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The historical visit to Malta of the Head of the Russian Imperial House

Language: English
rus (org)
Published: Sunday, 11 June 2017
Edited: Wednesday, 14 June 2017
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 With the President of Malta

With the President of Malta


Press Release: No:-01/17
Date: 9/6/17
Contact: Chev. Gabriel L Zammit sma
Phone: 00356 79862860
Email: gabrielzammitsma@gmail.com

The historical and cultural visit to the Republic of Malta of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia.
13-17 June 2017


Malta – Friday, June 9, 2017 – With pleasure we would like to announce the forthcoming official visit to Malta of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, a direct descendant of Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and Alexander II.

The visit shall commence on the 13th of June with the arrival of H.I.H. the Grand Duchess at the Malta international airport at 8.35pm and shall end on the 17th of June.

This visit marks the 140th anniversary of the birth in Malta of the grandmother of Her Imperial Highness – H.I.H the Grand Duchess Victoria of Russia, Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland.

H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Victoria of Russia was born in Malta on the 25th of November 1876 at San Anton Palace in Attard. She was the daughter of H.R.H. Prince Alfred, the Duke of Edinburgh and son of Queen Victoria and H.I.H the Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna of Russia - daughter of Emperor Alexander II of Russia.

The official delegation is to also include:

1. Alexander Zakatov - Director of the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House.
2. Prince Vadim Lopukhin - Director of the External Relations Department of the Chancellery of H.I.H.
3. Princess Ekaterina Lopukhin - Lady in waiting of H.I.H.
4. Stanislav Dumin - Head of the Heraldry of the Chancellery of H.I.H.
5. Hieromonk Nikon (Belavenets) - Director of the Department of historical and memorial activities of the Chancellery of H.I.H..

During this visit H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia shall be staying at the Corinthia Palace hotel in Attard and shall grace with Her presence various locations of importance and meet with several distinguished individuals including:

- H.E. President of Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca at San Anton Palace;
- H.E. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Malta Vladimir Malygin at the Russian Embassy;
- H.E. Marchesino Daniel de Petri Testaferrata, President of the Maltese Association of the Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta at Fort St. Elmo.
- H.E. Archbishop of Malta Charles Jude Scicluna.
- Ta’Braxia Cemetery.
- St. John’s Cathedral.
- Hypogeum Temple and other historical sites of Malta.

Please do not hesitate from communicating with the above mentioned contact person should you require further information.
Best regards,



Chev. Gabriel L Zammit sma


Маликова Ирина Владимировна

Глава организационного комитета по подготовке визита
Председатель Мальтийского отделения
Императорского Православного Палестинского Общества)





Letter to the Director of the Federal Agency

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