again, as written earlier:

Note 1: Before taking any vitamin, mineral, herbal or any health food supplement of any kind always contact your doctor if you:

  • Are suffering from any medical health disorder whatsoever- physical and/or mental
  • Taking any medication whatsoever, whether it is by prescription only or not
  • About to undergo any medical treatment of any kind
  • About to undergo surgery
  • About to take any medical test whatsoever
  • Are pregnant
  • Are breastfeeding
  • Are elderly

Note 2: Keep all vitamins, mineral, herbal and any health food supplements (as well as all medication- both prescription and non-prescription) well out of the reach of children and at best in a locked cabinet.

Note 3: Once again, as written before, before taking any vitamin, mineral or supplement product, I strongly recommend that you look it up in the excellent site: www.purecaps.com (Go to Health Library-Clinical Essentials –Supplements A-Z) for excellent information which is far more detailed than the general information that is offered here.

Also as mentioned earlier, I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any company which mentioned.

This site is simply listed as an excellent source of information and nothing more.

1. Amino-acids

1. L-arginine and L-ornithine: the following people should not take these two amino -acids:

  • People suffering from schizophrenia (See the section: “Food Allergies and Food Intolerances” also)
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers
  • Children and adults with Herpes simplex1or 2, should not L-arginine unless approved to do so by their doctor.

2. L-methionine: Long term dosages of over 1,000 mg daily can lower levels of iron, vitamin B6 and copper in the blood and can also lower levels of calcium and potassium.

3. L-tyrosine:

Note: Do not take this amino acid if suffering from:

  • High blood pressure
  • Melanoma
  • Phenylketonuria
  • People taking any anti-depressive medicine and all pregnant or breastfeeding mothers must not take this amino acid.

2. Vitamin A

Note 1: Pregnant women must not take over 2,500 IU or 750 mcg.RAE (Retinol Activity Equivalents) of Vitamin A per day, as this could lead to birth defects.

Note 2: People suffering from the following eye diseases should not take Vitamin A acetate or palmitate:

  • Best disease
  • Cone -rod dystrophy
  • Retinal diseases caused by gene Abca4
  • Stargardt disease (Stargardt macular dystrophy)

Note 3: There are no such dangers with natural beta-carotene supplements derived from Blakeslea Trispora.

Note 4: Infants and people suffering from cystic fibrosis ,gallbladder disorders, lactose intolerance or poor thyroid function etc. can not convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A.It has also been estimated that because of their genetic disposition up to 50% of the population are " poor converters " of beta -carotene in to Vitamin A.

Please read the important information on beta-carotene in the section: “Unhealthy Vitamin, Mineral Herbal and Health Food Supplements.”

3. Vitamin B3 Niacin

Note 1: If suffering from the following medical disorders:

  • Diabetes
  • Gout
  • Liver disease
  • An elevation in liver enzymes
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Stomach ulcers- ask your doctor before taking any supplement containing Vitamin B3.

Note 2: Pregnant women who take Vitamin B3 Niacin must not take over 25mg.per day.

4. Vitamin B Complex

In some individuals, high amounts of the B complex vitamins can cause an increase in appetite.

5. Vitamin C, Ascorbic acid

Note 1: If suffering from:

  • Kidney disease
  • Recurrent kidney stones
  • Or are on hemodialysis- ask your doctor before taking any supplements containing Vitamin C.
    Note 2: Vitamin C can give a false positive reaction to glucosides.
    Note 3: Vitamin C (as well as Folic acid) interferes with the testing for Vitamin B12.

If not buying a Vitamin C product from the 2 companies Pure Encapsulations or Thorne -both of which state that they use no GMO (genetically modified organism) products then ask the producer for a letter stating that their Vitamin C product is GMO free.

Virtually all natural Vitamin C supplements are made from corn (maize) and the vast majority of the maize crops worldwide are GMO. 

As stated many times before - a letter is a legal document whereas an email or telephone conversation is not.

6. Calcium

Always take a natural Vitamin D3 supplement when taking a calcium supplement to increase the absorption of calcium.

Calcium is found in virtually all multiple vitamin and /or mineral supplements - read the ingredients.

Dolomite (Calcium carbonate) and is a very poorly absorbed.

Choose calcium bisglycinate ( also written as calcium glycinate ) or calcium citrate/malate instead.

7. Chromium

Please read the information on chromium in the previous section:

" Unhealthy Vitamin,Mineral ,Herbal and Health Food Supplements."

8. Vitamin D 

Note 1:Take only Vitamin D 3 Cholecalciferol which is natural while Vitamin D 2 Ergocalciferol is synthetic and is not recommended.

Vitamin D 2 does not raise Vitamin D levels in the blood as much as Vitamin D3.

Note 2: In northern climates-such as in Scandinavia- the type of ultraviolet waves (UV rays) found during the months October to May do NOT produce Vitamin D on the skin.

Only UV-B rays which in northern climates are only present during June- September produce Vitamin D on the skin.
During these summer months, a minimum of 20 minutes of direct sun exposure (not through a window) on your both of your face and hands is the amount of time needed on a daily basis (providing that you do not wash your face or hands etc. for 2 hours afterwards because doing so will actually rinse away the Vitamin D) for the sun’s rays to create the amount of Vitamin D needed by the body.

Note 3: This is extremely important for all people but is critically important for older people who should take a natural vitamin D 3 supplement throughout the whole year, because they often do not go outside very much throughout the whole year.

Note 4: Lack of vitamin D can often create side effects similar to senile dementia and other mental disorders etc. especially in older people.

Note 5: If suffering from any the following medical disorders-consult your doctor before taking any Vitamin D supplement:

  • Cancer
  • Granulomatous tuberculosis
  • Primary hyperparathyroidism
  • Sarcoidosis

9. Vitamin E

Note 1: Ask your doctor before taking any vitamin supplements containing Vitamin E if you are:

  • Suffering from high blood pressure
  • Taking any anti-coagulant drugs, such as Coumadin or Warfarin etc. as Vitamin E can increase the effect of these drugs
  • Taking any blood pressure lowering drugs as Vitamin E can increase blood pressure

Note 2: If taking a Vitamin E supplement make sure it is natural Vitamin E which is much absorbed and raises the blood levels of Vitamin E much more than synthetic Vitamin E.

Natural Vitamin E is written as:

  • d-alpha- tocopherol or
  • d -alpha tocopheryl acetate or
  • d-alpha tocopheryl succinate

Synthetic Vitamin is written as:

  • dl-alpha- tocopherol or
  • dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate or
  • dl-alpha tocopheryl succinate
  • Synthetic Vitamin E is one third less powerful and effective as natural Vitamin E in the body.

Note 3: Try also to get a natural Vitamin E supplement that:

  • Does not contain soya oil or wheat germ oil
  • Contains natural mixed tocopherols of Vitamin E that contains not only alpha tocopherol but one that contains Beta, Delta, and Gamma tocopherols as well.
  • Also contains a group of related compounds called tocotrienols.

If not buying a Vitamin E product from the 2 companies Pure Encapsulations or Thorne -both of which state that they use no GMO (genetically modified organisms) products and that there are no GMO residues in their products - then ask the producer for a letter stating that the natural Vitamin E product is GMO free.
Virtually all natural Vitamin E supplements are made from soya beans, and the vast majority of the soya crops worldwide are GMO.

Some companies now make Vitamin E from sunflower seeds which is not a GMO crop.

As stated many times before - a letter is a legal document whereas an email or telephone conversation is not.

10. Fish Oil Supplements, Krill Oil Supplements and EPA and DHA Supplements

Note: If you:

  • are about to undergo surgery
  • are taking as anti-coagulant such as Warfarin (Coumadin)
  • have a blood coagulation disorder

 - ask your doctor before taking these supplements.

All these products have natural blood thinning effects.

If you are allergic to shellfish do not take krill oil.

11. Iodine

Note 1: If suffering from any thyroid disorder such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism etc. do not take any supplement containing iodine without first consulting your doctor 

Note 2: Taking any iodine supplements-including kelp tables or eating sea vegetables- could make your condition much worse.

(See also the very important information on sea vegetables- such as kelp and seaweeds including arame, dulse, hiziki, nori and wakame etc. in the section: ”Vegetable Warnings.”)

Virtually all multiple vitamin / mineral supplements contain iodine- read the ingredients.

12. Iron

Note: As written before, do not take any iron supplement or multi- vitamin and/ mineral product etc. containing:

  • Iron (ferrous) gluconate
  • Iron (ferrous) lactate
  • Iron (ferrous) sulphate
  • Iron ferric pyrophosphate
  • Iron ferric sodium pyrophosphate

All these 5 types of iron have been shown to cause cancer.

Foods are always the best and the safest sources for all nutrients.

If an iron supplement must be taken, choose iron bisglycinate -which is also spelt as glycinate.

 Iron bisglycinate is safe and is well absorbed. 

Always take iron together with Vitamin C or eat some food which is high in Vitamin C such as kiwi fruit at the same time.

This will increase the body's absorption of iron by up to 80%.

If you drink coffee or tea - drink it 3 hours either before or after taking an iron supplement or eating iron rich foods.

The polyphenols etc.in coffee and tea will inhibit the absorption of the iron.

For more important information on iron, see points number 2 and 4 in the previous section: “Supplement Recommendations.

13. Lycopene

Note 1: If suffering from diabetes or liver disease, then ask your doctor before taking this supplement.

Note 2: This phytonutrient is naturally found in high amounts in any cooked tomato product, such as in tomato concentrate, puree or sauce etc. 

Eating some healthy fat at the same time (See the section on “Healthy Fats”) will greatly increase the absorption of this phytonutrient.

Note 3: If taking lycopene as a supplement, make sure that it is totally natural with the food source stated on the label and ask the producer to reply to you in a letter if it is made without the use of the dangerous solvent hexane.

Hexane can never be removed and has been proven to cause birth defects, DNA damage and cancer.

14. Magnesium

Note 1: If suffering from:      

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Intestinal disease
  • Kidney disease -ask your doctor before taking any supplement containing magnesium.

Note 2: Magnesium is found in virtually all multiple vitamin and /or mineral supplements-read the ingredients.

Do not take magnesium oxide as it is extremely poorly absorbed by the body.

The best absorbed forms of magnesium are magnesium bisglycinate ( also written as magnesium glycinate ) and magnesium citrate/malate.

15. MCT (Medium-Chain Triglycerides)

Note: If suffering from:

  • Diabetes or
  • Liver disease - ask your doctor before taking this supplement as it may lead to acidosis.

16. Potassium

Note 1: If suffering from:

  • Addison's disease
  • Diabetes
  • Heart diseases
  • Kidney disease
  • Stomach ulcers- ask your doctor before taking any supplement containing potassium.

Note 2: Potassium is found in virtually all multiple vitamin/ mineral supplements-read the ingredients.


Note 1: People with bipolar (maniac) depression should not take SAM, unless under strict medical supervision.

The anti-depression activity of SAM may lead to the maniac phase in people who are bipolar.

18. Selenium

Note 1: Do not take Sodium selenite and Sodium selenate.

Both Sodium selenite and Sodium selenate are extremely toxic and have been shown to cause cancer.

They also interfere with the absorption of other nutrients such as Vitamin C.

Selenomethionine - where the selenium is bound to the amino acid of methionine- is safe and is much better absorbed than sodium selenite and sodium selenate.

Selenium rich yeast or Yeast Selenium is also well absorbed but is not recommended for people suffering from Candida.

Note 2: Do not take over 200 mcg.of selenium per day unless recommended to do so by your doctor or your dentist when undergoing the removal of amalgam fillings etc.

Note 3: Selenium is found in virtually all multiple vitamin / mineral supplements - read the ingredients.

19. Spirulina

Note 1: Spirulina contains phenylalanine and must not be taken by people who have phenylketonuria.

Note 2: Regardless of what the producers of spirulina might claim – the kind of Vitamin B12 found in spirulina cannot be absorbed by humans.

20. Zinc sulphate

As stated before :

Note: Do not take any supplement that contains zinc sulphate.

Zinc sulphate has been proven to be a cancer -causing agent.

It is also poorly absorbed and often causes stomach pain and nausea.

Zinc is found in all multivitamin / mineral supplements.


Standardized vs. Non-standardized Herbs

There exists a never ending debate between herbalists whether the whole powdered herb (or whole herbal extract or tincture) is more or less effective than a standardized herbal extract.

A standardized herbal extract is when those substances in a certain herb that have been proven to be responsible for the proven medical effective of that certain herb have been isolated and made into a precise dosage.

For example, the substances that are responsible for the medical effects that Panex ginseng has are called ginosides and in Rhodiola rosea they are called rosavins and salidrosides. 

So a standardized Panax ginseng extract would be for example 3%- 15% ginosides - so that in every 100 mg capsule or tablet you would receive 3mg.- 15 mg of ginosides.

For Rhodiola, the usual standardization is 3% rosavins and 1% salidrosides.

Virtually every herb that is used medically has had the major substances that are responsible for the medical effects of that certain herb identified and named.

Note 1: It is very expensive to produce precise standardized herbal extracts which is why the vast majority of companies do not use them but write on the label something else instead such as:

  • One capsule or tablet etc. contains 500 mg. Rhodiola rosea root powder etc.
  • Contains Rhodiola extract equivalent to 500 mg. Rhodiola rosea root powder.
  • Contains Standardized extract of Rhodiola rosea (but do not write what substances are standardized or the amount.)
  • Standardized for rosavin content (but do not state what the precise amount of the standardization is.)
  • None of these 4 statements tell you how much rosavin and salidrosides you are getting per capsule or tablet.

The argument given for using the whole powdered herb, extract or tincture is that there exists many possible unknown medical substances and possibly unknown co-factors that have been up to now not identified, that are important for the medical effect of the herb and that these are either not in- or are not in the amount that they are found naturally - in the standardized herbal extract.

It is also argued that for thousands of years only whole herbal products were available.

The argument against using the whole powdered herb, extract or tincture is that the most valuable and most medically active substances have been identified and are found in a precise amount and in a non-standardized product the consumer has no idea of how much- if any- of these substances are in that product.

In any herb the amount of any of these valuable medically active substances found in the herb depends on many factors including:

  • How much sunlight did the herb receive?
  • How much water did the herb receive?
  • How fertile was the soil that the herb grew in?
  • At what age was the herb harvested?
  • What method was used in harvesting?
  • How was the herb stored?
  • How long was the herb stored for?

I believe that both arguments are valid and each side has a plus and a minus but in human trials only standardized herbal extracts are used.

I personally believe that when a specific medical effect or cure is sought after, then standardized herbal extracts (that state the exact substances that have been standardized and in their precise amounts) should be used.

However for a general non-specific effect then the whole powdered herb, extract or tincture product, can be used.

Note 1: Unfortunately many companies purposely use a non-standardized herbal extract in an herbal product while at the same time stating that the same herb has been proven to help a certain medical disorder - according to a certain medical study or studies etc. -while knowing full well that only a standardized herbal product of that herb taken at a precise dosage had been used to create that positive medical effect in that medical study or medical studies.

One of the biggest selling examples of this fraud are the many “Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) products that are sold.

Saw palmetto has been proven effective to help men suffering from prostate disorders.

But all the studies that have been done that prove that Saw palmetto helps in prostate disorders have only used a standardized extract of 85%-95% fatty acids and sterols in the dose of 160 mg. taken twice a day.

Of course the amount in mg. of the same standardized extract in each capsule or tablet etc. can vary, but as long as the total amount of 320 mg. of this precise standardized extract of 85%-95% fatty acids and sterols is taken daily - the same the same effect will be achieved.

Yet almost all of the Saw Palmetto sold are not standardized!

The same is true for all herbs.

Almost all Panax Ginseng products are not standardized for their ginoside content and almost all Eleuthero (Russian ginseng or Siberian ginseng) products are not standardized for their eleutheroside content etc.


Herbal Information and Warnings

Once again, as written earlier - before taking any vitamin, mineral, herbal or any health food supplement of any kind always contact your doctor if you:

  • Are suffering from any medical health disorder whatsoever- physical and/or mental
  • Taking any medication whatsoever, whether it is by prescription only or not
  • About to undergo any medical treatment of any kind
  • About to undergo surgery
  • About to take any medical test whatsoever
  • Are pregnant
  • Are breastfeeding
  • Are elderly

Note 1: Keep all vitamins, mineral, herbal and any health food supplements (as well as all medication- both prescription and non-prescription) well out of the reach of children and at best in a locked cabinet.

Note 2: For virtually all herbs that have certain side-effects -or that simply cannot be taken for a certain reason- there almost always exists a safe herbal substitute.

Note 3: If you are suffering from any physical and/or mental health disorder, please read the section: “Sources of Information on Healing” before you start self- medicating or taking the advice of other people.

Note 4: Be extremely careful with all herbs during pregnancy and breastfeeding as with many herbs we do not know of their possible effect on the baby!

The safest approach would be to only use the usual herbs used for cooking, in their normal amounts.

Note 5: Always ask your doctor before taking any kind of vitamin, mineral, herb, and supplement or any kind of medication or drug if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Note 6: Before taking any herb read about the herb in the site: www.webmd.com . At this site you will find everything you must know about the herb including all possible side-effects and interactions with other medicines.

This is only a small sample list of some of the more widely sold herbs.

Ashwagandha, astralagus, eleuthero, panax ginseng, reishi, rhodiola and schisandra are all considered adaptogenic herbs. Adaptogenic herbs are herbs that have been proven to support and strengthen the immune system during times of mental and/or physical stress as well as having other proven medical effects. Astralagus, echinacea, garlic and reishi are in addition also considered to be antiviral herbs. Passionflower is excellent for cases of insomnia as is chamomile tea (Matricaria chamomile.) (See also the section: "Teabags and Coffee Filters.") Note: Do not give chamomile tea to babies under one year old because of the danger of infant botulism. A few drops of real -not synthetic - lavender oil can also be put on your pillow (one drop for babies) to induce a good night's sleep and to relieve anxiety.


1.People having an autoimmune - disease such as AIDS, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis ( MS) ,Pemphigus Vulgaris ( a skin disorder), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA ) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE) etc. should avoid using andrographis because it stimulates the immune system.

2. People taking any immune suppressant drugs must ask their doctor before taking this herb.

3. People suffering from low blood pressure must talk to their doctor before taking this herb as it might lower blood pressure.

4. People suffering from bleeding conditions must talk to their doctor before taking this herb as it might slow down blood clotting.

5. Do not take andrographis if pregnant or breastfeeding.


1. People having an autoimmune - disease such as AIDS, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis ( MS) ,Pemphigus Vulgaris ( a skin disorder), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA ) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE) etc. should avoid using ashwagandha because it stimulates the immune system.

2. Note: Do not take ashwagandha if you are taking any immunosuppressant medication!

3. People taking any diabetic medication must ask their doctor before taking this herb as it might lower blood sugar levels.

4. Ashwagandha can irritate the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

5. Do not use ashwagandha if you have a stomach ulcer.

6. Do not take ashwagandha if you are taking sedatives. 

7. .People suffering from low blood or high pressure or taking medications for blood pressure must talk to their doctor before taking ashwagandha as it might lower blood pressure or interfere with medications used to treat high blood pressure. 

8. Ashwagandha might increase thyroid hormone levels.

Ashwagandha should avoided if you have a thyroid condition or take thyroid hormone medications.

9. Ashwagandha may slow down the central nervous system.

Stop taking ashwagandha at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

10. Do not take ashwagandha if pregnant or breastfeeding.

11 Ashwagandha is a herb of the nightshade family of plants.

Nightshades can both cause and make many health disorders much worse.

Please see Number 5 in the section “Vegetable Warnings “for more important information.


1. People having an autoimmune - disease such as AIDS, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis ( MS) ,Pemphigus Vulgaris ( a skin disorder), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA ) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE) etc. should avoid using astralagus because it stimulates the immune system.

2. This herb should not be used by anyone taking any immune suppressant drugs.

3. This herb should not be used by anyone suffering from any blood pressure problems or taking any drugs for any blood pressure problems.

4. This herb should not be used by anyone suffering from diabetes and/or taking any medication for it.

5. This herb should not be used by anyone taking any medication that slows down blood clotting.

6. Do not take astralagus if pregnant or breastfeeding.


1. People having an autoimmune - disease such as AIDS, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis ( MS) ,Pemphigus Vulgaris ( a skin disorder), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA ) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE) etc. should avoid using echinacea because it stimulates the immune system.

2. People taking Cortisone or Cyclosporine should avoid taking echinacea.

3. Do not take echinacea if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Note: If allergic to echinacea standardized garlic supplements or raw garlic can be taken instead of echinacea since garlic has similar powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Do not take any garlic supplements or eat any garlic while breastfeeding as the garlic will affect the taste of the milk and could cause your baby to stop breastfeeding. It is safe to eat garlic during pregnancy but garlic supplements should be avoided when pregnant.

