Food additives with E-numbers
Redigerad: fredag 2 februari 2024
Further INFO about food additives, see:
Food additives and dangerous processing aids with E-numbers that are allowed in Sweden and the EU, Norway, and Switzerland
Note : Please first read the article : "Overall Information on Food Additives" for extremely important information on Food Additives before looking at this article.
Additives E100-E215
E100: Curcumin
Curcumin is made from the spice turmeric and both have been shown to have powerful anti-cancer effects.
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I.75300
E101: Riboflavin, Riboflavin-5`-Phospate
Vitamin B2; Can be made from genetically modified (GMO) corn (as can both Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C). Ask the manufacturer to respond in a letter to your question as to if genetically modified corn is used or not. A letter is a legal document, a phone call or e-mail is not.
E102: Tartrazine
Linked to:
- asthma
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- depression, anger, difficulty in sleeping, difficulty in concentrating - especially in children
- migraine
- Purpura, a disease that causes purple or brownish spots on the skin
- severe allergic reactions
chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I. 19140
E104: Quinoline Yellow
Linked to:
- eye damage and blindness
- tumors
- cancer
- chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
- severe allergic reactions
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I. 47005
E110: Sunset Yellow FCF, Orange Yellow S
Linked to:
- eye damage and blindness
- kidney damage and kidney disease
- hyperactivity, especially in children
- depression, anger, difficulty in sleeping, difficulty in concentrating - especially in children
- cancer
- vascular swelling
- asthma
- severe allergic reactions
- chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
- uncontrolled hyperagglutination
- depression, tantrums, sleeping disordesr, difficulty in concentration - especially in children
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I. 15985
E120: Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines
Linked to:
- birth defects
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- depression, anger, difficulty in sleeping, difficulty in concentrating - especially in children
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I. 75470
E122: Azorubine; Carmoisine
Linked to:
- birth defects
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions, particularly in asthmatics, hyperactive children and those who are hypersensitive to aspirin
- hyperactivity - especially in children
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I. 14720
E123: Amaranth
Linked to:
- birth defects
- cancer
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- depression, anger, difficulty in sleeping,difficulty in concentrating -especially in children
- respiratory reactions
- severe allergic reactions
- chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I. 16185
E124: Ponceau 4R; Cochineal Red A
Linked to:
- atrophy of the adrenaline glands
- bladder polyps
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions
- chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I. 16255
E127: Erythrosine
Linked to:
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- depression, anger, difficulty in sleeping, difficulty in concentrating - especially in children
- cancer
- respiratory reactions
- severe allergic reactions
- chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
- interferes with the function of the brain
Interferes with the absorption of iodine
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I. 45430
E129: Allura Red AC
Linked to:
- cancer
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I. 16035
E131: Patent Blue V
Linked to:
- cancer
In cosmetics it is declared as Ci 42051
E132: Indigotine, Indigo Carmine
Linked to:
- blood disorders
- liver damage
- cancer
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- depression, anger,difficulty in sleeping, difficulty in concentrating - especially in children
- immune suppressant
In cosmetics it is declared as Ci 73015
E133: Brilliant Blue FCF
Linked to:
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- depression, anger,difficulty in sleeping, difficulty in concentrating -especially in children
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions
chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
In cosmetics is declared as C.I. 42090
E140: Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins
A "natural coloring" which is extracted with dangerous solvents -see " Overall information on food additives."
In cosmetics is declared as C.I. 75810
E141: Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins
A "natural coloring" which is extracted with dangerous solvents - see" Overall information on food additives."
- Dangerous to people who are sensitive to copper
In cosmetics is declared as C.I. 75810
E142: Green S
Linked to:
- asthma
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- depression, anger,difficulty in sleeping,difficulty in concentrating-especially in children
- cancer
In cosmetics is declared the C.I. 44090
E150a: Plain Caramel
Linked to:
- birth defects
- neurological disorders
- negative effects on the immune system
- a decrease in white blood cells
- convulsions
NOTE: All of the colors E150a-d are often listed as “natural colors.”
But none of them are made simply by heating sugar and adding butter as many people do to get a truly natural caramel color and taste.
Virtually all cola drinks, including those sold in health food stores contain one of the types of caramel E150a-d.
E150b: Caustic sulphite caramel
Linked to:
- birth defects
- neurological disorders
- negative effects on the immune system
- a decrease in white blood cells
- convulsions
See "NOTE" in "E150a".
E150c: Ammonia caramel
Linked to:
- birth defects
- neurological disorders
- negative effects on the immune system
- a decrease in white blood cells
- convulsions
See "NOTE" in "E150a".
E150d: Sulphite ammonia caramel
Linked to:
- birth defects
- neurological disorders
- negative effects on the immune system
- a decrease in white blood cells
- convulsions
See "NOTE" in "E150a".
E151: Brilliant Black BN; Black PN
Linked to:
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions
In cosmetics is declared as C.I. 28440
E153: Carbon Black ( Vegetable Carbon)
Linked to:
- cancer
Found in many licorice products and candy, including even some which are in health food stores
Described often as a“natural color”
E154: Brown FK
Linked to:
- birth defects
- cancer
- liver tumors
- muscle damage
- degeneration of skeletal and heart muscle
E155: Brown HT
Linked to:
- severe allergic reaction, especially in asthmatics, hyperactive children and those who are allergic to aspirin
- birth defects
- cancer
In cosmetics is declared as C.I. 20285
E160a: Carotenes
Available as both synthetic and natural, companies do not have to specify which one they use.
NATURAL beta carotene has been shown to be a powerful cancer preventive substance when ingested with natural vitamin E, vitamin C, natural selenium (selenium methionine not selenite ) and zinc.
NOTE: 1.Do not take zinc sulfate as it has been shown to cause cancer. (“Cancer-Causing Agents” by Ruth Winter.)
2.Because of reports of zinc picolinate causing liver damage and tumors (according to the AAPS " American Association for Physicians and Surgeons ") do not use this type of zinc.
It has also been proven to reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and strengthen the immune system.
SYNTHETIC beta carotene has been shown to increase the risk of cancer risk and to increase the death rates among smokers.
NOTE: If you buy beta-carotene capsules, or tablets etc. purchase only those made by companies that list beta-carotene as natural and that list the source of the beta-carotene- which is usually Blakeslea trispora ( which is a variety of fungus), Dunaliella salina algae or red palm oil-on the label and/or in their most recent catalogue.
The word “natural” without stating the source on either the label or in their catalogue means nothing legally.
Almost all beta - carotene supplements do not specify the source of the beta-carotene.