See the very important information on garlic below and the information explaining the difference in garlic supplements in the section: “Unhealthy Vitamin, Mineral, Herbal and Health Food Supplements” See also the section: “Quick and Cheap Cold Cure."


When eating garlic you must wait at least 15 minutes after chopping or crushing the garlic clove before eating it to let the substance alliin in the garlic be transformed by the enzyme allinase -which is released when the garlic is chopped or crushed - in to allicin.

Allicin is the major substance responsible for the powerful medical effect that garlic has.

Note 1: Allicin is destroyed by cooking so garlic must be eaten raw in order for it to have any medical effect.

The allicin in garlic has been shown to:

  • Help cure atherosclerosis (and to prevent it.)
  • Help cure candida
  • Help in cases of diabetes
  • Lower high blood pressure
  • Lower high cholesterol
  • Have a powerful antibacterial effect
  • Have a powerful antiviral effect

Note 2: But garlic and allicin containing supplements can also be unhealthy:

1. Allicin might increase the risk of bleeding so garlic and all allicin containing supplements should be avoided at least 2 weeks before surgery.

2. If you are taking any blood thinning medication such as Warfarin  (Coumadin ) you must talk to your doctor before taking any allicin containing supplements or garlic.

3. If you are taking any blood pressure medication once again talk to your doctor as garlic and allicin containing supplements can lower blood pressure.

4. With people who are diabetic garlic and allicin containing supplements can lower blood sugar levels.

5. Garlic supplements and allicin containing products should not be taken by pregnant and breast feeding mothers.

6, Garlic should not be eaten by breast feeding mothers as the taste of the milk can be affected by the garlic and make the baby not want to nurse anymore. It is safe to eat garlic during pregnancy.

7. If you are worried about your breath after eating garlic - chew raw parsley or anise seeds after eating garlic.


Do not use if suffering from:

  • Acute anxiety
  • People having an autoimmune - disease such as AIDS, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis ( MS) ,Pemphigus Vulgaris ( a skin disorder), Rheumatoid Arthritis ( RA ) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE) etc. should avoid using American ginseng because it stimulates the immune system.
  • Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids.
  • Hypertension
  • Insomnia
  • American ginseng might affect blood sugar levels and might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop taking American ginseng at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
  • If suffering from diabetes consult your doctor before taking American ginseng.
  • If suffering from heart disease consult your doctor before taking American ginseng.
  • Do not take American ginseng if pregnant or breastfeeding.

In China, which buys over 95% of the American ginseng crop, this herb is used in only fever formulas etc. since it is considered a “cooling” herb. It is not taken on a daily basis, but only when sick with a fever etc.

Panax ginseng however is not a” cooling” herb and is taken daily by millions of people.

Note: Some companies produce supplements containing American ginseng and Panax ginseng.

Yet according to Chinese herbal medicine American ginseng has exactly the opposite effect of Panax ginseng!


Do not use if suffering from:

  • Acute anxiety
  • People having an autoimmune - disease such as AIDS, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis ( MS) ,Pemphigus Vulgaris ( a skin disorder), Rheumatoid Arthritis ( RA ) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE) etc. should avoid using Panax ginseng because it stimulates the immune system.
  • Bleeding conditions: Panax ginseng can interfere with blood clotting.
  • Bronchitis
  • Fever
  • Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids.
  • Hypertension
  • Insomnia
  • Panax ginseng should not be taken by women with a history or high risk of fibrocystic breast disease or estrogen dependent cancer.
  • Organ transplants patients: Panax ginseng makes the immune system more active. This could interfere with the effectiveness of medications that are given after an organ transplant to reduce the chance that the organ will be rejected.
  • If suffering from diabetes, consult your doctor before taking ginseng.
  • If suffering from heart disease, consult your doctor before taking ginseng.
  • If suffering from high blood pressure consult your doctor before taking ginseng.
  • Do not take this herb if pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • People with bipolar disorder should not take ginseng because it may increase the risk of mania.
  • Stop taking Panax  ginseng at least 7 days before surgery. Panax ginseng may act as a blood thinner thereby increasing the risk of bleeding during or after surgery.

Note 1: To avoid sleeping problems Panax ginseng should be taken before 12:00 noon.

Chinese and Korean Panax ginseng are grown for a minimum of three years before harvesting and during this time are sprayed very heavily with pesticides.

They are then partially “cleansed” of pesticides by using dangerous solvents such as hexane which can never be completely removed. 

Hexane has been proven to cause birth defects, cancer and DNA damage.

Hexane is forbidden to be used in organic foods and herbs etc. 

For this reason, try to find certified organic sources of Panax ginseng.

Note 2: Be very suspicious with any ginseng claiming to be organic.

Do not buy it unless it is certified organic by an organic certification agency that is NOT a Chinese organic certification agency.

This is because of the widespread corruption in China.

One company producing certified - by 4 different international organic certification agencies - organic Panax ginseng is www.plusone native.com

Note 3: I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any of the companies mentioned. 

Note 4: Schisandra (see Number 12) or Rhodiola (See Number 11) can be used instead of Panax ginseng with similar adaptogenic and medical effects. An adaptogen is a substance which helps the body to deal with both physical and emotional stress.


Note 1: Although having similar adaptogenic effects as ginseng, this herb is not a true ginseng species and is considered weaker in its mental effects but not in its physical effects than Panax ginseng.

Note 2: Schisandra (see Number 12) or Rhodiola (see Number 11) can be used instead of Eleuthero with similar adaptogenic and medical effects. 

Do not use Eleuthero if suffering from:

  1. Acute anxiety
  2. Bleeding disorders
  3. Eleuthero contains chemicals that might slow blood clotting.
    Stop taking Eleuthero at least 2 weeks before surgery.
  4. People with heart conditions should not use Eleuthero.
  5. Eleuthero might cause a pounding heart or an irregular heartbeat.
  6. People who have heart disorders (e.g., "hardening of the arteries," rheumatic heart disease, or history of heart attack) should use Eleuthero only under a doctor's supervision.
  7. People with diabetes must talk to their doctor before taking Eleuthero because Eleuthero might increase or decrease blood sugar levels.
  8. People with hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids should not use Eleuthero.
  9. Eleuthero might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, do not use Eleuthero.
  10. High blood pressure: Eleuthero should not be used by people with blood pressure over 180/90. Eleuthero might make high blood pressure worse.
  11. Hypertension.
  12. Insomnia
  13. Do not use eleuthero if taking any blood-thinning medication.
  14. Do not take eleuthero if pregnant or breast feeding.


1. Passion flower might cause sleepiness and drowsiness.

It might increase the effects of anesthesia and other medications on the brain during and after surgery.

Talk to your doctor if you are taking passion flower within 2 weeks of a scheduled surgery.

2. Do not take passionflower if pregnant or breastfeeding.


1. People suffering from Thrombocytopenia - a blood clotting disorder-must talk to their doctor before taking this herb as it might increase the risk of bleeding.

2. People taking medication that slows down blood clotting must talk to their doctor before taking this herb.

3. People suffering from any bleeding disorders must talk to their doctor before taking this herb as it might increase the risk of bleeding.

4. People suffering from low blood pressure must talk to their doctor before taking this herb because it might lower blood pressure.

5. People taking any medication for high blood pressure must talk to their doctor before taking this herb.

6. Because of the above points people who are about to have surgery must stop taking this herb at least 2 weeks before the surgery.

7. Do not take this herb if pregnant or breast feeding.


1.People having an autoimmune - disease such as AIDS, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis ( MS) ,Pemphigus Vulgaris ( a skin disorder), Rheumatoid Arthritis ( RA ) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE) etc. should avoid using rhodiola because it stimulates the immune system.

2. Do not take rhodiola if you are taking adrenergic-blocking and anti-arrhythmic medications.

3. Do not take rhodiola if suffering from bipolar syndrome.

4. Do not take rhodiola if pregnant or breastfeeding.


Do not use this herb if suffering from:

  1. Epilepsy: schisandra could possibly stimulate the central nervous system.
  2. Gastroesophageal reflex disease (GERD) or peptic ulcers.
    Schisandra might make these conditions worse by increasing the amount stomach acid produced.
  3. High brain (intracranial) pressure.
    There is a concern that schisandra might make this condition worse because it could possibly stimulate the central nervous system.
  4. Do not take this herb if pregnant or breastfeeding.


Why Organic?

1. The EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States government has stated that at least 85% of all cancers are environmentally induced.

This means that the vast majority of cancers are caused by some agent in the environment which you can do something about.

Note: Official reports both by the Swedish government and the EU state that 30 % of all men and women under 75 years old now living in Sweden and the EU member countries will get some variety of cancer during their lifetime.

In the United States according to their own governmental statistics 50% of all American men and 30% of all American women under 75 years old will get some variety of cancer during their lifetime.

2. The EPA has also declared pesticides to be the third biggest cause of cancer in the United States.

3. The average American and European consumes 13 different pesticides in their food every day.

4. Pesticides have been proven to cause:

  • Aggressive behavior
  • Autism
  • Birth defects
  • Brain cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Interference with the human hormone system
  • Infertility
  • Kidney cancer
  • Learning disorders
  • Leukemia
  • Miscarriages
  • Non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma
  • Nerve damage
  • Organ damage
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Prostate cancer
  • Sperm abnormalities
  • Sterility
  • Stillbirths
  • A severely reduced immune response, which makes any existing health disorder worse and opens up the body to new health disorders.
  • ADD - attention deficit disorder
  • ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

The source of information for this list is” The Pesticide Action Network” which is an organization with excellent documentation. They can be found at: www.pesticideinfo.org

Note 1: Virtually all Western countries use a standard pesticide detection system that tests for up to 239 different kinds of pesticide residues.

Yet it is commonly known that over 1100 different kinds of pesticides are used worldwide with new pesticides entering the market every year.

The testing method for determining if a pesticide is safe or not, and for determining “safe pesticides residue levels,” has exactly the same kind of problems that exist for the testing for food additives to see if they are safe or not.

Note 2: All governments simply accept the “Honest and Unbiased test results “done by or paid for by the company making that pesticide (or food additive.)

No government does their own independent testing of pesticides (or food additive) before approval.

Note 3: The exact same problem of some countries stating that a pesticide or food additive is safe and allowing it while other countries forbid that same pesticide or food additive because they believe it is dangerous also exists. (See Note 6 below.)

Note 4: Pesticides- just like food additives- are only tested by themselves yet are almost always used together with other pesticides on the same crop with totally unknown effects.

Note 5: Since pesticides –just like food additives- are only tested on animals we can never know there effect on humans until it is too late.

Note 6: The following pesticides are ALL allowed in Canada and in the United States but are only allowed in some of the countries in the EU (and Norway and Switzerland etc.) that are not written as having banned it:

  1. 1, 3-dichloropropene
    Banned by: Austria, Germany, Sweden, registration canceled in Australia
  2. 2, 4-D
    Banned by: Denmark, Norway, Sweden
  3. Amitraz
    Banned by: Norway, European Union
  4. Amitrole
    Banned by: Finland, Norway, Sweden
  5. Atrazine
    Banned by: Norway, European Union
  6. Bromacil
    Banned by: Germany, Slovenia, Sweden
  7. Bromoxynil
    Banned by: Norway, Sweden
  8. Captan
    Banned by: Denmark, Finland, Norway
  9. Carbaryl
    Banned by: Austria, Germany, Sweden
  10. Carbofuran
    Banned by: Sweden
  11. Chloropicrin
    Banned by: Austria, Germany, Sweden
  12. Chlorothalonil
    Banned by: Sweden
  13. Chlorpyrifos
    Banned by: Finland, Sweden
  14. Dazomet
    Banned by: Denmark
  15. Deltamethrin
    Banned by: Denmark
  16. Diazinon
    Banned by: Denmark
  17. Dichlobenil
    Banned by: Denmark, Norway, Sweden
  18. Dichlorprop
    Banned by: Denmark
  19. Dichlorvos/DDVP
    Banned by: Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom
  20. Dicofol
    Banned by: Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
  21. Dinitrophenol
    Banned by: Sweden
  22. Dinocap
    Banned by: Sweden
  23. Diquat
    Banned by: Denmark
  24. Diuron
    Banned by: Sweden
  25. Endosulfan
    Banned by: Norway, European Union
  26. Ethylene oxide
    Banned by:European Union
  27. Fenthion
    Banned by: European Union
  28. Ferbam
    Banned by: European Union
  29. Hexazinone
    Banned by: Denmark, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden
  30. Iprodione
    Banned by: Denmark
  31. Linuron
    Banned by: Norway, Sweden
  32. Maleic hydrazide
    Banned by: Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, United Kingdom
  33. Mancozeb
    Banned by: Norway
  34. Maneb
    Banned by: Sweden
  35. Metalaxyl
    Banned by: European Union
  36. Metiram
    Banned by: Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom
  37. Monolinuron
    Banned by: European Union
  38. PCNB, also known as Quintozene
    Banned by: European Union
  39. Paclobutrazol
    Banned by: Sweden
  40. Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
    Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, and Switzerland
  41. Para-dichlorobenzene, also known as 1, 4-dichlorobenzene
    Banned by: Sweden
  42. Paraquat
    Banned by:European Union
  43. Permethrin
    Banned by: European Union
  44. Picloram
    Banned by: Sweden
  45. Propanil
    Banned by: Sweden
  46. Propoxur
    Banned by: Sweden
  47. Quizalofop-ethyl
    Banned by: Norway
  48. Simazine
    Banned by: Norway, European Union
  49. Sodium chlorate
    Banned by: Norway, Sweden
  50. Terabit
    Banned by: Sweden
  51. Thiabendazole
    Banned by: Denmark, Slovenia
  52. Thiophanate-methyl
    Banned by: Denmark
  53. Thiram
    Banned by: Sweden
  54. Triadimenol
    Banned by: Sweden
  55. Triallate
    Banned by: Sweden
  56. Tributyltin oxide
    Banned by: Denmark, Japan, United Kingdom
  57. Trifluralin
    Banned by: Denmark, Norway, Sweden
  58. Vinclozolin
    Banned by: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden
  59. Zineb
    Banned by: European Union
  60. Ziram
    Banned by: Denmark, Sweden

The source of information for the above list is the: “David Suzuki Foundation Report.”

You can easily see the disagreement that exists between countries on which pesticides are safe or dangerous.

Note 7 : This list cannot be considered complete- as new pesticides( the term pesticides also includes fungicides and herbicides etc.) are continuously being created and allowed to be used while countries also continue to ban more pesticides. 

The situation with non- organic food crops grown in third world countries and exported is even worse!

Non- organic food crops such as bananas, cashew nuts, cocoa, coffee, corn, cotton (cottonseed oil), peanuts ,rapeseed oil, rice, soya beans, sugar ,tea ,winter fruits and vegetables and many more foods  (as well as the grains and soya bean based feed etc. that are fed to the animals whose meat then is exported from the same third world countries to the EU and the United States ) are often sprayed with pesticides that have been forbidden by both the EU and the United States.

Note 8: The following pesticides have been forbidden for use by both the EU and the United States: (but many of these pesticides are still being produced and exported to third world countries by certain EU nations and the United States which have forbidden them for use in their own country!)

This is not a complete list as pesticides are continuously being forbidden (but then still produced and exported to third world countries.)

  • Aldrin
  • BHC - benzene hexachloride
  • 2, 3, 4, 5-Bis (2-butylene) tetrahydro-2-furaldehyde [Repellent-11]
  • Bromoxynil butyrate
  • Cadmium compounds
  • Calcium arsenate
  • Captafol
  • Carbon tetrachloride
  • Chloranil
  • Chlordane
  • Chlordecone [Kepone]
  • Chlordimeform
  • Chlorinated camphene [Toxaphene]
  • Chlorobenzilate
  • Chloromethoxypropylmercuric acetate
  • Copper arsenate
  • Cyhexatin
  • DBCP
  • DDT
  • Dieldrin ,Dinoseb and salts
  • Di (phenylmercury) dodecenylsuccinate [PMDS]
  • 1, 2-dibromoethane ethylene dibromide [EDB]
  • Endrin
  • EPN
  • Ethyl hexyleneglycol [6-12]
  • Fluoroacetamide
  • Hexachlorobenzene [HCB]
  • Lead arsenate
  • Leptophos
  • Mercurous chloride
  • Mercuric chloride
  • Mevinphos
  • Mirex
  • Monocrotophos
  • Nitrofen (TOK)
  • OMPA (octamethylpyrophosphoramide)
  • Phenylmercury acetate [PMA]
  • Phenylmercuric oleate [PMO]
  • Potassium 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenate [2, 4, 5-TCP]
  • Pyriminil [Vacor]
  • Silvex
  • Sodium arsenite
  • TDE
  • Terpene polychlorinates [Strobane]
  • Thallium sulfate
  • 2, 4, 5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid [2, 4, 5-T]
  • Vinyl chloride

The source of information for the above list is the: “Pesticide Fact Sheet # 141, CEPEP (The Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program.)

Note 9: As stated earlier, the horrible fact is that many Western countries are allowed to produce the very same pesticides that they forbid to be used on food crops in their own country and export it to third world countries!

The food crops sprayed with these deadly pesticides are then exported back to Europe, the United States and other Western countries.

This is known as the “Pesticide Boomerang "because the pesticides come back to you in the food that was sprayed on them.


Systemic Pesticides

Virtually all pesticides that are used today are “systemic” pesticides, not topical pesticides.

This means that the pesticides do not just lie on the “top” or surface of the food but enter the very “system” of the food itself.

This also means that you cannot wash off the pesticide. It does not matter what kind of detergent or soap is used.

Note: It is still very important to rinse off all produce before eating for hygienic purposes.
In third world countries and with all waxed fruits and vegetables they should be peeled as well.


Multiple Pesticides

1. According to studies done by the NRDC, the National Resources Defense Council, a department of the United States government, 44% of foods tested had detectable residues of 19 or more pesticides. European results are similar.

Yet no country requires safety tests for combined pesticide use although virtually all non-organic foods contain the residues of more than one pesticide!

2. As mentioned earlier, this is exactly the same dangerous situation that exists in foods with food additives- that no safety tests are required for all possible combinations of food additives and food flavorings that are also often found in a single prepared food.

Note: The only safe thing to do is to avoid as many food additives and food flavorings as possible and to try to eat only organic foods to avoid all pesticides (which includes fungicides and herbicides etc.)

3. According to reports by the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States government, 50% of the pesticides and 90% of the fungicides now in use have been proven to cause cancer in animal studies.

Please note that these reports do not show the possible cancer effects of combined pesticide use, and combined pesticide and fungicide use, which is the usual case for non- organic food.

4. The vast majority of food is obviously not tested for their pesticide levels.

In Sweden, one sample is tested for every 1,000 tons of grain and one sample is tested for every 250 tons of fruits and vegetables.

This is considered internationally as a very high percentage of food tested.

Most countries test far less than Sweden.

Note: Even this virtually useless amount of testing is made even less valuable, by the fact that all of the samples are tested for only 239 pesticide residues out of total of over 1100 pesticides used worldwide.

For further excellent information on pesticides please go to the excellent website of www.ewg.org

5. Governments and the food industry often try to “mislead” the public by stating for example “Pesticide use reduced by 20%” or “10,000 kg less pesticides used this year” etc. Statements such as these are purposely deceitful!  

The kind of pesticide used is often even more important than the amount used.

Non- organic farmers are encouraged to use “low dose” pesticides.

These pesticides are often used at one or two grams per liter instead of the normal three-four liters per hectare.

But they have the same effect.

Now you can just imagine how much more deadly they must be.

6. It is a tragic fact that farmers who have non-organic farms, most of whom lead a “healthy” life full of fresh air and hard work etc., have a three times higher rate of brain tumors, leukemia and non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma and higher rates of cancer of the prostate and stomach than the average person.

In fact according to an American study of over 500 occupations farmers belong to the top ten most dangerous jobs in regards to suffering the highest rate of cancer.

(The other jobs or occupations in this top ten list were painters, welders, shoemakers, asphalt workers, chimney sweeps, hair dressers and various chemical workers.)

7. Try to avoid buying all foods including “Certified organic” foods from China, India, Pakistan and Vietnam.

Even if these foods are certified organically grown, the environment in which they are grown in these countries is often terribly polluted with deadly heavy metals and poisons such as arsenic, lead and mercury etc. which then concentrates in the food.

8. Do not buy any food - including organic food - that is packed in cans, plastic containers, tubes or plastic pouches-such as baby food etc. where you squeeze out the food.

This is often found with organic: baby food, mustard, tomato paste and various spreads etc.

All plastics leach out dangerous chemicals such as adipates, plasticizers, phthalates and softeners etc. from the plastic in to the food.

No plastic is inert.

Safe plastics do not exist.

Only glass is totally safe.

ALL cans are treated with dangerous bisphenols such as BPA ( Bisphenol A ) , BPB ( Bisphenol B), BPS ( Bisphenol S ), BADGE   (Bisphenol A diglycidether) or BFDGE ( Bispenol F diglycid ether) etc. and also contain dangerous phthalates - both of which leach out in to the food .

ALL tubes are lined with dangerous aluminum which then enters the food.

Aluminum has been linked to causing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease and cancer - especially breast cancer.

(Avoid also the use of aluminum pots and pans and the use of any antiperspirant and deodorant that contains any aluminum compound such as aluminum chloride etc. - which virtually all the non-organic ones contain.) 

(For more important information see the section: "Food Packaging.")


Genetically Modified (GMO) Foods

1. GMO ( Genetically Modified Organisms ) food is also called “Frankenstein” food and for good reason.

It is a totally foreign to our bodies and is a totally artificial food that is not found in nature.

According to the Institute for Responsible Technology (see below) animals fed GMO crops have suffered the following:

  • A five-fold increase in mortality
  • Altered DNA function
  • Altered immune response
  • Birth defects
  • Inability to reproduce
  • Lung damage
  • Provocation of the inflammatory response
  • Significant disruption in the blood and urine chemistry and in organ weights of the kidney and liver 
    Testicular damage and damaged sperm cells
  • Source: See the three sites given at the end of this section.

Source: See the three sites given at the end of this section.

2. According to the “Global Citizen’s Report on the State of GMO’s,” GMO crops have:

  • Not increased yields
  • Not increased food production
  • Not controlled weeds and pests-in fact they have produced “super weeds.”
  • Not produced drought resistance seeds
  • Not reduced the use of chemicals on crops

3. GMO crops are genetically designed to withstand vast amounts of deadly pesticides that would easily kill a natural plant.

One example is the active ingredient glyphosate in the pesticide (herbicide) “Roundup” created by Monsanto to be used on GMO crops.

It is one of the deadliest pesticide in use today.

It has been proven to cause birth defects, DNA damage, endocrine disruption, nerve damage, infertility, sperm destruction, and cancer.

Pesticides containing glyphosate are forbidden in:

Austria, Bahrain, Belgium,  France, Kuwait, Luxemburg, Mexico, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the United Arab Emirates .

But pesticides containing glyphosate are allowed in the majority of the 27 EU countries, Canada, the U.K., and the United States and in virtually every other country.

4. In 2011 over 90% (today it is almost 100%) of the following American crops were GMO:

  • canola (rapeseed) crop
  • corn crop
  • cotton (cottonseed oil) crop
  • soya bean crop
  • sugar beet crop

GMO crookneck squash, papaya and zucchini are also allowed to be grown in the United States.

GMO alfalfa has been developed and has been approved for use in the United States, and more GMO crops are continuously being developed and approved.

In the United States all GMO foods do not have to be marked as GMO when sold and it has been estimated that over 80% of American food products contain GMO foods.

5. All GMO foods are not forbidden to be imported and sold in the EU.

They simply must be marked as GMO when sold.

38 countries worldwide including 19 out of the EU's 27 countries as well as Russia etc. forbid the growing of GMO crops.

6. In 2020 it is estimated that approx.90%of the world`s soya bean crop is GMO. 

It must be understood that soya beans are in virtually every animal feed because of their high protein content at a cheap price. 

All non-organic meat such as beef, chicken (and eggs) pork etc. in Western countries has come from animals whose diet contains GMO soya beans, and/or GMO corn.

Note 1: All of these GMO foods that are in animal feed leave GMO residues in their meat of these animals which the consumer than eats.

Note 2: The EU has not forbidden the importation of animal and chicken feeds etc. that contain GMO foods.

Although 19 out of the 27 countries in the EU forbid the growing of GMO crops the EU is the world’s biggest consumers of them. 

Millions of tons of GMO corn and GMO soy for livestock feed are imported in to the EU each year, making the EU the largest regional consumer of GMOs in the world.

7. All GMO foods are NOT forbidden to be imported and sold in the EU.

They simply must be marked as GMO. 

38 countries worldwide including Russia forbid the growing of GMO crops.

Note: GMO crops are not allowed to be fed to farm animals and poultry etc. whose meat and eggs etc. are labelled as organic.

8. Any product made from a GMO crop such as GMO corn, GMO soya beans or GMO rapeseed is also GMO.

This would be the case for example with non -organic: corn oil, corn syrup, soy lecithin, soya oil, canola or rapeseed oil and many other foods.

9. Virtually all non-organic cheese worldwide that do not use animal rennet use GMO rennet instead.

Note: Organic food products are not allowed to contain GMO ingredients and there are non-GMO vegetarian rennet for making organic cheese available.


The "Mass Starvation without Pesticides (and without GMO crops) Lie"

1. Do not believe that the world must use pesticides (and GMO crops) to feed itself.

It does not.

These are the reasons why:

  1. In Australia, Canada, the E.U., New Zealand and the United States, etc. millions of hectares of fertile farmland are left unfarmed with the farmer paid a subsidy not to grow food crops on their land in order to keep the prices high and to avoid “oversupply.”
  2. Millions of hectares of fertile farmland in Africa and in South America etc. are not farmed because it is cheaper to buy and import the heavily governmental subsidized food that the Western countries produce.
  3. Millions of hectares of fertile farmland worldwide  is used to grow non-essential crops such as:
    • tobacco
    • sugarcane which is then used to make alcohol to be used as biofuels (which are not pollution free)
    • non-edible high starch corn, to be used in making HFC-High Fructose Corn Syrup ,an extremely unhealthy  sweetener.
  4. Hundreds of thousands of tons of grains in the U.S.A and in Canada are burnt as fuel in power stations.
  5. Corruption .Corruption is the biggest problem that causes starvation and hunger in the world today. Many poor nations of the world in Africa, Asia and Central America are either totally corrupt democracies or outright dictatorships, both of which that use their country`s money to buy military equipment to keep their corrupt leaders in power and to make them wealthy instead of feeding and taking care of their people.
  6. Many of these countries even export food crops or non-food crops where the land could be used to grow food crops for their people instead.)

Note 1: This is not of course a complete list.

  1. India- has spent billions of dollars on developing their nuclear bomb and their own space system, has a huge modern army and exports rice and other food crops.
  2. Pakistan- has also spent billions on developing their nuclear bomb and building up their large modern army and exports rice and food crops.
  3. Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam- all export food crops and have large modern armies.
  4. Brazil and Columbia- are major exporter of meat, soya beans, sugar, coffee, and tea etc. and are countries that also have large modern armies.
  5. African countries- such as the Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria (sixth highest oil producer in the world with the largest and most modern army in Africa) and Senegal are all major exporters of cocoa, coffee, peanuts, tropical fruits etc.
  6. Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, and Peru are major exporters of bananas, cocoa, coffee, meat soya beans, vegetables and tropical fruits etc.

Note 2 : By looking at the military expenses and the kind of “ democratic” governments and “ honest elections” that many nations with hungry and starving people have is where you will  find the real reason for the suffering and starvation in that country. According to the organization Freedom House less than 20% of the world’s population lives in a free country with democratic elections. Go this site and see why so many people are living in horrible poverty without enough food to eat.

Note 3: Studies have shown that after a one to five year transitional period-depending on the crop- from a non-organic farm to an organic farm, the average organic farm produces on the average 95% as much as non-organic farms do.

With certain crops, such as with buckwheat and sunflower seeds for example, the organic production even exceeds the non-organic production.

Note 4 : By buying organic food, you are not only buying “health” for yourself and your family, but you are also buying “health” for the producers of that food - by not exposing them to pesticides and contributing to a more ecologically healthy world.

Please support food that is both organic and Fair Trade to ensure both a safer life and a greater income for the producers of your food.

Note 5: Unfortunately food that is marked only as Fair Trade simply ensures that the producers of that food receive a decent price for their produce.

Fair Trade does NOT have anything whatsoever to do with pesticide use.

This means that food that is only marked as Fair Trade-and not organic - has been sprayed with the same dangerous pesticides as non-organic food. 

Note 6: Do not believe the lie that is so often repeated in the non-organic food industry concerning food products coming from third world countries, such as the ones mentioned above, that these products are always pesticide-free because the farmers there are too poor to afford to buy pesticides.

Pesticides are inexpensive and are purposely sold cheaply so that poor farmers in third world countries can afford to buy them.

Primitive manually operated hand pump sprayers, combined with a plastic container which is carried on your back, -with no protective clothing whatsoever - are usually given out free of charge to poor farmers to increase pesticide sales.

The fact that virtually all third world countries have no social security system to help poor farmers, make the farmers desperate to spray even more pesticides knowing that the money they need to buy the food to feed their families comes solely from the export crop that they are growing.

Pesticide control and inspection in these corrupt countries are totally nonexistent in real life and exists only on paper.


Food Packaging

BPA, BPS, Phthalates and Plasticizers etc.

1. Due to the use of dangerous chemicals such as the phenols : BPA (Bisphenol A ) ,BPB ( Bisphenol B ) ,BPS (Bisphenol S ),BADGE ( Bisphenol A diglycid ether ) and BFDGE  (Bisphenol F diglycid ether ) etc. as well as dangerous phthalates -both of which  that are found in the lining of ALL metal cans and in many lids and bottlecaps which ALWAYS leach in to the foods they are packed in and the dangerous chemicals such as adipates,plasticizers,phthalates and softeners etc. that are found in ALL plastics - that also always leach in to the foods that they are packed in - avoid eating and drinking all food products (whether they are organic or not)  that has been packed in metal cans, plastic containers and plastic bottles etc.

2. It is a complete scandal that all organic certifying associations allow:

  • Organic foods and liquids to be packed in metal cans containing any of the above 5 chemicals and phthalates.
  • Organic foods and liquids to be packed in plastic packaging. (Glass is the safest packaging.)
  • Organic food to be packed in a plastic pouch - where you squeeze out the food as is is often the case with organic baby foods etc.
  • Organic food to be packed in tubes such as with organic bread spreads, mustard and tomato paste etc. All tubes are lined with dangerous aluminum which leaches in to the food. For the dangerous effects of aluminum see Number 5 below and E173 in the E-number guides.
  • Organic cheeses to be packed and sold in plastic –especially “cling” plastic- which is the most dangerous plastic of all plastics.
  • Organic cheese is allowed to be covered in dangerous paraffin- which always enters the cheese.
  • Organic meats to be both aged and sold in vacuum packed plastic where both the fat and the blood leaches out the above mentioned deadly chemicals into the meat. Meat has been aged for thousands of years by just allowing the meat to hang. Meat should also be only sold in new cellulose packages where the plastic wrapping above the meat does not touch the meat and not in non-recycled cellulose –to avoid the chemicals that are always present in recycled cellulose and paper.

3. Bisphenol A (BPA) and the very similar phenols of BPB, BPS, BADGE and BFDGE  are  found in the lining of virtually every can and in many jar lids and bottle caps, where it easily migrates in to food and liquid.

BPA, BPB, BPS, BADGE and BFDGE have all been linked to cause:

  • Aggressiveness and hyperactivity in children
  • Breast cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Early puberty
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Heart disease
  • Infertility
  • Insulin resistance
  • Intestinal damage
  • Obesity - All of the above 5 chemicals cause an increased output of insulin in the body. High levels of insulin reduces the body`s ability to breakdown fat.
  • Prostate cancer
  • The EU has forbidden BPA to be used in plastic milk bottles for babies but has not forbidden the other 4 phenols which have the exact same dangerous health effects!

4. Adipates, softeners, plasticizers and especially phthalates have been proven to cause:

  • Autism
  • Cancer
  • Endocrine disruption
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Obesity (see above)

5. Aluminum has been linked to causing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease and cancer - especially breast cancer.

(Avoid also the use of aluminum pots and pans and the use of any antiperspirant and deodorant that contains any aluminum compound such as aluminum chloride etc. -which virtually all the non-organic ones contain.) 

Please contact the producers of organic foods in your country and also the organic certification organizations of your own country and demand that:

  • They stop allowing organic foods and organic liquids to be packed in cans that contain BPA, BPB, BPS, BADGE, BFDGE and phthalates and in plastic containers.
  • They stop allowing the use of plastics for both the vacuum packing (and for the aging) of organic foods.
  • They stop allowing organic foods to be packed in plastic pouches and in aluminum lined tubes.
  • They do not allow organic foods to be packed in PFOA packaging- see the following section.

6.As stated before :

No plastic is inert with no leaching.

There is no such thing as a safe plastic for food.

7. Try to eat only fresh organic food or organic food that has been safely preserved through safe methods such as glass packaging, drying or freezing etc.


1. Perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA is a dangerous chemical that is found in grease and water resistant food packaging. 

The salts of PFOA are known as PFOS and are equally as dangerous.

2. PFOA has been proven to cause:

  • Birth defects
  • Cancer of the breast, liver, pancreas, prostate and testicles
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Immune suppression
  • Infertility

The EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, which is a department of the United States government, has classified PFOA as a carcinogen - a proven cancer- causing agent.

3. PFOA is used in:

  • Candy bar wrappers
  • Hamburger boxes from fast food businesses
  • Hamburger paper wraps from fast food businesses
  • Microwave popcorn bags
  • Paper containers and bags used for French fries from fast food businesses
  • Paper cups
  • Paper forms for cupcakes and for muffins etc.
  • Paper plates
  • Pizza boxes
  • Potato chip bags

PFOA is also found in:

  • Carpet and floor cleaners (use natural environmentally friendly products instead.)
  • Certain brands of dental floss

Ask the company to reply to you in a letter as to if their dental floss is made with Teflon or PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) fibers-both of which contain PFOA.

As stated many times before - a letter is a legal document whereas an e-mail or a telephone conversation is not.
See the section: “Dental Floss” for safe substitutes.

4. Non-stick cookware such as Teflon- any many other companies which claim their pots and pans etc. to be  to be "stick free" often claimed to be PFOA free, because it contains PTFE.

However PTFE contains PFOA and when heated breaks down into PFOA.

5. PFOA is found in ALL ”stain resistant”  products such as  bedding, clothing, furniture fabrics, and carpets etc.

6. PFOA is found in all the following brand-names:

  • Autograph
  • Duracote
  • Excalibur
  • Fluron
  • Gore-Tex ( Goretex)
  • Greblon
  • Resita
  • Stain master
  • Scotch Gard
  • Silverstone
  • Supra
  • T-fal
  • Xylon

For more important information on PFOA please see the excellent site: www. ewg.org.



1. All forms of exercise have been proven to:

  • Decrease depression
  • Decrease the harmful effects of stress
  • Increase cardio-vascular performance
  • Increase positive mental health
  • Increase your immune response
  • Increase your learning ability and memory

2. A little known fact is that the best proven exercise for: 

  • Increased cardiac health
  • Increased circulation
  • Increased overall agility
  • Increased overall endurance
  • Increased overall muscular strength
  • And the exercise that produces the highest continual weight loss is brisk walking!

Yes it is true and it is that easy.
In order to achieve the above results, brisk walking -which means fast walking but still being able to hold a conversation - must be done for at least thirty minutes per day.

The same results are achieved even if the thirty minutes is broken into two period times of fifteen minutes each with a five minutes resting time in between.

Walking poles can also be bought to make sure that you stretch out your arms and are especially helpful for older people.

Note 1: It is totally counterproductive and dangerous for your health to walk (or bike, jog or run etc.) by the side of a busy road where you continuously breathe in deadly exhaust fumes.

The countryside or a park is the best area for brisk walking etc. or at the very least pick a lightly trafficked side street.

Take a friend, or a dog, or your friend`s dog or both along with you when you walk - if you find walking a boring exercise to do.

Note 2: If you want to listen to music while walking - listen without a headset. (See the sections: “Electromagnetic Fields (EMF’s)” and “Mobile Phones, Cordless Indoor Phones and Wireless Products.”)

3. For more of a workout, try to join a team club of any sport, where exercise becomes fun and not boring.

It is also a great way to make new friends.



1. Never underestimate the power of the mind to both heal and create disease.

Placebos ( inert substances such as water pills etc. that have been proven to have no medical effect whatsoever) have been shown in countless studies to either cure or result in major health improvements in at least 1/3 of the sick people they were given to.

Some studies report a rating as high as 70%.

2. Experiments have shown that negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, depression hatred, hostility and jealousy, greatly suppress immune cell function and greatly lower immune response levels.

People who are hostile or have suppressed anger have been found to have much higher levels of heart disease and are much more likely to have heart attacks.

3. All the before mentioned negative emotions cause a rapid and greatly increased adrenalin release.

This can and has led to the creation of adrenalin exhaustion, panic attacks, phobias, migraine headaches and various mental health disorders.

4. All these negative emotions also cause high blood pressure, which is a major factor in heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

These negative emotions also have been proven to greatly increase cortisol levels which suppress the immune system.

This can lead to, and/or contribute to the creation of cancers and other deadly diseases.

5. But when people were tested while laughing, playing with a child or petting and talking to their pet, their levels of:

  • Killer- T- Cells
  • Phagocytes
  • And white blood cells in their blood rose dramatically.

These three agents are critically important to our health and are our body´s major defenses against bacterial and viral infections, cancers and various other diseases.

6. I am not a psychologist, nor am I a pastor, but I am totally convinced that achieving positive mental health can be very much helped by simply trying to live by these three guidelines, (which I am sure that all the world's religions and atheists would have no problem agreeing with) which were given by Jesus:

  1. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Just treat other people the way you would want to be treated if you were in their situation.
  2. "If you want to be forgiven, then you must forgive." Everyone in this world has hurt other people as well as having been hurt themselves, and we cannot expect to be forgiven if we do not forgive.
  3. "Stop looking at the speck of dust in your brother´s eye and pay attention to the plank of wood in your own eye ".In other words, spend less time criticizing others and spend more time on making yourself a better and more caring person.

7. I also strongly believe that it would be of great benefit to everyone, to do some free volunteer work on a regular basis, even if it is only a couple of hours per month. Helping the old, sick, poor or needy is not only a blessing for them; it is also a blessing for the one helping.

By helping someone less fortunate than ourselves, it not only “feels good” but much more importantly puts our own life and the problems we have into proper perspective.

Helping people less fortunate than ourselves also makes us truly realize just how much we have to be grateful for and how there is always someone who has more serious problems than yourself.

It is truly in helping others that we ourselves are also helped.



1. A fifteen year study by the University of Oregon, U.S.A, found that the risk of dying of cancer for housewives is twice that of working women.

The above quote was taken from the excellent book: “Home, Safe Home” by Debra Lynn Dadd, New York: Tarcherperigee.

I cannot recommend this book too highly!

This book lists, in an easy to read, calm manner, many of the dangers (and their safe substitutes) that are found in the average home.

Many recommendations are given for safe products that can easily be made by yourself and a list of companies and their addresses are given for many products.

After having read this amazing, lifesaving book I contacted the author and discussed with her my comments about where I disagreed with her.

Virtually all of my disagreements came from new information that only became known after the book was published.

I spoke with her on the telephone about my disagreements and she agreed with me regarding all my comments.

Please note that just because there exist a few new facts mentioned below, this in no way takes away from sheer brilliance of the book that contains thousands of valid well researched and indexed facts.

Try your hardest to get this fantastic book!

2. As stated above I have contacted the author and she agrees with the following 22 points.

As stated above - virtually all of these points came largely from new information that only became known after the book was published.

Avoid using the following products that are mentioned in the first edition of her book:

  1. Non-organic citrus peels-because of the dangerous fungicides that they are treated with. (See E231, E232 in the E number guides.)
  2. Parabens (See E214- E219.)
  3. Lemon oil has been declared by the F.D.A., the Food and Drug Agency of the United States government, to be a cancer causing agent. Lemon oil is pressed from the peel only. Lemon juice and the lemon fruit are healthy, so long as you are not allergic to citrus fruits.
  4. Crystal deodorants. (See E173 Aluminum.)
  5. Aluminum foil. (See E173 Aluminum.)
  6. Toilet paper made from recycled paper. Up to 80% of the chemicals that are found in magazines, newspaper and paper end up in the finished toilet paper made from this recycled paper. These chemicals have caused everything from itchiness, burning, swelling to various skin diseases. Recycled paper is excellent for paper and packing materials etc. but only use toilet paper that is made from new cellulose fiber not from recycled fiber or recycled paper. Use only toilet paper that is uncolored and unscented as these synthetic colors and synthetic perfumes chemicals have also caused severe health problems.
  7. Petroleum jelly. (See E905.)
  8. Nitrates and Nitrites (See E249- E252.)
  9. BHA (See E320) and BHT (See E321.)
  10. Alginates (See E401- E405.)
  11. Carrageenan (See E407.)
  12. Tragacanth (See E418.)
  13. Do not give any honey of any kind to infants under one year old because of the danger of infant botulism.
  14. The only fatty fish rich in EPA and DHA that have been found to be low in mercury are wild Pacific salmon and sardines - which because of the plastic contaminants found in all varieties fish I do not recommend eating.
  15. Do not eat smoked foods.
  16. Do not use microwave ovens. Microwave ovens create abnormal amino-acid combinations not found in nature, with totally unknown effect .They also destroy phytonutrients such as antioxidants in foods and cause the leaching of dangerous chemicals such as adipates, phthalates, plasticizers and softeners from plastic containers and plastic coverings in to the food.
  17. Try to avoid eating,figs,peanuts and peanut butter and pistachio nuts because of their extremely high aflatoxin levels, even if they are organic
  18. Try to avoid all forms of alcohol as much as possible.
  19. Avoid these supplements: bone meal, desiccated liver, minerals from ancient sea beds and wheat germ oil.
  20. Avoid all synthetic flavors and all “natural" flavors.
  21. The Vitamin B 12 that is found in any non-animal food such as in chlorella or any kind of algae, kelp, miso, seaweed, sauerkraut, spirulina and sunflower seeds etc. is not absorbed by humans. All vegans-both men and women- must take a vitamin B 12 supplement. See the section: “Extremely Important Note for Vegans”.
  22. Virtually all wool rugs (both Persian etc. and normal wool carpeting) are mothproofed by the use of deadly chemicals, even if you cannot smell these dangerous chemicals (although it often smells horrible in the woolen rug section of stores.) The fact that the rug has been mothproofed does not have to be legally written on the label, and never is. Avoid all new woolen carpets and rugs. If you must have a Persian rug or wool rug etc. buy a used one and wash it well with a gentle environmentally friendly fragrance free carpet wash.