Do not buy natural beta carotene extracted from carrots or carrot oil. It is extracted with the extremely dangerous solvent hexane, and hexane residue will always remain in the product. Hexane has been proven to cause birth defects, DNA damage and cancer.
Ideally, natural beta-carotene (with the source given) should always contain natural Vitamin E, which is a safe preservative.
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I.75130
NOTE: Cooked carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene. Try to buy only organic carrots as carrots are heavily sprayed with pesticides. (See
Fat or oil must be eaten at the same time for the body to be able to absorb the beta-carotene and to process it into Vitamin A.
Natural beta-carotene cannot be converted into Vitamin A in the body by diabetics, infants and people with gall bladder disorders or thyroid disorders.
E160b: Annato, Bixin, Norbxin
Linked to:
- severe allergic reactions
A "natural color" extracted with dangerous solvents - see : Overall information on food additives."
In cosmetics is declared as C.I. 75120
E160c: Paprika extract, Capsanthian, Capsorubin
Linked to:
- cancer
A "natural color" extracted with dangerous solvents - see"Overall information on food additives."
E160d: Lycopene
Can be extracted using dangerous solvents -see " Overall information on food additives."
Available naturally in large quantities in tomatoes- which release more lycopene when they are cooked- and especially in already cooked concentrated tomato products such as tomato paste etc.
NOTE:Fat or oil must be eaten at the same time for the body to be able to absorb the lycopene.
Natural lycopene has proven to be a powerful anti-cancer agent.
In cosmetics is declared as C.I. 75125
E160E: Beta-apo-8`-carotenal (C30)
- Could be a synthetic color obtained from synthetic beta-carotene with dangerous solvents or a "natural" color obtained from foods with dangerous solvents - see " Overall information on food additives."
- Has caused endocrine disruption
E160F: Ethyl ester of beta-apo-8`-carotenoic acid (C30)
-Could be a synthetic color obtained from synthetic beta-carotene with dangerous solvents or a "natural" color obtained from foods with dangerous solvents - see " Overall information on food additives."
- Has caused endocrine disruption
E161b: Lutein
A "natural color" that is usually extracted with dangerous solvents-see " Overall information on food additives."
Has caused:
- damage to the brain, kidneys, nervous system and reproductive organs
- cancer
NOTE: Lutein occurs naturally in kale and spinach, etc. and offers strong protection against sight loss.
In cosmetics is declared as C.I. 75135
E161g: Canthaxanthin
Linked to:
- yellow spots on the eye
- decreased vision
- increased sensitivity to light
- visual disturbances
E161G is always found in food for farmed salmon and farmed trout to create a more orange-red color to the flesh which is not found in wild salmon and trout. It used to be directly applied to the flesh but the procedure was banned.
It is often called a "natural color" but is extracted with dangerous solvents -see " Overall information on food additives."
In cosmetics declared it is declared as C.I. 75135
E162: Beetroot Red; Betanin
This extract from beets may contain up to 25 mg/kg of E251 - see "E251".
E163: Anthocyanins
This natural color may contain up to 1,000 mg / kg of E220, and when in the dried form may contain up to 5,000 mg/kg of E220 - see "E220".
E170: Calcium carbonate
When calcium carbonate comes from Italy it is called dolomite, and has been shown to contain high levels of lead.
Lead is extremely dangerous!
Available in many normal supplements and in many health food supplements, containing vitamins and minerals as a calcium supplement.
In cosmetics is declared as C.I. 77220
E171: Titanium dioxide
A "natural color" that is extracted from the clay.
Linked to:
- cell death
- blocking of cell communication
- negative effects on the immune system
- mutations
- cancer
- heart problems
- severe allergic reactions
NOTE: E171 has also caused the above effects when inhaled as well as respiratory problems
It is often found in vitamin and /or mineral tablets and capsules, cosmetics (including health food cosmetics) such as eye shadow and rouge as well as lipsticks and creams etc.
E171 is a "natural color" extracted from clay
In cosmetics declared it is as C.I. 77891
E172: Iron oxides and hydroxides
- Does not chemically degrade and accumulates in body tissues
- It is also used as a color in capsules and tablets including in many health food vitamin, mineral and herbal etc. supplements
- It is also used in cosmetics and personal care products including those that are sold in health food stores
In cosmetics it is declared as C.I. 77491, C.I 77492 and C.I. 77499
E173: Aluminum
Linked to:
- premature senility
- Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and Parkinson's are directly related to aluminum
- osteoporosis
- toxicity to the nervous system
- danger for all people who have any form of kidney disease
The largest sources of aluminum exposure for people are:
- deodorants and anti-perspirants including the one that are sold in health food stores that are in a “natural” crystal or liquid form. On the ingredient list of these products are the ingredients: “Potas Alum” or “Alum” etc
NOTE: The aluminum in these products is absorbed by the body - just wash under the arms every night and morning instead.
- aluminum pots
- anti-acid tablets
- aluminum foil
In cosmetics is declared as C.I. 77000
E174: Silver
Linked to:
- change the skin color to a blue-green color (Argyria)
- kidney damage and kidney disease
- lung damage
- poisoning
gastrointestinal irritation
In cosmetics is declared the C.I. 77820
E175: Gold
Linked to:
- affects blood production in bone marrow
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions
- accumulates in the kidneys
In cosmetics is declared the Ci 77480
E180: Litholrubine BK
Linked to:
- severe allergic reactions, particularly in asthmatics, hyperactive children and those who are hypersensitive to aspirin.
In cosmetics is declared the Ci 15850
E200: Sorbic acid
Linked to:
- liver damage
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions
Nitrite and nitrate E249-E252 reacts with sorbates E200-E203, to form mutagenic chemicals that create permanent genetic damage.
E202: Potassium sorbate
Linked to:
- liver damage
- severe allergic reactions
Nitrite and nitrate E249-E252 reacts with sorbates E200-E203, to form mutagenic chemicals that create permanent genetic damage.
E203: Calcium sorbate
Linked to:
- liver damage
- severe allergic reactions
Nitrite and nitrate E249-E252 reacts with sorbates E200-E203, to form mutagenic chemicals that create permanent genetic damage.
E210: Benzoic acid
Linked to:
- birth defects increased significantly in combination with aspirin
- brain damage
- neurological disorders
- cell mutations
- testicular cancer
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- asthma
- severe allergic reactions
- chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
- dermatitis
- delayed growth
E211: Sodium benzoate
Linked to:
- birth defects increased significantly in combination with aspirin
- brain damage
- neurological disorders
- cell mutations
- testicular cancer
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- cirrhosis
- Parkinson's disease
- asthma
- delayed growth
- dermatitis
- severe allergic reactions
- chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
When found in combination with Vitamin C produces benzene-a proven cancer causing substance
E212: Potassium benzoate
See E210
E213: Calcium benzoate
See E210
E214: Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate (Ethyl paraben)
Linked to:
- asthma
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- depression, anger, difficulty in sleeping, difficulty in concentrating -especially in children
- cancer
- migraine
- hormone-like effects in the body
- eczema
- rash
- severe allergic reactions
- chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
Often found in cosmetics even from health food stores.
Note: E214 is absorbed by the body; it does not stop at your skin -see" Overall information on food additives."
E215: Sodium ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate
Linked to:
- asthma
- eczema
- hyperactivity - especially in children
- depression, anger, difficulty in sleeping, difficulty in concentrating -especially in children
- chronic urticaria - a rash that itches and stings
- migraine
- severe allergic reactions
- rash
- hypersensitivity
- cancer
- hormone-like effects in the body
Often found in cosmetics even from health food stores.
Note: E215 is absorbed by the body; it does not stop at your skin - see " Overall information on food afdditives."
Additives E218-E462
E218: Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate (Methyl paraben)
See E214
E219: Sodium methyl p-hydroxybenzoate
See E214
E220: Sulphur dioxide
NOTE: E220-E228 can be fatal to people who are allergic to sulphur as many asthmatics are.
Linked to:
- birth defects
- genetic damage
- nerve damage
- severe breathing difficulties, especially in asthmatics
- behavioral disorders especially in children
- unconsciousness
- seizures
- swelling in the brain
- vomiting
- visual disturbances
- intestinal inflammation
- nausea
- rash
- severe allergic reactions
Approximately 30-40 people die each year in the United States because of E220-E228- see the Overall info.
Brightly colored non-organic dried fruit has always been treated with E220-E228, but it is often not declared on the labels. This is often the case in health food stores when it is available in bulk or packaged by the store itself.
Untreated dried fruit always has a brownish appearance but always tastes sweeter than sulphured dried fruit because sulfur always leaves a bitter taste.
Certified organic dried fruit is not allowed to be treated with E220-E228.
E221: Sodium sulphite
See E220
E222: Sodium hydrogen sulphite
See E220
E223: Sodium metabisulphite
See E220
E224: Potassium metabisulphite
See E220
E226: Calcium sulphite
See E220
E227: Calcium hydrogen sulphite
See E220
E228: Potassium hydrogen sulphite
See E220
E230: Biphenyl, diphenyl
Has no longer an E-number but is still used
See E231
E231: Orthophenyl phenol
Has no longer an E number but is still used
Linked to:
- genetic damage
- cancer
- vomiting
- liver damage
- internal bleeding
- bowel, nerve and blood disorders
- pain in the arms, legs and stomach
- severe allergic reactions
- eye and nasal irritation
- nausea
NOTE: This poison used as a fungicide and anti-mold chemical in virtually all non-organic citrus and non-organic bananas.
(Non-organic apples are often treated with wax, see E905).
E231 must be declared on the label and the box- which is often not done.
It is also used in the paper used in pears and other fruits that are wrapped in paper in which case it does not need be legally declared!
Never eat the skin of any non-organic fruit (which is often grated by people into cakes, etc.) and never use the peel of a non-organic fruit in water, juices or alcoholic drinks etc.
Never use boxes from non-organic bananas, citrus fruits and other non-organic fruits when you move or for storage. These extremely dangerous chemicals do get into the clothing and books, etc. from the boxes and can cause severe skin disorders. Fruit boxes that have had organic fruit in them are safe as organic fruits are not allowed to be treated with fungicides and anti-mold chemicals
E232: Sodium orthophenyl phenol
Has no longer an E number but still is used:
See E231
E233: Thiabendazole (TBZ)
Has no longer an E-number but is still used. See E231
E234: Nisin
This additive is actually an antibiotic. It is mostly used in cheese, dairy products and canned products.
E235: Natamycin
See E234
E239: Hexamethylene tetramine
Linked to:
- kidney damage and kidney disease
- genetic damage
- cancer
- gastrointestinal irritation
- rash
- severe allergic reactions
E239 is always found in Provolone cheese.
E242: Dimethyl dicarbonate
Linked to:
- cancer
E249: Potassium nitrite
Linked to:
- birth defects
- poisoning
- genetic damage
- methemoglobinemia (a blood disorder)
- sudden death
- tumors
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions
See " Overall information on food additives."
E250: Sodium nitrite
See E249
E251: Sodium nitrate
See E249
E252: Potassium nitrate
See E249
E260: Acetic acid
Dangerous for people suffering from any form of kidney or liver damage or disease.
E261: Potassium acetates
Linked to:
- kidney damage and kidney disease
E262: Sodium acetates
Linked to:
- birth defects
- severe allergic reactions
E263: Calcium acetate
See E262
E270: Lactic acid
- Should not be given to infants under three months of age because it can cause digestion problems
E280: Propionic acid
Linked to:
- eczema
- migraine
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions
E281: Sodium propionate
See E280
E282: Calcium propionate
Linked to:
- migraine
- cancer
- eczema
- severe allergic reactions, sometimes with symptoms similar to gallstones pain
E283: Potassium propionate
See E282
E284: Boric acid
Linked to:
- rash
- stomach and intestinal irritation
- cancer
- diarrhea
- very toxic
E285: Sodium tetraborate( Borax)
see E284.
E290 Carbon dioxide
Linked to:
- stomach ulcers
- impaired fertility
E296: Malic acid
Linked to:
Note: Very unhealthy for small children as they cannot metabolize the D form of malic acid. E296 is often a mixture of D and L forms.
E297: Fumaric acid
Linked to :
E300: Ascorbic acid
Vitamin C.
E300-E304 can be produced from genetically modified corn ( maize). Ask the manufacturer to respond in a letter to if GMO corn is used or not. A letter is a legal document, a phone call or email is not .
Used extensively in vitamins sold in regular stores, and in health food stores.
E301: Sodium ascorbate
In some laboratory tests E301 reinforced the effects of some carcinogens.
See E300.
E302: Calcium ascorbate
Should be avoided by people who easily get kidney stones.
See E300.
E304: Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid
See E300.
E306: Tocopherols
Natural Vitamin E.
E306 can be produced from genetically altered ( GMO ) crops such as soybeans or corn. Used extensively in vitamins sold in regular stores and health food stores. Ask the manufacturer to answer in a letter if genetically modified soya beans or corn were used in the manufacture. A letter is a legal document, a phone call or email is not.