3. The author has after this book published another book entitled: “Toxic Free.”

Once again I want to stress that just because I disagree with her on three points does take away from the brilliance of her new book although there is much more information in the first book.

- Her new book repeats the same basic information but unfortunately in much less detail and fact and also recommends the substance zeolite to reduce toxins in the body.

Zeolite does not reduce toxins in the body (and is harmful when it is in a dry form and breathed in.)

- It is mistakenly written that anodized aluminum cookware does not leach out aluminum into the food cooked in it.

 Anodized aluminum cookware does leach out less aluminum than normal aluminum cookware but it still leaches out aluminum and should not be used.

-The book also states that (as the majority of health food book authors also unfortunately write) that: organic barley malt, organic brown rice syrup, and organic coconut or palm sugar are healthy sweeteners.

As written in the chapter : “Sugars” all of these sweeteners have the exact same health destroying effects in the body as normal white sugar and contain no nutrients  for your health.

4.Note:Both the excellent book :" Home ,Safe Home " ( which has been  the major reference for my information )  and the information in this section : “A Healthy Home and Work Environment” itself can easily be overwhelming because of the amount of very important information that it contains.

This can cause the reader to just give up and not even try to create a healthier home and workplace.

Do not let this happen to you!

Just calmly read one chapter at a time and if possible try to change your home and workplace through that one section at a time.

Accept the fact that all the changes that you personally might want to do will take time and patience and can not simply be done overnight.

The important thing is to start with something which you feel is important for you to do and which you have both the time and energy to do without feeling overwhelmed by it and possibly becoming depressed or apathetic.

It is not my intention to list all the life-saving tremendously valuable information in this book - Debra Lynn Dadd has already done that in a clear concise and easily read book and in a much better way that I could ever hope to do so.

But for those people who do not have access to this fantastic book, here is a “brief” summary of the worst offenders.

(They are not listed in order of importance.)

5. She also has a superb website under her name, but I strongly disagree with her about her recommendation of silicone pots and her criticism of stainless steel pots and pans which she mentions on her website. I do however fully agree with her that glass pots and pans are the absolute healthiest pots and pans to use.


Carpets and Rugs

1. Synthetic carpets and rugs can contain over 120 different chemicals with new chemicals being constantly created and used.

This list includes:

  • Antimicrobials (never buy shoes and running shoes etc. that have antimicrobial “treated” soles)
  • Neurotoxin solvents such as toluene and xylene
  • Benzene
  • Formaldehyde
  • 4-phenylcyclohexane
  • Pentachlorophenol
  • Polyethylene
  • And acrylic oligomers etc.

I will not list the deadly health effect of all these chemicals because of all the space that would take (although Debra Lynn Dadd does in her book) but you can always look them up yourself on the net.

The consumer has absolutely no idea what chemicals are in a synthetic carpet or rug because they do not have to tell you.

But as you will find out - in addition to the dangerous chemicals added - virtually all the synthetic fibers themselves that are used to make the carpet or rug itself are also dangerous for your health.

Buy only carpeting and rugs made from untreated natural fibers such as cotton, jute, sisal, coconut and sea grass etc.

(IKEA stores often a good assortment of rugs etc. made of these fibers but always get it in writing to find out if they have been treated with any chemicals and do not buy them if they have a latex backing - see below.)

Note: I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any company that is mentioned.

Ask the producer to reply in a letter if the carpeting or rug has been treated with any chemicals such as any anti-mildew chemicals, mothproofing chemicals, and stain proof chemicals etc.

If it has, do not buy it.

As mentioned many times before, a letter is a legal document while a telephone call or an e-mail is not.

2. All new carpets made of synthetic fibers release volatile organic compounds (VOCs.) 

VOCs virtually always include the deadly chemicals formaldehyde and acetalhyde.

Formaldehyde and formaldehyde fumes -  which are odorless - have been proven to cause: birth defects, cancer and DNA damage as well as coughing, swelling of the throat, watery eyes, breathing problems, headache, rashes, tiredness, nausea insomnia, disorientation, asthmatic attacks and nosebleeds etc.

Acetalhyde has been proven to cause: accumulation of fluid in the lungs, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, delirium hallucinations, and kidney and liver disease, as well as dizziness, drowsiness, eye and throat irritation, headaches and nausea.

3. Do not buy any new carpeting or rug - even if is made of untreated natural fibers - if it has a latex backing.
All latex used as backing (underlay for carpet and rugs) is either: a synthetic compound or is a combination of a synthetic and a natural compound.

(It is virtually never composed of only pure latex made from natural rubber-unless in extremely rare cases it clearly states on the carpet label produced by the carpet manufacturing company itself that it is.)

Both of the 2 above mentioned latexes and all the above mentioned dangerous chemicals outgas dangerous and totally odorless fumes which you cannot smell yet still affect you.

4.Do not buy any new wool rugs whether modern or Persian etc.- small or large - because virtually all new wool rugs and all Persian rugs are treated with dangerous mothproofing chemicals that once again give off totally odorless dangerous fumes that you can not smell.

If you want to a have a Persian rug or woolen carpet etc. buy a used one and wash it with a safe environmentally friendly carpet wash that contains no fragrance etc.

Companies that make untreated wool carpeting and rugs and safe untreated natural rugs and carpeting can be found on the net.


Furniture, Sofas, Cushions and Bed Mattresses (Including Crib Mattresses for Babies)

1. Normal furniture, sofas, cushions and bed mattresses are made with polyurethane foam.

This foam provides the filling in sofas and is found in all normal bed mattresses including those with metal coils.

Some bed mattresses consist entirely of just polyurethane foam.

This foam is then covered or put in a cover that contains either acrylic, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyester fibers etc. that has then been coated with formaldehyde and/or PFOA (see the section: “Food Packaging”) to make it stain proof etc.

Under the chairs, sofas and bed mattresses there is even more polyurethane foam and sheet plastics (made from PVC) that are cushioning the springs and corners.

2. Once again, all these chemicals release totally odorless fumes which are dangerous to our health.

Polyurethane foam fumes have caused eye problems, skin disorders, coughing and releases toluene diisocanate which can produce severe lung problems.

The synthetic fibers used in the furniture and bed mattress coverings are: (Note: This is not a complete list):

  • Acrylic
  • Acrylic and acrylic fumes, which are odorless, have caused vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, fatigue and headaches as well as being a suspected cancer causing agent.
  • Formaldehyde (See the previous section: “Carpets and Rugs”)
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

3. PVC always releases vinyl chloride fumes which have been proven to cause birth defects, cancer, DNA-damage, Raynaud’s disease, stomach pain, chronic bronchitis, ulcers, and numbness in the fingers, allergic skin disorders and mucous-membrane dryness.

PVC fumes smell like a new car smells because of the large amount of PVC used in throughout the interior of a new car.

(Try to always buy a new car that has been in the showroom where it has “aired” for a while, and drive with the widows open as much as possible.)

4. Polyester and polyester fumes are also odorless and can cause acute dermatitis, eye irritation and respiratory throat irritation.

5. As stated above - bed mattresses are also made from exactly the same polyurethane foam that is used in furniture and therefore contains exactly the same dangerous chemicals as furniture and in addition are often treated with dangerous fire retardants, which release even more dangerous and odorless fumes.

One commonly used flame retardant are PBDE’s (Polybrominated diphenyl ethers) which are also commonly used on curtains, drapes and upholstery.

They are absorbed through inhalation and have been shown to cause learning and memory problems, lowered sperm counts, poor thyroid functioning, and cancer.

Note 1: Approximately 98% of all deaths from home fires are due to smoke inhalation not to burning.

Fire retardants do not prevent the treated material from still giving off dangerous toxic smoke fumes when they come into contact with fire even if they do not catch on fire.

Fire retardants are too little, too late and too dangerous.

Note 2: Be aware of an old trick that many companies use.

Many companies make a bed mattress that states on the label or in its advertising that it is only made from - or contains: “100% Natural latex” or simply: “Natural latex.”

It is very expensive to make a bed mattress that is truly made from only 100% natural latex.

Ask the company to send you a letter answering your question if any other substances besides 100% natural latex are in the mattress. (As stated many times before -always remember that a letter is a legal document and that an e-mail or conversation is not.) 

In the vast majority of cases you will get either no response or that 50%-80% or so of the mattress is made out of polyurethane foam and the remaining 20% or so is made out of natural latex.

6. One inexpensive healthy alternative is to buy a futon mattress which is a Japanese sofa and bed mattress combination that simply uses cotton as a filling.

Note: Make sure that there is not a roll of synthetic fiber placed deep in the cotton filling.

This is done sometimes to make the futon more firm without using more cotton which is much more expensive than synthetic fibers.

Once again, ask the manufacturers to reply in writing if the outer coverings have been treated with any chemicals whatsoever.

Many futons have untreated 100 % cotton outside covering.

7. However there are many companies (look on the net) that do make new and totally safe carpets, bed mattresses and furniture etc. - all of which do not contain dangerous materials which are treated with even more dangerous chemicals.

8. The easiest, best and cheapest solution is to buy used furniture and if it is necessary to replace both the outside covering material and the inside foam stuffing with natural untreated: cotton, coconut fiber, horse hair, jute, kapok, or sisal etc.

As with carpets and rugs, goggle for companies that make and that sell safe furniture and safe bed mattresses made out of untreated natural fibers and for Japanese futons.

9. Even another ( ! ) dangerous health problem with new furniture such as book shelves, bureaus, cabinets, tables  as well as bed frames, cribs, flooring and shelving etc.is that they are virtually always (unless made from solid wood pieces) made from particle board and/ or plywood that has been carefully covered with a veneer of thin natural wood.

Particle board and plywood always outgas formaldehyde. (See the section “Carpets and Rugs" for the dangerous effects of formaldehyde).

The veneer covering does not prevent the formaldehyde from out gassing.

10. Try to buy only new untreated solid wood products and either leave them in their totally natural state or  lacquer, varnish or oil them yourself with a safe lacquer, varnish or oil or at least, buy the oldest solid wood products as possible.

Note 1: “Odorless” lacquers, varnishes and oils that are being produced for wood floors and other wood products are odorless but still give off dangerous fumes - we just can not smell them.

Normal paints continue to give off harmful vapors for at least 30 days.

Note 2: The German companies: “Auros” and “Livos” make excellent totally safe paints, varnishes, oils and finishing products etc. for wood and other materials.

Note 3: I have absolutely no connection to these companies or to any company mentioned.

Of course you could just also buy older used furniture but be aware it can take up to 5 years before the formaldehyde has fully out gassed.


Flooring, Furniture and Kitchen Cabinets

1. Avoid using all plastic floor materials- especially vinyl flooring and vinyl floor tiles- because of the extremely dangerous PVC and phthalates they contain and release into the air. For the dangerous effects of phthalates see the section: “Food Packaging.”

2. All “fake wood “laminated plastic flooring releases dangerous formaldehyde in to the air.

3. All wooden flooring -if not solid wood - not only contains a plastic layer on top but also is glued to particle board and / or plywood etc.

Both the glue and the particle board and the plywood releases the highly dangerous chemical gas formaldehyde.

As stated before-formaldehyde gas is odorless and has been proven to cause: birth defects, cancer and DNA damage as well as coughing, swelling of the throat, watery eyes, breathing problems, headache, rashes, tiredness, nausea insomnia, disorientation, asthmatic attacks and nosebleeds etc.

The exact same is true for all furniture and kitchen cabinets which are not made out of solid wood but consists of a thin veneer of wood glued to the particle board or plywood underneath.

Over 90% of all furniture and kitchen cabinets are NOT made out of solid wood even if they look like they are.

4. All plastics outgas dangerous plastic fumes which sometimes smell and sometimes are odorless, depending on the kind of plastic used.

Note: Use unlacquered solid wood floor materials, and lacquer them yourself with a safe product or use brick, ceramic tile, stone tiles, or untreated cork that is not preglued and always use safe non-toxic glue.( See the previous section above for the companies that make them.)

If you cannot afford to buy furniture and kitchen cabinets which are made out of solid wood then consider buying good quality second hand furniture and kitchen cabinets that are.

More Home Plastics

1. Virtually all wallpaper is treated with a dangerous PVC Polyvinyl chloride (See the section “Carpets and Rugs”) plastic coating to make it washable and is preglued or backed with glues that also emit odorless, dangerous fumes for months.

Use only non -preglued wallpaper which states that is PVC free and glue which states on the label that it is nontoxic -or paint the walls instead with a totally safe natural paint such as the paints made by the excellent companies Auro and Livos.

Note: Once again, I have absolutely no connection to these companies or to any company mentioned.

Other plastic products include:

  • Plastic light fixtures, plastic window blinds and curtains with synthetic fibers all get heated from either the sun or electric bulbs etc. which causes them to release even more toxic odorless fumes. Use glass, metal or untreated wood light fixture and blinds and only have curtains made from only untreated 100% natural fibers. (See the section on “Clothing and Textiles.”)
  • Shower curtains are very often made with PVC. Buy only shower curtain made of natural fibers.

Plants that Clean the Air

1. Many studies have shown that indoor air is often even more polluted than outside air!
Please note that because we humans have a very poor sense of smell - we cannot smell these extremely unhealthy pollutants.

Three of the most common are:

  • Formaldehyde - which is given off by carpets, upholstery and the glues used in all furniture, cabinets and particle board etc.
  • Benzene - which is given off by plastics and synthetic fibers etc.
  • Trichloroethylene - which is given off many cleaners and also glues etc.

2. It is therefore important to open your window as often as is comfortable and to buy plants to help clean the air.
Plants can help clean your indoor air depending of course on how many you have.
There are many plants that do an excellent of cleaning the air but the four plants that are the most powerful at cleaning the air and that are both the easiest to care for and are the most inexpensive to buy are :  

  1. Snake Plant - Sansevieria trifasscinata
  2. English Ivy - Hedera helix
  3. Peace Lily - Spathiphylium Mauna Loa
  4. Chrysanthemum - Chrysanthrmum morifolium.
  5. The Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) is an excellent choice for the bedroom because as well as being purifying the air this plant - unlike most plants -gives off oxygen at night instead of carbon dioxide.

Buy the largest ones you can afford and after buying them rinse them off gently with water to help remove any topical pesticides that were used  as well as any dust etc.

Make sure to gently wipe the dust off their leaves on a regular basis.


Clothing and Textiles

1. Try to buy all clothing, bed sheets, blankets, curtains and especially baby clothes, baby covers, and baby blankets etc. that are made out of only 100% natural fiber such as 100% (organic) untreated cotton, hemp, linen, silk or wool.

2. Not only is it extremely important to avoid the dangerous odorless fumes given off by synthetic fibers (see the section: “Furniture, Sofas, Cushions and Beds”) but it is even more important to avoid wearing clothes made of them because your skin has direct contact with these extremely unhealthy synthetic fibers.

Note 1: Regardless of what sales people might tell you, silk is always treated with formaldehyde- unless it is made and/or sold by a company specializing in only clothes made out of organic materials.

Note 2: All  non -organic wool clothing is treated with anti-moth chemicals which give off dangerous odorless fumes and are even much more dangerous when coming in to direct contact with your skin.

Non-organic wool also come from animals which have been "dipped " in a pool of dangerous pesticides ( including insecticides)  such as Amitraz which has been proven to cause cancer or highly toxic Cyromazine to avoid insects infesting their wool etc. while they are still alive.

Organic wool comes from animals comes from animals which have not been dipped in these dangerous pesticides and has not been treated with any anti-moth chemicals.

Store your wool clothing in a drawer containing lavender or cedar chips etc. which will keep moths and other insects away.

(Google for more totally natural harmless substances that will keep your wool clothing etc. safe from moths and other insects.)

Note 3: Buy only the above listed products that do not have the following terms printed on their labels:

  • Non-iron
  • Permanent press
  • Shrink proof etc.

If the label contains any of these terms the product does contain some kind of synthetic fibers even if the label has 100% cotton etc. written on it.

The company has simply intertwined the synthetic fiber with or around the 100% natural fiber.

Note 4: All waterproof and water resistant boots, clothing, rain wear, shoes and sports equipment etc. – such as Gortex etc. - contain dangerous perfluorinated compounds (PFL’s) that contain perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA.)

Waterproof boots, shoes and running shoes etc. are especially a threat to your health because your feet always sweat and thereby come in to contact with these dangerous chemicals.

Buy footwear which has not been waterproofed and waterproof them yourself using a natural fat waterproofing product.

Note 5: NEVER use chemical waterproofing sprays!

These are extremely dangerous to use and can even be fatal.

To read about the dangers of PFOA see the section “Food Packaging.”

Some companies, such as Hessnatur –see below- make waterproof organic clothing by using natural waxes and oils. 

Note 6: I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any company mentioned.

Note 7: Never wear any new clothing before washing it!

All new clothes, including undergarments, are treated with extremely dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde etc. before shipping to keep their shape, to prevent creasing and wrinkling etc. and to create a “ shiny and new” look.

New clothing is also treated with dangerous: phthalates, trichloroethylene and NPE’s (nonylphenol ethoxylates) which break down into hormone disrupting chemicals that accumulate in the body.

In fact many governmental health agencies as well as dermatologists recommend that all new clothes and even blankets etc. be washed at least twice to remove these dangerous chemicals before using.

Note 8: Even 100% natural fiber clothes and even 100% organic fiber clothing can be treated for shipping unless the company specifically states in their advertising, or on the clothing label, or to you personally in a letter that they do not.

Note 9: There are many companies on the net that sell totally untreated organic clothing.

One company that I have dealt that makes only totally untreated certified organic clothing as well as bed linens etc. is the company: “Hessnatur.”

This company sells almost exclusively through mail orders, but do have a few stores in Germany - See www.hessnatur.com.

Note 10: As stated above - I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any company mentioned.

Another way to obtain safe clothing – and to save money- is to only buy used clothing made of natural fibers  which of course you must also wash to make sure that it is absolutely clean.

Note 11: Women should avoid wearing tight fitting bras.

They have also been shown to cause painful breast cysts and lumps.

A tight fitting bra can cut off lymph drainage which some doctors believe can contribute to the cause of breast cancer.


Special Notes for Rooms for Babies and Children

The immune system in a baby and a child is not well developed until 7 years old and is not completely developed until 12 years old.

Both because of this fact and because of their rapid cell growth chemicals and odorless dangerous fumes will have much greater effect on them than on an adult.

It is critically important that you think of this when “decorating” both your child´s room and your child (and your home and yourself as well.)

I know that these are a large number of recommendations, but please make the extra effort to produce the healthiest possible environment for your child- and yourself.

The present and future health of your child is largely up to you. 

Please pay very careful attention to these extremely important recommendations for your child -your child`s health depends on it!  

1.Try to only feed your baby organic food free of all food additives including all flavors and not packed in any kind of plastic or in metal tubes but is only packed in glass -or best -made by yourself. (See the section:" Food Packaging.")

2. Do not use normal store bought paints, lacquer, oils or varnishes etc. 

The German companies: “Auros” and “Livos” make totally safe paints, lacquer, oils, varnishes and finishing products etc. for wood and other materials.

Note: I have absolutely no connection to these companies or to any company mentioned.

3. Do not install any plastic flooring such as vinyl flooring, vinyl floor tiles etc., laminated fake wood plastic flooring, veneer wooden floor panels, particle board or plywood.

See the previous section above:" Flooring Furniture and Kitchen Cabinets."

4. Do not put up normal wallpaper in your child’s room. (See the previous section above: “More Home Plastics.")

5. Do not put in rugs, carpeting or curtains made from synthetic fibers. (See the previous section above: "Carpet and Rugs.")