E307: Alpha-tocopherol
Synthetic Vitamin E.
E308: Gamma-tocopherol
Synthetic Vitamin E.
E309: Delta-tocopherol
Synthetic Vitamin E.
E310: Propyl gallate
Linked to:
- asthma
- cancer
- dermatitis
- eczema
- reproductive difficulties
- liver damage
- severe allergic reactions
- prevents the absorption of iron
E311: Octyl gallate
Linked to:
- asthma
- dermatitis
- eczema
- reproductive difficulties
- liver damage
- severe allergic reactions
E312: Dodecyl gallate
See E311.
E315: Erythorbic acid
See E300.
E316: Sodium erythorbate
See E300.
E319: Tertiary- butl hydroquinone (TBHQ)
Is extremely toxic.
Linked to:
- depression
- difficulty in sleeping, difficulty in concentrating
- cancer
- hyperactivity
- nausea
- tantrums
- titunitis
- severe allergic reactions
E320: Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)
Linked to:
- liver damage
- lung-stomach and ovarian tumors
- stored in body tissues
- chronic urticaria rash that itches and stings
- conjunctivitis (eye infection)
- headaches
- skin blisters
- throat and chest pain
- create pathological changes in the brain and increases aggression patterns
- reproductive difficulties
- birth defects
- dermatitis
- cancer
- asthma
- changes in blood values
E321: Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)
See E320
E322: Lecithins
Unless it is certified as organic it is always extracted using dangerous solvents- such as hexane and acetone etc. which can never be totally removed- and is almost always made from GMO soya beans or rapeseed.
NOte: Unfortunately non-organic lecithin is allowed to be used in several certified organic products such as in organic chocolate etc.
E325: Sodium lactate
May cause liver disease in children.
E326: Potassium lactate
See E325.
E327: Calcium lactate
May cause liver disease in children.
NOTE: Often sold as a calcium supplement in ordinary shops and health food stores.
E330: Citric acid
Citric acid is made from corn ( maize.)Since over 90% of the world's corn crop is GMO it is usually made from GMO corn.
Citric acid contains PFGA Process Free Glutamic Acid, see E620.
E331: Sodium citrates
Can change the breakdown of drugs.
See E330, E620.
E332: Potassium citrates
See E330, E620.
E333: Calcium citrates
See E330, E620
E334:Tartaric acid
E335: Sodium tartrates
E336: Potassium tartrates
Dangerous for people with:
- heart problems
- damaged or impaired kidney or liver function
- high blood pressure
E337: Sodium potassium tartrate
See E336
E338: Phosphoric acid
Linked to: kidney stones
E339 Sodium phosphates
See E338.
E340: Potassium phosphates
See E338.
E341: Calcium phosphates
E343: Magnesium phosphates
E350: Sodium malates
Negative impact on the brain and nervous system
E351: Potassium malates
E352: Calcium malates
E353: Metatartaric acid
E354: Calcium tartrate
E355: Adipic acid
Linked to:
- delayed growth
- nausea
- diarrhea
E356: Sodium adipate
See E355
E357: Potassium adipate
See E355
E363: Succinic acid
Linked to:
- negative impact on the brain and nervous system
- endocrine disruption
- cancer
E380: Triammonium citrate
Linked to:
- nerve cell destruction
- neurological disorders
- contains PFGA, Free Glutamic acid Process, see E620
E385: Calciumdisodium EDTA
Linked to:
- asthma
- kidney damage and kidney disease
- liver damage
- can increase the absorption of certain toxic heavy metals
- cancer
- dermatitis
- rash
E392: Extracts of rosemary
If not found in certified organic products it can be extracted using dangerous hexane or acetone which can never be completely removed.
E400: Alginic acid
Linked to:
- birth defects
- severe allergic reactions
- neurological disorders
E401: Sodium alginate
See E400.
E402: Potassium alginate
See E400.
E403: Ammonium alginate
See E400.
E404: Calcium alginate
See E400.
E405: Propane-1,2-diol alginate
See E400, E1520
E406: Agar
Linked to: cancer
E407: Carrageenan
Linked to:
- intestinal diseases
- intestinal inflammation
- severe allergic reactions
- negative impact on diseases of the immune system
- stomach ulcers
- liver damage
- delayed growth
- birth defects
- is a neurotoxin
- gastro-intestinal cancer
- crohn's disease
Contains PFGA Process Free Glutamic Acid, See E620.
NOTE E407 is found in many "health food products" including organic foods (and is also allowed by KRAV in Sweden) such as: ice cream, salad dressing, soy cheese, soy dessert, sojapudding, soja cream, vegetable gelato, and vegetarian "meat" product etc.
E407A: Processed euchema seaweed
See E407.
E410: Locust bean gum
Can cause allergic reactions such as gas.
E412: Guar gum
Linked to:
- delayed growth
- intestinal inflammation
- intestinal disorders
- cancer
- endocrine disruption
- severe allergic reactions
- enlargement of the thyroid gland
NOTE! Also found in many health food products such as organic ice-cream etc. and allowed by Swedish KRAV.
Linked to:
- liver damage
- miscarriages
- severe allergic reactions
- rash
- laxative
E414: Gum arabic (acacia gum)
Linked to:
- birth defects
- severe asthma attacks
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions
- Is often irradiated
- Found in many health food products- including organic- such as candy, chocolate covered nuts, etc.and is allowed by Swedish KRAV
E415: Xanthan gum
- Has been shown to increase the frequency of bacterial infection and intestinal inflamation.
- Is forbidden in the United States for use in baby foods.
- Can also be genetically modified ( GMO.)
E416: Karaya gum
Linked to:
- allergic reactions such as hay fever
- asthma
- dermatitis
- laxative
E417: Tara Gum
Intestinal cancer
Severe allergic reactions
E418: Gellan gum
- intestinal cancer
- intestinal inflamation
- severe allergic reactions
E 420: Sorbitols
Linked to:
- eye injuries
- intestinal disorders
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions
- diarrhea
- kidney stones
- kidney tumors
- cramps
E421 Mannitol
Linked to:
- nausea
- vomiting
- kidney damage and kidney disease
- cancer
- intestinal disorders
- severe allergic reactions
- bloating
- diarrhea
E422: Glycerol
( also known as Glycerin)
Linked to:
- endocrine disruption
- reproductive disorders
- kidney disorders
- cancer
Natural glycerin is found in many plants and animals and is harmless.
E422 is a chemical product of soap production.