6. Do not use a brand new crib, new bed, or new mattress for your child unless it comes from a company making totally untreated safe products. (See the previous section above: “Furniture, Sofas, Cushions and Bed Mattresses Including Crib Mattresses for Babies.”)

7. Do not have any lamps, lightshades, light fixtures or venetian blinds or any blinds made out of any kind of plastic whatsoever in your child’s room.

All of these products become heated and release even more odorless toxic fumes.


Baby Supplies

Once again I know that these are a large number of recommendations, but please make the extra effort to produce the healthiest possible environment for your child- and yourself. As stated before -the present and future health of your child is largely up to you.

1. Buy only untreated - organic if possible - 100% cotton, linen ,silk or wool etc. clothing, bed sheets, blankets, crib covers, and curtains etc. that do not have non-iron, perm press, shrink proof etc. written on the label.

2. Make sure that none of the above items are treated with dangerous fire retardants chemicals.

Once again, 98% of all deaths due to home fires- including that of children- are caused by smoke inhalation and not the fire.

Note: All synthetic fibers release dangerous toxic smoke when coming into contact with fire even if they do not catch on fire.

They are extremely dangerous to the health of your child and to you.

In an American test (European test results were similar) 80% of the cushions and mattresses in:

  • Baby car seats
  • Baby carrier cushions
  • Changing table pads
  • Crib mattresses
  • High chair cushions
  • And nursing pillows contained dangerous flame retardant chemicals which accumulate in the tissues of babies (and adults.)

One-third of the of the 101 products tested contained the proven cancer causing chemical chlorinated TRIS (2, 3,-dibromopropyl phosphate.) that had been forbidden to be used in children`s clothing!

These fire retardant chemicals consist of brominated and chlorinated compounds that are added to the polyurethane filling or stuffing in these baby products.

These chemicals leak from the polyurethane filling and the baby can inhale them or absorb them through the skin.

When buying the above products look for products that have only natural material fillings or at least polyester which is unhealthy but much is better than the above chemicals.

Fire retardants are generally not added to polyester as it has a normal fire retardant effect by itself.

If in doubt ask the manufacturer of the product (not the store selling the item) to answer you in a letter if any fire retardants or if any chemicals are used in either the filling or the cover of the product.

As said so many times, before- always remember that a letter is a legal document and an e-mail or telephone are not.

3. Use only glass milk bottles-even if the plastic milk bottle has a label stating that it is made out of non-toxic plastic and/or is BPA free.

Note: ALL plastic bottles contain BPA or BPS or a similar related chemical.

ALL plastics bottles and plastic containers also leach out dangerous adipates, phthalates, plasticizers and softeners into the liquid or food that they contain.

No plastic container is inert with no leaching whatsoever, regardless of what various companies might say! 

(See the section: “Food Packaging.")

Use only glass baby bottles and glass containers that do not have a plastic ring (or if they do-make sure that the food does not come into contact with it).

Unlined stainless steel food containers are also safe for both your baby’s food and for your food.

4. Use only 100% natural latex nipples, pacifiers, sippy cups and teething rings.

Note: The label must say 100% natural latex or else it will contain BPA or BPS etc.



1. Try to buy as few plastic toys as possible-especially soft plastic toys- and buy untreated wooden or natural fiber toys instead.

Note 1: Always remember that babies put everything in their mouth!

At least make sure that the plastic toys has a label stating that non-toxic colors have been used and that it has been inspected and/ or guaranteed by some control agency whose name is also states on the label. 

Try also to buy dolls, and teddy bears etc. made of 100% natural and untreated fibers.

Note 2: If any of these products are unavailable where you live then search the net for them - they are widely available.
See also the excellent site: www.healthystuff.com for information on healthy toys and for information on many other subjects for a safe home.

2. Use crayons made from beeswax, not from paraffin and which contain non-toxic colors.

3. Do not let your children play with colored toy jewelry.

They are usually colored with a color containing lead.

This lead transfers to the skin even if the color itself does not so you can not see it.

Note: When it is time for your baby, infant or child to go to sleep, take out all of the plastic and/or synthetic fiber containing items such as crayons, games, stuffed animals, and toys etc. out of the bedroom to avoid dangerous odorless fumes from building up and concentrating in a confined space where your child is sleeping.

Don’t let your child sleep in an odorless and invisible dangerous chemical fog !

4. Note: Do not allow your child to keep a wired laptop (do not use an unwired laptop operating on Wi-Fi) computer or printer etc. in their room while they are asleep and never allow the child to use it while it is on their lap (See the section: “Mobile Phones, Cordless Indoor Phones, and Wireless Products” and the section: “Electromagnetic Fields (EMF`s) and Microwave Ovens.”)

Laptops and all computers and printers etc. always create and release dust containing dangerous chemicals and fire retardants as well as chemical fumes.

Wipe off all laptops, computers and printers etc. with a micro-fiber rag (and shake out the rag outside) on a daily basis to avoid dust buildup - which you do inhale even if you do not notice it.

5. Try to have the room as electric free as possible.

Use a battery operated bedroom clock instead of an electric one.

6. Take out all electrical appliances out of your child's (and your) bedroom at night before they go to sleep.

7. I strongly believe that children (and adults) should not use mobile phones, cordless home phones and computers operating on Wi-Fi. (See the section: “Mobile Phones, Cordless Indoor Phones and Wireless Products” and the section: “Electromagnetic Fields (EMF`s) and Microwave Ovens.")



1. Normal disposable diapers always contain deodorizing chemicals, plastic fibers, and bleached paper that often contain dangerous dioxins etc.

All of these chemicals can be absorbed in to your child's body via the skin.

The skin is not a barrier! 

But there are some companies that make a safe untreated organic cotton outer diaper, with a disposable safe natural fiber inner diaper.

These are very much cheaper than the normal disposable diapers.

One of the companies making this product is Imse Vimse.

Note: As always, I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any company mentioned. 

2. Use no or as few baby products, on your child as possible, even if they are organic.

(Please read the very important information in the section on body care products.)

Note: Never ever use talcum powder on your baby or on yourself!

ALL talcum powders contain either asbestos fibers or fibers that are similar to asbestos!

These are always inhaled and are proven cancer-causing substances. (See E553b in my E number guides.)


Cleaning Products

1. All non-organic normal cleaning products contain VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) unless they consist of some kind of pure soap.

See the section: “Air fresheners.”

(Of course the term organic here has nothing to do with not using pesticides etc.)

Use only non-toxic environmentally safe -preferably organic - cleaning products for floors, toilet cleaners, wash powder for clothes and dishwashing liquid etc.

The superb site: w.w.w.ewg.org contains a lot of important information on safe cleaners and also contains a very important search guide where you can look up the ingredients that are listed on the label that are used in household cleaners etc.as well as in personal care products.

Note 1: One excellent company in Europe making excellent and safe household cleaners for clothes, dishes, floors and toilets etc.is “Sonett” although for dishes I only recommend their “Neutral” dishwashing liquid-which is the only one that they have that contains no essential oils. 

This is because that for dishes it is important that no essential oils (or fragrances etc.) are used because of the residues that might be left on the dishes if you do not rinse the dishes very well in hot water.

Of course you then consume them the next time you use those dishes.

Note 2: I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any of the companies mentioned. 

Note 3: Many “natural" and even organic dishwashing liquids contain herbal oils –often citrus oils such as lemon peel oil or orange peel oil etc. - to create a scent.

These two herbal oils - and many other herbal oils as well - are extremely unhealthy (even if they are organic) and should not be used in any way.

Look up all herbal oils etc. and all cosmetic ingredients as well in the excellent site: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep


Replacements for Dangerous “Normal” Products and Safe Home Tips

Air Fresheners

1. All air fresheners (even the ones claiming to use only a “natural” smell) contain dangerous chemicals named volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which remain hanging in the air, whether they are in a spray or in a “plug-in” form.

(As stated before -The word organic in the term VOCs has nothing to do of course to do with organically grown food etc.)

Note: ALL air fresheners do not “get rid” of odors, they simply substitute their own.

Among the most common volatile chemicals found in air fresheners are the extremely dangerous chemicals:

  • Acetalhyde
  • Cresol
  • Formaldehyde
  • Naphthalene
  • Phenol
  • Phthalates
  •  Xylene etc.

 Volatile organic compounds can cause:

  • Cancer
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Memory impairment

Instead of using air fresheners, use a mixture of dried organic herbs or organic herbal oils  such as cinnamon powder or cinnamon oil, crushed cloves or clove oil, dried orange peel or orange oil , lavender buds or lavender oil, peppermint leaves or peppermint oil or spearmint  leaves  or spearmint oil etc. or simply open a window.


Do not use any products containing ammonia. 

Ammonia fumes are extremely dangerous and are toxic.

A safe detergent and hot water will get rid of the bacteria and the mold and mildew just as well.

Keep all mold and mildew problem areas as dry as possible, as they need dampness to survive.

Battery Powered Smoke Detectors

Replace battery powdered smoke detectors with photoelectric ones.

If you look at the bottom of the battery ones, you will see a warning sign for radioactive material.

You are exposed to this same material.

Cat Sand

Replace all “clay” or “sand” cat sand with cat sand products that are made from the products of the pulp and paper industry.

These products are usually made in pellets.

Virtually all cat sands are made from clay and sand products that contain asbestos-like fibers or actual asbestos fibers.

Even if the product has “Contains no Asbestos” printed on the label, they still can contain asbestos- like fibers which have been proven to cause cancer. 

These fibers are not only highly dangerous for your cat but also for you also since they are always in the air.

Note 1: Pregnant women should never empty “used” cat sand! “Used” cat sand could contain toxoplasmosis, which can cause birth defects.

If you can not get someone else to empty the cat sand, than at least wear disposable gloves and throw the gloves away each time they are used, and wash your hands thoroughly  afterwards.

Make sure that the gloves do not contain talcum powder or any powder. (See E553b in my E number guides.)

Note 2: For the same reasons all pregnant women must use disposable gloves if they work in the garden and wash their hands well afterwards.

Chemical Spot and Stain Removers

Chemical spot removers contain a host of dangerous chemicals including volatile organic compounds (VOC's.)

(See the section: “Air Fresheners.”)

All chemical spot removers can either be replaced by environmentally safe ones, or by natural substances such as a using a combination of baking soda, lemon juice and vinegar etc.
Google for the various recipes of safe natural stain removers.

Drain Cleaners

Drain cleaners contain many deadly chemicals which can easily be seen by just reading the warnings the label.

Both the fumes and the liquid or powder itself are extremely dangerous!

For a safe drain cleaner use a mixture of ½ baking soda and ½ vinegar.

After pouring this mixture down the drain, pour boiling water down the drain and then follow by using a plunger.


The fumes from dry cleaned clothes and other items are extremely toxic!

 Virtually all “Dry clean only” clothes etc. can be washed on the delicate or gentle cycle using a mild soap based detergent and simply hang them to dry.

If you feel that you must use dry-cleaning; take the plastic off and let it “gas out” for at least 48 hours on the balcony or in the garage or in the attic etc. with an open window  before wearing it or putting it in your closet. 

Never simply hang dry cleaned clothes - with or without the plastic -in your closet without letting it gas out for at least 2 days in a place with an open window.

Fabric Softeners

These are only necessary if you use clothes etc. containing synthetic fibers.

(For the effect of synthetic fibers both when their odorless fumes are breathed in and upon skin contact, please see the section: “Furniture, Sofas, Cushions and Beds." 

Simply adding baking soda in the rinse cycle will have the same effect.

If you feel that must use them, wash all your synthetic fiber containing clothes separately and use an unscented product.

Note: If suffering from any skin disorder you must avoid all fabric softeners, scented washing powder, spray starches and chemical commercial spot removers.

Find an unscented and environmentally friendly wash powder that has been approved by an allergy and/or skin disorder association.

Flea Collars, Flea Powders and Flea Bombs

These products are dangerous for both your pet and for you by creating a continuous poisonous fog around your pet.

Instead of using them, simply rub ground cloves onto your pet and wash your pet´s sleeping area and sleeping linen frequently.

Feeding your pet a nutritional supplement which contains B Vitamins will also discourage fleas due to the odor they create.

This is an odor which humans cannot detect, but that fleas can and dislike.

Furniture Polish

Any vegetable oil makes an excellent and safe furniture polish.

Gas Appliances

Try to replace all gas appliances with electric ones.

Gas always leaks out to some degree.

Insecticides and Pesticides

Use no insecticides or pesticides, including the so - called “safe” ones sold in your grocery store! 

There exists many natural herbs and essential oils that work just as well and often even better and are safe.

Simply look on the net using the name of the insect.

Some examples are:

  • Bay leaves against roaches (or buy a non-chemical roach trap). If you pack your garbage in a container with a tight lid and empty it regularly and put all your dried food in glass containers with a tight lid, and keep all areas clean, you will eliminate the food and the reason for roaches and other insects that “visit” you looking for food.
  • Ground red chili peppers or cayenne works well against ants.
  • Planting garlic (as well as eating it) will keep mosquitoes away.

Metal Cleaners

To safely clean all silver items-add a handful of salt or baking powder to an aluminum pot, or a pot or pail containing aluminum foil, fill with hot water, and put the silver items in for a few minutes.
The tarnish can then be wiped away.

Brass and copper can be cleaned with a mixture of lemon juice and salt.

Chrome can be cleaned with a cloth dipped in apple cider vinegar.

Mosquito Repellants

Just search the net to read about the extremely dangerous chemicals contained in these products. 

When you put them on your skin they are then absorbed into your bloodstream.

Always remember that your skin is not a barrier, these deadly chemicals are absorbed into your bloodstream.

Natural safe repellants include:

  • Rubbing your exposed skin with apple-cider vinegar and let it evaporate on your skin.
  • Adding 5 drops of organic citronella oil or organic or wild crafted tea-tree oil to 30 ml. of organic olive oil and applying it to your skin.
  • Organic lavender oil is one of the few essential oils that you can safely put directly on your skin and will keep mosquitoes away.
  • Eating (organic) garlic and /or cutting open a garlic glove and rubbing it on your skin will also keep mosquitoes away.
    Just as with pets - taking a Vitamin B supplement will create a smell that we cannot detect but that the mosquitoes can and dislike.
  • Basil, garlic and rosemary plants - both outside and inside your home - will also keep mosquitoes away, as will burning citronella coils. 

Moth Balls

Never use mothballs! 

The fumes from mothballs are extremely dangerous and can cause serious breathing and lung disorders etc. and even mental health disorders.

Use whole peppercorns, pieces of lavender or pieces of cedar wood instead - they work just as well and are completely safe.

To store clothes etc.-pack what you want to store in boxes (but do not use boxes that have had non-organic bananas or any other kind of non- organic fruit in them because of the fungicides used on the fruit which enters the box itself -see the “Fruits” section) and tape all possible openings.

Fungicides are not allowed to be used on organic fruit.

Paraffin and/or Artificially Scented Candles

Do not use paraffin and/or artificially scented candles.

Artificial scents as well as the smoke from paraffin are extremely unhealthy.

Many candles claim to be “naturally” scented.

Always remember that legally the word “natural” means absolutely nothing!

The ingredient list must include an organic essential oil to be truly natural.

Paraffin candles release many extremely dangerous chemicals into the air including alkanes, alkenes, benzene and toluene etc.

Artificially scented candles also release many extremely dangerous chemicals into the air including formaldehyde and phthalates etc. 

Note: Use also only candles which are made from undyed natural beeswax or an undyed natural plant wax with or without (organic) essential oils and always have a window open when burning any kind of candle.

All smoke is unhealthy.

No Pest-Strips

These strips release dangerous fumes that are odorless.

Simple non-toxic sticky fly strips are much safer and even work better.

Bowls of crushed cloves, chopped lemon peels or chopped orange peels will also keep away flies as they dislike the odor.

Poisonous Traps for Mice and Rats

Try using humane traps, or if this is not possible then use normal traps.

The best bait to use for mice and rats is raw bacon or raw hamburger- not cheese.

Spray Starches

All pressurized sprays leave chemicals that hang in the air that will always be breathed in.
A safe product can be made by simply mixing cornstarch with water and pouring the mixture into a hand sprayer to use.

Oven Cleaners

To clean ovens safely; wet the inside of the oven, add baking soda, leave for 12 hours and then wipe off with a piece of detergent- free steel wool dipped in a safe non-scented household cleaner.

Urea-Formaldehyde Insulation

Do not use urea-formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI) in your house.

For the dangerous effects of formaldehyde see the section: “Carpets and Rugs.”)

Look on the net for the many safe substitutes available.

Vacuum Cleaners

Always use a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter to avoid as much microscopic dust as possible from being blown in to the air.

Waterproofing For Shoes 

Never use a spray waterproofing product!

Note: It is so dangerous that it can be fatal! 

You will always breathe some of the spray in.

Use a waterproof fatty polish instead and always wear gloves.

Dispose of the gloves afterwards and let the shoes etc. dry in an area where people can not breathe in the fumes.

Note: Do not buy Gore-Tex (Gortex) or any other chemically waterproofed shoes and clothing.
See the sections: “Clothing and Textiles” and “Food Packaging."

Window Cleaning Products

Avoid unhealthy commercial window cleaning products by simply using a mixture of one-half water and one-half apple cider vinegar.

Computers, Copiers, Fax Machines, and Printers etc.

1. Keep all computers, copiers, fax machines and printers etc. in a separate room with adequate ventilation or at best with a window which you can open.

ALL these machines give off odorless chemical fumes and create chemical dust as well - all of which you breathe in.

2. Never keep and use these machines in your bedroom.

3. If you absolutely must have these machines in your sleeping area:

  • Make sure that you dust daily with a micro-fiber rag (which is a good idea to do anyways regardless in which room you have these machines) and be sure to shake out the rag outside daily also.
  • Make also sure that you open a window regularly and that you plug out all your machines when you go to sleep.

Do NOT simply turn off all the machines when you go to sleep. 

 (See the section: “Electromagnetic Fields (EMF`s) and Microwave Ovens.")

Note 1:Do not work with computers if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant or at least use only wired computers ( not operating via Wi-Fi ) as little as possible and never ever put them on your lap.

Long term radiation- even at low doses- can cause birth defects. (See the section: “Mobile Telephones, Cordless Indoor Phones and Wireless Products.”)

Note 2: Try to buy a “green” computer, (and other “green” communication devices and televisions etc.) that contain and emit fewer chemicals and fumes.

Greenpeace - and other associations as well - produce yearly consumer reports on “green” products.

Consult theses sources before buying any new products.

Fireplaces, Fireplace stoves and Chimneys

Have all fireplaces; fireplace stoves and chimneys inspected at least once a year by a professional to avoid fires and smoke inhalation.


Light Bulbs

1. Research by Peter Braun at Alab Laboratory in Berlin Germany has shown that that the new energy efficient light bulbs- compact fluorescent lights (CFL) - give off dangerous vapors when in use.

The poisonous and proven cancer -causing chemicals of phenol, naphthalene and styrene are all released in vapor form when CFL`s are used.

2. These chemicals are in the socket of the bulb so it does not matter if the CFL consists of a twisted tube or has a normal light bulb shape with the twisted tube inside.

There is also the serious problem that they contain mercury which is released if they break.

3. Do not use LED lights or bulbs.

The AMA (the American Medical Association) has stated that life-long exposure of the retina and lens to blue peaks from LEDs can increase the risk of cataract and macular degeneration.

4. Note: Use only halogen light bulbs or simple incandescent light bulbs or try to buy “natural lighting” where the lighting mimics the natural light color spectrum produced by the sun.


Healthy Cooking and Kitchen Supplies

Aluminum cookware always releases dangerous aluminum in to the foods and liquids that are cooked in them. (See E173 in my E- number guides.)

Aluminum has been linked to causing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease and cancer - especially breast cancer.

(Avoid also the use of aluminum pots and pans and the use of any antiperspirant and deodorant that contains any aluminum compound such as aluminum chloride etc. - which virtually all the non-organic ones contain.) 

Anodized aluminum cookware also release aluminum into the food that is cooked in it in spite of what the producers and sellers of anodized aluminum cookware state.

Do not use aluminum foil as it also releases aluminum into any foods that are cooked and even stored in it

Note 1: Copper cookware always release copper into the foods and liquids that are cooked in them which is unhealthy.

Note 2: Enamel pots often chip.

Note 3: Glass pots and pans are the healthiest followed by stainless steel.

Do not worry if the stainless steel pots and pans have an aluminum base - the food does not come in to contact with it.

The base is only aluminum because it distributes heat better and more evenly than stainless steel.

Note 4: Iron pots and frying pans give off iron (especially when acidic foods such as applesauce and tomatoes etc. are cooked in them) which is unhealthy for men and non-menstruating women but is a valuable source of easily available iron for menstruating women and other women who might be especially lacking in iron such as vegans and vegetarians.

Note 5: If buying iron cookware, do not buy “treated” iron cookware.

They have always been oiled with extremely unhealthy oils, such as cottonseed oil or soya oil and then baked at extremely high temperatures.

Iron frying pans (and all frying pans and all woks) if not washed well after each time after being used, reheat old cooked fat or old cooked oil over and over again, which add dangerous heterocyclic amines (HCA`s) and dangerous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAH`s) and other unhealthy substances into the food cooked in them.

HCA´s are chemicals created when you “blacken” food, such as when you barbecue food for too long or when food is fried or baked too long.

These chemicals are proven cancer- causing substances.

PAH´S are also proven cancer causing chemicals that are formed in smoke and are transferred to food when that food is smoked or exposed to smoke.

Note 6: Do not eat any “burnt” (blackened meat or blackened vegetable etc.) food or smoked food (whether industrially smoked – by using liquid smoke - or “naturally” smoked) for the reasons given above, even if they are organic.

Note 7: Do not use steel wool when cleaning the stainless steel cookware.

Scratching the stainless steel by using steel wool or by scraping could cause chromium and nickel to be released.

Note 8: All non-stick cookware, whether it is Teflon, plastic, or silicone etc., is deadly because dangerous chemicals are always given off during the heating process both directly in to the food and in to the air via odorless fumes. See the excellent site www.ewg.org for more information on non-stick cookware.

Note 9: Do not use plastic kettles for boiling water.

Use only kettles made from stainless steel.

Once again, all plastics leach out dangerous chemicals when exposed to heat, or to fat, blood or water and even more so when exposed to hot liquids or hot foods.

Note 10: Replace all plastic cooking utensils such as large soup spoons, forks, spatulas, food strainers etc. with stainless steel ones or with untreated and unoiled wooden ones.

If using wooden utensils make sure that you wash them well in hot water containing a safe washing liquid to avoid bacteria buildup.

Note 11: Replace all plastic: bowls, cups, water glasses etc. with either glass or stainless steel products.

Use glass bowls and not stainless bowls for whipping food or for mixing ingredients at high speeds because they could be scratched which could release chromium and nickel in to the food.

Note 12: Do not drink bottled water that is in any kind of plastic bottle even if it is mineral water in a plastic bottle bought at a health food store.

Buy only water if it is in a glass bottle.

The same is true for “sport” bottles.

These should only be made of unlined stainless steel or glass and never of plastic or of aluminum. (See the section: “Food Packaging.”)

Note 13: Never use “cling film” or any kind of plastic rolls for food storage.

Soft plastics are absolutely the most dangerous kinds of plastics because they contain and release even greater amounts of extremely dangerous chemicals than any other type of plastic.

Soft plastics are especially unhealthy when used in the microwave or when fatty and / or bloody foods such raw meats and cheeses etc. are wrapped in them since the fat and / or blood leaches out dangerous chemicals from the plastic into the food.

(For more information and safe alternatives see the sections: “Organic Dairy Products” and “Organic Meat and Wild Meat”).

Note 14: Only store food in glass containers that do not have a plastic seal (or at least do not let the food or liquid touch the plastic) or in unlined stainless steel containers and never in plastic containers even if they claim to be made out of “non-toxic” plastic (See the section: “Food Packaging.”)

Note 15: See the section “Cleaning Products” for safe cleaning liquids for dishes etc.


Electromagnetic Fields (EMF`s) and Microwave Ovens

It is important to realize that our whole body - including every cell, tissue and organ in our body - transmits information through tiny electrical currents.

EMF’s- which includes electrical fields, magnetic fields, radiofrequency fields, microwaves and radiation from both unwired and wired sources etc. have been proven to cause:

  • Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Depression
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Dizziness
  • Electrical Hypersensitivity
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Memory loss
  • Migraines
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Nausea
  • Skin rashes
  • Sleep disorders
  • Tingling foot and leg pain
  • Weakness

EMF’s have also been linked to:

  • Asthma
  • Birth Defects
  • Childhood Leukemia
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Arrhythmia
  • Infertility
  • Miscarriages

Note 1: The source of information for the above list is: www. electromagnetichealth.org which is an excellent site that is both well documented and indexed.

See this superb site for more extremely important information on EMF`s and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome.

Note 2: EMF levels (this term includes the less used term of EMR-Electro Magnetic Radiation), can be measured by a Gauss meter, which are cheaply and widely available.

To limit your exposure to EMF’s, try to do the following:

  • Plug out all electrical equipment when not in use. They still create EMF`s when they are turned off if they are still plugged in.
  • Remove all dimmer switches.
  • Do not use any electric blankets or at least use them only to preheat your bed then remove and unplug them.
  • Do not use microwave ovens. As well as almost always “leaking out” microwaves (never stand in front of one when in use) microwaves actually produce new combinations of amino-acids and of other compounds in food that are not found in nature. We have absolutely no idea of what effect that this “Frankenstein food” has on our bodies and minds. Cooking food in microwave ovens has been proven to destroy phytonutrients such as antioxidants in the food. There is always a transference of dangerous chemicals such as adipates, plasticizers, phthalates, and softeners etc. from the plastic dishes and plastic covers used in to the food when food is microwaved.
  • Remove all photoelectric timers, except in the case of smoke detectors because they are still safer than the battery ones that contain radioactive materials.
  • Do not have radiant heat systems installed in walls. If they are already installed, do not use them.

Keep the following products the given distance away from yourself:

  • Electric clocks: one meter. Do not use electric clocks on the night table in your bedroom. Replace them with a battery clock.
  • Electric heaters: one meter.
  • Fluorescent lights: two meters.
  • Fridges and freezers: two meters.
  • Hair blow dryers: 1/3 of a meter.
  • Televisions: three meters.

If you have solar panels in your home, make sure they are insulated and placed correctly to limit your exposure to the EMF`s they create.

Above all do not use mobile phones, cordless phones and any wireless products such as wireless laptops etc. - do not have any Wi-Fi system in your home.

If you refuse to live without a mobile phone –turn it completely off and leave it in another room at night and NOT in the bedroom.

See the next section for more information.

Note 3: Try very hard to make your bedroom as “electrically free” as possible because of the long amount of time you spend sleeping there.

See also the site: www.emfsafetystore.com

Note 4: I have absolutely no connection to this store or to any company mentioned. 


Mobile Phones, Cordless Indoor Phones and Wireless Products

As well as all of the medical disorders and health problems mentioned in the previous section, mobile and cordless phones and other wireless devices can also:

  • Cause brain tumors
  • Can cause brain cancer
  • Cause cancer of the parotid gland
  • Can cause prostate and testicular cancer (from having laptops on your lap or from carrying mobile phones in your pocket)
  • Cause decreased bone density in the pelvic region
  • Cause infertility
  • Cause nerve-cell damage
  • Damage your DNA
  • Damage your eyes
  • Genetically damage the eggs in a woman’s body
  • Genetically damage the sperm in a man’s body
  • Harm your blood cells
  • May trigger Alzheimer`s disease
  • Possibly accelerate and contribute to the onset of autism

Note 1: The source of information for this list and for this section are the excellent sites: www.electromagnetichealth.org and www.naturalbodyhealing.com / Cell-Phone-Dangers.com

The most well researched articles that I have read on the subject of EMF`s and mobile and cordless telephones etc. have been written by Dr.Olle Johansson, Professor of Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden who is a world renowned expert in this field.

I have also had the pleasure of speaking with him.

He is truly a very brilliant and caring man who is very concerned about the health of people.

His articles can also be found at the above named site in the previous section.

He regularly sends out scientific reports on EMF’s including medical reports linking EMF`s to medical disorders.

Note 2: Never let children use mobile phones!

A child (under 10 years old) due to its much thinner skull bones, smaller brain and softer brain tissue:

  • absorbs 3 times as much radiation in their brain as an adult
  • absorbs 10 times as much radiation in their bone marrow as an adult

The fact that a child has much more rapid cell growth than an adult and that a child's immune system is not fully developed until 12 years old also makes children extremely more susceptible to the effects of cancer.

All of this means that children are 5 times more likely to get a brain tumor from cell phone use than an adult.

Note 3: It is a myth that mobile phones are used by children in emergencies.

Studies have shown that children rarely use them during emergencies even when having being told to do so.

If you insist on your child having a mobile phone make your child is frequently updated on how and when to use it and instruct your child to only use it in emergencies and not for daily conversation-a normal home phone can be used for that.

Note 4: Pregnant women should never use mobile phones, cordless phones or any wireless products.

All radiation will affect your unborn child.

Note 5: No safe limit for radiation has EVER been set for pregnant mothers, unborn babies, babies or children.

Never forget that there is no such thing as a safe mobile phone or a safe cordless home phone.

Note 6: The so-called safety measures such as only using headsets, special headsets with air spaces, handsets, or only using the speaker etc. or only using a mobile phone with a low SAR number have all been proven to have a next to nothing effect in lowering the dangers of mobile phones and create a very dangerous false sense of safety.

Note 7: If you absolutely must have a mobile phone-and there are very few people who absolutely must have a mobile telephone- then only carry it turned off at all times and only use it for emergencies.

As stated earlier –if you refuse to live without a mobile phone then turn it completely off at night and put it in another room- and NOT in the bedroom.

It is not hard to live without a mobile phone, a cordless phone or any wireless products.

Use only electrical equipment that you can plug in.

Mobile phones, cordless phones and all wireless home products have only been widely used since 1995 and until then people survived and did fine without them.

They are not a necessity.

Simply have a normal phone with a long cord so you can walk around with it at home and have a recording device either with the phone or order one from the telephone company for messages. 

Note 8: Do not use cordless indoor phones!

The base of a cordless phone is always on, even when you are not talking and the phone is only resting.
The base emits up to 200 times greater levels of EMF`s (see the above article) than normal mobile phones and they do this twenty-four hours per day.

Their EMF extends through walls at distances of up to forty feet in all directions.

Note 9:  Only use wired computers and wired laptops- not wireless- and never put them on your lap while using them.


Feminine Care Products

Tampons have been associated with a high risk of staphylococcus bacterial infection and toxic shock syndrome (TSS).

Tampons always contain plastic fibers and bleached papers that leach out dangerous dioxins.

The safest tampons to use are those made out of 100% unbleached organic cotton.

One company making feminine care products out of 100% unbleached organic cotton is “Natracare” and is widely available.

Note 1: As stated many times before - I have absolutely no connection to this company or to any company mentioned. 

Note 2: Never ever use talcum powder on yourself (and on babies!)

ALL talcum powders contain either asbestos fibers or fibers that are similar to asbestos!

Both of these fibers are proven cancer-causing substances and are ALWAYS inhaled!  (See E553b in my E number guides.)



1. Both normal and even most “health food” toothpastes contain many dangerous ingredients.

Note: These dangerous chemicals are always absorbed sublingually from under the tongue, into the body when brushing your teeth even if you do not swallow while brushing your teeth.

Just read the ingredient list of your toothpaste.

Here is only a partial list of these dangerous ingredients found in toothpaste (Look up all E numbers in my E-number guides):

  • Algin E400
  • Alginates E400- E405
  • Carboxymethylcelluslose E 466 (also called cellulose gum)
  • Carrageenan E407.This dangerous additive is found in almost all normal and “health food” toothpastes and has caused stomach and intestinal cancer in laboratory tests.
  • Cellulose gum E466. This dangerous additive is found in almost all normal and “health food” toothpastes.
  • Certain natural even organic essential oils are dangerous to your health. See the two reference sites mentioned below.
  • Flavors (including “natural” flavors.) All flavors and natural flavors -unless they are certified as organic- are made with using dangerous solvents such as hexane which can be never be completely removed. Hexane has been proven to cause birth defects, cancer and DNA damage. All flavors must have all their ingredients listed so you can look them up on the site: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep
  • It is not enough to just state “Essential oils," They must all be listed.
  • Magnesium aluminum –see E173.
  • Natural flavorings –See flavoring.
  • PEG-32 (polyethylene glycol), - this chemical has been proven to cause cancer in laboratory experiments. Note: Some  " health food " companies (especially those from the U.K.) even label PEG chemicals (there are many of them -each with a different number- but they all have the same dangerous effects) as a “Natural derivative of coconut oil” or “ of vegetable origin” to fool people into thinking that they are safe!
  • Sodium alginate E401
  • Sodium benzoate E211
  • Sodium carboxymethylcellulose E468
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulphate and ammonium laureth sulphate. See the two reference sites mentioned below.
  • Sodium saccharin E954 -This deadly artificial sweetener which is a proven cancer causing agent which was never allowed in many countries such as Japan and Russia etc. is found in virtually every “normal” toothpaste and in some “health food” toothpastes as well.
  • Sorbitol E420
  • Xylitol E967

Plus dangerous artificial colors.

Start reading the ingredient label for toothpastes and for all body care products and look up all of the ingredients in my E -number guides and the site: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep

(See also the very important information written about the skin deep site in the section: “Personal Care Products and Cosmetic” Note 1.)

2. Note 1: Please remember the fact that every day of every week of every month of every year of your life, that you and your children are absorbing these deadly chemicals from toothpastes into your body. I am convinced that toothpaste, not only because of its ingredients but also because of the fact that it is used every day for years, is one of the most deadly "products” that we consume.

Note 2: Toothpaste does not prevent cavities, and does not prevent tooth decay or gum disease!

Only brushing your teeth with an extra soft toothbrush, flossing with untreated and unwaxed dental floss -or using small interdental brushes to clean in between your teeth- and a low sugar diet will do that. (See below for more information.)

3. Note 3: Always remember that companies producing dental floss, dental picks and dental brushes etc. do NOT have to legally list the chemicals and additives used on them on the package and never do.

For example – one best seller states on the package that it contains “Natural wax” - which it does - along with over 10 additional additives including the highly dangerous synthetic sweetener Acesulfame K which is E950.

Note 4: New research has shown that even the fluoride added to toothpaste does not help protect the teeth against decay.

Toothpaste with fluoride has been recommended by dentists to be used in order to change the main mineral in the tooth enamel hydroxyapatite into fluorapatite.

This new mineral is more resistant to decay.

But according to a study published in the German medical journal Langmuir on Dec.21, 2010 the new layer of this mineral formed is only 6 nanometers thick and is completely gone after only 10 minutes of eating and/or chewing!

It would take 10,000 of these new layers to span the width of a human hair.

The scientists question whether a layer so thin which is quickly worn away by ordinary chewing can really shield the teeth from decay.

(Source: “Elemental depth profiling of fluoridated hydroxyapatite: saving your dentition by the skin of your teeth?” Müller F, Zeitz C, Mantz H, Ease’s KH, Sold era F, Schmauch J, Hannig M, Hüfner S, Jacobs Experimental Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, Saarland University, 66123 Saarbrucken, Germany. f.mueller@mx.uni- saarland.de).

4. Fluoride is a deadly poison and does not help prevent dental decay which is why it is forbidden to be added to the water supply in 26 countries in the EU (except Ireland) and in many American and Canadian cities.

Countless studies have shown that the people living in cities, counties, provinces and states within the same country that have fluoridated water do not have better dental health than the people that live in the neighboring cities, counties, provinces and states that have unfluoridated water. See the excellent site: www.nofluoride.com.

If you feel that you just must have your teeth treated with fluoride you can get your dentist to “paint” fluoride on your teeth every six months.

5. Note: Never use fluoride rinses or fluoride tablets.

6. Note 1: All toothpastes, including “health food” toothpastes contain one or more of the following abrasives, all of which are destructive to your tooth enamel:

  • Calcium carbonate or dolomite
  • Calcium pyrophosphate
  • Chalk or krita
  • Dicalcium phosphate
  • Pure salt
  • Silica and/or hydrated silica

Note 2: Salt water - where all the salt is totally dissolved in the water - is excellent and is recommended.

All of these substances are highly abrasive and actually grind the enamel of your teeth thinner, every time you brush your teeth. 

They work exactly like sandpaper.

Note 3: If you have stained teeth, brushing them with crushed strawberries will actually get rid of stains.

This is because of the acid that is found in strawberries which actually works like a stain remover.

 (Unless they are organic strawberries I do not recommend eating the strawberries, as strawberries are especially heavily sprayed with dangerous pesticides.)

Note 4: Please read the excellent information on the relationship between dental health and diet on the site: www.westonaprice.org.

See also the note on this site in the section: “Healthy Fats.”

Note 5: Always brush your teeth with the softest toothbrush available such as an “extra soft” toothbrush.

Brushing your teeth with a “firm,” “medium,” or even a “soft” toothbrush will actually make the gums recede, exposing more of the tooth “neck” to bacterial attack.

Rinse your toothbrush in hot water after use, and keep your toothbrush in a glass in a closed cabinet.

You should replace your toothbrush every 6-8 weeks.


Dental Floss

1. Note: As stated before - all additives that are found on dental floss, interdental brushes and dental picks etc. do NOT have to be legally written on the package as ingredients and never are.

The 2 extremely dangerous artificial sweeteners Acesulfam K E950 and Sodium Saccharin E954 -both of which have been proven to cause cancer in laboratory tests (See my E- number guides)- are often added to flavored dental floss such as peppermint or spearmint flavored dental floss etc. and to virtually all “Fluoride,” and “Whitening” dental flosses etc. and to even unflavored dental floss!

(Sodium Saccharin is found in virtually all store bought “normal” toothpastes and also in some “health food” toothpastes as well.)

You will always absorb  dangerous chemicals such as - E905 Microcrystalline wax ,E950 Acesulfam K,  E954 Sodium Saccharin and E967 Xylitol etc.- sublingually (from under the tongue) every day on a daily basis for years when you floss your teeth normal waxed dental floss even if you do not swallow.(See the E- number guide.)

Only floss your teeth with a dental floss that:

  • Contains only clearly identifiable additives which you can look up -and not just" vegetable wax” for example.
  • Is not made from PTFE fiber which is also called Teflon fiber. PTFE or polytetrafluoroethylene always contains perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA.) To read about the dangers of PFOA see the section: “Food Packaging."

Note 1: If you google the net you will find many companies producing dental floss from untreated natural fibers such as bamboo, corn fibers and silk etc.

Note 2:  The silk used in these dental floss products is almost always from broken cocoons where the silkworm has left so the silkworm is not killed. If this is the case -the company will always state this fact in its advertising.)

Note 3: Do not use any dental floss or toothpaste which contains charcoal ! 

Charcoal has been proven to cause cancer in test animals and has been forbidden as a food additive (E153) in many countries including the United States.

2. An alternative to using dental floss that is almost as effective as using dental floss is to use the Interdental brushes which are small brushes that can be used to clean between the teeth.

If using these brushes, make that you rinse them after every tooth to avoid transferring plaque and food deposits.

3. To know the true complete ingredient list of all additives on the dental floss and interdental brushes etc. - if it is not listed on the package - you must ask the producing company to send you a letter-not an e-mail with all the additives listed.

Be aware though that legally those are only the ingredients used at the time the letter was sent.

They could change the next day and you would never know-so you should also ask them again at a later time period.

4. Try to brush after each meal and floss every day.

This is especially important after eating or drinking something sweet and especially after eating something that is sweet and sticky such as dried fruit.

Make sure that when you do floss to rinse the dental floss or to change the dental floss section wrapped between your fingers after each tooth, to avoid transferring plaque and food deposits.

Note: Do not use any kind of “dental gum” which is claimed to be good for dental health.

It has no significant effect whatsoever on dental health but is full of dangerous food additives such as gum base -which can contain over 200 different ingredients including the vulcanized rubber used in tires (which is why it never degrades but stays on sidewalks etc. for years) - as well as artificial flavors and dangerous artificial sweeteners -all of which you sublingually (from under the tongue) absorb in to your body.

5.If you are getting a tooth filling  ( NEVER  accept amalgam ! ) make sure that it and the sealant used does not contain BPA  (Bisphenol A) or contain compounds which turn in to BPA when they come in to contact with saliva.

BPA is a dangerous chemical that has been linked to: 

  • Aggressiveness and hyperactivity in children
  • Breast cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Early puberty
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Heart disease
  • Infertility
  • Insulin resistance
  • Intestinal damage
  • Obesity - BPA causes an increased output of insulin in the body. High levels of insulin reduces the body`s ability to breakdown fat
  • Prostate cancer

Note 1: Among the absolutely safest fillings and sealants available on the market that do not contain BPA etc. are :

1. Admira Fusion made by Voco,Germany

2.Diamond made by DRM USA.

Note 2: I have absolutely no connection to these companies or to any of the companies mentioned.


Personal Care Products and Cosmetics

The source for the information given below is the excellent organization: “Environmental Working Group” see their excellent site: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep

Note 1: In this section the term “personal care products” will include all cosmetics as well.

Note 2: The book “Toxic Beauty” by Dr. Samuel Epstein M.D. and Randall Fitzgerald is an older book but is still crucially important and extremely relevant for today. 

1. Never use any mouthwash.

The chemicals used in mouthwashes are often so strong and harsh that mouthwash has been directly related to cause cancer of the gums, tongue and mouth.

In addition the effect only lasts a few minutes before the mouth bacteria replenishes itself.