E 425: Konjac
(also known as Glucomannan)
NOTE! If you take a product containing this substance always drink at least 2 large glasses of water per tablet or capsule!
Never take it without drinking water!
When taken without enough water it has caused choking.
It is an excellent dieting aid and is often found in diet capsules/tablets etc.
E426: Soybean hemicellulose
I can not find any research on E426 but it is banned in Australia and in New Zealand.
E427: Cassia gum
Severe allergic reactions
E431: Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate
Linked to:
- intestinal disorders
- eczema
- cancer
- kidney damage
- liver damage
E432: Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (Polysorbate 20)
Linked to:
- eczema
- intestinal disorders
- diarrhea
- eye injuries
- kidney damage, kidney tumors
- kidney stones
- cancer
- nausea
- severe allergic reactions
E433: Polyoxyethylene sorbitan mono-oleate (Polysorbate 80)
See E431.
E434: Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate (Polysorbate 40)
See E431.
E435: Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate (Polysorbate 60)
See E431.
E436: Polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate (Polysorbate 65)
See E431.
E440: Pectins
Contains PFGA, Process Free Glutamic Acid.
See E620.
E442: Ammonium phosphatides
Linked to:
- nerve cell destruction
- kidney disorders
E444: Sucrose acetate isobutyrate
Is a neurotoxin.
Linked to:
- intestinal disorders
E455 Glycerol ester of wood rosins
Linked to:
- skin blisters
- rash
- flaky skin
- itchy skin
E450: Diphosphates
Linked to:
- kidney damage and kidney disease
- disorders of the digestive system
- intestinal disorders
- may impair the body's ability to absorb minerals
E451: Triphosphates
See E450.
E452: Polyphosphates
See E450.
E459: Beta-cyclodextrin
I can not find any research on E459, but it is banned in Australia and in New Zealand.
E460: Cellulose
Linked to:
- Possible intestinal disorders-especially if is made from cotton fiber or from not stated dioxin free tree bark.( See below.)
May contain dioxin- a chemical that has been proven to cause both birth defects and cancer-especially if it is made from cotton fiber or from not stated dioxin free tree bark.
NOTE: Is often in tablets and capsules, which contain vitamins, minerals and herbs, which are sold in ordinary shops and health food stores.
There are some companies that do not use E460 in their products.
E461: Methyl cellulose
Linked to:
- cancer
E462: Ethyl cellulose
I can not find any research on E462 but it is banned in Australia and in New Zealand.
Additives-E463 - E558
E463: Hydroxypropyl cellulose
Linked to:
- digestive problems
- gas formation
- cancer
E464: Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose
Linked to:
- digestive problems
- gas formation
- possible endocrine disruption
Found in the vegetarian capsules of vitamins, minerals and herbs etc. Since the contents may be important to your health, open and empty the capsules in juice etc. and discard the capsule.
E465: Ethyl methyl cellulose
Linked to:
- digestive problems
- gas formation
- cancer
E466: Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose , cellulose gum
Linked to:
- cancer
- digestive problems
- gas formation
Found in many tablets and capsules, which contain vitamins, minerals and herbs sold in ordinary shops and health food stores.
NOTE ! E466-E469 is the most dangerous of the cellulose group: E460 - E469.
E468: Cross-linked sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, cross-linked cellulose gum
( also written as Croscarmellose)
See E466.
E469: Enzymatically hydrolysed carboxy methyl cellulose, enzymatically hydrolysed cellulose gum
See E466.
E470a: Sodium , potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids
Linked to:
- can damage the intestines
- weakens the immune system
E470b: Magnesium salts of fatty acids
( also known as magnesium stearate)
Linked to:
- can damage the intestines
- endocrine disruption
- liver disorders
- weakens the immune system
Found in many tablets and capsules, which contain vitamins, minerals and herbs sold in ordinary shops and health food stores.
E471: Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
Linked to:
- birth defects
- cancer
- genetic damage
E472a: Acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
Linked to:
- injuries to the testicles and reduced sperm production
E472b: Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
See E471.
E472c: Citric acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
Contains PFGA, see E620.
See E471.
E472d: Tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
See E471.
E472e: Mono-and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
See E471.
E472f: Mixed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
See E471.
E473: Sucrose esters of fatty acids
Linked to:
- Poisoning
Contains two toxic ingredients, dimethyl formamide and methyl alcohol.
E474: Sucrogycerides
See E473.
E475 Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids
A very large group of food additives that has been very poorly tested
E476: Polyglycerol polyricinoleate
Linked to:
- liver enlargement
- kidney enlargement
- severe allergic reactions
E477: Propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids
Linked to:
- reduction of activity in the central nervous system
- severe allergic reactions
- renal changes
- delayed growth
E479b: Thermally oxidised soya bean oil intereacted with mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids
Linked to:
- cancer
E481: Sodium stearoyl-2-Lactylate
E482: Calcium stearoyl-2-Lactylate
E483: Stearyl tartrate
E491: Sorbitan monostearate
Linked to:
- eczema
- intestinal disorders
- kidney stones
- severe allergic reactions
E492: Sorbitan tristearate
See E491.
E493: Sorbitan monolaurate
Linked to cancer
See E491.
E494: Sorbitan monooleate
See E491.
E495: Sorbitan monopalmitate
See E491.
E500: Sodium carbonates
E501:Potassium carbonates
E503: Ammonium carbonates
Linked to:
- nerve cell destruction
- neurological disorders
- is a neurotoxin
- severe allergic reactions
- irritates the mucous membranes
E504 Magnesium carbonates:
Linked to:
- diarrhea
E507 Hydrochloric acid
- very irritating and corrosive to the mouth and stomach
E508: Potassium chloride
Linked to:
- very irritating to the stomach
- nausea
- ulcers
E509: Calcium chloride
E511: Magnesium chloride
Linked to:
- endocrine disruption
- is a neurotoxin
- cancer
Note: Dangerous for people suffering from kidney disease.
E512: Stannous chloride
Linked to:
- nausea
- vomiting
E513: Sulphuric acid
Linked to:
- cancer
- severe allergic reactions
- is a immunotoxin
- highly corrosive
E514: Sodium sulphates
Dangerous for people suffering from heart or liver disorders.
E515: Potassium sulphates
Linked to:
- intestinal bleeding
- kidney enlargement
E516: Calcium sulphate
Linked to:
- intestinal blockage
E516 absorbs moisture and hardens quickly and is also known as plaster of Paris .
E517: Ammonium sulphate
Linked to:
- nerve cell destruction
E520: Aluminum sulphate
See E173.
E521: Aluminum sodium sulphate
See E173.