Bad breath is often caused by bad dental hygiene (not brushing and flossing often enough), dental or gum disease, poor food choice or digestive and / or stomach problems. 

Visit your dentist and / or your  doctor and if found to be healthy then simply chew on a few organic anise seeds or buy an organic peppermint or spearmint plant ( sold in the herb and spice department of large supermarkets ) and chew on a few leaves to remove the problem.

2. The average European and American woman uses an average of 12 personal care products per day which contain an average of 168 chemicals.

The average American and European man uses an average of 6 which contain an average of 85 chemicals.

Even children are exposed to an average of 4 different personal care products which contain an average of 61 different chemicals! 

Just look in your bathroom cabinet and purse and start counting!

The average American and European women absorbs approx. 2 kilos of chemicals from personal care products into their body every year.

For men it is approx.1kg. 

Of the over 10,500 ingredients (the real number is unknown and increases yearly) used in personal care products today less than 20% have been tested.

The ingredients that have been tested are always tested alone yet are virtually always found with many other ingredients in the same product.

3. 80% of the ingredients used in personal care products enter the blood stream.

Even the 20% of ingredients that do not enter the bloodstream can cause health disorders ranging from rashes, eczema and psoriasis to skin cancer.
Be every bit as careful when buying personal care products as you are when buying food.

The skin is not a barrier to dangerous chemicals.

4. Always look up each ingredient listed under the INC (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) declaration listed on the label of each product, on the excellent site https://www.ewg.org/skindeep

Both sites also contain lists of dangerous ingredients to watch out for that are commonly found in normal, so -called “natural” (the word “natural " means absolutely nothing legally) and organic personal care products.

Note 1: The INC ingredient list shows all ingredients by their Latin names and/or specific name (instead of just “coconut oil extract” for example) so that it can be looked up. If a personal care product shows no “INC” list do not buy it as you have no idea what it contains.

Note 2: When you look up some substance on www.ewg.org/skindeep/ingredients it might for example show that a substance has been proven to have a cancer-causing effect yet at the same time that same substance might also be given a low number in the “Score” box - on their hazardous rating scale which ranges from 0-10 -with 10 being the most dangerous. How can this be?

The reason for this is that the listing of a substance of having a proven cancer causing effect is based upon objective scientific studies but giving that substance a number is a subjective assessment - or a matter of opinion.

In the United States suing associations and people is a huge business.

You have to be very careful of what you subjectively state is "dangerous."

However you can state objective information without the risk of being sued.

My advice is to pay much more attention to the proven effects than the number from 1-10 given to it.

As ingredients often change, look at the ingredient each time you purchase a product and look up any new ingredients.

Note 3: Be aware that some companies (especially from the U.K. ) often use dangerous ingredients and then state the source of what it was made from to deliberately mislead the consumer into believing that a dangerous chemical is actually safe!

For example many “Natural” shampoos from the U.K. state: “Polysorbate 20 and PEG 75 from “vegetable origin.”

It does not matter at all what the source material is for Polysorbate 20 (or any Polysorbate number-see E431-E436 in my E number guides) or for PEG 75 which is Polyethylene Glycol 75, all polyethylene glycol compounds and all polysorbates are highly dangerous to your health.

Note 4: Another trick is to write: “Sorbic acid - from fruits.” (See E200 in my E- number guides.)

Just because some chemical is derived from a natural source does not make it safe!

Cyanide is found in apple seeds and if taken from that source in sufficient amounts will have the same deadly results as any arsenic made in a chemical factory.

Note 5: Just because a personal care product has been “certified” by some organic agency or natural cosmetic organization etc. is no guarantee that it contains only safe ingredients.

Even if your product is certified by BDIH, Demeter, Eco-Cert., Soil Association, USDA, etc. all organic certifications unfortunately allow for some unhealthy ingredients to be used-although it must be said in fairness that  they will all still contain far fewer dangerous ingredients and are much safer than normal store bought products.

Examples of dangerous cosmetic ingredients found in “natural” and even “organic” personal care products are:

  • Any ingredient which contains the word “betaine” in it. For example: cocamidopropyl betaine.
  • Any ingredient that has any chemical ending in “eth” For example: (SLS) sodium laureth sulphate or ammonium laureth sulphate.
  • sulphate
  • Cetromium chloride
  • PEG 75
  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Potassium Alum, or Alum, or Alun This chemical is Potassium Aluminum Sulfate which is often sold in “health food stores” in both a crystal rock form and in a liquid form. It is advertised as a “natural and safe” deodorant. It is not! It contains aluminum which IS absorbed by the body-regardless of what the producers and sales people might say. It has the same dangerous health effects as aluminum. See E173 Aluminum in the E-number guide. Washing frequently and avoiding caffeine, sugar and excess protein, as well as drinking enough water will get rid of unpleasant body odor. If you want to use an extremely safe and effective product for both odor and wetness simply powder on some baking soda or sodium bicarbonate on your dry skin after washing.
  • All Polysorbates ( Polysorbate 20 to Polysorbate 80, E431-E436)
  • Potassium sorbate E202
  • Propylene glycol E1520
  • Sodium benzoate E 211
  • Sorbic acid E200
  • Sorbitol E 420
  • Xylitol E 967
  • Grapefruit seed extract -this is a trick. German studies have shown that grapefruit seed extract alone has no preservative effects whatsoever. The same German tests have shown that an added preservative is always present in the grapefruit seed extract. A preservative is first added to the grapefruit seed extract by one company and is then sold to another company which then adds the grapefruit seed extract to their personal care product. The second company does not have to legally list the preservative that was in the grapefruit seed extract because they did not add it.

Note 6: If you insist on using personal care products- besides the ones recommended below -then using one that has one of the above 5 certifications in Note 5: is still much more safer than using a “normal” store bought product.

Note 7:

  1. As exactly with all food additives (including all flavors ) and all pesticides (including all fungicides, herbicides and insecticides etc.) all governments trust the “honest and neutral” reports by the companies that make and sell the ingredients used in personal care products and do no testing themselves.
  2. The thousands of ingredients that are used in personal care products are also never tested for their possible combined effects despite the fact that many ingredients are found in a single product and more than one product is often used at the same time.The ingredients are all tested separately.
  3. And as exactly with the 3 above mentioned groups in number 1, countries often forbid the use of a certain ingredient used in personal care products because they believe it to be dangerous yet another country will allow it.

Note 8: Companies making personal care products do not have to legally declare all of the ingredients that are used to create the fragrance, perfume or scent etc.in their products.

All of the “normal” and almost all of the “the health food” personal care products including many “organic” ones contain totally unknown ingredients that are contained in the only one ingredient written on the ingredient list as:

  • Fragrance
  • Fragrance: essential oils
  • Fragrance: natural oils
  • Natural Fragrance
  • Natural Fragrance : essential oils
  • Natural Fragrance : natural oils
  • Perfume
  • Perfume : essential oils
  • Perfume : natural   oils
  • Scent etc.

All of these 10 terms are completely worthless and do not tell you what ingredients are actually used so you cannot look them up to see if they are safe or not.

Up to 3163 different chemicals can be used in the above terms! (Source: International Fragrance Association (IFRA)

The average scent formulation contains 14 chemicals which can include dangerous chemicals such as endocrine disrupters and phthalates which make the smell last longer.Remember also that even some essential oils and herbal extracts are also dangerous to your health.

Note 9: Look up all essential oils, extracts, herbal extracts, fragrances and herbal oils etc.-even if they are organic - in  https://www.ewg.org/skindeep  None of the10 terms listed above tell you:

  • if any synthetic chemicals are used
  • if only essential oils are used
  • If a combination (which is almost always the case-to save money) of synthetic chemicals and essential oils are used.
  • the names of those synthetic chemicals and/or essential oils

Note 10: Only use organic essential oils, extracts, herbal extracts, fragrances and herbal oils etc.

It must clearly state in front of each ingredient that it is organic because if they are organic they are not allowed to be extracted with dangerous hexane.

As stated many times, before hexane has been proven to cause birth defects, cancer and DNA damage and can never be completely removed.

Many non-organic: essential oils, extracts, herbal extracts, fragrances and herbal oils etc. are extracted with hexane and are found in personal care products.

In addition - even some organic: essential oils, herbal extracts fragrances and herbal oils etc. are unhealthy and should be avoided.

Remember also that the term “natural” means absolutely nothing legally whether in regards to personal care products, food, or vitamins etc.

5. The old reason that companies had the right to “hide” or keep secret their formulas was because their competition might steal them and use them.

This reason is no longer valid as these companies well know, because every formula or recipe used in any personal care product can now be broken down completely in to both all the ingredients that are in that formula and the precise amount of all those ingredients that are used in that formula.

This process is known as “Biological Backtracking.”

All the companies know this of course but continue with their old lie because they do not want the consumer to know what dangerous ingredients they use and to keep up the illusion that all their ingredients are totally “safe and natural.”

All personal care products including “organic” ones should be forced legally to declare all the chemicals and ingredients found in the product on the label!

Note 1: People suffering from any skin disease or skin disorder should avoid all fragrances and perfumes etc. no matter how organic or natural they might be.

6. I believe that people should only use the most safest, organic and most truly natural personal care products.

Note 1:  If these products are not in your local health food store they can easily be ordered on the net. Look for a company that has freight free shipping regardless of how much you order. Even if these products are in your local health food store they will be often cheaper in price on the net.

Note 2:  I do NOT recommend all of the products made by these companies. I ONLY RECOMMEND THE PRODUCTS LISTED BELOW. Always remember that just because a product is certified as organic does NOT mean that all the ingredients used in that product are safe. As stated above, always look up all ingredients - even if organic - on the site: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep

1. The companies Sodasan and Sonett both produce an organic liquid soap with safe and organic ingredients that retain their natural glycerin and will not dry out your skin or hair and can therefore be used as a hair shampoos and also as a shaving cream. The same is true for the organic bar soap produced by Urtekram. Hair shampoos have only been used since 1930 - until then only liquid soaps and soap bars were used with beautiful and healthy hair as a result.

  1. Sodasan Sensitive Liquid Soap
  2. Sonnet Neutral Liquid Soap
  3. Urtekram No Perfume Soap Bar 

I can also recommend the following products that also contain safe and organic ingredients:

  1. Urtekram No Perfume Baby Sensitive Care Body Lotion. It is also excellent for adults when used as a body lotion, hand cream, skin cream and for dry skin.
  2. Urtekram Shea Butter Vanilla Lip Balm

Note 2: Of course this not a list of all companies that produce products that are made with safe and organic ingredients Remember also that you can also always buy and add a few drops of your favorite organic essential oil(s) to create the fragrance you like.)

Note 3: As stated many times before - I have absolutely no connection to these companies or to any of the companies mentioned.

7. Virtually all deodorants and antiperspirants - even most of the “natural” ones -contain aluminum which is dangerous to your health.

Aluminum has been linked to causing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and cancer - especially breast cancer.

(See also E173 in my E-number guide.)

Even the so-called “natural crystals or deodorant stones” and also the liquid deodorant made from them that are sold in health food stores contain: Potassium Alum or “Potas Alum” or “Alum” or “Alun” (read the ingredients) which is naturally occurring aluminum and which is absorbed into your body and is dangerous-contrary to what the producers and sellers of these  " natural " products will tell you!

If you have bad body odor eliminate or at least cut down all caffeine products.

A bad body odor can also be caused by too much protein, too much salt, or too much sugar in your diet.

Note: Avoid deodorants and antiperspirants and simply wash under the arms and powder on some soda bicarbonate or baking soda.
Soda bicarbonate is safe, destroys odors and will keep you feeling fresh and dry.

(Avoid also the use of aluminum pots and pans. See the section: "Healthy Cooking and Kitchen Supplies.") 

8. Dry skin is very often due to weather and/ or diet.

If suffering from dry skin try increasing your consumption of foods that contain healthy fats. (See the section on “Healthy Fats.”)

Virtually all of the non-organic but “natural” oils that are added to personal care products to help dry skin - such as almond oil, apricot kernel oil, avocado oil and jojoba oil etc. have all been extracted with the deadly chemical hexane which can never be completely removed from the oil.

Almond oil, apricot kernel oil avocado oil, and jojoba oil are all excellent for use on the skin if they are certified as organic and are packed in a dark glass bottle and not in plastic.

Hexane is not allowed to be used in the production of certified organic oils.

9. As well as the above listed four certified organic oils, that can be used as a moisturizer to help dry skin, and/or for protection against cold weather, I can also recommend:

  1. Organic, non-hexane extracted pure Shea butter (butrospeum parteii) that is packed in glass. Shea butter has been used for thousands of year and is often available as an organic and Fair Trade product.
  2. Organic extra virgin olive oil that has been packed in a dark glass bottle. Make sure that you read the best before date of this and of any food or personal care product that you buy. Use it well before it´s best before date and store it in a cool dark place. The women of ancient Greece and Rome used extra virgin olive oil on their skin and were famous for their beautiful skin. It is also excellent for dry and cracked lips. Be extremely careful with any lip roll, lipstick or any product that you put on your lips! You will always end up swallowing some when you eat or drink or when you simply lick your lips.
  3. Organic coconut oil that has not been bleached deodorized or hexane extracted and that is packed in glass.

10. I do not want to judge or criticize the people that use the thousands of kinds of:

  • “Anti-aging” creams and lotions
  • Anti-wrinkle” creams and lotions
  • Astringents
  • Cleansing creams
  • Cold creams
  • Day creams
  • Night creams
  • Eye liners
  • Eye shadows
  • Facial masks
  • Facial scrubs
  • Hair balms
  • Hair colors
    Note: Pure henna is safe but many henna products have synthetic color added to them. Always read the ingredient list
  • Hair gels
  • Hair sprays
  • Lip glosses
  • Lipsticks
  • Mascaras
  • Nail polishes
  • Rouge
  • Skin conditioners
  • Toning agents etc.

But do you honestly believe that they are really necessary or even safe?

Do you honestly believe that these products will actually make you a more beautiful person or do they just profit the monstrous multi-billion dollar cosmetic industry whose sole purpose is to take advantage of your own insecurities and to convince you that you are truly unattractive and boring but through the use of their products you will suddenly become beautiful, attractive and exciting?

All cosmetic companies appeal to our insecurities and want to convince you that it is only their products that can give you the beauty, confidence, excitement and above all the sex appeal, that you do not naturally have.

By clever advertising and by using an “army” of psychologists (yes psychologists ! ) and by the “careful retouching” of their own photos of top models, they try to deepen and exploit your own feelings of insecurity, inadequacy and physical unattractiveness by forcing you to subconsciously compare yourself with them.

Don’ let them!

Virtually all of the above listed “beauty aids” that are available now are less than hundred years old.

Do you really think that your great grandmother was less beautiful than you during her lifetime because of the lack of them?

If you want to have healthy looking skin (and a healthy body and mind also):

  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Do not eat refined grains, sugars, and unhealthy fats.
  • Eat a nutritious diet- high in (organic) vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats etc. - and free of food additives.
  • Drink enough healthy water.
  • Exercise regularly-even if it is only fast walking (See the “Healthy and Easy Exercise section.”)
  • Only use the safest possible body care products.
  • If suffering from dry skin and/or living in a very hot or very cold climate use one of the above recommended organic skin moisturizers to both add moisture to your skin and to protect your skin.
  • Do not overdo it when it comes to the sun.
    Look up all  body care product and cosmetic  ingredients including all essential oils, herbal extracts and herbal oils etc. -whether they are organic or not on the excellent site: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep

11. Men can easily avoid using shaving cream, gel or foam by washing your face and neck first in hot water and then simply using a safe organic soap or organic shaving soap bar instead. 

Make sure that your shaver does not contain an old and dull razor blade and always shave upwards.

12. There exists many excellent books on making your own “kitchen cosmetics” made out of foods and whole herbs etc. some of which have been used for thousands of years.

Many of these books have excellent recipes for perfumes and other cosmetics that you can make yourself from safe certified organic essential oils etc.

Why not try it?

They are much healthier and much cheaper than store bought products.

Always remember that the goal of all companies- whether they make normal, natural or organic personal care products- is to make a profit, and not to make you healthy!

Pregnancy Guidelines

Note: I realize that this list is very extensive, but it is very important to know that all of the following information and recommendations given are solidly based on facts and are not my personal opinions.

Please do all you can for your baby´s safety and health and for your own as well.

1. It is fascinating to understand, that many so called “primitive” tribes throughout history, believed that both the man and women should go on special nutritious diets before even trying to conceive!

  • To fully establish the natural cycle of your body and to remove any possible chemical effects, try to wait at least three months before trying to get pregnant if having taken any birth control pills or any chemical means of birth control. (See the section on “Birth control.”)
  • Both partners should have a total and complete health check-up, including blood tests etc. before even trying to conceive.
  • Women must take at least 400 mcg.of Folic acid daily, even while trying to get pregnant and throughout the pregnancy to prevent birth defects.
  • Iron levels must check monthly.
    For very important information on iron, please see the section: “Supplement Recommendations.”

2. Strictly avoid:

  • All tobacco smoke, including  passive smoke ( second hand smoke ) and third hand smoke which is going in to a room that has smoky smelling furniture or wearing clothes that smell of tobacco smoke etc. and avoid the use of all tobacco products including chewing tobacco ,snuff and snus etc.
  • All alcohol
  • All products containing caffeine such as: coffee, black tea, oolong tea, colas, guarana products, kola-nut (cola nut) products, mate tea and yerba mate and dark chocolate. Caffeine has been proven to cause birth defects. Although many pregnant women long after it- try to avoid cocoa and chocolate as much as possible. If you just cannot stay away from chocolate then at least eat organic and Fair Trade milk chocolate -not dark chocolate - and if it contains lecithin make sure that it is organic lecithin. The same is true while breast feeding because caffeine enters the breast milk. If you must drink coffee or tea, drink only decaffeinated: coffee green and white teas, using only the Swiss water method or water method-which must be stated on the label. See the section: “Black Tea, Artificial and “Natural” flavored Tea and Smoked Tea."
  • All coffee substitutes (See the section: “Coffee.”)
  • Using cordless phones, mobile telephones, and all wireless equipment –use only a wired computer and as little as possible (See the sections: "Mobile Phones, Cordless Indoor Phones and Wireless Products" and “Electromagnetic Fields (EMF’s) and Microwave Ovens.”)
  • All seafood because of their high mercury levels and microplastic contamination. If you must eat seafood then only eat wild Pacific Pink salmon which is always available as frozen (NEVER eat farmed salmon or any farmed fish), Arctic shrimps and additive free wild scallops (read the ingredients.)
  • All raw milk and all raw milk cheeses etc. Raw cheeses are often advertised as being made from unpasteurized milk. Raw milk and raw milk cheeses etc. could contain listeria, which is a bacterium that causes birth defects.
  • All smoked food (See the section: “Unhealthy Foods sold in Health Food Stores.” for a list of foods which are virtually always smoked.) All smoked foods are full of the same cancer-causing substances that are in the smoke. Remember, the package does not have to declare if the product has been smoked or not.
  • Emptying “used” cat sand, or if you must do it yourself then always use disposable gloves, and throw them away after each time and wash your hands well. Cat sand could contain toxoplasmosis, which can cause birth defects. Do this also if doing any outside gardening. Make sure that the gloves do not contain powder. (See E553b in the E-number guide.)
  • All chemical spray products especially all waterproofing sprays and all air fresheners-even the ones in a solid form and plug-ins.
  • Avoid as many food additives as possible, especially nitrates and nitrates E-249 – E252 ( these are in ALL  cold cuts, baloney, bacon, corned beef, ham, hotdogs, liver sausage, pastrami, salami, cooked sausages, raw sausages to be cooked, wurst and canned meats etc. and are in many kinds of cheeses - always read the ingredient list! See the E- number guide. Mothers who ate hotdogs even only once a week during their pregnancy doubled the risk of their children getting brain cancer. (Source: “Cancer Prevention Coalition.”)
  • Try to eat as much of the foods mentioned in the healthy food section as possible and try to get them - especially the healthy fats - from organic sources.
  • Try to avoid walking or biking on busy roads, and get as much fresh air as possible both when inside and outside of your home.
  • Use as few personal care products as possible and strictly avoid all chemical hair dyes, hair sprays, and lipsticks.
  • Avoid exposure to all chemicals and chemical smells and odors as much as possible including cleaning products, glues, paints and varnishes etc.
  • Unless advised to do so by a medical specialist, consume no herbal products aside from the normal cooking herbs and spices. This includes using no essential herbal oils in heat lamps and in message products also.

Guidelines for Healthy Growth

1. Breastfeed for at least 6 months and ideally for 1 year or longer.

This is vitally important for both your baby´s present and further health.

Breast milk is crucially important in building up your baby`s present and future immune system and is rich in the nutrients that a baby needs for good health.

A baby does not begin to produce antibodies until the baby is 6 months old but does not have well developed immune system until the child is seven. The immune system is not totally developed before the age of twelve.
There exists countless studies that prove just how crucially important breastfeeding is for your child and for you in both a physical and mental way.