E522: Aluminum potassium sulphate
See E173.
E523: Aluminum ammonium sulphate
See E173.
E524: Sodium hydroxide
- is toxic
- highly corrosive
- causes severe allergic reactions
- is also known as caustic soda and used in drain cleaners
E525: Potassium hydroxide
- is toxic
- highly corrosive
- severe allergic reactions
E526: Calcium hydroxide
- is toxic
- highly corrosive
- severe allergic reactions
E527: Ammonium hydroxide
Linked to:
- neurological disorders
- nerve cell destruction
- dangerous for people with liver or kidney disorders
E528: Magnesium hydroxide
Linked to:
- diarrhea
- can reduce the effect on gastric ulcers treatment
E529: Calcium oxide
forms E526 when it comes into contact with moisture
E530: Magnesium oxide
- laxative
E535: Sodium ferrocyanide
-contains cyanide
Note:E535 is often added to salt-read the ingredients.
E536: Potassium ferrocyanide
See E535.
E538: Calcium ferrocyanide
See E535.
E541: Sodium aluminum phosphate acidic
See E173.
E551: Silica dioxide
When used as a food additive and also in vitamin,mineral and herbal etc. supplements in capsules and tables -silica dioxide is always used in a nanoparticle form which has been proven to cross the blood brain barrier and cause problems with learning, memory and movement etc.
-It is dangerous to be inhaled and can cause various lung diseases.
- It is also used in many common - even organic -make up products such as mascara ,powder and rouge etc.
E552 Calcium silicate
E553a: Magnesium silicate
Linked to:
- kidney damage
- kidney diseases
- severe allergic reactions
E553b: Talc
Linked to:
- cancer
All talc contains asbestos and/or asbestos-like fibers.
Talc can be found in women's sanitary pads, powdered gloves, tampons and powdered condoms!
It is impossible to produce asbestosfri talc or talc without asbestos-like fibers.
Asbestos- free talc just means that the talc contains a maximum of 10% asbestos fibers which is still very dangerous..
Never use talcum powder on your baby or yourself!
Talc is often found in health food products such as vitamins, minerals, and herbs in tablets and capsules.
Talc is always used in chewing gum- hidden under the name of gum base- and is always absorbed along with up to 200 other hidden ingredients sublingually (under the tongue) everytime you chew gum.
See Gum Base in " Dangerous Food Additives without E Numbers
TALC is widely used in cosmetics-including in health food and organic makeup!
Read the ingredients !
Talc can easily be inhaled when using rouge, powder, mascara etc. and swallowed through lipstick.
Talc is found in almost all cat sand from which you and your cat inhale it- use only "cat litter" which made of paper pulp.
Japan has the highest rate of stomach cancer in the world.
Food scientists believe it is due to the fact that the rice sold in Japan has talc containing chalk added to it to make it whiter.
Use sanitary napkins and tampons made of untreated cotton or organic cotton,which does not contain talc and gloves and condoms which are not powdered.
"Natracare "sanitary napkins for women are made from from 100% organic cotton and are free of talc and dioxins.
Note:I have no financial ties to this company, or to any company .
E554: Sodium aluminium silicate
See E173.
E555: Potassium aluminium silicate
See E173.
Additives E570-E999
E570: Fatty acids
-also known as stearic acid.
The fatty acids which are found naturally in all animal fats and vegetable oils are safe.
However, as a food additive it is almost always made from highly toxic cottonseed oil and has caused:
- endocrine disruption
- neurotoxicity- disorders of the brain and nervous system
- cancer
- and weakens the immune system
- Cotton is classified an industrial crop -not a food crop (even though the cottonseeds can br pressed for their oil)-and can therefore be sprayed with deadly pesticides that are so dangerous that they are not allowed to be used on food crops.These extremely deadly pesticides concentrate in the oil.
It is found in many tablets and capsules, which contain vitamins, minerals and herbs and which are sold in ordinary shops and health food stores.
E574: Gluconic acid
- can damage the intestinal lining
E575: Glucono-delta-lactone
See E574.
E576: Sodium gluconate
See E574.
E577: Potassium gluconate
See E574.
E578: Calcium gluconate
Can cause brain disorders and intestinal disorders and is incompatible with many medications.
See E574.
E579: Ferrous gluconate
Linked to:
- stomach pains
- cancer.
Ferrous gluconate is found in many iron supplements, vitamin and mineral tablets, capsules and mixtures sold in ordinary shops and in health food stores.
Always read the ingredients of all foods,drinks and supplements etc. !
It is also used in some iron fortified foods such as baby food etc.- and is often only labelled as " Iron."
The same information about E579 applies to:
- E585 ferrous lactate
- ferrous sulphate
- ferric pyrophosphate
- sodium ferric pyrophoste
Ferrous fumerate and iron picolinate are safe and are much better absorbed forms of iron.
See my book for more information on iron.
E585: Ferrous lactate
See E579.
E586: 4-Hexyl-resorcinal
Linked to:
- endocrine disruption
- cancer
- toxic to the reproductive system
E620: Glutamic acid
L-glutamic acid is a naturally occurring amino acid found in various foods and is always a naturally bound amino acid, which is always bound to other amino acids and contains no contaminants.
( In a few fermented foods such as miso and tamari sauce it can be found naturally unbound.)
E620 is a manufactured, highly refined, isolated and unbound, chemical containing L-glutamic acid and dangerous pollutants that always contains D-glutamic acid (a proven neuropoisan), pyroglutamin acid and other harmful pollutants such as mono-and dichlopropnols which are not removable.
One cannot compare naturally bound glutamic acid with a man- made, chemically processed, isolated, unbound amino acid which is full of dangerous contaminants !
Yet the food industry says that they are the same!
This new hazardous chemical E620 is also called " PFGA," or " Processed Free Glutamic Acid because it is ( highly) processed and is highly refined and " free "( unbound to other amino acids.)
PFGA is found in E620- E625 and has caused:
- ADD-Attention Deficit Disorder
- ADHD-Attention Deficit Hyperacitivity Disorder
- eating disorders
- obesity
- birth defects
- brain damage- it destorys brain cells in the area of the hypothalamus
- Chinese Restaurant Syndrome (CRS) with symptoms that are almost identical to a heart attack
- convulsions
- depression, including severe depression
- personality disorders, paranoia, etc
- schizophrenia
- suicidal tendencies
- fibromyalgia
- learning and memory difficulties
- glaucoma
- eye injuries
- female hormonal disorders
- high blood sugar
- uncontrolled anger
- liver damage
- headache
- nerve cell for interference
- epilepsy
- neuropathic pain
- asthma
- sweating
- dizziness
- reproductive disorders
- retinal destruction
- facial swelling
- severe allergic reactions
- sterility
- stroke
- growth disorders
- anxiety
- endocrine disruption
- and has shown brain damage in 14 different species of animals tested
- The PFGA in E620- E625 affects the hypothalamus which controls the body's ability to know when it is satisfied when we eat, and thereby creates constant hunger .It also affect the endocrine system, hormone levels and reduce blood sugar levels etc. These dangerous effects creates many kinds of serious medical disorders.
- Virtually all Asian cooking (Chinese,Indian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Mongolian,Thai Vietnamese etc.) always add some form of PFGA in the form of E620-E625 to their food .They do this to add a meaty flavor to their food .
- Virtually all store bought Asian food contains it also but it is very often not listed on the label. If you eat at any Asian restaurant make sure you speak with the chef and insist that it should not be added.
- PFGA can also be created in food through various processing methods such as when vegetarian " meat " products are created from: soy protein , rice protein, pea protein, wheat protein, or any kind of vegetable protein such as Quorn etc. including also whey protein made from milk products. ALL of these " proteins" contain PFGA.
- Always remember that food- even it states " MSG Free" or " Monosodium Glutamate Free "on the packaging- can still contain PFGA by the way it is produced.
If you buy unprocessed organic ingredients without any food additives or added flavors and prepare it yourself, you don't have to worry about PFGA and E620-E625!
ALL the following products contain PFGA or have PFGA in them due to the processing methods used- even if they are organic products!
For a more detailed information on PFGA go to the excellent website and/or read:"Excitotoxins; the taste that kills "by Dr. Russell l. Blaylock.
- vegetarian or meat bouillon products-whether cubes,liquids or in dried form
- amaske rice syrup
- autolysed plant protein
- autolyserad yeast
- barley malt
- barley syrup
- glazing products for vegetables,fish meats and chicken etc.
- brewer's yeast, powder, tablets etc.
- nutritional yeast powder and tablets etc.
- torula yeast powder and tablets etc.
- rice protein
- brown rice protein concentrate
- brown rice syrup and rice syrup
- calcium casein
- chewing gum
- citric acid E330
- corn protein
- corn starch
- corn syrup
- products that contain added "milk solids" and/ or added milk protein
- dextrose, glucose
- flavouring substances
- gelatin
- glutamate
- hydrolyzed corn protein
- hydrolyzed plant protein
- hydrolysed proteins
- yeast extracts
- yeast nutrients
- lipolyzed proteins
- lipolvzed butter fat
- milk with a long shelf life
- malt
- malt flavoring
- maltodextrin
- Marmite
- meat chicken, oysters, pork, shrimp, seafood etc flavorings
- milk powder
- milk protein,( " ) but
- not the natural milk protein found in liquid milk and in natural milk products such as cheese, kefir and yoghurt etc.
- pea protein
- PCA protein
- pectin
- potato startch
- protease
- protease enzymes
- protein bars,drinks and shakes etc.
- protein hydrolysates
- protein powder
- quorn products, in all forms
- rice syrup
- " seasonings "
- skimmed milk made with milk powder added
- sodium casein
- soy protein
- soy protein concentrate
- soya sauce
- spice extracts
- spice mixes
- store bought chicken, fish,meat etc. and/or any vegetable broths
- tamari sauce
- textured proteins
- TVP-textured vegetable proteins
- extra pasteurized long-life food
- extra pasteurized long-life milk
- certain kinds of vegetarian rennets used in cheese (most are also genetically modified ( GMO) if not certified organic cheeses)-ask the producer how the vegetarian rennet is made
- plant flavors
- plant protein
- Vegemite
- vegetarian pastes in cans,jars or tubes etc.
- weight loss drinks
- weight loss powder
- wheat protein
- wheat protein concentrate
- wheat protein isolates
- whey protein
PFGA is also found in the following minerals that are sold as mineral supplements normal shops and in health food stores:
- minerals in the asparate form
- minerals in the glutamate form
If the label states that a mineral is :
- amino chelated
- amino complex
- chelated with a protein
- chelated with a hydrolyzed protein
-then it is bound to soy protein and contains PFGA
The following mineral forms do NOT contain PFGA:
- carbonate
- gluconate
- picolinate (Note: chromium picolinate is not recommended as it has harmful effects)
- some citrates-ask the producer to reply to you in a letter which is a legal docuement-a phone call or an email is not.
Some sensitive individuals may also react against PFGA in cosmetics, shampoos and soaps etc. The following ingredients contain PFGA:
- amino acid enriched
- hydrolyzed protein
- chelated with amino acids
E621: Monosodium glutamate 
Also known as MSG.
See E620.
E622: Monopotassium glutamate
See E620.
E623: Calcium diglutamate
See E620.
E624: Monoammonium glutamate
See E620.
E625: Magnesium diglutamate
See E620.
E626: Guanylic acid
Linked to:
- dangerous for children and young people and those suffering from kidney disorders, and all medical conditions that require an avoidance of purines
- severe allergic reactions
NOTE! E626-E635 are virtually only added to foods containing E620-E625 to increase the taste of them even though E620-E625 are almost never listed on the ingredient list of that food !
E627: Disodium guanylate
See E626.
E628: Dipotassium guanylate
See E626.
E629: Calcium guanylate
See E626.
E630: Inosinic acid
See E626.
E631: Disodium inosinate
See E626.
E632: Dipotassium inosinate
See E626.
E633: Calcium inosinate
See E626.
E634: Calcium 5 '-ribonucleotides
See E626.
E635: Disodium 5 '-ribonucleotides
See E626.
E640: Glycine and its sodium salt
May contain PFGA.
See E620.
E650: Zink acetate
Linked to:
- endocrine disorders
- disorders of the reproductive system
- cancer
E900: Dimethyl polysiloxane
Linked to: cancer
E901: Beeswax , white and yellow
E902: Candelilla wax
Produced using dangerous solvents.See " Overall information on food additives.
E903 Carnauba wax:
Linked to: eczema
E904: Shellac
Linked to: eczema
NOTE! Shellac is often used in hairspray and can cause severe lung damage when breathed in.
Hairspray contains many harmful products that stay for a long time in the air.
If you must use hairspray -you can usually buy safer hairspray at your healthfood store.
Always hold your breath when using any hairspray and always spray away from your face and ventilate the room thoroughly afterwards.
E905: Microcrystalline wax
(also known as mineral oil, petroleatum jelly, paraffin, paraffin wax and paraffin oil).