  • See the section on Unhealthy Food Products found in "Health Food“ Stores  for unhealthy baby foods.
  • Do not give any honey to any infants under one year old, because of the danger of infant botulism.
  • Do not give your children any peppermint tea, because the natural menthol in the peppermint can cause a choking reflex.
  • Try to avoid using all baby care products on your baby. Never use talcum powder on your baby or yourself because asbestos fibers or fibers similar to asbestos are ALWAYS present in ALL talcum powders. (See E553b in my E number guides.)
  • Please read the section: “Special Notes for Rooms for Babies and Children.”
  • Avoid giving your children food containing any food additives and flavors but especially avoid all foods containing nitrites and/ or nitrates – see E 249-E252 in the E- number guide. These are in all cold cuts, baloney, bacon, corned beef, ham, hotdogs, liver sausage, pastrami, salami, cooked sausages, raw sausages to be cooked, wurst and canned meats etc. and are in many kinds of cheeses – always read the ingredient list!
  • Children who ate just one serving per week of products containing nitrates or nitrites had double the amount of brain cancer than those that did not eat any of those products. Children who ate two servings per week had triple the rate. Children who ate 12 or more hotdogs per week had 9 times the risk of developing childhood leukemia. (Source: “Cancer Prevention Coalition.”)


Oral Contraceptives

1. Proven side effects of oral contraceptives, including all forms of the pill, minipill, combination pill, birth control shots and implants etc. are:

  • Amenorrhea (failure to menstruate)
  • Blood sugar level disturbances
  • Breast tenderness
  • Cancer of the breast, liver, pituitary gland and uterus
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Cramps
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Eczema
  • Edema
  • Epilepsy
  • Fetal abnormalities
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Headaches
  • Heart attacks
  • High blood pressure
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Increase in dental decay
  • Inflammation of the optic nerve , leading to double vision, poor vision, eye pain and swelling and even loss of vision
  • Intolerance to carbohydrates, leading to “steroid diabetes” which can lead to clinical diabetes
  • Jaundice
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver damage
  • Liver tumors
  • Lowered immune resistance
  • Migraine headaches
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Spotting
  • Strokes
  • Swollen and bleeding gums
  • Thrombophlebitis and pulmonary embolism
  • Vaginal yeast inspections
  • Varicose veins
  • Visual disturbances
  • And a much higher risk of death to due to blood clots.

As well as:

  • Body distortion; due to the disproportional distribution of fat
  • Darkening of the skin of the upper lip and of the lower eyelids
  • Dry blotchy skin
  • Dry falling hair and even baldness
  • Fluid retention
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Premature wrinkling
  • Weight gain - oral contraceptives almost always cause weight gain because they:
    • increase the appetite
    • create localized fat deposits and increase the amount of fat tissue over the thighs and hips
    • cause fluid retention

Note 1: According to the F.D.A, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States government, oral contraceptives must not be used by women who have or have had:

  • Blood clots in their legs
  • Blood clots in their lungs
  • Heart attacks
  • Heart pain
  • Known or suspected cancer of the breast or sex organs
  • Strokes
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding
  • Women who suspect that they might be pregnant 

2. Oral contraceptives provide absolutely no protection against HIV, AIDS or any STD’s (Sexually Transmittable Diseases.)

3. Oral contraceptives are not safe.

They abuse your intricate and complex hormonal system and create dangerous side-effects.

Respect and take care of your body and use safe and effective methods of birth control.

Note: If you do not believe any of the information in this article, simply search the net under the dangers of oral contraceptives for reliable and valid studies proving the dangers of oral contraceptives. You will not have any trouble finding a great number of them!


All spermicides contain extremely dangerous chemicals, many of which are proven cancer causing agents such as formaldehyde and methybenzethonium chloride etc.

Spermicides have been proven to damage sperm that can still go on to fertilize an egg, producing birth defects in the baby.

Safe and Effective Methods of Birth Control

Condoms for Men and Women

1. Condoms for men- when used properly- have a pregnancy rate of 2 percent while oral contraceptives with all their health risk have a pregnancy rate of 1 to 2 percent

The various forms of female condoms including the bikini condom etc. have a pregnancy rate of five percent.

Female condoms-but never male condoms- can be used more than once.

Note 2: Condoms - when used properly - protect both partners against HIV, AIDS and STD: Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Note 3: It has been 100%scientifically proven - beyond any doubt whatsoever - that the HIV-AIDS virus cannot enter through a condom.

This is a scientific fact, regardless of what churches state.

If you do not believe this, research it yourself.

2. Using a Condom Properly Means:

  • Using a major known brand of condom, produced by a company that tests the condoms that they produce.
  • Placing the condom properly on before any insertion of the penis whatsoever!
  • When placing the condom on, always leave a small deflated space at the tip of the condom to contain the sperm.
  • Roll the condom out completely along the penis.
  • After ejaculation, place your hand firmly on the condom and holding your hand tightly against the condom and your penis withdraw both your penis and the condom together at the same time.
  • Do not just rest and leave you limp penis inside your partner. Sperm can leak out.
  • Always use a new condom every time you have sex.
  • Never rinse out male condoms and use them again.

Note 1: Do not even rub the penis without a condom on against the vagina.
This can result in minute sperm leakage (even if you do not have an ejaculation) that contains thousands of sperms.

Note 2: Do not use powdered condoms. (See E553b in the E number guide.)
This powder is talcum powder which always contains asbestos and/or asbestos-like fibers that can and has caused ovarian cancer and cancer of the cervix in women.

Note 3: Do not use a colored condom.

There have been many reports of the color coming off and of being very hard to remove. 

“Severe burns” have also been reported.

The industrial chemical colors used in condoms are cancer- causing.

3. It is an interesting fact to note that in certain Asian countries such as in Japan, it has been estimated that over seventy-five percent of all couples use condoms.

But they do not use condoms as a form of birth control! (They use the usual dangerous oral contraceptives for that.) 

They use condoms as a method of increasing the pleasures of lovemaking.

Since the most common complaint of men (and women) is premature ejaculation, condoms greatly reduce this risk.

Even men who do not have this “problem”, often wish that they could just last longer.

With the ultra -thin condoms that are widely available, the small amount of sensitivity lost is well worth it when compared to the increased time of pleasure gained.

This concept is far from the selfish and macho-man concept of the Western cultures where: “Having sex with a condom is like washing your feet with socks on,” with the woman paying the price with her health by using dangerous oral contraceptives.

Cervical Caps and Diaphragms

The cervical caps and diaphragms are also completely safe and highly effective especially when they are used with male condoms.

However, they must be fitted corrected and checked regularly.

Fertility Awareness Method

Other methods include the “Fertility Awareness Method” which uses a combination of monitoring changes both in, body temperature and cervical mucus.

This method should be combined with the previous mentioned methods.

Search the net for more information on this and other safe methods of birth control.


1. For all people suffering from any physical and/or mental, medical disorder, the best book I have read in more than 40 years of researching health and medical books is:

“The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine” by Dr. Michael Murray N.D. and Dr. Joseph Pizzorno N.D. New York: Atria 

Make sure that you buy the latest edition.

I strongly urge everyone to first read this book before self- medicating or listening to the advice of your local health food store.

The only disagreements that I have with this brilliant book are that the authors accept the use of canola oil and of soya products which I believe to be unhealthy.

This excellent book lists detailed and well indexed documented information on over 70 medical diseases and disorders and how to naturally treat them using proven natural therapies that work such using diet, vitamins, minerals and herbs etc.

Note 1: This book is also available in a form written for health professionals as the “The Clinician’s Handbook of Natural Medicine”.

A more expensive continuously updated version is also available: “Textbook of Natural Medicine” e-edition: Text with Continuously Updated Online Reference, 2 Volume Set. The cheapest way to buy these books is to buy used copies from Amazon on the net.

Dr. Pizzorno founded Bastyr College in the United States to train naturopaths and after having talked to him personally a number of times I have found him to be both a brilliant doctor and researcher who sincerely wants to help people.

Non-Healing and/or Unknown Illnesses

If suffering from an unknown illness, or a known illness that will not heal:

  • Read the next chapter: “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)”
  • Read the above section “Sources of Information on Healing.”
  • Get both a complete blood test such as “Elisa” for determining all possible food allergies and food intolerances and a skin prick test .Do not only get a skin prick test because it is  much too imprecise.
  • If a woman, stop using all forms of oral contraceptives and use the safe methods written about in the section;” Safe and Effective Methods of Birth Control” instead.
  • Read the “A Healthy Mental Attitude” section and the “Healthy (and EASY) Exercise” section and seriously consider the information found there. If your doctor agrees- think seriously about getting a pet such as a dog. Not only will a dog provide all the mental  health benefits stated in these sections but a dog will also provide you with an extremely healthy daily walk.( Obviously the type of dog will determine how much of a walk is necessary.)
  • Avoid all food additives as much as possible and try to change your diet to consist of only organic foods as much as possible. Reread the “Healthy Food” and “Unhealthy Food” sections and try to follow the diet recommendations.
  • Avoid all “sugars “as much as possible.
  • Stop using all mobile telephones, cordless phones and using your laptop or computer on Wi-Fi -use a cord instead.
  • Read the points for a safe home and try to do as many as possible.
  • Stop the use of all body care products and cosmetics except for the use of the listed recommended products.
  • Buy a water filter.(See the section on water.)
  • Avoid all foods that contain solanine. See: “Vegetable Warnings.” This includes: bell peppers (paprika in Swedish), cayenne, chili, eggplants, paprika spice, pimento, potatoes, potato starch and tomatoes etc.
  • Avoid all gluten containing foods and everything that contains them. Always read the ingredient list of all foods and liquids.
  • Seriously consider removing any amalgam fillings you have- by ONLY a dentist that is well experienced and specializes in amalgam removal. Virtually all Western countries have amalgam associations that can provide a list of dentists who are well-trained in safe amalgam removal.

It is crucially important to only go to a dentist who is well experienced in amalgam removal, because certain equipment like an extra- large suction etc. must be used and certain methods must also be employed to ensure that the patient does not breathe in toxic mercury vapors or come in to contact with pieces of amalgam in the mouth during the removal. High dosages of certain nutrients such as selenium etc. must also be taken.

The amalgam association in your country can provide you with the latest up to date information on what supplements to take.

Search the net also for the latest information and recommendations regarding amalgam removal.

As stated before, Admira Fusion made by Voco in Germany and Diamond made by DRM in the United States are safe BPA free etc. fillings and sealants.

Please also read also the next section:  "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MSC.)”

As I said earlier, I am not a Pastor but I firmly believe that if you do not believe in God and you just honestly ask God to prove His existence to you- that God will absolutely do that and once more will prove to you that He really does care about you and loves you.

If you wish, I could pray for you and your illness also.
You can contact me at: royfirus@hotmail.com


Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Note: The source of information for the following information is: “Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Immune System Dysregulation” by Dr. Alan S. Levin M.D. and Debra Lynn Dadd.

Multiple chemical sensitivity is a medical condition which involves the intolerance of certain chemicals that are found in everyday life and especially in the home.

These common chemicals (see the section: “A Healthy Home and Work Environment”) have been proven to cause- in someone who is intolerant of them - the following medical disorders:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic sore throat
  • Gastrointestinal disturbances such as:
    • anal bleeding
    • bloating
    • constipation
    • diarrhea
  • Gastric irritation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Hives
  • Itching eyes
  • Laryngitis
  • Musculoskeletal aches and pain including:
    • arthritis
    • rheumatism
    • twitching
  • Nasal stuffiness
  • Postnasal drip
  • Rashes
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Behavior and Cerebral reactions such as:
    • dyslexia
    • depression
    • dizziness
    • fatigue
    • hyperactivity
    • inability to concentrate
    • insatiable hunger - leading to continuous eating which can lead to obesity
    • lack of motivation and apathy
    • learning disabilities
    • memory loss
    • mental confusion
    • migraine headaches
    • mood swings
    • personality changes
  • Various addictions including:
    • alcohol addiction
    • drug addiction
    • food addictions to wheat, corn, sugar, coffee and chocolate etc.
    • tobacco addiction
    • and even addiction to certain vapors such as glue, hairspray and perfume
  • Other proven medical conditions caused by MCS include:
    • Body odor
    • Breath odor
    • Frequent urination
    • Painful urination (see next section also)
    • Menstrual cramps
    • Metallic aftertaste
    • Ringing in the ears
    • Sensitivity to light
    • Visual disturbances
    • And dysfunction of the immune system and reduced immunity resulting in various illnesses caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses

Read the previous section “A Healthy Home and Work Environment” and try to avoid as many chemicals as possible in both the home and in the work environment.


Seven Warning Signs of Cancer

1. The American Cancer Society has identified 7 symptoms which could be a sign of cancer:

  • A change in bowel or bladder habits
  • A sore that does not heal
  • Unusual bleeding or discharge from any place
  • A lump in the breast or other parts of the body-this includes men also.
  • Chronic indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
  • Obvious changes in a wart or mole
  • Persistent coughing or hoarseness

If you experience any of these warning signs, you should see your doctor.

It does not mean that you do have cancer, but it is a sign you should not ignore.

2. Below are lists of possible cancer symptoms for various parts of the body.

It is important to note that the listed symptoms can also be a sign of a benign disease.

It does not mean that cancer is present.

If you have any of the following symptoms go to your doctor: 


  • A need to urinate frequently, especially at night
  • Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine
  • Inability to urinate
  • Weak or interrupted flow of urine
  • Painful or burning urination
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs


  • Blood on the stool or in the toilet water
  • Diarrhea alternately with constipation
  • Persistent diarrhea or constipation
  • Change in the size, shape of the stool
  • Abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Excessive/unusual gas, bloating
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness


  • Blood in the urine
  • Burning with urination
  • Bladder spasms/pain
  • Intense urge to urinate


Simple Prostate Help

Based upon on over 30 years of medical work with thousands of men suffering from various prostate disorders, Dr. Krisiloff has greatly helped and even cured men with prostrate problems such as swollen prostate glands (BPH-benign prostatic hyperplasia) all the symptoms of non- bacterial prostatitis, sexual difficulties as well as high PSA scores etc. and helped them to avoid biopsies and surgeries by simply completely omitting 3 certain substances from their diet:

  • ALL alcohol - even light beer etc.
  • ALL caffeine – even milk chocolate.
  • ALL strong spices such as black and white pepper, cayenne, cinnamon, cloves, all kinds of curry, ginger and turmeric etc. (Garlic and onions and all mild herbs are allowed.)

Read also the excellent information on prostate disorders in the book: “The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine” written about in the section: “Sources of Information on Healing.”

Quick and Cheap Cold Cure

Just remember CCGGT. This stands for: Cayenne, C-vitamin, Garlic, Ginger and Thyme.

Note: Please read the information about cayenne, garlic and ginger in the section: “Herbal Information and Warnings” and about Vitamin C in the section:” Vitamin, Mineral and other Supplement Warnings” before using them.

All these products can be bought cheaply at your neighborhood grocery store, although organic products are always the healthiest and most effective.

Vitamin C is always sold as ascorbic acid and is usually found in the spice section where people often buy it to use in jam recipes to keep the color of the fruit in the jam although as mentioned before I recommend the purchase of Vitamin C and all vitamin and mineral supplements from the 2 companies Pure Encapsulations and Thorne because they guarantee that they do not use GMO products and use only safe ingredients in their supplements.

Vitamin C rich fruit such as kiwi can be used instead.

In a large glass mix:

    1. 300 grams of Vitamin C. (Vitamin C is as a supplement sold in capsules that can easily be twisted open.) Or eat 3 raw organic large Kiwi fruits instead.
    2. One fourth of a teaspoon of cayenne. (See first the site www.webmd.com for cayenne for medical information on cayenne before eating it.)
    3. 1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger or2 pinches of dried ginger powder .(See first www.webmd.com) 4.Add One clove of pressed garlic, (wait 15 minutes after chopping ,pressing or squeezing) garlic before adding it to the mixture-see garlic  the “Vegetable” section.(See first www.webmd.com)

 If you are worried about garlic breath, chew and swallow fresh parsley afterwards or chew on some anise seeds.

Drink one glass of this mixture - 3 times a day - after meals to avoid getting an upset stomach.

Drink also one cup - 3 times a day - of tea made from thyme. (See first www.webmd.com

Pour boiled water (that has been boiled in a stainless steel kettle and not in a plastic kettle, or that has been boiled in a glass or a stainless steel pot and not in an aluminum pot) in a glass containing two teaspoons of thyme leaves or powder, and let it steep for at least fifteen minutes.

If you wish to take a supplement, then Echinacea is excellent but before taking this herb please read about Echinacea in the “Herbal Information and Warnings “section and www.webmd.com

It is also vitally important to:

  • Rest in bed.
  • Stay warm. If cold-then wear socks in bed plus a ski cap.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of liquid (which includes the 6 glasses from the above information) per day to avoid the buildup and thickening of phlegm and mucus and to make it easier to cough it up.
    Note: If suffering from any medical disorder ask your doctor for approval before drinking this amount of liquid per day.

Totally avoid:

  • All sugars and all refined grain products such as white flour and white rice etc.
  • All fruit juices and carrot juice unless mixed one-half with water. All sugars lower the immune response.
  • All salt and salted foods. Salt causes a thickening of the phlegm and mucus that must stay loose so that you can cough it up.
  • Reduce or eliminate the consumption of dairy products which in some people increase the production of mucus.
  • If you need a pain killer, cayenne has actually been proven to reduce pain.

Quick Headache and Tired Cure

  • Drink three glasses of cool water, even if you are not thirsty. Eighty percent of headaches are caused by dehydration, not stress. When you are dehydrated- you also feel tired.
  • Try also to lie down in a dark, cool room with a light cotton sheet on top of you, with the window slightly open for fresh air.
  • If hungry, eat some organic food containing healthy fat and protein such as a handful of organic unroasted and unsalted almonds or sunflower seeds etc. (See the section on “Healthy Fats”) or a sandwich made out of organic wholegrain bread or crisp bread with organic tahini ( sesame butter )made from non-hulled roasted sesame, cheese or eggs etc.

Note 1: Women should have their iron level checked regularly, especially if they are feeling mentally and/or physically tired. This is vitally important for all vegan and vegetarian women! (See the section: “Supplement Recommendations.”)

Note 2: This is also an old Chinese method that can help for when you feel tired or cold: 
- Rub the bottom ear lobe of one ear firmly with your thumb and first finger and slowly firmly rub the ear along the side of the ear to the top of the ear and down again. Rub each ear separately.

Standardized extracts of Panax Ginseng, Rhodiola rosea and Schisandra can also help.

 As already stated many times - before taking any herb, look up the herb in the “Herbal Information and Warnings” section on the site: www.webmd.com

Do not:

  • Drink a cup of coffee, cocoa, tea or an energy drink or a soft drink etc.
  • Eat some sugar containing food such as candy or chocolate etc.
  • Immediately reach for a pain killer.
  • Note: If you must take a pain killer - aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid or ASA)-is the safest pain killer and anti-inflammatory agent (and should always be taken with food ) but must NOT be taken if you are have a bleeding or clotting disorder that causes you to easily bleed, or if you have a bleeding stomach disorder or a history of gastrointestinal disorders or have Reye's syndrome. Note: It is extremely important to look up ALL drugs at www.mayoclinic.org  and www.webbmd.com before taking them for vital information on who should NOT take them etc.
  • If paracetemol ( N-acetyl-para-aminophenol (APAP) or acetaminophen) and sold by various companies under the name of Alvedon,Panodil, Panodol and Tylenol etc is taken - please once see again the extremely important" Note " about ALL drugs  in the previous section above. Paracetemol MUST always be taken together with NAC ( N-Acetyl -Cysteine ) to prevent damage to the liver. At least 200 mg. of NAC per 500 mg. paracetmol should be taken.NAC stimulates glutathione biosynthesis, promotes detoxification, acts as a scavenger of free radicals and is a powerful antioxidant.NAC is easily available on line or can be bought in stores selling supplements.NAC is an extremely safe supplement and is taken by millions of people on a daily basis. Once again, see the extremely  important " Note " about ALL drugs in the previous section before taking any drug.To find a safe source of NAC please read the section : "Read This Before Taking Any Supplement " before buying any NAC and before buying any supplement.



The majority of us and our children have been blessed with healthy bodies and healthy minds.

Let us try to keep them that way or let us at least try to get back to what we once had or in some cases to achieve the health that we never have had.

You owe this not only to yourself, but more importantly to your children and your children`s children yet unborn.

“The hope of humanity lies in the prevention of degenerative and mental diseases, not in the mere care of their symptoms.”

Dr. A. Carrell. Winner of the 1935 Nobel Prize for Medicine

God bless you and keep you,
Roy Firus

I can be contacted at: royfirus@hotmail.com
I look forward to hearing from you.

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