Linked to:
- severe allergic reactions
- intestinal disorders
- cancer
Used in all waxed dental floss -unless it is clearly stated that another kind of wax is used-and in hand creams, face creams and body lotions etc.
See also the important on waxed dental floss in :" Overall information on food additives."
E907: Hydrogenated poly-1-decene
Linked to:
- cancer
E914: Oxidised polyethylene wax
Linked to:
- cancer
E920: L-cysteine
L-Cysteine is a natural amino acid that is completely harmless in food. E920 is a highly refined, synthesized,unbounded chemical that has caused:
- endocrine disruption
- cancer
- disorders of the reproductive system
- brain and nervous system damage
E927b: Carbamide
Linked to:
- cancer
- genetic damage
Contains formaldehyde which has caused birth defects and cancer.
NOTE! Is often used in cosmetics and even in organic cosmetics and absorbed by the body.
E938: Argon
E939: Helium
NOTE! Never inhale helium! It has caused brain damage and even death!
E941: Nitrogen
E942: Nitrous oxide
Linked to:
- cancer
- birth defects
E943a: Butane
Linked to:
- severe allergic reactions
Linked to:
- severe allergic reactions
E944: Propane
- toxic
E948: Oxygen
E949: Hydrogen
E950: Acesulfame K
Linked to:
- cancer
Many synthetic sweeteners contain E950. Read the ingredients!
E951: Aspartame
(Also known as Nutrasweet, Equal, Spoonful. Contains PFGA -see E620).
Linked to:
- dizz
- insomnia
- vision problems
- slurred speech
- apoplexy
- causes changes in brain chemistry
- neurological disorders
- menstrual problems
- can change brain functions and behaviours
- brain tumors and seizures
- brain damage
- birth defects
- epileptic seizures
- deep depression
- cancer
- severe headaches
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA- the food and drug administration in the United States) has recorded 92 different symptoms as everyone associated with aspartame!
E951 must be avoided by all who suffer from PKU, phenylketonuria
Many synthetic sweeteners contain E951. Read the ingredients!
E952 Cyclamates
Linked to:
- cancer
- birth defects
- testicular cancer
- sterility
Many synthetic sweeteners contain E952. Read the ingredients!
E953: Isomalt
Linked to:
- diarrhea
- gas
E954: Saccharins
Linked to:
- cancer
- birth defects
- genetic damage
- testicular cancer
Many synthetic sweeteners contain E954. Read the ingredients!
E954 was first permitted in the United States, then was forbidden, then was for only allowed one year at a time and is now allowed in the United States.
It is allowed because rats do not metabolize E954 in the same way as humans- so when rats were tested with E954 and got cancer it was considered that it could not apply to humans. But E954 still has caused cancer in other test animals-such as mice- that metabolize E954 in the same way as humans!
See " Overall information on food additives " for more information on this issue.
E955: Sucralose
Linked to:
- depression
- diarrhea
- dizziness
- enlarged kidneys
- enlarged liver
- gas
- headaches
- irregular heartbeat
- kidney enlargement
- migraines
- miscarriages
- muscle pain
- nausea
- panic disorder
- reduced growth
- reduction in the number of blood cells
- reduced sizi in the thymus gland
- stomach pains
- weight gain
Many synthetic sweeteners contain E955.Read the ingredients!
See the website for more information.
E957: Thaumatin
Contains PFGA . See E620.
E959: Neohesperidine DC
I have not found any research on E959 but it is banned in Australia and in New Zealand.
E962: Salt of aspartame-acesulfame
Many synthetic sweetener tablets contain E962! Read the ingredients!
See E950 and E951.
E965: Maltitols
Linked to:
- bloating
- diarrhea
- gas
- birth defects
- genetic damage
E966: Lactitol
See E965.
E967: Xylitol
Linked to:
- cancer
- kidney stones
See " Overall information on food additives " for more information on xylitol.
E968: Erythritol
Linked to:
- bloating
- gas
- rash
- urticaria
- itching
- severe allergic reactions
E999: Quillaia extract
Linked to:
- intestinal disorders
- very irritating to the stomach
Additives E1103-E1520
E1103: Invertase
Cancer-causing substances can occur due to the possible use of charcoal during the manufacturing process.
E1105: Lysozyme
Linked to:
- severe allergic reactions
E1200: Polydextrose
- Laxative
E1201: Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Linked to:
- intestinal blockage
- cancer
- liver damage
- kidney damage and kidney disease
- lung damage.
NOTE! Found in many tablets and capsules, which contain vitamins, minerals and herbs sold in ordinary shops and in health food stores.
E1202: Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone
See E1201.
E1204: Pullulan
Linked to:
- Cancer
NOTE! All of these food additives can be listed as "modified starch" without E-numbers and without their name.
E1404: Oxidised starch
Linked to:
- high blood cholesterol
- pathological changes in the lungs
- calcium deposits in the kidneys
- stomach disorders
- The proven cancer-causing chemicals epiklorohydrin and propylene oxide have been found in E1404-E1452
E1410: Monostartch phosphate
See E1404.
E1412: Distartch phosphate
See E1404.
E1413: Phosphated distartch phosphate
See E1404.
E1414: Acetylated distartch phosphate
See E1404.
E1420: Acetylated startch
See E1404.
E1422: Acetylated distartch adipate
See E1404.
E1440: Hydroxy propyl startch
See E1404.
E1442: Hydroxy propyl distartch phosphate
See E1404.
E1450: Startch sodium octenyl succinate
See E1404.
E1451: Acetylated oxidised startch
See E1404.
E1452: Startch aluminum octenyl succinate
( also known as Polyethylene glycol 6000)
See E173, E1404.
E1505: Triethyl citrate
Linked to:
- brain and nervous system disorders
- contains PFGA, see E620
- is a neurotoxin
E1517: Glyceryl diacetate ( diacetin)
Linked to:
- severe allergic reactions
E1518: Glyceryl triacetate ( triacetin)
Linked to:
- brain and nervous system disorders
- cancer
- is a neurorotoxin
E1519: Benzyl alcohol
Linked to:
- severe allergic reactions
- endocrine disruption
- cancer
- disorders of the reproductive system
- is a neurotoxin
E1520: Propane -1,2-diol (Propylene glycol)
Linked to:
- severe allergic reactions
- kidney damage
- depression of the central nervous system
- cancer
- reduction of activity in the central nervous system
OBS: Further information about livsmedeltillsatser, see:
Overall information on food additives
Dangerous food additives without E-numbers
Swedish KRAV or 38 Questions
Food additives with E-numbers
Redigerad: fredag 2 februari 2024